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So Were You Caught Out By Thaivisa April Fools Prank?


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Fooled many of us. It was a joke. Thai government never even thought about enacting such a law. Until now that is. Apparently since hearing about this they are considering it. Great job.

Keep up the good work.

Since when have the Thai government take any notice of farang ideas. :rolleyes::D

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A very sick and stupid april fool's....it was all to believable knowing Thailand and how it loves to copy (in this instance Cambodia) and is anti-farang people but pro-farang money. ThaiVisa...you should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such a prank.

I fell for it and within a very short time it was revealed to be a prank.

If you fell for it for any longer than I did (someone said they even had a sleepless night :D ) then that is your fault for not being that bright. Likewise the people who were still getting uptight after several pages of posts had revealed it as such.

There is certainly some people who needs to be ashamed, but it isn't TV!

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My dear learned friend,the effects of this post are very real,take heed,that jokes are usually the spark that light the fire, don't be a shallow fellow...

"April Fools been and gone , your the fool for carrying it on"....... was i think how the rhyme went for people who continued an April fool once it had been revealed.

Essentially many many people on the site ( myself included) cottoned on to it being an April fool wind up... however thier posts were instantly removed by the moderators....

So the only fool is Thai Visa...

On a personal note , I think its a bit of a worry as I like to read the Thai News so I actually have an informed/independent view of whats happening here by people that live and work here and usually the news is very accurate.... IF I wanted to read spoof news there are thousands of sites that do that.....

So lets hope that this doesnt become a trend of every now and then with Thai Visa team throwing in a bit of deliberate mis information to wind up all the farangs on the site....although it is quite amusing to listen to some users crazed ravings.... but i am sure there are better ways of getting your site hits up.

Where there is smoke there is fire????

Well lets hope it isnt a shape of things to come.... Thailand really does rely on a lot of the folk over 50.....i have numerous friends who are that age who apart from providing for thier family they help sustain the Thai economy.... the vast majority of the over 50s here spend money and it goes directly back into the Thai economy...whether its going to the local supermarket to buy a paper, a game of golf, a night out drinking or a meal out...from the moment they arrive they are spending here.....

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Although a cracker of an April fools (which just seem to get better every year imo) the funniest part was the replies from a few obviously superior guys claiming the new law was down to the jealousy of Thai men for them stealing their "top" women. Now that WAS a funny joke :D

You mean we aren't getting the top chicks at Nana/Cowboy/Pattaya?

No doubt, the best Thai ladies stuck to their own.

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It was good prank - I was caught out along with a lot of others.... Well done to TV for what I would consider such a successful April Fools Prank - I posted a reply, I was an April Fool !

If people didn't like it, perhaps they might consider taking themselves a little less seriously. I suspect these very same people may object to any joke or prank they find themselves on the end of.

It's not Called 'April Lets be Nice and Honest Day' after all is it ? !!!!

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It was good prank - I was caught out along with a lot of others.... Well done to TV for what I would consider such a successful April Fools Prank - I posted a reply, I was an April Fool !

If people didn't like it, perhaps they might consider taking themselves a little less seriously. I suspect these very same people may object to any joke or prank they find themselves on the end of.

It's not Called 'April Lets be Nice and Honest Day' after all is it ? !!!!

Cheers to you!

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A very sick and stupid april fool's....it was all to believable knowing Thailand and how it loves to copy (in this instance Cambodia) and is anti-farang people but pro-farang money. ThaiVisa...you should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such a prank.

Hahaha, I am loving the joke more and more.

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A very sick and stupid april fool's....it was all to believable knowing Thailand and how it loves to copy (in this instance Cambodia) and is anti-farang people but pro-farang money. ThaiVisa...you should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such a prank.

I fell for it and within a very short time it was revealed to be a prank.

If you fell for it for any longer than I did (someone said they even had a sleepless night :D ) then that is your fault for not being that bright. Likewise the people who were still getting uptight after several pages of posts had revealed it as such.

There is certainly some people who needs to be ashamed, but it isn't TV!

When it comes to being bright I suggest your lightbulb has blown

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A very sick and stupid april fool's....it was all to believable knowing Thailand and how it loves to copy (in this instance Cambodia) and is anti-farang people but pro-farang money. ThaiVisa...you should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such a prank.

I fell for it and within a very short time it was revealed to be a prank.

If you fell for it for any longer than I did (someone said they even had a sleepless night :D ) then that is your fault for not being that bright. Likewise the people who were still getting uptight after several pages of posts had revealed it as such.

There is certainly some people who needs to be ashamed, but it isn't TV!

When it comes to being bright I suggest your lightbulb has blown

Great retort! I can't beat that. You win. :blink:

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A very sick and stupid april fool's....it was all to believable knowing Thailand and how it loves to copy (in this instance Cambodia) and is anti-farang people but pro-farang money. ThaiVisa...you should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such a prank.

