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Local Pervs


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... snip ... just because the forums are dominated by adult males, it doesn't mean they are the only ones to read the posts! ... snip ...

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Drew,

First, please consider the hypothesis that the original post may be a troll, and the crude description just the wiggly flourescent stuff on the lure that helps hides the hook.

Second, and please forgive us for making this connection, but we see a kind of subtle linkage between the hypothesis about males on this forum, and the OP's interpretation of a shadow in apparently rhythmic motion observed from within a bathroom stall whilst he was engaged in a personal act of waste-elimination via a sphincter that good taste requires us to leave nameless (yet, we are taught that every primate has one, and must use it regularly to remain alive).

We would question, in the spirit of Occam's Razor, whether "males dominate" this forum, and whether many males posting here are actually "adult" in the cultural and psychological sense (not the biological fact of advanced age).

Of course by "dominate" you may simply mean "constitute a demographic cohort creating a higher percentage of aggregate total postings." In fact, Occam's Razor would favor that interpretation, since it is the simplest hypothesis. So we may be violating our own principles of interpretation here via a self-referential contradiction: but, that is our specialty, for better and worse, perhaps little better, or oddly worse, than giving "advice," about which John Ruskin wrote: "the worst vice is giving advice." And if we are self-violating here, does that make us, also, a caster of shadows across stalls in the minds of some unknown watchers about their personal business ? Uh-oh, time to drop anchor, or to repeat Edie Brickell's mantra: "throw me in the shallow water before I get too deep" ?

"Question everything: trust nothing." ... attributed to the Kabbala tradition, but we have never been able to locate a definitive source for this "gem of wisdom," even though we have consulted Rebbis of Reform, Orthodox, and Chasisidc traditions on this, and, while we did write to Madonna, diva of slut (now student of the kabbala), she never answers our e-mails (we appreciate Madonna may be currently in a period of depression after apparently being pushed out of the star-bimbo-rama lime-light, de-throned as it were, by Lady Gaga, and following employees of her school for girls in Malawi suing her for wrongful termination, and the general debacle surrounding the history of that school).

best, ~o:37;

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I can honestly say that I've never seen anyone publicly "choking his chicken" in Thailand. But if I were to ever witness someone "auditioning his hand puppet," I may feel a bit uncomfortable. As UG pointed out, "dry humping the ottoman" is certainly a healthy thing, but "fiddling the flesh flute" in public, especially if you're "riding the five-legged pony" in close proximity to children…not cool. In closing, I believe that one has a right to "flog his dolphin" in the privacy of his own home, but "combing the hair on your bald pig Sally" or "lubricating your love monkey" where others may be offended is certainly frowned upon. So keep "whacking that weasel," or if you like, "stroking that one-eyed burping gecko." But please do so in private. Thank you.

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I think this kind of incident is pretty common in Thailand. Many women, Thai and farang alike, have told me stories of such encounters.

Some of the replies above, pedantically picking on the OP's choice of title, or saying that it's normal behavior, seem immature and out of place to me.

Let them have their fun.

Thanks for a more serious reply. I was thinking maybe this kind of thing is more perceivable here due to the weather not being as cold as many farang countries (I mean the jerking in the street, not the toilet-peephole viewing and the flashing, which I guess goes on in most countries). The alternative is that there are just more of these kinds of people in CM/Thailand? Surely not true.

No, its prevalent everywhere there happens to be men. I was flashed as a young teenager in the US more than a few times by white guys. In fact, many girls are flashed at, they are generally the targets, apparently its the fear factor that makes it so exciting for these men.

So hardly a "Thai" thing or even an "Asian thing"

I suppose I was just wondering if the incidence of this kind of thing happening is higher here than in some other countries. Like you can compare the rates of other kinds of crime, like murder, across different countries. I know there won't be any reliable figures for this kind of activity, but just wondering what opinions or feelings people have on it.

Also wonder to what extent you think people who do this kind of thing have mental problems, as has been suggested elsewhere in this thread.

And I'd like to thank those posters who said they'd had no experiences similar to mine in xx years of being here. It has calmed my growing concern about the place somewhat.

Edited by hanuman1
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Have not seen anyone blatently flogging the log or flashing outside the local brothels without the assistance of a partner.

Lots of wierdo's in some toilets occassionally, especially in thai disco's shaking it a few too many times at the urinal.

Seen more wierdo's who were exposing/stroking in public in the western world.

Edited by TacoBoy
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The Local Law does not seem to be 'Lifting' many serious Perv's these day, can't remember last time I read of one being pulled in and Paraded to the Press, Chiang Mai Mail.

A Knocking shop in Chang Phuak was last den of inequity to make headlines.

As for Old wanke_rs CM has always been full of them.


