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Sin-Sot, With A Twist.


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Pran is 36, has a 15 year old son and is a widow of 8 or so years. From a good family with land, business, condos and generally good jobs. For the record, I am 55 years old.

How much sin sod did the MIL get from the first marriage?

Why do so many farangs buy second hand ladies, can't you guys just find unspoiled ones?

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I would refuse but in the end it could cost the GF her family contacts if the mom goes through with it. Depends on how much the GF wants you if your actions are clear (not paying) then she might loose her family. Its up to her if you are worth it. You have decided she is not worth an extra sin sod and its a scam (i agree). So now its up to her.

Bad situation indeed.

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Can`t understand why so many farangs marry when they come here....puzzles me.

If you fit together well, no need for a paper chase .....been with my beloved for some time now...4 years

No house built, all items in my name (only a honda click) which was a present from me to her.

No money to her family, weekly, monthly or one time lumps...

Told her from the outset, no kids, wont be getting married, therefore no sin sod.....

Yes i feed her, buy her clothes, take her out and all that....but no money to her or her family.......(no kids)

She was working in a 7-11, but next month she starts her new course at the local Uni, and before you ask, she got credit for the course from the Uni...she wouldn`t or didn`t ask me to pay..

So, in a nutshell get yourself out OR tell them no....yes i understand some can play the long game, if they do and for very little, it means to me that after that yes the will be rewarded.....good luck

^+1 pretty much exactly where I am.

I came here with same thoughts, why rush and get married? It seems to me that the OP is caught in "The older man and beautiful younger women sexed a lot " syndrome which is almost like being drugged. You take your better judgment and toss it all out the window. The beauty here is like a powerful narcotic. I also agree with another poster, find a woman who is established with her own assets.

To the OP:

I personally would not want my last say 25 years of life to be a brutal challenge dealing with a MIL. In fact doubt with her badgering you, you will last another 15. Your GF is already sick as you noted. Has to have an effect on you(and probably a hospital bill). My hunch is that this money demand is only the beginning. I mean if you really stepped back... took a big deep breath you would see this for what it is. I am not saying you are not in love. I am not saying to ignore Thai culture and be insensitive but you have to be rational in your decision. At 55 your wisdom should kick in here. How would you handle this back in your home country?

If it is any help I am similar age differential situation as you (50/37). I would never tolerate it. My GF was established, had her own career, own condo, own assets. I did not want to meet someone and have to "raise" them. I cant understand why foreigner men feel compelled to do this. Support is one thing, shelling out endless money is another. I bet if I looked I have not even spent $250K baht in TL living here yet and I have been here nearly full time for 2 years(sans a few trips back to US for personal needs). You said they have money and business etc. You would think they would just want their daughter to be happy, why take money from you? Because you had sex with her? Hmmmmm. Just read what you wrote, the answer is right in front of you.

Sorry to say it but it appears you are falling into the foreigner Meal ticket trap. All that was discussed in your original post appears very superficial, "Sex"..."Her beauty", "You giving money for her to start business" "Mom wanting money for sex to long"....Nothing was mentioned of compatibility, happiness. sharing, loving, life experience etc.

My 2 baht from the nose bleed seats

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Come on 'electrozebra' get a grip man………………..It's as plain as the nose on your face, (I'll take all you said as pucker) I'm sorry to say, but I think you have created this situation or the larger part of it, 250,000 Baht? I believe you have done what so many farang do, without thinking……buy your way into the family, you see yourself as being a nice guy, the family see you as a family pet, a 'buffalo' in the making……..You have cast the dye, no one else! I would bet my left nut the 250K is only the chunk of what you handed out, have you added up the cash you handed out on the drip?

Fact; you gave the mother the encouragement to 'go for gold' sure the mother is a money grabbing sack of shit, your beloved, torn between you and family, if she has not broken free from the 'dark side' (money grabbingfamily) yet…………..news flash, she ant gonna!

It's time to man-up! Time to get some self-respect back and tell your, (extended) family and girlfriend the new rules of this game, the family……………..'Gameover' no more anything, period! Tell the girlfriend to make her mind up, as to what she wants, you or her mother…….. This is not about slitting up a family, it's about getting your life back.

