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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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Since firing rocket into Israel is acceptable because there is no damage, there should not be a problem with continuing settlements since Israel does not do ant damage and there really is NO need for 2 state solution because there is no damage. And no need to recognize Palestine BECAUSE there is no damage

Israel has a history of "false flag" activity for political gain. The motto of Mossad "By way of deception, we wage war" is born in Israel and in the back of every critical thinker's mind every time a few rockets are fired into the desert and strike nothing. Cui Bono, who benefits when a bunch of random rockets land in the desert and do no damage? Now, with that said, these were likely Palestinian rockets but there are other ways to look at it.

So yes, it does matter whether or not there was damage.

and i always thought it was about the intent.

If you kill someone you will do 25 years, however if you tried to kill someone but did not succeed, do you get to walk free?

What happens if you pick a fight and the opponent turns out to be a better fighter? do you blame him for having trained harder or yourself for not training enough?

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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

link please

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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

link please


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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

link please


Thank you, is there any reason to have children and women at arms manufacturing facilities or at training facility of its military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades?

Furthermore "Gaza residents reported receiving telephone calls from the Israeli military urging them to leave the vicinity of Hamas facilities."

So who is to blame for the injury's?? Hammas for using kids and women as human shields or Israel for warning them prior to leave the area

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It's not a region that can harbor peaceful co-existence, if one side insists on the total destruction of the other.

Arafat, their great hero (he was actually a bozo of the 1st degree) had a golden opportunity - when he was offered a deal in Scandinavia (20 yrs ago?). The US and Israel were bent over backwards to draft an agreement which was as generous as possible to the Palestinians. There was one little item Arafat didn't like (can't recall what it was), so he nixed the entire deal. He came back to the West Bank to a hero's welcome from his intransigent hard-right supporters. What followed were months/years of conflict and misery.

That, to me, indicated that there is no deal, other than the destruction of (or withdrawal of all Jews from) Israel, that will appease the hard liners, who indoctrinate and force their sheeple to follow their demands. Primarily because of that, peace will forever be a stranger in that treeless parched misery-wracked part of the world.

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Yeah. I get it. Once again Israel is right and Palestinians are wrong. :(

No, not Palestinians but Hammas.

Attack did not come from Palestinians but from Hammas and response targeted Hammas not Palestinians.

Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank. Correct? So why are the IDF contantly evicting Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank that they have lived in for 50 years or more to allow Jewish families to move into those very houses? In plain view of the evicted family.

WAIT: Don't answer that. It is a rhetorical question that needs no answer.

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Yeah. I get it. Once again Israel is right and Palestinians are wrong. :(

No, not Palestinians but Hammas.

Attack did not come from Palestinians but from Hammas and response targeted Hammas not Palestinians.

Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank. Correct? So why are the IDF contantly evicting Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank that they have lived in for 50 years or more to allow Jewish families to move into those very houses? In plain view of the evicted family.

WAIT: Don't answer that. It is a rhetorical question that needs no answer.

sO IF you do not want an answer, why do you bother to ask a question???blink.gif

Not to mention that somehow you have managed to bring Westbank into Gazza rockets.

oh thats right, my previous post makes too much sense, so time to change the subject?whistling.gif

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Yeah. I get it. Once again Israel is right and Palestinians are wrong. :(

No, not Palestinians but Hammas.

Attack did not come from Palestinians but from Hammas and response targeted Hammas not Palestinians.

Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank. Correct? So why are the IDF contantly evicting Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank that they have lived in for 50 years or more to allow Jewish families to move into those very houses? In plain view of the evicted family.

WAIT: Don't answer that. It is a rhetorical question that needs no answer.

sO IF you do not want an answer, why do you bother to ask a question???blink.gif

Not to mention that somehow you have managed to bring Westbank into Gazza rockets.

oh thats right, my previous post makes too much sense, so time to change the subject?whistling.gif

As usual you are right. AGAIN! :D

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Since firing rocket into Israel is acceptable because there is no damage, there should not be a problem with continuing settlements since Israel does not do ant damage and there really is NO need for 2 state solution because there is no damage. And no need to recognize Palestine BECAUSE there is no damage

Israel has a history of "false flag" activity for political gain. The motto of Mossad "By way of deception, we wage war" is born in Israel and in the back of every critical thinker's mind every time a few rockets are fired into the desert and strike nothing. Cui Bono, who benefits when a bunch of random rockets land in the desert and do no damage? Now, with that said, these were likely Palestinian rockets but there are other ways to look at it.

So yes, it does matter whether or not there was damage.

and i always thought it was about the intent.

If you kill someone you will do 25 years, however if you tried to kill someone but did not succeed, do you get to walk free?

What happens if you pick a fight and the opponent turns out to be a better fighter? do you blame him for having trained harder or yourself for not training enough?

IMO, who benefits is always a consideration. Cui Bono.

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Since firing rocket into Israel is acceptable because there is no damage, there should not be a problem with continuing settlements since Israel does not do ant damage and there really is NO need for 2 state solution because there is no damage. And no need to recognize Palestine BECAUSE there is no damage

Israel has a history of "false flag" activity for political gain.

Is Mossad sneaking into Gaza and shooting off 50 rockets into occupied areas of Israel? What a load of complete nonsense.

Sorry if you got misled. I intended that post for critical thinkers only.

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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

link please


Thank you, is there any reason to have children and women at arms manufacturing facilities or at training facility of its military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades?

Furthermore "Gaza residents reported receiving telephone calls from the Israeli military urging them to leave the vicinity of Hamas facilities."

