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Getting Back Sinsod After Divorce


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If it was between 2 Thais I would say there were a chance, but with a farang I would say no chance.

My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

She ran away from him whenever he advanced towards her, she was scared.

To cut a long story short the guy complained and the marriage ended but most of the 40,000 was spent so my wife's dad had to give up some land.

Maybe there was some loss of face somewhere along the line but Papa didn't hold it against her. Now, 20 years on they all laugh about it... :cheesy:

I suppose when it's hard cash it burns a hole in many peoples pockets

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maybe we should run a thread on Farang's not having forward thinking abilities...

or speculate on the likelihood of regaining your virginity after intercourse.

I still have my virginity. Got two kids to prove it as well! :whistling:

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maybe we should run a thread on Farang's not having forward thinking abilities...

or speculate on the likelihood of regaining your virginity after intercourse.

I still have my virginity. Got two kids to prove it as well! :whistling:


So the neighbor did some good work ?

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Sinsod once given belongs to the girls parents.

They may choose to return it as a gift to the COUPLE. Emphasis on choose and couple. They aren't required to and it's not quite the norm. These days the more well to do tend to give back for the couple to use in their new life together.

But it's not generally returned upon divorce. Not ever heard of. The story where it was mentioned that it was returned is a different scenario, as essentially the marriage was never consummated. (similar to an annulment I suppose?)

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My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

And many years later, she discovered Farangs, a never ending stream of income, smart girl. :)

Edited by MrsMills
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My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

And many years later, she discovered Farangs, a never ending stream of income, smart girl. :)

And a second lot of sin sod, no doubt. ;)

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OP. It's like gambling.If you bet on the wrong team, you can't go back to the bookie and tell him

that you made a mistake, and want your money back. :rolleyes:

Ehhh,..in case you haven't visited Lumpini boxing stadium I suggest you pay that establishment a visit. Pay special notice to all the fights going on in the gallery. Yes, all fights between all pissed off Thais who wants to change their bet now when they realise their man is about to get his arse kicked. So from changing a bet-perspective that would fit in nicely with Thais...
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My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

And many years later, she discovered Farangs, a never ending stream of income, smart girl. :)

And a second lot of sin sod, no doubt. ;)

I'm sure she married some young handsome Thai guy for the money and not love , then a few years later she married some wrinkly old Farang for love not money ! B)

Gotta laugh sometimes. :D

Edited by MrsMills
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My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

And many years later, she discovered Farangs, a never ending stream of income, smart girl. :)

And a second lot of sin sod, no doubt. ;)

I'm sure she married some young handsome Thai guy for the money and not love , then a few years later she married some wrinkly old Farang for love not money ! B)

Gotta laugh sometimes. :D

I think that is a very cynical view.

I am sure most Thai marriages are arranged and after a few years, of suffering heavy drinking and adultery, it is breath of fresh air and a blessed relief to find a Farang who is prepared to look after the poor girl.

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just a quick comment on this:

The parents should return the sinsod back to you immediately after the marriage.

So looks like wrong timing.

For your present situation I agree with the other posters that your chance is probably zero positive: 0+ (i.e. still in the realm of non-zero real numbers, but so small that the value is assimilated to zero).

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just a quick comment on this:

The parents should return the sinsod back to you immediately after the marriage.

So looks like wrong timing.

For your present situation I agree with the other posters that your chance is probably zero positive: 0+ (i.e. still in the realm of non-zero real numbers, but so small that the value is assimilated to zero).

Anybody actually seen this happen ?

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I've always had the understanding this was exactly what the sinsod is for - a kind of replacement for the alimony wives would get in the west that they don't get here - so of course it won't be returned.

Exactly. It's so that if the man does a runner the wife isn't left homeless and broke.

Eh?? :huh: I thought most were like this when you met em in the first place :blink: ??

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just a quick comment on this:

The parents should return the sinsod back to you immediately after the marriage.

So looks like wrong timing.

For your present situation I agree with the other posters that your chance is probably zero positive: 0+ (i.e. still in the realm of non-zero real numbers, but so small that the value is assimilated to zero).

Anybody actually seen this happen ?

My brother in law borrowed gold from his boss for the ceremony. He was a bit nervous about it but the gold was returned to him.