Time to stop eating shit pie mate. If they don't want to play ball, (mother won't) well there are alot of nice girls with nice families out there.

By all means, don't heed my words, but do yourself a favor, get down to the pet store and pick out a collar you like, and make sure it's good fit……….You're going to be wearing it for a while…..Well till your moneys gone.

Edited by Tonto21
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As I am reading this post I am thinking of two general principles of life that have worked for me in the past:

1. People do not change, and

2. When it comes to women (or men) you need to separate them from the herd.

Your mother in law will not change - if she is greedy now, she may calm down for a while, but eventually she will return to her prior habits. Every time there is a situation in the family that requires money, she will be looking squarely at you.

If your girlfriend continues to be under the extreme influence of the family, you will never develop a relationship that is a mix of Western and Thai values (since that is what your relationship is really about).

If you can separate her values from that of the mother-in-law, and you love her, forget about the mother-in-law.

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Well all this talk about Sin-Sot and having to pay to marry a Thai woman is true in a way but mostly 100% BS.....Yes there is the show at the wedding where money is laid down and the women's family collects it...But really this is a show....Any good non scamming Thai family returns the money to the "Farlang". It's really just a money show so everyone thinks the woman has married up in culture....

Now if you marry a poor Thai-Esan farm girl chances are the family will keep the money as they view there daughter just like they view a "money pig" It's something that brings money into some lazy @ss Thai families.

After 15 of marriage I have to say Thai women are no different then American or European women....its all about security.....not much about love...Men get married for love...women get married for security....

As a Farlang you take your spot right below the family dog...555555

If you want your Thai girl to stop having sex....marry her...

Just remember....a good Thai woman is hard to find......and Harder to get rid of...:)

for what its worth

Id have to agree with that one 100% . Actually a BAD one is even harder to get rid of.:rolleyes:

You can see by their actions a lot of these families are very desperate.Do you really want to become involved and have these dramas in your later years?

The first thing i would have asked is...if they have these assets, business interests,condos, ect...then why are they putting the screws on you?

Remind them that since they have land, businesses,assets..they can use these things for the future, whereas you only have your retirement funds and limited income earning potential for your future.

Part of the reason why ask the question is to test your reaction. If you laugh it off, saying you cannot afford to throw money around like this, it will send a better signal then hesitating,saying nothing or telling them you will consider it...doing that only tells them you DO have money, and this is like waving a red flag at a very nasty bull.

What they are doing is simply sounding you out as thier own personal retirement plan...and of course, this comes at the expense of yours.This is true of any family that asks top dollar for second hand goods.

Oh and one other thing..believe HALF of what they tell you to, and even then you will be listening to 12.5% bullsh*t ;)

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Just one thing to add..If you really are serious and want know if she is also genuinely serious about you, the best thing might be to dissapear for a while.

Tell them you are going back home to work as you need more earnings or something....going to visit a sick relative ect

Even if you dont go home, just hoilday at a different location in Thailand for a few months.

This will do two things:

1. Put the possibility in their minds that they have lost you..and it will be interesting to see if/how their behaviour changes.

2. Getting away on your own for a while does wonders.. you will be suprised how much clearer you will think after time on your own..away from their clutches. Youll probably even meet another t-rak inbetween

I have done the dissapearing trick a few times, and as said before...you will NEVER loose them...but you can sort out the gold from the diggers

They will usually keep ringing you with love and devotion ect ect...even while you are away long periods. So what does that tell you?

Of course it goes without saying..you are NOT to give them ANY money while you are away.

If she still sticks by you after all that then you might be onto something...Either that or she is VERY desperate...which makes things even easier :whistling:

PS. I read a poster on here comment once, NEVER marry a thai girl unless you have known her at least 5 years..sagely advice i reckon

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Sin Sot is never paid by Thai men for a 36 yr old, previously married women with a child...........except perhaps in Isaan, where something like a token 30,000 baht is given (and kept) by parents.

Elope with her for a little while and explain to her the necessity of growing up, becoming adult, and emancipating herself from her mother......

