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Thai Senators Want Delay In House Dissolution

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Senators want delay in House dissolution


Rosana says more time needed to scrutinise new laws but PM stands firm

While Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has made clear his intention to dissolve the House of Representatives in the first week of May, some senators said they should be given more time to scrutinise election-related laws.

House dissolution should be deferred to the end of May, said Bangkok senator Rosana Tositrakul.

However, Abhisit insisted on keeping to his plan, reiterating: "I confirm that the deadline for House dissolution is within the first week of May. I would like to ask for Parliament's cooperation to pass the three laws, which can be done within this month as the House has already passed them and there is nothing complicated. The laws have just been changed to be in line with the new constituency allocation."

Abhisit said he wanted to keep his promise and it would be for the Election Commission to schedule the election date and issue regulations, which can be done in the meantime before the laws are endorsed.

Last Monday, the Senate agreed with the principles of the three organic laws - on the election and the appointment of senators, the Election Commission and political parties.

A senatorial panel was given one week to deliberate on the laws and bring them to the Senate meeting again tomorrow. Some expect the laws to be passed within one day.

Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow.

There are still debatable issues in some of the legislation, including advance voting, which some senators said should be removed as it opened the way for electoral fraud.

"I don't understand why the House dissolution deadline must have been set to within the first week of May, and the Senate expected to expedite all the [law-making] process for that. If this is done, deliberation on the laws will not be careful enough," she said. "The country is heading for an election, hence all sides should create an atmosphere of being reasonable and make the process as good as possible to prevent future problems," she added.

Senators, including those who are newly selected, deserve a chance to discuss the laws until April 25, Rosana said. The scrutinising panel could then bring the amended version to the Senate meeting on May 2. The laws would be passed then if the Senate agrees with the version proposed by the House. Otherwise a joint House-Senate committee must be set up and work on the laws for about two weeks. The premier could dissolve the House by the end of May in that case.

Rosana's remarks were similar to those of Ratchaburi senator Kecha Saksomboon, a member of the senatorial panel scrutinising the laws, who had said the House dissolution should be postponed to after May 10 to get the organic laws ready in time.

Deputy House Speaker Nikom Wairatpanij said yesterday he had no idea why the panel would not be able to finish its work and bring the laws to the Senate meeting by tomorrow, when the Senate whip had discussed the timeline earlier.

Bangkok MP Atavit Suwannapakdee, secretary of the government whip, on Friday said the government would try to push five bills through Parliament before dissolving the House and this may lead to a delay in the date of House dissolution.

The five laws are: the Consumer Protection Independent Organisation Act, Public Assembly Act, Social Security and Monetary Compensation Act, Environmental and Independent Health Organisation Act and the Thai Occupations Act.

In a separate development, Nikom, a candidate for the Senate Speaker's post, said the meeting to vote for the new speaker to replace outgoing Senate head Prasobsook Boondech has been set for April 22. Nominated candidates can present their visions for five to 10 minutes. After that, senators will receive envelopes for secret voting.


-- The Nation 2011-04-17


Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow.

WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator that was all in favor of Dissolution last year when the Red Shirts demanded it with elections, now we must wait??????

Also, was she the one that was in favor of letting the next government approve the minutes of the Boundary Talks that are over 2 years old ??????

One question comes to mind, does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate. Is she in charge of the HUB of PROCRASTINATION?????


Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow.

WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator that was all in favor of Dissolution last year when the Red Shirts demanded it with elections, now we must wait??????

Also, was she the one that was in favor of letting the next government approve the minutes of the Boundary Talks that are over 2 years old ??????

One question comes to mind, does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate. Is she in charge of the HUB of PROCRASTINATION?????

Hi cougar52

I love this question: " WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator........" --- That would indeed give her quite a laugh. She is usually accused of being a PAD supporter. Actually she seems to be reasonably independently minded -- but she certainly leans towards the Yellow side over many issues.

Amazing as it may seem to some here ---simply disagreeing with certain actions of the current Government does not automatically make you a Red Shirt.

I suggest you Google: "Rosana slams Puea Thai for ignoring the people" --- to learn just how "Red" she is.

"does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate" -- In a house that holds many ineffectual and self serving (and non-elected) members -- Rosana Tositrakul is not one!! This woman actually has a strong track record ------- and to answer your question --- No! ....... she is most certainly not a Red shirt.


Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow.

WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator that was all in favor of Dissolution last year when the Red Shirts demanded it with elections, now we must wait??????

Also, was she the one that was in favor of letting the next government approve the minutes of the Boundary Talks that are over 2 years old ??????

One question comes to mind, does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate. Is she in charge of the HUB of PROCRASTINATION?????

Hi cougar52

I love this question: " WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator........" --- That would indeed give her quite a laugh. She is usually accused of being a PAD supporter. Actually she seems to be reasonably independently minded -- but she certainly leans towards the Yellow side over many issues.

Amazing as it may seem to some here ---simply disagreeing with certain actions of the current Government does not automatically make you a Red Shirt.

I suggest you Google: "Rosana slams Puea Thai for ignoring the people" --- to learn just how "Red" she is.

"does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate" -- In a house that holds many ineffectual and self serving (and non-elected) members -- Rosana Tositrakul is not one!! This woman actually has a strong track record ------- and to answer your question --- No! ....... she is most certainly not a Red shirt.

Seconded. I got quite a laugh out of that opening line.