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just a quick comment on this:

The parents should return the sinsod back to you immediately after the marriage.

So looks like wrong timing.

For your present situation I agree with the other posters that your chance is probably zero positive: 0+ (i.e. still in the realm of non-zero real numbers, but so small that the value is assimilated to zero).

Anybody actually seen this happen ?

There's been numerous claimants of this happening among the overwhelming amount of TV'ers who have university-educated, Thai-Chinese, working executive, hi-so wives.

The few that admit they married a mad as a cut snake Isaan Princess have been less forthcoming.

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I think that is a very cynical view.

I am sure most Thai marriages are arranged and after a few years, of suffering heavy drinking and adultery, it is breath of fresh air and a blessed relief to find a Farang who is prepared to look after the poor girl.

bwahhhh haaahaaahaaaahaaaa :lol:

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A month after the marriage, the mother-in-law wanted to ship him off to Dubai (solo) for work, but for some odd reason he wanted to stay longer with his new bride.

Wow, the MIL wanted the SIL to get off his ass and actually get a job??? The insanity!! Absolutely grounds for divorce.

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I think that is a very cynical view.

I am sure most Thai marriages are arranged and after a few years, of suffering heavy drinking and adultery, it is breath of fresh air and a blessed relief to find a Farang who is prepared to look after the poor girl.

bwahhhh haaahaaahaaaahaaaa :lol:

Don't laugh, Boo. This is a common affliction and has, in some medical circles, been classified as a disease. It's extremely common in tourist areas among farangs who interact with girls who, shall we say, are down-on-their-luck. It's called the "Knight-in-shining-armor-syndrome." The patient becomes convinced that he and he alone (or someone who shares his skin color) can save the downtrodden maiden (read hooker) from a life of misery and abject poverty. In a majority of the cases, the patient will lose a small fortune (and his dignity), but sadly, many never (or refuse to) recover from this affliction and continue along the same delusional path. Disclaimer: Written with tongue firmly in cheek. :jap:

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The thing that makes me laugh is that a lot of these girls have either been married before or had previous childrem, so you shouldn't be paying a single baht as a sin sot in the first place.. :whistling:

Second hand cars are quite expensive in Thailand.

Why should a second hand wife be free?

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I think that is a very cynical view.

I am sure most Thai marriages are arranged and after a few years, of suffering heavy drinking and adultery, it is breath of fresh air and a blessed relief to find a Farang who is prepared to look after the poor girl.

bwahhhh haaahaaahaaaahaaaa :lol:


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maybe we should run a thread on Farang's not having forward thinking abilities...

You still look like my ex-father-in-law, Samran, to whom I refused to pay sin-sod.

Now, excuse me, I'm at Starbucks, a baeuty just walked in and smiled at me and I must go strike up a conversation with my future-ex-wife.

How's that for forward thinking?


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My wife married a local guy when she was 18 years old. She did it for the money, to help her family. The sin sod was 40,000 baht.

And many years later, she discovered Farangs, a never ending stream of income, smart girl. :)

And a second lot of sin sod, no doubt. ;)

I'm sure she married some young handsome Thai guy for the money and not love , then a few years later she married some wrinkly old Farang for love not money ! B)

Gotta laugh sometimes. :D

Gotta laugh sometimes at a couple of rude, arrogant and ignorant <deleted> slagging off some guys wife. Card-carrying members of the Really Sad Bastards Club no doubt.

Edited by NanLaew
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maybe we should run a thread on Farang's not having forward thinking abilities...

You still look like my ex-father-in-law, Samran, to whom I refused to pay sin-sod.

Now, excuse me, I'm at Starbucks, a baeuty just walked in and smiled at me and I must go strike up a conversation with my future-ex-wife.

How's that for forward thinking?


PM me if she has a younger sister, OK?

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One ex-girlfriend: She hadn't been married, had a child, worked massage (read hooker) and I'd already discussed Sinsot with her and decided that I wasn't going to pay very much, if at all. She did have a house which I invested a few baht in. When we broke up she wanted 20,000B but she made such a ruckus that I told her to go jump, with a Thai friend sitting next to me, who told her if she wanted a problem my friend would pull so strings to get her locked up for a few days. We never broke up about Sinsot, we had other differences of opinion and my distaste for your sower old, meddling, sister.