So who is to blame for the injury's?? Hammas for using kids and women as human shields or Israel for warning them prior to leave the area

Using children for military purpose is a clear breach of human rights, but hell will freeze over before the U.N starts taking Hamas to task for it.

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Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

There was an interesting interview on CNN by Piers Morgan with PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, just a few days ago.

In the end of the interview (see part #4 out of 4 videos on Youtube) Morgan challenged Netanyahu to be(come) the first Big Man to be remembered as the one who created final long lasting peace with the Palestinians...

Can he...or will he be remembered as the man who could NOT, being a PM for the second time in 15 years, as Morgan put it...?

I doubt it very much if he can but would applaud it if he did.


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"The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948..." :lol:

You were not included. You may set your mind at ease.

Does that include you too Chuck?

A typical Chuckd answer but you asked for it by putting "the finest minds in the world...." being overly arrogant.


Edited by LaoPo
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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

Read the headline of this story.

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Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

There was an interesting interview on CNN by Piers Morgan with PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, just a few days ago.

In the end of the interview (see part #4 out of 4 videos on Youtube) Morgan challenged Netanyahu to be(come) the first Big Man to be remembered as the one who created final long lasting peace with the Palestinians...

Can he...or will he be remembered as the man who could NOT, being a PM for the second time in 15 years, as Morgan put it...?

I doubt it very much if he can but would applaud it if he did.


I think the chances of peace for this generation went when Yitzak Rabin was assassinated. Since then mistakes have been made on both sides. We will never probably know how much of the recent Wikileaks allegations concerning the Palestinian authority were true, but sadly if it is indeed true that they were willing to compromise on settlement location and right of return and still no agreement was made then perhaps a last chance has gone for several more years. I suspect the Fatah negotiators were placed in a dangerous position by the leaks and they may harden their stance due to self preservation.

It is becoming pretty clear to me that negotiations with Hamas and their parent organization the brotherhood of Islam will never be possible and I fear another war is now inevitable.

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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

Read the headline of this story.

"Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday slammed Palestine's unity efforts between Hamas and Fatah" In other words he criticized the plan, in democratic world this is what people do

"Netanyahu questioned the Palestinian Authority (PA) for wanting to be in peace with both Hamas and Israel as the West Bank-based group has repeatedly called for the destruction of the Jewish country." In other words, how can PA be friends with Israel and want peace while at the same time be friends with Hamas who do not want Israel to exist. Fatah is anti-violence and pro-peace talks. Hamas is pro-violence, anti-peace talks and under no circumstances to recognize Israel.

"The PA has a limited mandate in the occupied West Bank as it lost control of the Gaza Strip to Hamas in 2007, the Islamist group which rejects permanent co-existence with Israel." In other words what and how there could be any treaty's when both parties are on the opposite sides

Sometimes its not enough just to read the headline alone without reading the full story to formulate an informed opinion

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That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

we know who " they " are :bah:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

— Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

"They" huh?

I see they're still selling copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the books Hitler didn't burn.

Again, why is such blatant antisemitic propaganda tolerated on this board?

Bullet item 2 --


And what about this classic stuff from the other side...........

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum" :bah:

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That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

we know who " they " are :bah:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

— Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

"They" huh?

I see they're still selling copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the books Hitler didn't burn.

Again, why is such blatant antisemitic propaganda tolerated on this board?

Bullet item 2 --


And what about this classic stuff from the other side...........

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum" :bah:

Link or links please!

Also why you only quote from 1976, why not go back to 1876?blink.gif

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That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

we know who " they " are :bah:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

— Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

"They" huh?

I see they're still selling copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the books Hitler didn't burn.

Again, why is such blatant antisemitic propaganda tolerated on this board?

Bullet item 2 --


And what about this classic stuff from the other side...........

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum" :bah:

We can bat this sort of stuff back all day and a hundred fold.

But you are changing the subject. To alledge that Jews own the banks and thus own the White House is the same medieval antisemitic propaganda that has been used by racists for centuries, you really haven't developed much have you? :ph34r:

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We can bat this sort of stuff back all day and a hundred fold.

But that doesn't make you 'more' right.

It's hardly a dick measuring competition.

Perhaps that just makes one side just as bad as the other. Something I wouldn't be too proud of.

Edited by Wallaby
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Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

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Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

McFadden also said " We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it".

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is still saying today ? :huh:

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

Edited by midas
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"The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948..." :lol:

You were not included. You may set your mind at ease.

Does that include you too Chuck?

A typical Chuckd answer but you asked for it by putting "the finest minds in the world...." being overly arrogant.


I seriously doubt if any member of this forum, including YOU AND ME, would show up on any list of the finest minds in the world.

I wasn't being arrogant, I was being truthful.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

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But you are changing the subject. To alledge that Jews own the banks and thus own the White House is the same medieval antisemitic propaganda that has been used by racists for centuries, you really haven't developed much have you? :ph34r:

LOL :lol:

That is easy - put a shroud of absolute secrecy around the Fed and then respond to questions

by just claiming its all propaganda !

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We can bat this sort of stuff back all day and a hundred fold.

But that doesn't make you 'more' right.

It's hardly a dick measuring competition.

Perhaps that just makes one side just as bad as the other. Something I wouldn't be too proud of.

The point is that every single alleged breach of human rights by Israel is automatically referred to the U.N or taken up by politically motivated organizations. They actively attempt to have Israeli politicians prosecuted if they travel to other jurisdictions or boycott Israeli academic institutions or sportsmen. There is a coordinated campaign to try to delegitimize Israel for occasionally falling foul of human rights laws when the breeches by Palestinian terrorists or sundry Arab Countries are more numerous and far more serious. So yes in this respect measuring is important as it demonstrates both bias and an antisemitic agenda.


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