Edited by Latindancer
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Can`t understand why so many farangs marry when they come here....puzzles me.

If you fit together well, no need for a paper chase .....been with my beloved for some time now...4 years

No house built, all items in my name (only a honda click) which was a present from me to her.

No money to her family, weekly, monthly or one time lumps...

Told her from the outset, no kids, wont be getting married, therefore no sin sod.....

Yes i feed her, buy her clothes, take her out and all that....but no money to her or her family.......(no kids)

She was working in a 7-11, but next month she starts her new course at the local Uni, and before you ask, she got credit for the course from the Uni...she wouldn`t or didn`t ask me to pay..

So, in a nutshell get yourself out OR tell them no....yes i understand some can play the long game, if they do and for very little, it means to me that after that yes the will be rewarded.....good luck

^+1 pretty much exactly where I am.

I came here with same thoughts, why rush and get married? It seems to me that the OP is caught in "The older man and beautiful younger women sexed a lot " syndrome which is almost like being drugged. You take your better judgment and toss it all out the window. The beauty here is like a powerful narcotic. I also agree with another poster, find a woman who is established with her own assets.

To the OP:

I personally would not want my last say 25 years of life to be a brutal challenge dealing with a MIL. In fact doubt with her badgering you, you will last another 15. Your GF is already sick as you noted. Has to have an effect on you(and probably a hospital bill). My hunch is that this money demand is only the beginning. I mean if you really stepped back... took a big deep breath you would see this for what it is. I am not saying you are not in love. I am not saying to ignore Thai culture and be insensitive but you have to be rational in your decision. At 55 your wisdom should kick in here. How would you handle this back in your home country?

If it is any help I am similar age differential situation as you (50/37). I would never tolerate it. My GF was established, had her own career, own condo, own assets. I did not want to meet someone and have to "raise" them. I cant understand why foreigner men feel compelled to do this. Support is one thing, shelling out endless money is another. I bet if I looked I have not even spent $250K baht in TL living here yet and I have been here nearly full time for 2 years(sans a few trips back to US for personal needs). You said they have money and business etc. You would think they would just want their daughter to be happy, why take money from you? Because you had sex with her? Hmmmmm. Just read what you wrote, the answer is right in front of you.

Sorry to say it but it appears you are falling into the foreigner Meal ticket trap. All that was discussed in your original post appears very superficial, "Sex"..."Her beauty", "You giving money for her to start business" "Mom wanting money for sex to long"....Nothing was mentioned of compatibility, happiness. sharing, loving, life experience etc.

My 2 baht from the nose bleed seats

+1. Excellent post(s). I concur with both of these posters. No need to throw money away. There are too many nice girls in this country that aren't only looking for a meal ticket. Sure women want some security but find one that is an equal to you and can carry some of the financial burden. I don't believe in formal marriage either. No need for it. Protect your assets. Sinsot? Forget that too. I don't know anyone who paid sinsot; only read about it.

In the hospital suffering from stress? !Red Flag! I once (about 25 years ago) had a g/f in America that suffered from stress, drank and took pills, attempted suicide, etc., etc. Do you really want a roller coaster relationship? Once you experience that in your life you are able to spot a red flag a mile away. OP you are 55 years old, a couple of years older than me. Come on, use your head (the one on your shoulders). Don't set yourself for an emotional and financial disaster at this stage in your life.

My wise old uncle who passed away last year repeatedly warned me to choose a partner wisely; one who is emotionally stable and who has her own assets. He married a Chinese woman who fit that criteria. By the time he passed away they had been together for close to 30 years.

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LIke KerryK said, what is the twist? It is just another story of extortion like all the others. You aren't buying any little virgin princess here from some wealthy land owner. You've got a poor widow with a child who needs support, and one who has a greedy, poor mother who wants to meddle in other people's business. How many of those are there in Thailand? The simple answer is LOTS. Help the woman or not, it's your choice, but don't repeat the same old story we've heard time and again.

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If your determined to stay with this girl then you will marry her I'm sure.

Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors when you and your GF are alone so we can't comment on how strong your relationship is.

Tell the old bag you understand and respect Thai culture blah de blah but in the west fathers pay you to take their daughters hence the term in church giving her away.