Hahaha, I am loving the joke more and more.

What I have enjoyed is this joke has had such long legs! The gift the just kept on giving! The Energizer Bunny of April Fools pranks!

Edited by animatic
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Certainly showed who has a sense of humour. Plenty of sanctimony and bitterness to go around too.

I don't know what was funnier, those who are still worked up 24hrs later, or those still calling us on it after 100s of others. :lol:

Suthep has been reading the other thread under his alias, and has seen the response from expats. So now he has decided that although it started as a joke, it is actually not such a bad idea and will form a committee to study the feasibility of enacting just such a law.

Certainly a real possibility! Idiotic ideas often end up being put into practice AND are then accepted by the masses as OK. If nearby countries have already enacted such laws with like-minded people don't think it is not possible here. Micro-chipping pets such as cats was initially touted as a joke idea; it's now mandatory in some Australian states (and of course associated registration and related fees!).

Thai politicians have a habit of spending a LOT of parliamentary time on nonsense and avoiding major issues on education, health and safety. Blaming other nationalities for their own weaknesses is very common in xenophobic mad Thailand. Lots of developing countries do this and has been done throughout history, e.g. prewar Germany. This is just the type of idea that could catch on; if the more influential Thais bothered to ever read this website. Wasn't it just recently that the Deputy PM said he had "No respect for farangs!" Though stated while sitting in his farang suit with his education all coming from "farangland" (couldn't imagine he ever was schooled entirely in Thai government school cheesy.gif) .

Hopefully they DON'T pick up on this one. Sorry but really, not even funny.ermm.gif

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It was a very good prank, the bigots came out in drove like cockroaches, the atmosphere was like a bigots' convention, some of these lost causes normally were very careful and tried not to be detected, but this time the news was too much to bear, they lost it and finally revealed themselves. Also noticed that those bigot expats from Cambodia were absent from discussions, they didn't criticize that country when enacted the same law, they don't want to be seen as hypocrites, who would have thought that even the bigots are worry about reputation. 55555 :bah:

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A very sick and stupid april fool's....it was all to believable knowing Thailand and how it loves to copy (in this instance Cambodia) and is anti-farang people but pro-farang money. ThaiVisa...you should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such a prank.

Yes I agree! Thailand loves and respects Cambodia so much that they always copy what Cambodia does!

(yes that was sarcasm!)

Sadly the April fools prank didn't manage to get past a week :(

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Yes have to admit I was taken in, The irony of it ,which got so many people up in arms is that it did not suprise anyone. Not one poster said: No this can't be true, even though a few did see through it as an April 1 prank. The thing is people believed it, me included. It just goes to show that a lot of people expect the rediculous to happen here in Thailand. Anyway good fun and did stur up a lot of emotion. :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :lol: :lol:

What you are saying is very true. It is or is about to become law in Cambodia. So know reason why Thailand shouldn't take it up. But then again me thinks even the Thai government know when they are on to a good thing? <_<


I admit I was taken in by it, but kept reading and commenting on it even after it became clear it was an A.F.joke.

The post mentioned that a 50+ yr.old would not be allowed to marry anyone younger, which somehow gave it away - as there was no leeway given for wanna be brides who may be in their 30s or 40s.

As mentioned earlier, its believability was largely due to knowledge of how Thai government works. In the past years, there have been laws against women wearing spaghetti straps or too tight shirts in public. The visa rules are ever changing and always ridiculous - forcing many visa runners to take return jet plane trips every month. There are laws which punish non-smoking farang for allegedly dropping a cig butt, yet the same judicial system has no laws against harboring a murderer. There are no laws in Thailand compelling a deadbeat dads to pay for innumerable children they've sired, yet it's seriously frowned upon to step over a person's ankles - who is sitting on the ground.

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George! Unfortunately several Thai nationals read it and now BELIEVE IT! And they are pretty upset about it. I got a call about today. Tried telling then it was only a JOKE and not true. They don't believe me. It was in the paper, it's got to be true! I'm beginning to think your joke back fired and may have started an "Urban Legend" and something you may regret. You better put a retraction in the paper. You know, I know, and many others know it was an April Fools Joke. They don't recognize April Fools Day in Thailand.

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Good one George. You got me.

Just had to let you know it became the topic of lively conversation in my mum's household.

This was on the day after having arrived in Oz on March 31 from LOS with my Thai gf whom I was 'introducing' to my mother for the first time.

The gf still does not know it was an April Fool's joke.

Should I tell her?