Fast forward a year or so. We are on talking terms, and she just got married to a man. He has known her a few months (in person) and paid somewhere between 600,000 - 1,000,000B to marry her (depends on if you ask him or her). She told my new girlfriend I was a tight-arse when we where having dinner together (2 couples), and was happy to let her pay ;-) In a few days they will be living together, in his country, for the first time. I wish them luck.

If you are negotiating something like sinsot without knowing the full cultural ramification or the lady long enough to know she is going to look after you. You kind of deserve to be taken for a ride, just so you remember not to do it again.

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That's not always true. I know of more than a few Thai guys who have married within their age group and who aren't necessarily shabby looking who had to pay sin sod. One in particular had to pay several hundred thousand and was forced to borrow most of the money from various family and friends just so he could get married. And no, the money was not returned.

One of the problems with sin sod is that there is no universal definition of what it is. Surprise in Thailand, right? In some communities it was normal to return it to the newly weds. In others it was given back to the bride as a nest egg should things go pear shaped. In others the parents keep it as a gratuity for raising such a fine daughter.

For the OP, tell your buddy that the sin sod is probably a lot cheaper than alimony payments and turning over half his assets which is what would happen back in Farangland.

Sin sod is just a way for an otherwise undesirable guy to get a wife. Why else would you pay knowing full well that sin sod should normally be returned (original way)

Hansum man you no need pay dowry

True.. if you marry within your age and looks range you usually don't have to pay dowry. If you want a 20yo stripper while your 60 and 300lbs the chances are a lot higher you have to pay it.

Then its just something to line the pockets of the girls family. The original sin sod was returned to the couple by giving them a house and some land.

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I think that is a very cynical view.

I am sure most Thai marriages are arranged and after a few years, of suffering heavy drinking and adultery, it is breath of fresh air and a blessed relief to find a Farang who is prepared to look after the poor girl.

bwahhhh haaahaaahaaaahaaaa :lol:

Don't laugh, Boo. This is a common affliction and has, in some medical circles, been classified as a disease. It's extremely common in tourist areas among farangs who interact with girls who, shall we say, are down-on-their-luck. It's called the "Knight-in-shining-armor-syndrome." The patient becomes convinced that he and he alone (or someone who shares his skin color) can save the downtrodden maiden (read hooker) from a life of misery and abject poverty. In a majority of the cases, the patient will lose a small fortune (and his dignity), but sadly, many never (or refuse to) recover from this affliction and continue along the same delusional path. Disclaimer: Written with tongue firmly in cheek. :jap:

perhaps boo was laughing at the notion that a white skinned adulterous ale-cart is any different from the darker skinned variety.

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Why does every topic have to be about a friend?

Why are you asking? Don't you have any friends?

For the OP, the time to get the sin sot back is shortly after the wedding. It's 'show money' after all. Don't tell me your friend actually let the in-laws hold on to the lot?

Doesn't ANYONE read these endless sin sot posts???!!!!

I will be the first to admit that I don't mix in the upper class of Thai society however "show money" is the last description of sinsod that I have come across !!

Never known it to be given back-ever !

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That's exactly what it is. Show money.

Now I can't talk about the dirt streets of Issan but here in the big mango that's how it works. The parents normally kick it in as a wedding gift.

However none of this should be worked out "after". Just like any contract you should ask for the details prior to a trip to the gold shop.

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That's exactly what it is. Show money.

Now I can't talk about the dirt streets of Issan but here in the big mango that's how it works. The parents normally kick it in as a wedding gift.

However none of this should be worked out "after". Just like any contract you should ask for the details prior to a trip to the gold shop.

When negotiating sinsod I wanted to know if I was going to get it all back or not. i.e. was it simply 'show money' or was it money I was about to loose....

My wife pointed out her mothers distaste at my missing the point and that the return of sinsod is not something to be discussed (I'm not sure I get that point).

Regardless, all the sinsod was returned along with a gift of land... Perhapse the distaste on the MIL's part was my tarnished opinion of sinsod after reading too many of the negative posts on this forum.

If you marry into a good family (i.e. with mutual respect) sinsod really shouldn't be an issue.

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