So you do a compromise agree to pay a Sin Sot but on the proviso it comes back to you. As thats what good families do in Thailand anyway it's just show money to show you can take care of your lady not traditionally a gift for the MIL.

When I married my wife I showed X amount of money got it all back then as an agreed gesture with my wife we gave a small amount to her mum. She wanted to help the Monks pay their bills in the local temple etc so we gave her some back. The rest is in my wifes bank account and we used it as proof of her having money for a Visa for the UK where we are now. However my wife was never married and as far as her mother is concerned never had a boyfriend until me. Very strict Thai buddhist family and she never took any bf to meet them until she took me.

Good families don't want your money only to show their daughter is happy. If as I suspect in this case due to the free sex comment she wants your money and has no respect for you. So I think your offer of a token SS to come back to you will be laughed at.

Your only option however painfull will be to leave your lady because she wont leave the bosom of her family and you just have to find yourself another lady.

This MIL doesn't need your money she just wants it.

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You don't pay any sin sod for a women with kids. Mum has already had it, your lady is second hand goods and mum should be happy she has someone to take care of her daughter and off spring. If they get the hump with you then in your thoughts tell them to get stuffed. If your lady dumps you over mums cash then you have had a result, you know where you actually stand/stood. ;)

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Those who believe that in the West you marry out of pure love, without money issues attached, should have a look at the coming divorce of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Pure love, sure!

In Thailand, if you marry into a poor family, a modest Sin Sod cannot compare to the rip-offs in the West. Therefore pay something to the family, finance a modest party and everybody is happy. Unless you are dirt poor yourself.

In the case of the OP, this is a serious case of blackmail and that would stop me of having a big heart. There are millions of proper girls (with proper) families available in Thailand, and you can always upgrade.

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Those who believe that in the West you marry out of pure love, without money issues attached, should have a look at the coming divorce of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Pure love, sure!

In Thailand, if you marry into a poor family, a modest Sin Sod cannot compare to the rip-offs in the West. Therefore pay something to the family, finance a modest party and everybody is happy. Unless you are dirt poor yourself.

In the case of the OP, this is a serious case of blackmail and that would stop me of having a big heart. There are millions of proper girls (with proper) families available in Thailand, and you can always upgrade.

Well in the case of Arnold it will be completely different. he married a woman much richer, more powerful and more educated then he was and is now. In his case he fuc_ked up so in the court system he will be the one thaqt caused the seperation but I do not think his wife will ask for anything in return and Arnold will want to keep supporting his children. Most other men in the west marry a woman and if he makes enough money will have his wife stay at home and if they end up in divorce he will be required to support his kids for a time . In Thailand it is much different the mothers are selling their duahgter for a price and to men who cant even speak the language and men who expects these women to be better, be submissive and love to have sex.

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If your determined to stay with this girl then you will marry her I'm sure.

Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors when you and your GF are alone so we can't comment on how strong your relationship is.

Tell the old bag you understand and respect Thai culture blah de blah but in the west fathers pay you to take their daughters hence the term in church giving her away.

So you do a compromise agree to pay a Sin Sot but on the proviso it comes back to you. As thats what good families do in Thailand anyway it's just show money to show you can take care of your lady not traditionally a gift for the MIL.

When I married my wife I showed X amount of money got it all back then as an agreed gesture with my wife we gave a small amount to her mum. She wanted to help the Monks pay their bills in the local temple etc so we gave her some back. The rest is in my wifes bank account and we used it as proof of her having money for a Visa for the UK where we are now. However my wife was never married and as far as her mother is concerned never had a boyfriend until me. Very strict Thai buddhist family and she never took any bf to meet them until she took me.

Good families don't want your money only to show their daughter is happy. If as I suspect in this case due to the free sex comment she wants your money and has no respect for you. So I think your offer of a token SS to come back to you will be laughed at.

Your only option however painfull will be to leave your lady because she wont leave the bosom of her family and you just have to find yourself another lady.

This MIL doesn't need your money she just wants it.

"in the west fathers pay you to take their daughters hence the term in church giving her away. " nice and true my brothers then GF parents paid everything for his wedding and vacation.

