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I had a black friend over the other day - one of the 20 or so in town - and he wanted a drink while helping solve a computer problem. I had Sangsom, an all-around favorite, but his eyes lit up when I offered him a vodka tonic made with some of my Uncle Tom's vodka. He was grinning so big he insisted I take a pic or two of him with the bottle for Facebook. He was fine with it. That's old news and so outdated it's kitsch. If my friend the black man was cool, why should I, the brown guy get my panties in a bind on his behalf?

The message was - We can all loosen up.

Edited by realthaideal
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Do they also carry Darkie toothpaste by any chance?


so funny... I thought we had left all that PC crap behind... obviously not

I recall seeing "Darkie Brand" toothpaste, when running an international product-library back in the 1970s, but surely it was renamed "Darlie-Brand" many years ago, for obvious reasons. UG may have dug this image up from some archive ?

I would like to know the source of these photos - as in most countries these products are called "Darley" now - I would say still pretty much as offensive as the picture remains.

One suspects that these are "made up versions? Based on the old name of the product?

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I had a black friend over the other day - one of the 20 or so in town - and he wanted a drink while helping solve a computer problem. I had Sangsom, an all-around favorite, but his eyes lit up when I offered him a vodka tonic made with some of my Uncle Tom's vodka. He was grinning so big he insisted I take a pic or two of him with the bottle for Facebook. He was fine with it. That's old news and so outdated it's kitsch. If my friend the black man was cool, why should I, the brown guy get my panties in a bind on his behalf?

The message was - We can all loosen up.

No, the message is that you and your black friend weren't offended and had a drink and that's it. It doesn't mean that other black or white people wouldn't be offended.

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Do they also carry Darkie toothpaste by any chance?


so funny... I thought we had left all that PC crap behind... obviously not

I recall seeing "Darkie Brand" toothpaste, when running an international product-library back in the 1970s, but surely it was renamed "Darlie-Brand" many years ago, for obvious reasons. UG may have dug this image up from some archive ?

I would like to know the source of these photos - as in most countries these products are called "Darley" now - I would say still pretty much as offensive as the picture remains.

One suspects that these are "made up versions? Based on the old name of the product?

The pics come from ebaumsworld http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/234333/

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so funny... I thought we had left all that PC crap behind... obviously not

I recall seeing "Darkie Brand" toothpaste, when running an international product-library back in the 1970s, but surely it was renamed "Darlie-Brand" many years ago, for obvious reasons. UG may have dug this image up from some archive ?

I would like to know the source of these photos - as in most countries these products are called "Darley" now - I would say still pretty much as offensive as the picture remains.

One suspects that these are "made up versions? Based on the old name of the product?

The pics come from ebaumsworld http://www.ebaumswor...es/view/234333/

Well I checked out that web site and I would have thought it fairly obvious that it is not the primary source - also please don't tell me you take that sort of site seriously.

I would question the motivation behind generating that image, which as I said I believe was withdrawn many years ago - therefore I might suspect it has been "revived" (not the right word) purely for political or racist reasons.

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Sorry to say this and I am not saying it in a racists way. Thai's consider those of dark skin inferior and dirty human beings. That is not just Africans or whoever but even thier own kind. Thai's spend millions every year on skin whitners in an attempt to bleach thier skin. It is just a mindset they have. So if you are a tourist of a dark complexion you will be looked upon in an even less favorable manner than your white farang. I am not racist and do not believe in racism but this is Thailand.

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please don't tell me you take that sort of site seriously.

I Googled "Darkie Toothpaste" and that picture came up.

The website is mostly jokes, videos and random stuff and is not racist at all from anything that I saw. Are you sure that you are not taking this "racism" crusade a little too far? :unsure:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well I checked out that web site and I would have thought it fairly obvious that it is not the primary source

That is where his image url points to.

- also please don't tell me you take that sort of site seriously.

I didn't really look at the site closely, I saw a few comments under the pic and left sharpish.

I would question the motivation behind generating that image, which as I said I believe was withdrawn many years ago - therefore I might suspect it has been "revived" (not the right word) purely for political or racist reasons.

I think the latter reason in bold.

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Sorry to say this and I am not saying it in a racists way. Thai's consider those of dark skin inferior and dirty human beings. That is not just Africans or whoever but even thier own kind. Thai's spend millions every year on skin whitners in an attempt to bleach thier skin. It is just a mindset they have. So if you are a tourist of a dark complexion you will be looked upon in an even less favorable manner than your white farang. I am not racist and do not believe in racism but this is Thailand.

Don't be sorry to say what is true.

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Racists often don't know they are racists.

THey are often also in denial.

So what you are saying is that they overcompensate and start making up all kinds of silly reasons why everyone else is a racist - most astute. :thumbsup:

Did I mention or imply that? no - but you had to try and think up some witticism - I wonder why???

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Racists often don't know they are racists.

THey are often also in denial.

anyone recognise themselves here? - Of course not! - (see above)

all the same, just read any post on TV and you'l see it.

The Spanish Inquisition would have been proud of you. He's denying it Pedro, torture him some more and we'll get the truth......

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I had a black friend over the other day - one of the 20 or so in town - and he wanted a drink while helping solve a computer problem. I had Sangsom, an all-around favorite, but his eyes lit up when I offered him a vodka tonic made with some of my Uncle Tom's vodka. He was grinning so big he insisted I take a pic or two of him with the bottle for Facebook. He was fine with it. That's old news and so outdated it's kitsch. If my friend the black man was cool, why should I, the brown guy get my panties in a bind on his behalf?