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It was a very good prank, the bigots came out in drove like cockroaches, the atmosphere was like a bigots' convention, some of these lost causes normally were very careful and tried not to be detected, but this time the news was too much to bear, they lost it and finally revealed themselves. Also noticed that those bigot expats from Cambodia were absent from discussions, they didn't criticize that country when enacted the same law, they don't want to be seen as hypocrites, who would have thought that even the bigots are worry about reputation. 55555 :bah:

An astute observation, a51. Yes, the maggots of TV crawled out from under their respective rocks, but the expats from Cambodia have been largely absent ever since their new found paradise became a little less of a paradise. All those guys that left Thailand with their tail between their legs and boasting how Cambodia was going to overtake Thailand, how do you feel now? I don't expect an answer....:rolleyes:

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Although a cracker of an April fools (which just seem to get better every year imo) the funniest part was the replies from a few obviously superior guys claiming the new law was down to the jealousy of Thai men for them stealing their "top" women. Now that WAS a funny joke :D

Agree, Boo. It was beyond funny, almost epic in sheer stupidity, some of these guys. That thread did reveal alot, that the TV membership is populated in large numbers by delusional, racist, and utterly clueless farangs. An incredible, embarassing spectacle of fools. I'd actually like to start a thread just to call these guys out, but I'm afraid it will probably be shut down due to exposing too much of the truth.

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I'd actually like to start a thread just to call these guys out, but I'm afraid it will probably be shut down due to exposing too much of the truth.

Don't need to, the evidence is there in the same way that a tattoo is always there without ID change and expensive surgery.

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Was not so funny for me.

This site has been the best when it comes to accurate information regarding visa rules and changes . As I was turned down for a marriage visa in Laos two weeks ago and I am currently scrambling to get certified documents from the US,and apply again it is hard to see the humor. This joke was at the expense of people like me relying on the latest information in order to make my life here with my Thai wife. I am 55 and she is 40. Sin Sod is done, Thai wedding and party....house rented and newly furnished and her family has been helped as well as possible....now here's something funny from the good folks at ThaiVisa...your marriage will not be recognized by Thai authorities and the plans and money spent is down the shitter.....enjoy yourself laughing at me...it caused real worries for me and my family...

Edited by 62strat
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Was not so funny for me.

This site has been the best when it comes to accurate information regarding visa rules and changes . As I was turned down for a marriage visa in Laos two weeks ago and I am currently scrambling to get certified documents from the US,and apply again it is hard to see the humor. This joke was at the expense of people like me relying on the latest information in order to make my life here with my Thai wife. I am 55 and she is 40. Sin Sod is done, Thai wedding and party....house rented and newly furnished and her family has been helped as well as possible....now here's something funny from the good folks at ThaiVisa...your marriage will not be recognized by Thai authorities and the plans and money spent is down the shitter.....enjoy yourself laughing at me...it caused real worries for me and my family...

It thought it was an excellent prank....the thing you have to understand is TV is not a definitive/authoritive source of information and if something like this law had actually come into fruition legally, other sources such as the Thai media (in Thai), the rag English language newspapers and the rubbish newspapers out of Pattaya would have been reporting it as head line news.

So did it not occur to you, why this only came up on TV and nowhere else in the media in Thailand, even if you if you didnt know it was 1st April ?....I suppose the bottom line is dont believe everything you read and take it as gospel until you verfiy the information from another independent source.

If Thailand intended to implement a law like this, embassies/consulates would already know and there would be notices to that effect prior to the law coming into effect.

Like most things in life, do your due dilligence before committing to anything and that includes getting married

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Although a cracker of an April fools (which just seem to get better every year imo) the funniest part was the replies from a few obviously superior guys claiming the new law was down to the jealousy of Thai men for them stealing their "top" women. Now that WAS a funny joke :D

Agree, Boo. It was beyond funny, almost epic in sheer stupidity, some of these guys. That thread did reveal alot, that the TV membership is populated in large numbers by delusional, racist, and utterly clueless farangs. An incredible, embarassing spectacle of fools. I'd actually like to start a thread just to call these guys out, but I'm afraid it will probably be shut down due to exposing too much of the truth.

It would be good if a list was made and these posters put on delayed broadcast so that their posts can be vetted in future. Would save the rest of us having to read their delusional, racist, paranoid and clueless posts.

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Isn't that picture from an April Fools prank -- or reverse prank -- somebody posted on April 5, ie four days late? If he used the Julian calendar, it would have been eight days early, but he'd have to be quite old to be using the Julian calendar.

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Isn't that picture from an April Fools prank -- or reverse prank -- somebody posted on April 5, ie four days late? If he used the Julian calendar, it would have been eight days early, but he'd have to be quite old to be using the Julian calendar.

What about this? Taken from the latest issue of 'Pattaya People Weekly', dated 9th April 2011, well after April Fools' Day!! :blink:

Check out Page 3 "Fifty and Out"

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