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Can`t understand why so many farangs marry when they come here....puzzles me.

If you fit together well, no need for a paper chase .....been with my beloved for some time now...4 years

No house built, all items in my name (only a honda click) which was a present from me to her.

No money to her family, weekly, monthly or one time lumps...

Told her from the outset, no kids, wont be getting married, therefore no sin sod.....

Yes i feed her, buy her clothes, take her out and all that....but no money to her or her family.......(no kids)

She was working in a 7-11, but next month she starts her new course at the local Uni, and before you ask, she got credit for the course from the Uni...she wouldn`t or didn`t ask me to pay..

So, in a nutshell get yourself out OR tell them no....yes i understand some can play the long game, if they do and for very little, it means to me that after that yes the will be rewarded.....good luck

^+1 pretty much exactly where I am.

I came here with same thoughts, why rush and get married? It seems to me that the OP is caught in "The older man and beautiful younger women sexed a lot " syndrome which is almost like being drugged. You take your better judgment and toss it all out the window. The beauty here is like a powerful narcotic. I also agree with another poster, find a woman who is established with her own assets.

To the OP:

I personally would not want my last say 25 years of life to be a brutal challenge dealing with a MIL. In fact doubt with her badgering you, you will last another 15. Your GF is already sick as you noted. Has to have an effect on you(and probably a hospital bill). My hunch is that this money demand is only the beginning. I mean if you really stepped back... took a big deep breath you would see this for what it is. I am not saying you are not in love. I am not saying to ignore Thai culture and be insensitive but you have to be rational in your decision. At 55 your wisdom should kick in here. How would you handle this back in your home country?

If it is any help I am similar age differential situation as you (50/37). I would never tolerate it. My GF was established, had her own career, own condo, own assets. I did not want to meet someone and have to "raise" them. I cant understand why foreigner men feel compelled to do this. Support is one thing, shelling out endless money is another. I bet if I looked I have not even spent $250K baht in TL living here yet and I have been here nearly full time for 2 years(sans a few trips back to US for personal needs). You said they have money and business etc. You would think they would just want their daughter to be happy, why take money from you? Because you had sex with her? Hmmmmm. Just read what you wrote, the answer is right in front of you.

Sorry to say it but it appears you are falling into the foreigner Meal ticket trap. All that was discussed in your original post appears very superficial, "Sex"..."Her beauty", "You giving money for her to start business" "Mom wanting money for sex to long"....Nothing was mentioned of compatibility, happiness. sharing, loving, life experience etc.

My 2 baht from the nose bleed seats

+1. Excellent post(s). I concur with both of these posters. No need to throw money away. There are too many nice girls in this country that aren't only looking for a meal ticket. Sure women want some security but find one that is an equal to you and can carry some of the financial burden. I don't believe in formal marriage either. No need for it. Protect your assets. Sinsot? Forget that too. I don't know anyone who paid sinsot; only read about it.

In the hospital suffering from stress? !Red Flag! I once (about 25 years ago) had a g/f in America that suffered from stress, drank and took pills, attempted suicide, etc., etc. Do you really want a roller coaster relationship? Once you experience that in your life you are able to spot a red flag a mile away. OP you are 55 years old, a couple of years older than me. Come on, use your head (the one on your shoulders). Don't set yourself for an emotional and financial disaster at this stage in your life.

My wise old uncle who passed away last year repeatedly warned me to choose a partner wisely; one who is emotionally stable and who has her own assets. He married a Chinese woman who fit that criteria. By the time he passed away they had been together for close to 30 years.

Chinese have emotions? I know they save money but showing emotions is not common.

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Just one thing to add..If you really are serious and want know if she is also genuinely serious about you, the best thing might be to dissapear for a while.

Tell them you are going back home to work as you need more earnings or something....going to visit a sick relative ect

Even if you dont go home, just hoilday at a different location in Thailand for a few months.

This will do two things:

1. Put the possibility in their minds that they have lost you..and it will be interesting to see if/how their behaviour changes.

