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Whats Trink Up To These Days?


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I was wondering what Trink was up to now that his website has gone and he has no paper to write for.

Anyone got any ideas?

Is he wandering the bars, and pacing through the supermarkets of Bangkok, a forlorn, Eleanor Rigbyesque figure, notebook in hand, making notes for a column that nobody will read, or is he sat by the pool in blessed retirement?

Edited by ProfessorFart
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From his website www.idontgiveahoot.net

"Like him or Hate him, Trink is as much a part of Bangkok as the Temple of Dawn. When Trink first started writing for the Bangkok Post, the best way up Sathorn was by Row-boat. Since then, this column published exclusively in the Bangkok Post has been his prime source of income. Since he was, well, dropped, by the Post, many thought the column would be gone. But with 30,000 readers each week, Trink thought otherwise. We ask you to help support this column with a token fee, amounting to less than 25 cents per week, to help keep Trink off the streets and in the Bars"

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From his website www.idontgiveahoot.net

"Like him or Hate him, Trink is as much a part of Bangkok as the Temple of Dawn. When Trink first started writing for the Bangkok Post, the best way up Sathorn was by Row-boat. Since then, this column published exclusively in the Bangkok Post has been his prime source of income. Since he was, well, dropped, by the Post, many thought the column would be gone. But with 30,000 readers each week, Trink thought otherwise. We ask you to help support this column with a token fee, amounting to less than 25 cents per week, to help keep Trink off the streets and in the Bars"

He was dropped because he became very repetitious (?) and half the column was filled with old jokes and Burma ads

it is thought that he actually never went to the bars any more, just asked other people to let him know what was happening

he still had the occasional burst of magic, but not very often :o

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From his website www.idontgiveahoot.net

"Like him or Hate him, Trink is as much a part of Bangkok as the Temple of Dawn. When Trink first started writing for the Bangkok Post, the best way up Sathorn was by Row-boat. Since then, this column published exclusively in the Bangkok Post has been his prime source of income. Since he was, well, dropped, by the Post, many thought the column would be gone. But with 30,000 readers each week, Trink thought otherwise. We ask you to help support this column with a token fee, amounting to less than 25 cents per week, to help keep Trink off the streets and in the Bars"

He was dropped because he became very repetitious (?) and half the column was filled with old jokes and Burma ads

it is thought that he actually never went to the bars any more, just asked other people to let him know what was happening

he still had the occasional burst of magic, but not very often :D

Probably a bit jaded by now. :o

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Hopefully they have an overseas pension coming in. Otherwise they either go home or turn into those sad buggers who beg from other farungs in Patpong and Pattaya.

Always had a huge distaste for the lack of real writing ability Trink displayed but his having to leave Thailand would seem really cruel, and there's nothing sadder than a former legend reduced to begging. I hope it works out for him.


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From his website www.idontgiveahoot.net

"Like him or Hate him, Trink is as much a part of Bangkok as the Temple of Dawn. When Trink first started writing for the Bangkok Post, the best way up Sathorn was by Row-boat. Since then, this column published exclusively in the Bangkok Post has been his prime source of income. Since he was, well, dropped, by the Post, many thought the column would be gone. But with 30,000 readers each week, Trink thought otherwise. We ask you to help support this column with a token fee, amounting to less than 25 cents per week, to help keep Trink off the streets and in the Bars"

The above blurb was written when his web-site stopped being free and the charge to view was US$12 per year (which I paid).

After a year, it then became free again, then he suddenly went off the air with no explanations.

His column had got boring, just lists and recycled jokes and his crack-pot theories of why HIV had nothing to do with AIDS. The poor old duffer is now in his mid-seventies.

I was a fan of his since 1981. What I can't forgive, is him not having the common courtesy to inform his many readers why he was calling it a day, or, replying to e-mails I sent him.

Anyway, the new Trink is Stickman. He fulfills all the previous duties of Trink and at least he is more in touch with the world as it is today.

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Hang on a minute.... where's all this about begging coming from?

The man was in full employment for decades, at the height of his popularity he had several pages dedicated to his various columns. He has had a very successful career as a journalist in Thailand and I would be very surprised if he didn't have a reasonable in country pension/provident fund.

As for

the lack of real writing ability Trink displayed
, I beg to differ. He has on more than one occasion produced work that has been extremely well written, I'm thinking in particular about his impressions and recollections of his earlier days in BKK, something I only wish he would write about.

Apart from the quality he is capable of, he has also established his own very particular style and left us all with a whole set of Trinkisms that describe aspects of Thailand and life in Thailand in a way no one else has ever done.

Yes he hung on to an old formula for too long. But who can doubt he is a legend in the Thailand expat/Asia Expat world.

He is also something else that is becoming far too rare, a 'Character'.

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Hopefully they have an overseas pension coming in. Otherwise they either go home or turn into those sad buggers who beg from other farungs in Patpong and Pattaya.

Always had a huge distaste for the lack of real writing ability Trink displayed but his having to leave Thailand would seem really cruel, and there's nothing sadder than a former legend reduced to begging. I hope it works out for him.


From reading Stickman's interview with Trink and rumours from a couple of other sources, it seems that the poor old bloke is in fairly dire financial straights. Apparently there were very few paying subscribers to his website, which was the reason he let it die. From the archives of his website dated 01 April 2005:

Due to lack of support on the site, Trink's column is on hold. We are looking for someone to assist with the re-typing of the column into computer format every week. If you think you can help keep it alive then please contact us at [email protected]

The English language press in Thailand is not exactly renowned for the generous salaries paid to its journalists and columnists. So after a lifetime spent in Thailand, the man often billed as "the most famous farang in Thailand" has only a penurious old-age to look forward to. Sad. And a salutory lesson for other farangs.

Edited by Rumpole
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Trink is undoubtedly a legend. The problem is he wrote for farangs. Thais don't give a ###### for all his glory. Really, what did he contribute to the country from Thais' point of view?

Thais are the sweetest people when it comes to rewards for years of service. Unfortunately his service wasn't to Thais.

Is it true that he still writes book reviews? He wrote movie reviews as well. If he could still write and sell those he could retire. Not in style, but in happiness.

Stickman as new Trink? To me Paul has always had much more sense then the old Trink. He'll be alright when his time comes.

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I used to buy the Bangkok Post when i was in Thailand and read it on the internet beause I liked the way that Bernard Trink wrote.

When the Post dropped Bernard Trink, I dropped the Post as i dont think that much of it as a newspaper.

As for sending money to help him out, I would willingly do so simply for the pleasure that his writing has given me over the years.

From what little I have read of Stickman, all I can do is quote part of a song,

"That don't impress me much".

Unfortunately as you get older you tend to lose your true friends as they tend to die off, most people forget you and the younger generations response is usually "Bernard Who"?

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