Any one know particulars of the

'Public Assembly Act' that is in there as part of the 5?


Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow.

WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator that was all in favor of Dissolution last year when the Red Shirts demanded it with elections, now we must wait??????

Also, was she the one that was in favor of letting the next government approve the minutes of the Boundary Talks that are over 2 years old ??????

One question comes to mind, does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate. Is she in charge of the HUB of PROCRASTINATION?????

Hi cougar52

I love this question: " WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator........" --- That would indeed give her quite a laugh. She is usually accused of being a PAD supporter. Actually she seems to be reasonably independently minded -- but she certainly leans towards the Yellow side over many issues.

Amazing as it may seem to some here ---simply disagreeing with certain actions of the current Government does not automatically make you a Red Shirt.

I suggest you Google: "Rosana slams Puea Thai for ignoring the people" --- to learn just how "Red" she is.

"does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate" -- In a house that holds many ineffectual and self serving (and non-elected) members -- Rosana Tositrakul is not one!! This woman actually has a strong track record ------- and to answer your question --- No! ....... she is most certainly not a Red shirt.

"Senator-elect Rosana Tositrakul said police were unfair in seeking to fault the PAD while omitting to probe Thaksin's alleged offences".


There is a copyrighted photo of her (PAD senator Rosana Tositrakul) signing autographs for PAD supporters. So hardly an endorsement of support for your claim as to her being a "red senator' - cougar52.

Just two items of several that portray her as being very PAD and very un-red in her political views so I'm a little bit confused as to how you can get something so definitive so very wrong!!!

You know what, Google is a marvelous tool for ensuring that your facts are correct before making such a bold statement that can leave you with very yellow "egg on your face". Wikipedia is also very useful as well!!!


Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow.

WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator that was all in favor of Dissolution last year when the Red Shirts demanded it with elections, now we must wait??????

Also, was she the one that was in favor of letting the next government approve the minutes of the Boundary Talks that are over 2 years old ??????

One question comes to mind, does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate. Is she in charge of the HUB of PROCRASTINATION?????

Hi cougar52

I love this question: " WOW, isn't that the Red Shirt Senator........" --- That would indeed give her quite a laugh. She is usually accused of being a PAD supporter. Actually she seems to be reasonably independently minded -- but she certainly leans towards the Yellow side over many issues.

Amazing as it may seem to some here ---simply disagreeing with certain actions of the current Government does not automatically make you a Red Shirt.

I suggest you Google: "Rosana slams Puea Thai for ignoring the people" --- to learn just how "Red" she is.

"does she do anything as a Senator other than procrastinate" -- In a house that holds many ineffectual and self serving (and non-elected) members -- Rosana Tositrakul is not one!! This woman actually has a strong track record ------- and to answer your question --- No! ....... she is most certainly not a Red shirt.

Seconded. I got quite a laugh out of that opening line.

Any one know particulars of the

'Public Assembly Act' that is in there as part of the 5?

Just Google Thailand Public Assembly Act -- there are a number of articles there.


Any one know particulars of the

'Public Assembly Act' that is in there as part of the 5?

Hi animatic

I tried to get my (tiny) head around it -- perhaps the best "simplified" explanation can be found by Googling:

Demystifying the bill on public assembly


Any one know particulars of the

'Public Assembly Act' that is in there as part of the 5?

Hi animatic

I tried to get my (tiny) head around it -- perhaps the best "simplified" explanation can be found by Googling:

Demystifying the bill on public assembly

Yes, thanks found it in the other paper.


Sorry all, I guess I just had just a bit to much fun over the last 4 days.

In my defense, in a bit of a stupor, I seriously had thought she was the one that had the red candles and the pic of Seh Dang in Parliament. :ermm:

My apologizes :wacko:


Sorry all, I guess I just had just a bit to much fun over the last 4 days.

In my defense, in a bit of a stupor, I seriously had thought she was the one that had the red candles and the pic of Seh Dang in Parliament. :ermm:

My apologizes :wacko:

Apologies not required!!! The PAD want Abhisit out just as much as the 'red shirts' now as they are a tad upset at his unwillingness to kowtow with them over the border dispute with Kampuchea and as a result have 'thrown all their toys out of the pram' Her uncooperative means in attempting to prevent the passage of these organic constitutional changes so that the house can be dissolved soon are probably due to her allegiances with PAD so you were on the right lines but with the wrong team!!!


my apologizes :wacko:

Hi cougar52

Not necessary -- I doubt that any were really taking a shot at you (too much). Extremists of any side are usually dominated by ratbags-- no difference here!! Yellow or Red ... the vocal extremists are fringe nut-cases. Its a shame really as both sides have some positions that are meritorious.

Take the lady in question -- over the point of the article ---- she is not nessicarely wrong. The purpose of a Senate is to examine and as necessary attempt to modify or block actions of the Lower House when in the view of the Senate these actions are not in the National Interest. The Senate is an oversight panel. The Senate should be independent.

Her position:

"Rosana said she disagrees with the practice of setting a deadline for the Senate to pass the three organic laws related to the election by tomorrow."

Political expediency is not necessarily in the National interest. Thailand must live with these laws -- perish the thought that someone should consider them.


Sorry all, I guess I just had just a bit to much fun over the last 4 days.

In my defense, in a bit of a stupor, I seriously had thought she was the one that had the red candles and the pic of Seh Dang in Parliament. :ermm:

My apologizes :wacko:

Cast out the devil, have another beer :)

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