The message was - We can all loosen up.

No, the message is that you and your black friend weren't offended and had a drink and that's it. It doesn't mean that other black or white people wouldn't be offended.

why should they be offended? at what? an Aussie called me a 'Pom' the other day - and what? get a life! with all the pain and crap in the world? the killings? the torture? you are worried about this? jeeze

Edited by ChiangMaiFun
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Sorry to say this and I am not saying it in a racists way. Thai's consider those of dark skin inferior and dirty human beings. That is not just Africans or whoever but even thier own kind. Thai's spend millions every year on skin whitners in an attempt to bleach thier skin. It is just a mindset they have. So if you are a tourist of a dark complexion you will be looked upon in an even less favorable manner than your white farang. I am not racist and do not believe in racism but this is Thailand.

This is such incredible exaggeration and highly inaccurate. Lighter skin is a sign of physical attractiveness, much like being thin in, say, America. That's partly why Korean pop stars (and Chinese/Japanese) are so popular now. But Thailand doesn't discriminate against dark people any more than America discriminates against obese people (again, exception being in areas where physical attractiveness is required). There are plenty of darker-skin Thais in high government positions, industry, etc., i.e., running the country. The majority of Thais are, afterall, darker skin. I have African-American friends married to Thais--no different than a farang married to a Thai, as far as the Thais are concerned.

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why should they be offended? at what?

Before we go any further with this, you do know that Uncle Tom is a derogatory term used against black people?

an Aussie called me a 'Pom' the other day - and what? get a life! with all the pain and crap in the world? the killings? the torture? you are worried about this? jeeze

You think calling an English person a pom is the same as calling a black person a uncle Tom?

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This is such incredible exaggeration and highly inaccurate. Lighter skin is a sign of physical attractiveness, much like being thin in, say, America.

Which means darker skin is unattractive, right?

That's partly why Korean pop stars (and Chinese/Japanese) are so popular now. But Thailand doesn't discriminate against dark people any more than America discriminates against obese people (again, exception being in areas where physical attractiveness is required). There are plenty of darker-skin Thais in high government positions, industry, etc., i.e., running the country. The majority of Thais are, afterall, darker skin. I have African-American friends married to Thais--no different than a farang married to a Thai, as far as the Thais are concerned.

So some Thai's are married to your black friends, all it means is that those Thais are not racist.

Edited by jackers
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That's partly why Korean pop stars (and Chinese/Japanese) are so popular now. But Thailand doesn't discriminate against dark people any more than America discriminates against obese people (again, exception being in areas where physical attractiveness is required). There are plenty of darker-skin Thais in high government positions, industry, etc., i.e., running the country. The majority of Thais are, afterall, darker skin. I have African-American friends married to Thais--no different than a farang married to a Thai, as far as the Thais are concerned.

So some Thai's are married to your black friends, all it means is that those Thais are not racist.

Well, perhaps you can explain something to me. Farangs on TV complain incessantly that Thais are racist towards them. As farangs are generally considered "white," how would you explain that, i.e., are Thais racists towards dark skin people or light skin people?

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That's partly why Korean pop stars (and Chinese/Japanese) are so popular now. But Thailand doesn't discriminate against dark people any more than America discriminates against obese people (again, exception being in areas where physical attractiveness is required). There are plenty of darker-skin Thais in high government positions, industry, etc., i.e., running the country. The majority of Thais are, afterall, darker skin. I have African-American friends married to Thais--no different than a farang married to a Thai, as far as the Thais are concerned.

So some Thai's are married to your black friends, all it means is that those Thais are not racist.

Well, perhaps you can explain something to me. Farangs on TV complain incessantly that Thais are racist towards them. As farangs are generally considered "white," how would you explain that, i.e., are Thais racists towards dark skin people or light skin people?

The answer is both. White people can be racist to other white people, black people can be racist towards other black people etc etc.

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That's partly why Korean pop stars (and Chinese/Japanese) are so popular now. But Thailand doesn't discriminate against dark people any more than America discriminates against obese people (again, exception being in areas where physical attractiveness is required). There are plenty of darker-skin Thais in high government positions, industry, etc., i.e., running the country. The majority of Thais are, afterall, darker skin. I have African-American friends married to Thais--no different than a farang married to a Thai, as far as the Thais are concerned.

So some Thai's are married to your black friends, all it means is that those Thais are not racist.

Well, perhaps you can explain something to me. Farangs on TV complain incessantly that Thais are racist towards them. As farangs are generally considered "white," how would you explain that, i.e., are Thais racists towards dark skin people or light skin people?

The answer is both. White people can be racist to other white people, black people can be racist towards other black people etc etc.

And whiter thais are racist to darker thais.

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why should they be offended? at what?

Before we go any further with this, you do know that Uncle Tom is a derogatory term used against black people?

an Aussie called me a 'Pom' the other day - and what? get a life! with all the pain and crap in the world? the killings? the torture? you are worried about this? jeeze

You think calling an English person a pom is the same as calling a black person a uncle Tom?

'a prominent display of floor brushes & mops etc branded BLACK MAN'

Where's this 'Uncle Tom' come into it? I think calling:

a black man....... black and a white man....... white

is common sense and a pet a pet...... not a 'human companion' is quite acceptable - no one has called any black man an 'Uncle Tom' as far as I know and no black man has called a white man a 'Honky'

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