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Want To Stay Single But Girl Loves Me


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Hello all,

I am in a sad state of affairs as they are of the heart, I am relocating to LOS in the near future but on my last trip finalising things i bumped into my friends ex girlfriend, As it went we ended up staying together for the duration of my trip and her being such a lovely girl she really pulled my heart strings, she took me upto meet her family and they seemed to be very happy that she had a farng boyfriend. Anyway as it went she suggested we get married when i was drunk as a skunk and i like a fool agreed,, now while i was warmly welcomed by her family i found that i dont think i could live like they do, sending money to parents and stuff like that as i can just about look after myself, they were very hospitable people but it did seem like they were having a celebration that their daughter had found farang boyfriend, now i am back in uk thinking i want to be over in los single so i can taste the delights for a few years single, i am 31 and enjoy being single as i like to butterfly, problem is i dont think i could handle the family round all the time and handouts to me just are not like the western way, She also got a tattoo when i left with my name so now i find it hard to tell her its over, I am dissmayed what to do? Any advice out there?If you have a story please share with me. :o

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Unfortunately you made many mistakes:

1. Being intro to the family

2. Marriage is no joke - not to them anyways

3. Allowing the lady to place a tat of your name on her body

Bearing all this in mind there is no way of not hurting her at this point, so tell her how you feel and move on.

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If you are already having doubts now then dont do it! As you say "I can just about look after myself" which means that you wont be able to help the familly that much, and im sure that will be expected in some way. There are of course exeptions to the rule but in most cases the familly are happy that their daughter finds a 'Falang' boyfriend becuase to them you are a pot of gold. The usual is that they see what their friends and neighbors daughters have 'obtained' by having a falang boyfriend and think that they will get the same.

Try telling the parents that you want to be with their daughter but will not be able to give them anything, I think you would notice a change in the hospitality that was previously shown towards you. They would most probably tell the daughter to go fishing falang again to get a bigger catch.

You are still young and a self admitted butterfly, (I used to be but my wings are clipped now :o) Come to Thailand and have your fun. Dont lead her on, tell her straight the way you feel. Remember that she could possibly have several blokes like yourself sitting in Farangland daydreaming about her and Thailand. Call her and tell her, then you can really start planning your next trip.

Edited by lordsux
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Thanks for the replys chaps, I know you are right, I feel like a right git as she is really nice, But I dont think I could ever handle the family. As for siam one talking of bemused I certainly am now reading your reply. Blimey why bother posting that?

To the rest of you many thanks.

P.s she got the tattoo after I had left, I did'nt know about it untill she told me on the phone. :o

Edited by alesypalsy
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If you marry in Thailand, you divorce in Thailand. Too bad it's not a remote control

thing you can do from the UK. I don't envy your quandary in the least. I was lucky in

finding my Thai wife; hopefully you'll be luckier next time, when it's time to settle down.

Edited by Zardoz17
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Oh dear, maybe if you learn how to use punctuation it would help.

Then, once you have mastered that, paragraphs and capital letters can be fun.

If you write under the influence of alcohol, others will be more bemused than yourself.

You do know email Netiquette. And everybody else should know it, too. There's no need to show everybody that you know, however.

When you want to point out to somebody that they made a Netiquette mistake,

think twice about it, and

do it in a private email message.

Usually, such advice does not belong on a mailing list, and — pointing out Netiquette mistakes in the public is a good example of a Netiquette mistake.

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Oh dear, maybe if you learn how to use punctuation it would help.

Then, once you have mastered that, paragraphs and capital letters can be fun.

If you write under the influence of alcohol, others will be more bemused than yourself.

You do know email Netiquette. And everybody else should know it, too. There's no need to show everybody that you know, however.

When you want to point out to somebody that they made a Netiquette mistake,

think twice about it, and

do it in a private email message.

Usually, such advice does not belong on a mailing list, and — pointing out Netiquette mistakes in the public is a good example of a Netiquette mistake.

The point I was making was that his post was totally Troll....the punctuation thing was just a way of saying that. Sorry you missed the point, my mistake

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Oh dear, maybe if you learn how to use punctuation it would help.

Then, once you have mastered that, paragraphs and capital letters can be fun.

If you write under the influence of alcohol, others will be more bemused than yourself.

You do know email Netiquette. And everybody else should know it, too. There's no need to show everybody that you know, however.

When you want to point out to somebody that they made a Netiquette mistake,

think twice about it, and

do it in a private email message.

Usually, such advice does not belong on a mailing list, and — pointing out Netiquette mistakes in the public is a good example of a Netiquette mistake.

