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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body

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White House modifies Osama bin Laden account :giggle:

" The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces. "


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I never said 'all' Muslims. But it has been Muslims behind all of the terrorist attacks. Always Muslims. Why? As I keep saying, and you keep ignoring, America did not go Muslim hunting. But the Muslim Bin Laden did proclaim death to all Americans. You have your belief that America is evil. Perhaps you were a Bin Laden supporter for he certainly would have agreed with your analysis.

The US did go into Iraq (a muslim country) without Iraq being any threat to the US in fact it was a former friend and alli in the Iran Iraq war.

And the US proclaimed death to Bin Laden, another former friend when they trained and supplied the Talaban with weapons when Russia was in Afganastan.

Now we see them and NATO bombing Libya, another former friend seen recently shaking hands with the British PM and French President.

Now Syria is being handed sanctions.

Perhaps it dosent pay to be a friend of the US.

Dont have to be a Bin Laden supporter to see what the, almost bankrupt, US is doing.

Iraq was a mistake - based upon bad intelligence.

As for Bin Laden, you are suggesting, are you not, that he was once a friend that the U.S. arbitrarily decided to turned against. Is that honestly your view? So 9/11, along with the previous acts of terror for which he claimed responsibility, had nothing to do with our seeking to bring him to justice? America just decided to turn against the poor misunderstood Muslim.

As far as Libya, I am against U.S. involvement, both as friend and foe. It was Carter's brother that cozied up to Muammar.

Are you actually comparing the use of financial sanctions against Syria to terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims around the world?

That's really odd.


"White House modifies Osama bin Laden account "

Who cares about small details? The important thing is that he is DEAD!

yes but at this point one wonders, as was noted by some sceptics yesterday, just how much of the official story spun by the administration will continue to unravel :whistling:


Here we go again...Bash America for killing a murderer that was wanted in most countries in the world for terrorist charges.

Osama bin Laden and al Queda took responsibility for the 2 embassy bombings in Africa... The USS Cole and 9/11

and 7/11... But some morons still claim the CIA did it all.

Pick a hero then pick a villian and stick with it You cannot blame America for OBL...Hitler...Stalin...etc.

Not so much bashing America as pointing out the US and others may well have made their own bed by aforementioned actions of arming the Talaban, shooting down an Iranian airliner, going into Iraq, bombing Lybia.

These things probably wernt aimed at muslims but that may not be how radical islam sees things.

The consequenses of the hate and revenge generated by these actions I suspect will come back to haunt the western world for a long time to come.

Never suggested Bin Laden wasnt a baddie but a 'fair trial' possibly?

Incidentaly: is burying a body at sea a 'muslim tradition'?

I never said 'all' Muslims. But it has been Muslims behind all of the terrorist attacks. Always Muslims. Why? As I keep saying, and you keep ignoring, America did not go Muslim hunting. But the Muslim Bin Laden did proclaim death to all Americans. You have your belief that America is evil. Perhaps you were a Bin Laden supporter for he certainly would have agreed with your analysis.

The US did go into Iraq (a muslim country) without Iraq being any threat to the US in fact it was a former friend and alli in the Iran Iraq war.

And the US proclaimed death to Bin Laden, another former friend when they trained and supplied the Talaban with weapons when Russia was in Afganastan.

Now we see them and NATO bombing Libya, another former friend seen recently shaking hands with the British PM and French President.

Now Syria is being handed sanctions.

Perhaps it dosent pay to be a friend of the US.

Dont have to be a Bin Laden supporter to see what the, almost bankrupt, US is doing.

Are you actually comparing the use of financial sanctions against Syria to terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims around the world?

That's really odd.

More like very desperate for ANY opposing rationality...


God Bless America! This is truly a great day. It would be great to be in NY right now. This day came because of Guantanamo and waterboards and all the other stuff that US bashers whine about . Where did the information come from that made this possible? Only thing I am sorry is that Bin Loser died too easy, and now US will probably have to pay a fine for polluting the ocean. Today I am very proud of America and US Navy and now conspiracy nuts can drone on but nothing can change the fact that this is a great day and justice is finally done.