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I've never noticed anyone having a Ham Shank on our street, but as our street is Loi Kroh Rd, public masturbation would be considered fairly mainstream! I saw a Japanese guy taking a katoey up the Bourneville Boulevard (Herschey Highway if you are American!) in full public view a few weeks ago. I have to say though that most of the ejaculations on Loi Kroh are late at night and involve tourists chundering on our flower beds!!

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self-referential contradiction: but, that is our specialty, for better and worse, perhaps little better, or oddly worse, than giving "advice,"


Is this another name for what the OP saw, or something deeper than that?


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self-referential contradiction: but, that is our specialty, for better and worse, perhaps little better, or oddly worse, than giving "advice,"


Is this another name for what the OP saw, or something deeper than that?


Your avatar is pretty close to what I saw last night...

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I'm encountering on average at least one perv-related incident per year in CM....

so let me get this straight... an average for you of one incident per year, & you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ?

Do I think encountering the antics of sexual perverts once a year is too much? Errr....let me think...yes?

thats not what you said/asked/posed with this thread...

..again, you're asking 'pervs - unusually high numbers in CM' ? based on 1 encounter a year...

in my book thats not "unusually high numbers" of anything per year... wink.gif

actually encountering something like that once a year is extremely high numbers imo. You hear about it in the news, but to actually run into that, that many times is strange. I've only had something like that once in my life, when some redneck called a payphone right after i finished using it and asked me if i wanted a blow job.

Also my friend owns a massage place in chiang mai, she had to call the cops once cause some dude was standing outside the window jerking off. Jerking off in alleyways seems like a common trend in chiang mai.

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I think this kind of incident is pretty common in Thailand. Many women, Thai and farang alike, have told me stories of such encounters.

Some of the replies above, pedantically picking on the OP's choice of title, or saying that it's normal behavior, seem immature and out of place to me.

Let them have their fun.

Thanks for a more serious reply. I was thinking maybe this kind of thing is more perceivable here due to the weather not being as cold as many farang countries (I mean the jerking in the street, not the toilet-peephole viewing and the flashing, which I guess goes on in most countries). The alternative is that there are just more of these kinds of people in CM/Thailand? Surely not true.

No, its prevalent everywhere there happens to be men. I was flashed as a young teenager in the US more than a few times by white guys. In fact, many girls are flashed at, they are generally the targets, apparently its the fear factor that makes it so exciting for these men.

So hardly a "Thai" thing or even an "Asian thing"

I wouldn't refer to them as men if that is the way they are behaving. Animals is a more apt description.

I've seen men doing what I always assumed was urinating in public - usually by the side of the road. But to be honest, I never looked closely enough to see if it was perhaps the activity that is the subject of this thread. I have noticed the urinating (or whatever) more often since being in the LOS.

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These people are SICK, guys.... don't you have a little sympathy for them? At least they're harmless (it doesn't really hurt you to see a guy jerking off).

They may be harmless physically, but for some people of a more fragile disposition, there could be adverse psychological effects. Not to mention kids seeing them.

For this reason, I don't see how or why they should be tolerated in society at large. I'm not saying lock them all up and throw away the key, but for the clinically sick ones there should be treatment and for those that aren't mentally impaired and do it for some kind of kick, there should be clear deterrents like (don't laugh) effective law enforcement.

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These people are SICK, guys.... don't you have a little sympathy for them? At least they're harmless (it doesn't really hurt you to see a guy jerking off).

They may be harmless physically, but for some people of a more fragile disposition, there could be adverse psychological effects. Not to mention kids seeing them.

For this reason, I don't see how or why they should be tolerated in society at large. I'm not saying lock them all up and throw away the key, but for the clinically sick ones there should be treatment and for those that aren't mentally impaired and do it for some kind of kick, there should be clear deterrents like (don't laugh) effective law enforcement.

I'm afraid Thailand is not for those of a fragile disposition.

There is no treatment available in Thailand for nuts who are not dangerous to society or to themselves... and they interpret this pretty liberally. I have seen cases of mental illness here where any Western society would put them in a hospital, but they are still on the loose. If it's some kind of kick, I would still call it mentally deranged. Law enforcement (no, I'm not laughing) would achieve nothing.

Incidentally, doesn't the same thing occur in our supposedly civilised Western societies? (Admittedly not so often)

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Alas, gone are the days when I could pee and hit a fly from 10 feet away, now I'm lucky if I can reach my shoes. However, there have been some interesting points brought up related to 'time and shaking' at public urinals. I must admit to feeling a tad uncomfortable at times if I'm hogging a public urinal longer than others. Also, having had prostate problems does leave one with an inclination to do quite a bit of shaking before putting the old fella away, which can be misconstrued. The preference is of course to try and do it in privacy, where all the time, shaking and jumping up and down won't bother others in the slightest.