The point I was making was that his post was totally Troll....the punctuation thing was just a way of saying that. Sorry you missed the point, my mistake

ok sorry

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There ain't no doubt about it, you are in a terrible predicament.

The fact that she proposed to you when you were totally intoxicated, indicates that she loves beer gutted slobs. If you were dribbling and drooling at the time, this indicates that she doesn't really understand the English language and would rather converse in a language used by pre-historic cave dwellers. A grunt and a groan from you, was music to her ears, and she interpretted this as a positive "YES" to her marriage proposal.

As you sit over there in the UK contemplating what to do next, I suggest that you go into EBAY and look for the biggest and brightest diamond engagement ring that you can find. Only the biggest and the best will do.....and it must sparkle too, not just a twinkle but an blinding, flashing sparkle.

Now of course the tattoo could be a bit of a problem, depending on where it is. If it is on her arm, not too many people will notice it. Many girls have such tattoos and these days it's a common sight.

If your name is tattooed on her boob then that's not so good, because later on when she breast feeds her kids, all of these kids will regard you as a big sucker, and they will continue to suck you dry throughout their growing years. (as will she and all of her family members.)

You must however, do the honourable thing...sell up your house, car and all possessions. Buy a one way ticket to Thailand. Give her all of this money and make her and her family the happiest people in the country.

You should keep just enough of this money to buy yourself a headstone for your grave. (I'm not suggesting that you are about to die, even though your wallet is already in its death throes.)

The headstone should have some simple words, after all, you are just a simple person, so nothing too elaborate.

...the headstone message is not really all that important. What is important is that you make sure that there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in the engraving.

Good luck....I think you'll need it.


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QUOTE(alesypalsy @ 2005-10-03 05:24:06)

i can just about look after myself

Well a few posts back you claimed you spend 10,000 GBP a year coming to Thailand!!

Mind you most of that money came from smuggling ciggies didn't it? 

Got any Camel Light?

No, seriously man, dump her. Have fun and don't marry in Thailand until you understand these type of girls(sorry I am assuming what type she is). I was single in Thailand for 8 years, and am VERY happy I didn't jump at the first women who met me. I can say, without doubt, that I wouldn't be married any longer and probably not sane.

Come and stay with me!

For 10,000 pounds a year you can stay in my house and I'll make sure you are looked after by beautiful young ladies every night. :o:D:D

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Get her pregnant ...and then get her drunk every nite so that her baby will have fetal alcohol syndrome... and then get her addicted to heroin.....and then dump her.

Chownah, I can't help but think this is what happened to your own mother--I'm truly

sorry! It does help explain your comments...

Easy to go down your dark path, it just isn't all that constructive....is it. :o

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Get her pregnant ...and then get her drunk every nite so that her baby will have fetal alcohol syndrome... and then get her addicted to heroin.....and then dump her.


chownah's replies are totally appropriate for a totally inappropriate troll OP.


I would only add that the OP also impregnate the gf's siblings back at the village as well.

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chownah's replies are totally appropriate for a totally inappropriate troll OP.


I would only add that the OP also impregnate the gf's siblings back at the village as well.

Then my apologies to chownah.

Don't know what "OP" stands for, but if he's all that, it doesn't sound like the village is

going to benefit much from his....genetic donation. :D

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now i am back in uk thinking i want to be over in los single so i can taste the delights for a few years single, i am 31 and enjoy being single as i like to butterfly, problem is i dont think i could handle the family round all the time and handouts to me just are not like the western way, She also got a tattoo when i left with my name so now i find it hard to tell her its over, I am dissmayed what to do? Any advice out there?If you have a story please share with me. :o

seem you have your own answer already about what do you want ..so dont hestitate .. just tell her the fact asap , that you re not ready to have family and then leave her... coz if u still handle all situation like this more .. it make she hurts more .. tell her to day , tomorrow or next week.. the final result is the same " u dump her " but .. the different thing is, if u do it sooner, it hurts lesser


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Well - if the OP isn't a troll - he's certainly naive.

Many of these BG's think that they are going to find true love & marriage in those bar areas. Not the ideal place to look in my opinion.

You'll obviously have to dump this girl as you don't really love her.

Next time - have your fun but don't let that holiday romance feeling cloud your judgement. There really is no reason to lead these girls on & think that you are their exit from their current lifestlye.

Have your fun with them, pay in full each time but for f*cks sake - don't make commitments you don't intend to keep - it ain't fair on the girls.

I have to also add - you should probably get a backbone before coming back - you sound very weak.

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