Dream on... 6d647fd45fd67cd6bb0f9dcf509a8e92.gif

So proud of America and the US Navy????? Well I am glad that America and the US and thier navy have been fighting the war on terror single handed whilst the Aussies, Brits and all the other nations who have been sacrificing thier citizens have been sitting on thier <deleted> doing absolutely nothing.

How about God Bless the Coalition. Not meaning to bash the US but it is this self centred attitude from them that causes the US to be bashed. How abot just a tiny little bit of respect for all the fine soldiers from other nations who have died just so the US can claim 100% of the glory. To show just a little respect is not to much to ask is it?

We do appreciate the contributions of the Coalition partners and give credit where credit is due. But this was a strictly a USA Home Grown, good ole boy operation from the intelligence gathering to the implementation. In fact, the reason this operation was a complete success is for the very fact that we didn't share our intelligence or operational plans with ANYONE.

We are not a "self centered" country as you say. As a people (Who are comprised of immigrants from England, Australia, Scotland, (We have a hugh Scott's heritage in America) France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Finland, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, Mexico, South America, India, Pakistan, all of the countries in the Middle East, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Burma, Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam, and most of all of the other countries in the world (Did I leave anyone else out who is important?) we are the most generous and giving both financially and in volunteers and services to other countries in the world, bar none. Don't believe me check the statistics yourself. More of our soldiers have laid down their lives protecting and liberating other countries than any other nation on earth. For a recent example ask the free people of Kuwait how it is they are free and not occupied by Iraq? And neither are they occupied by the USA. We liberated them and left. For other examples lets look to the French who we liberated in WWII. They never repaid us or thanked us. Thats gratitude. Hey? Once in a while it would be nice to get a little pat on the back instead of whining and complaints or back handed complements. America is a just a little fed up with the complaining and crying by all you mamby pamby commie, pinko, nancy boys and girls. One Julian Assange, from Australia strangely enough comes to mind. I'm so teed off with all you ungrateful SOB's I'm starting a "Let's thank America Campaign." Every week from now until the end of the year I want all Thai Visa Menbers and the whole world to, face west, get down on one knee and genuflect in appreciation to America. We'll start Next week and recognize one great American who changed the modern world. I think a good candidate would be Willis Carrier, the inventor ot the modern air conditioner. Every time a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddist, Athiest, Pagan or Christian from another country turn's on the A/C in their first, second or third world hovel I want them to think of and thank Willis Carrier, a Scottsman and a proud American. Here! Here! God bless America. All Hail the greatest nation state in the world. Stay tuned for next weeks lesson.


Don't be an arse, If the US didn't keep to Islamic law this could be seen as a religious killing, it wasn't it was a terrorist leader killed for his actions, not because he was a Muslim, end of story .

Thry can't win whatever they do. A rapid burial and the conspiracy theorists have a field day, delay and the religious nutters do likewise. Incidentally it would be very helpful if as many mainstream Imans as possible state clearly Bin Laden was a criminal and not a martyr - perhaps this has indeed happened as well as prior condemnation of Al Qaeda, but I haven't noticed much of this from the media.

How about just showing us the body?

But no, they just threw the body in the sea when nobody was looking. Very convenient.

I am just amazed at how gullible people are to just suck all this BS up without questioning it.

As Zbignew Zbrinski predicted, we have the situation where the general population is incapable of independent thought and relies on the media to do their reasoning for them.


But this was a strictly a USA Home Grown, good ole boy operation from the intelligence gathering to the implementation.

Didn't you crash your transport on the way in ??....cheesy.gif


We do appreciate the contributions of the Coalition partners and give credit where credit is due. But this was a strictly a USA Home Grown, good ole boy operation from the intelligence gathering to the implementation. In fact, the reason this operation was a complete success is for the very fact that we didn't share our intelligence or operational plans with ANYONE.