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These people are SICK, guys.... don't you have a little sympathy for them? At least they're harmless (it doesn't really hurt you to see a guy jerking off).

They may be harmless physically, but for some people of a more fragile disposition, there could be adverse psychological effects. Not to mention kids seeing them.

For this reason, I don't see how or why they should be tolerated in society at large. I'm not saying lock them all up and throw away the key, but for the clinically sick ones there should be treatment and for those that aren't mentally impaired and do it for some kind of kick, there should be clear deterrents like (don't laugh) effective law enforcement.

I'm afraid Thailand is not for those of a fragile disposition.

There is no treatment available in Thailand for nuts who are not dangerous to society or to themselves... and they interpret this pretty liberally. I have seen cases of mental illness here where any Western society would put them in a hospital, but they are still on the loose. If it's some kind of kick, I would still call it mentally deranged. Law enforcement (no, I'm not laughing) would achieve nothing.

Incidentally, doesn't the same thing occur in our supposedly civilised Western societies? (Admittedly not so often)

On this subject has anyone seen Thomas lately? He seems to have dissapeared from Chiang Mai over the past few months.

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I've never noticed anyone having a Ham Shank on our street, but as our street is Loi Kroh Rd, public masturbation would be considered fairly mainstream! I saw a Japanese guy taking a katoey up the Bourneville Boulevard (Herschey Highway if you are American!) in full public view a few weeks ago. I have to say though that most of the ejaculations on Loi Kroh are late at night and involve tourists chundering on our flower beds!!

Horrible. Very glad I don't live there!

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We're all animals actually. Genetically incredibly close to these critters.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Jingthing,

Actually we're much more than just genetically close: most post-Darwinian evolutionary theorists (Gould, Wilson, Dawkins, etc.), are in agreement that our emotional vocabulary lags about 50,000 years behind the evolution of our material culture, and is as primate as King Kong sniffing the nether parts of Fay Wray.

Interesting that you chose a picture of a Bonobo, because, generally, as a species, they are the most promiscuous, frenetically sexual, ambisexual, lascivious, of all primates. Of course, we have to temper that by saying that much Bonobo sexual activity is related not to reproduction itself, but maintaining social bonds, reducing social friction, avoiding dominance conflicts, and outright bribery to get a better share of some good edible thing some other bonobo has.

There is one species of Bonobo on the island of Madagascar where all the females come into oestrus ("heat," being ready to mate) once a year on the full moon, and an incredible orgy results, we are sure to the satisfaction of all. We are not making this up !

Now, as for "local pervs:" we haven't seen any, and, like Khun VenturaLaw, if we happen to notice a guy with his legs apart standing against a wall, we don't take a second look to see what he's doing.

It is the disgusting truth that in every country women, and sometimes children, are sexually threatened, and harassed, in public, by males. But, having lived a year in India, and seen the ugly reality of what's known there as "eve-teasing," on a massive scale by Indian men, we can say that, by contrast, Thailand is the epitome of good public manners.

The question you might want to ask is: why you almost never see raving, schizo, homeless maniacs, male or female, (referring here to Thai nutters, of course, since the glut of farang nutters here is obvious) roaming about here, as you would in any American city: and the answer might surprise you. And it is not the same answer as the answer to the question why, in tsunami devastated parts of Japan, right now, there has been very little looting compared to what would happen in other parts of the world.

We can only pray that some of you will have the experience we've had of direct union with the soul-mind of a primate of another species via quantum-singularity trans-substantiation, for it has cast a tremendously illuminating light on our own human behavior, and stripped away massive veneers of rationalization over who we are, what we do, and what we desire, and helped us realize we are, indeed, in many ways, "prisoners of language," "slaves of memory," dwelling, mainly, in a fabulous illusion of a social construction of a "personal self" that has a name, a history, a passport, etc., unfolding within the even more fabulous illusion of "linear sequence of passage of time."

Unfortunately the frequent failings, and short-comings, of the human component of this twosome continue apace, and we cannot claim, as we wish we could, that our union with Orang37 has helped unmake us a better human being.

best, ~o:37;

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Pardon the pun but OP is definitely pulling our legs! This has to be in the running for the yank of the decade !

But, because of OP's initiative and the copious responses, my vocabulary has been remarkably improved :blink: .

I think someone should make some additions to urbandictionary.com, or whatever it is called! Wonderful stuff (or lack of a place to stuff it !!! DID I SAY THAT ???!!!! :o

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I think everything that needed to be said and everyone who felt the need to post has done so.

Personally in the 6 years I have lived in CM I have never seen anything such as the OP describes, not even close.

But if he says so he sure has some bad luck and been in the wrong place at the wrong time on a regulaer basis.


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