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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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(Or do you favor the more Hamas style full liberation, Jordan to the sea, Arabic/Islamic state of Palestine vision?)

The "drive the Jews into the sea" version. :bah:

Your words. not mine.

So what are YOUR words? I asked you some clear, direct questions. Something new this time as you have made your position definite on not providing your definition of Zionism. And now, on the new questions, NOTHING. No reply. Bupkis. Nada. Zilch.

What is your game?

Edited by Jingthing
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(Or do you favor the more Hamas style full liberation, Jordan to the sea, Arabic/Islamic state of Palestine vision?)

The "drive the Jews into the sea" version. :bah:

Your words. not mine.

So what are YOUR words? I asked you some clear, direct questions. Something new this time as you have made your position definite on not providing your definition of Zionism. And now, on the new questions, NOTHING. No reply. Bupkis. Nada. Zilch.

What is your game?

I wrote quite a few entries what i think about Zionism.

I referred to Christopher Hitchens, as a person who gave a definition i can live with, once with a video, but that got deleted, for whatever reasons.

And i ask also quite a few question directed to you and never got an answer.

Simply read what i wrote and don't make things up. Can you? don't play a game here.

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More NEWS from Reuters:

Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.

Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said. http://news.yahoo.co...el_un_cleansing

it continues:

But Palestinian envoy Ibrahim Kraishi said the killings had already been condemned by the Palestinian Authority as "an act of terrorism" that was not part of his people's culture. "Rather, it is the culture of the occupying power," he added.


Not part of his people's culture! i guess 56 rockets just 3 days ago was part of ............... culture.

And there we go, ... again.

next time they complain about that they were called racist and hater.

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I referred to Christopher Hitchens, as a person who gave a definition i can live with, once with a video, but that got deleted, for whatever reasons.

OK, thanks for the clue, buddy, now we may be getting somewhere. However, I still think a person so OBSESSED with "Zionism" should be able to provide their own definition.

In any case, here is what Hitchens says about Zionism


Hitchens has described Zionism as being based on "the initial demagogic lie (actually two lies) that a land without a people needs a people without a land", and he went even further saying "Zionism is a form of Bourgeoisie Nationalism" when debating the Jewish Tradition with Martin Amis at a Town hall function in Pennsylvania.[81] Hitchens isn't necessarily against Israel's right to exist as many states have been founded in such a manner, but has argued against what he calls Israel's "expansionism" in the West Bank and Gaza and "internal clerical and chauvinist forces which want to instate a theocracy for Jews".[82]


So you cited Hitchens on Zionism, I have now told you what Hitchens actually thinks of Zionism. Is that your position or is it not? If so, does that also mean you are OK with Israel's right to exist? I am assuming you are against expansionism (settlements) as am I and leftist Zionists in general, etc.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think this topic has ran its course. Typical of these topics regarding Irsael/Palestine, many of the other posts made here do not seem to address the topic at hand. Given that, and the fact that many posters just cannot seem to be able to moderate themselves when it comes to an Israel/Palestine thread, it is time to close this thread.


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