We are not a "self centered" country as you say. As a people (Who are comprised of immigrants from England, Australia, Scotland, (We have a hugh Scott's heritage in America) France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Finland, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, Mexico, South America, India, Pakistan, all of the countries in the Middle East, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Burma, Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam, and most of all of the other countries in the world (Did I leave anyone else out who is important?) we are the most generous and giving both financially and in volunteers and services to other countries in the world, bar none. Don't believe me check the statistics yourself. More of our soldiers have laid down their lives protecting and liberating other countries than any other nation on earth. For a recent example ask the free people of Kuwait how it is they are free and not occupied by Iraq? And neither are they occupied by the USA. We liberated them and left. For other examples lets look to the French who we liberated in WWII. They never repaid us or thanked us. Thats gratitude. Hey? Once in a while it would be nice to get a little pat on the back instead of whining and complaints or back handed complements. America is a just a little fed up with the complaining and crying by all you mamby pamby commie, pinko, nancy boys and girls. One Julian Assange, from Australia strangely enough comes to mind. I'm so teed off with all you ungrateful SOB's I'm starting a "Let's thank America Campaign." Every week from now until the end of the year I want all Thai Visa Menbers and the whole world to, face west, get down on one knee and genuflect in appreciation to America. We'll start Next week and recognize one great American who changed the modern world. I think a good candidate would be Willis Carrier, the inventor ot the modern air conditioner. Every time a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddist, Athiest, Pagan or Christian from another country turn's on the A/C in their first, second or third world hovel I want them to think of and thank Willis Carrier, a Scottsman and a proud American. Here! Here! God bless America. All Hail the greatest nation state in the world. Stay tuned for next weeks lesson.

May I please petition the Mods for a "vomiting" smiley?


What is your source for the statement that Afghanistan offered to hand over Bin Laden on two occasions and that Bush did not accept the Taliban's offer?

Second offer:

Try this one to begin with, a UK newspaper http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bush-rejects-taliban-offer-to-surrender-bin-laden-631436.html If you read the whole story, it might refresh your memory as it was nearly ten years ago.

It was also in the Washington Post at the same time http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20011014/aponline135016_000.htm although containing less detail about what else was happening at the time

First offer:

It was even raised in a White House press conference nearly seven months BEFORE the September 11th attacks on this video

Believe me, I'm happy he's gone. I'm not trying to score points against you but I just think it all could have been ended a lot sooner. Now, I just hope they release pictures and a video soon to silence the doubters.

God bless America. We love you guys, just not some of your press or your more "hawkish" politicians. :jap:


Lets see if Osama releases another video, somehow I think it will be a very long wait...

Yes especially since he has not released a verifiable video or audio since 2001

What does that then suggest?

Does a man as vocal as he run silent all these years during all these Middle East uprisings?

Not a snowballs chance in hell ;)


I condone enhanced interrogation techniques that results in saving lives.

Agree to disagree then.......we are allowed to have an opinion

I have repeated many times.........Honor or don't honor the law that we as Americans are signatories to.

But dont try to twist it to justify our needs.

Easy to say we only use it to stop mass murder & they do not.

Our ends justify our needs?

Calling torture "enhanced Interrogation" does not change it for any reason.

You want to change the laws? Start


Now Syria is being handed sanctions.

And for good reasons...how many innocent civilians have been killed so far there? Or do you suggest the US should send in weapons to the government to help out?


I condone ctechniques that results in saving lives.

I have repeated many times.........Honor or don't honor the law that we as Americans are signatories to.

Only THREE terrorists were water boarded and they were all senior al Qaeda leaders with thousands of deaths of innocents on their heads.

I feel no pity for these murderers - at all - and information that prevented several terrorist attacks and resulted in the death of their leader Bin Ladin was obtained.

Using enhanced interrogation on average suspects would be wrong, but there was no doubt about these big shot's guilt or that they had knowledge that could save many lives. The President's first duty is to protect Americans and he did his duty as he saw fit.


Lets see if Osama releases another video, somehow I think it will be a very long wait...

Someone on one of the TV Networks said that he relased a final one right before he died and that it would be seen soon. ;)


I have repeated many times.........Honor or don't honor the law that we as Americans are signatories to.

Only THREE terrorists were water boarded and they were all senior al Qaeda leaders with thousands of deaths of innocents on their heads.

I feel no pity for these murderers - at all - and information that prevented several terrorist attacks and resulted in the death of their leader Bin Ladin was obtained.

Using enhanced interrogation on average suspects would be wrong, but there was no doubt about these big shot's guilt or that they had knowledge that could save many lives. The President's first duty is to protect Americans and he did his duty as he saw fit.

I will have to agree to disagree with you on this.

While I do not feel pity for any murderer.......

I do not view laws as light switches that can be switched on & off to suit individual purposes.

Purposes may later be twisted to suit the flipping of the switch

Nor do I subscribe to any explanation that would claim

"well xxx does not honor the laws so why should we"

If this would be the reason to sidestep any law in the world one would only need point to the 1st criminal one saw

& use that as a reason to flip the switch of law to off.

Lastly not to stray O.T. but, if the Presidents main purpose is to protect Americans then there are so many ways to start....yet in many ways he does not.

Again this is just my opinion & you have every right to yours also.


I condone enhanced interrogation techniques that results in saving lives.

Agree to disagree then.......we are allowed to have an opinion

I have repeated many times.........Honor or don't honor the law that we as Americans are signatories to.

But dont try to twist it to justify our needs.

Easy to say we only use it to stop mass murder & they do not.

Our ends justify our needs?

Calling torture "enhanced Interrogation" does not change it for any reason.

You want to change the laws? Start

I appreciate your respect for the rule of law although I believe it is misplaced. Where I absolutely take exception with you is your claim that enhanced interrogation does not save lives. It's been proven that it has and it very most likely did in the case of Bin Laden, unless you are under the misconception that he was retired. There is a difference between Japan's use of waterboarding and murder of U.S. soldiers and waterboarding by U.S. intelligence against captured terrorists.


I appreciate your respect for the rule of law although I believe it is misplaced. Where I absolutely take exception with you is your claim that enhanced interrogation does not save lives.

Well then we have no disagreement as I never claimed it did not save lives.


I appreciate your respect for the rule of law although I believe it is misplaced. Where I absolutely take exception with you is your claim that enhanced interrogation does not save lives.

Well then we have no disagreement as I never claimed it did not save lives.

I misunderstood your statement:

Easy to say we only use it to stop mass murder & they do not.

I misinterpreted your use of the word 'they' as referring to the interrogation techniques.


I misunderstood your statement:

Easy to say we only use it to stop mass murder & they do not.

Yes perhaps I phrased it poorly but I meant they (others)

could also make the claim that they torture to gain info to save lives.


Yes perhaps I phrased it poorly but I meant they (others)

could also make the claim that they torture to gain info to save lives.

Very true, but they torture regularly anyway - and far worse than water boarding.

Let's save our pity for an enemy that tries to follow the rules and has a little compassion for innocent human beings, rather than targeting them with highjacked airplanes and suicide bombs.


Yes perhaps I phrased it poorly but I meant they (others)

could also make the claim that they torture to gain info to save lives.

Very true, but they torture regularly anyway - and far worse than water boarding.

Let's save our pity for an enemy that tries to follow the rules and has a little compassion for innocent human beings, rather than targeting them with highjacked airplanes and suicide bombs.

Again I do not pity them but thought I made myself clear I do not agree with the reason you feel makes it right for us to break the law because they do.

Nor do I subscribe to any explanation that would claim

"well xxx does not honor the laws so why should we"

If this would be the reason to sidestep any law in the world one would only need point to the 1st criminal one saw

& use that as a reason to flip the switch of law to off.

I assure you I understand your opinion. I just do not share it.


God Bless America! This is truly a great day. It would be great to be in NY right now. This day came because of Guantanamo and waterboards and all the other stuff that US bashers whine about . Where did the information come from that made this possible? Only thing I am sorry is that Bin Loser died too easy, and now US will probably have to pay a fine for polluting the ocean. Today I am very proud of America and US Navy and now conspiracy nuts can drone on but nothing can change the fact that this is a great day and justice is finally done.

Dream on... 6d647fd45fd67cd6bb0f9dcf509a8e92.gif

So proud of America and the US Navy????? Well I am glad that America and the US and thier navy have been fighting the war on terror single handed whilst the Aussies, Brits and all the other nations who have been sacrificing thier citizens have been sitting on thier <deleted> doing absolutely nothing.

How about God Bless the Coalition. Not meaning to bash the US but it is this self centred attitude from them that causes the US to be bashed. How abot just a tiny little bit of respect for all the fine soldiers from other nations who have died just so the US can claim 100% of the glory. To show just a little respect is not to much to ask is it?

We do appreciate the contributions of the Coalition partners and give credit where credit is due. But this was a strictly a USA Home Grown, good ole boy operation from the intelligence gathering to the implementation. In fact, the reason this operation was a complete success is for the very fact that we didn't share our intelligence or operational plans with ANYONE.

We are not a "self centered" country as you say. As a people (Who are comprised of immigrants from England, Australia, Scotland, (We have a hugh Scott's heritage in America) France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Finland, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, Mexico, South America, India, Pakistan, all of the countries in the Middle East, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Burma, Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam, and most of all of the other countries in the world (Did I leave anyone else out who is important?) we are the most generous and giving both financially and in volunteers and services to other countries in the world, bar none. Don't believe me check the statistics yourself. More of our soldiers have laid down their lives protecting and liberating other countries than any other nation on earth. For a recent example ask the free people of Kuwait how it is they are free and not occupied by Iraq? And neither are they occupied by the USA. We liberated them and left. For other examples lets look to the French who we liberated in WWII. They never repaid us or thanked us. Thats gratitude. Hey? Once in a while it would be nice to get a little pat on the back instead of whining and complaints or back handed complements. America is a just a little fed up with the complaining and crying by all you mamby pamby commie, pinko, nancy boys and girls. One Julian Assange, from Australia strangely enough comes to mind. I'm so teed off with all you ungrateful SOB's I'm starting a "Let's thank America Campaign." Every week from now until the end of the year I want all Thai Visa Menbers and the whole world to, face west, get down on one knee and genuflect in appreciation to America. We'll start Next week and recognize one great American who changed the modern world. I think a good candidate would be Willis Carrier, the inventor ot the modern air conditioner. Every time a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddist, Athiest, Pagan or Christian from another country turn's on the A/C in their first, second or third world hovel I want them to think of and thank Willis Carrier, a Scottsman and a proud American. Here! Here! God bless America. All Hail the greatest nation state in the world. Stay tuned for next weeks lesson.

as you seem so willing to quote history and berating the ''ungrateful'', you should remember that if it wasn't for the French, you good ole boys would still be singing Rule Britannia......


I condone ctechniques that results in saving lives.

I have repeated many times.........Honor or don't honor the law that we as Americans are signatories to.

Only THREE terrorists were water boarded and they were all senior al Qaeda leaders with thousands of deaths of innocents on their heads.

I feel no pity for these murderers - at all - and information that prevented several terrorist attacks and resulted in the death of their leader Bin Ladin was obtained.

Using enhanced interrogation on average suspects would be wrong, but there was no doubt about these big shot's guilt or that they had knowledge that could save many lives. The President's first duty is to protect Americans and he did his duty as he saw fit.

me neither UG, the worlds full of PC do gooders and we are the worse for it

it sickens me the lengths people go to to defend these peoples human rights

what about the rights of the law abiding citizens who are in the majority?

what about us?

pass the board and water over........

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