2. Getting away on your own for a while does wonders.. you will be suprised how much clearer you will think after time on your own..away from their clutches. Youll probably even meet another t-rak inbetween

I have done the dissapearing trick a few times, and as said before...you will NEVER loose them...but you can sort out the gold from the diggers

They will usually keep ringing you with love and devotion ect ect...even while you are away long periods. So what does that tell you?

Of course it goes without saying..you are NOT to give them ANY money while you are away.

If she still sticks by you after all that then you might be onto something...Either that or she is VERY desperate...which makes things even easier :whistling:

PS. I read a poster on here comment once, NEVER marry a thai girl unless you have known her at least 5 years..sagely advice i reckon

Great advice but I bet he is in need of that P _ s _ Y and he wont leave. He is thinking of it day and night and the more drama the more excited he is.

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Pran is 36, has a 15 year old son and is a widow of 8 or so years. From a good family with land, business, condos and generally good jobs. For the record, I am 55 years old.

How much sin sod did the MIL get from the first marriage?

Why do so many farangs buy second hand ladies, can't you guys just find unspoiled ones?

Did MIL kill the first husband? Did first husband kill himself with a gun, fast food or drugs to escape the family drama?

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My wife was previously married but she has never had children. We had discussed sin sot and she decided there would be NO sin sot. She has two married sisters who live and work in Bangkok and two more sisters who live near us. The mother and father live in Loei province.

We were married in Bangkok and had a little party with her sisters and their husbands. We never had a Buddhist wedding and no party. My wife is quite independent and is her own person. Her family knows better than to try to tell her anything. She was 35 years old when we married.

Things were a little cool with her parents for a few months but now they all get along fine. We live in a small village in Loei province and her parents live in the next village. My wife had decided that if her parents wanted to disown her that it was up to them.

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Well in the case of Arnold it will be completely different. he married a woman much richer, more powerful and more educated then he was and is now. In his case he fuc_ked up so in the court system he will be the one thaqt caused the seperation but I do not think his wife will ask for anything in return

In the West, even a rich woman will get huge parts of a man's assets:

HOLLYWOOD, CA (Hollywood Today) 5/20/11 – Arnold Schwarzenegger has terminated his film and TV schedule that included five projects that could have earned him over $100 million.

On the negative side of his cash flow is that most of the money could go to Maria Shriver, who has hired a shark of a divorce lawyer. She could get a settlement of between $200 and $400 million, according to KNBC. They will work it out in mediation to avoid a media-circus court trial.

This is the Western way of Sin Sod. Even if you are not Arnie, you will be fleeced if you are a man.

Keep this in mind when you haggle a few thousand Baht your Thai GF wants. It is nothing compared to a Western divorce.

(and 50-60% of Western women will some day divorce)

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In a situation like this it is quite clear the only answer is to tell the girl you are not going to get married until the MIL dies. Then you ask her if she wants to continue living with you under these circumstances or go your own separate ways. Those are her only options. Stop dragging this out and turning it into some kind of emotional drama. She's a big girl. This is her problem, not yours. She either has the moral fortitude to deal with her mother's greed, or she doesn't. If she doesn't you really don't want to be with her anyway. It will only make your life miserable.

That may not be what you want to hear, but you can't change the situation. Accept it for what it is, and make decisions you do have control over. You'll be happier in the long run.

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Well in the case of Arnold it will be completely different. he married a woman much richer, more powerful and more educated then he was and is now. In his case he fuc_ked up so in the court system he will be the one thaqt caused the seperation but I do not think his wife will ask for anything in return

In the West, even a rich woman will get huge parts of a man's assets:

HOLLYWOOD, CA (Hollywood Today) 5/20/11 – Arnold Schwarzenegger has terminated his film and TV schedule that included five projects that could have earned him over $100 million.

On the negative side of his cash flow is that most of the money could go to Maria Shriver, who has hired a shark of a divorce lawyer. She could get a settlement of between $200 and $400 million, according to KNBC. They will work it out in mediation to avoid a media-circus court trial.

This is the Western way of Sin Sod. Even if you are not Arnie, you will be fleeced if you are a man.

Keep this in mind when you haggle a few thousand Baht your Thai GF wants. It is nothing compared to a Western divorce.

(and 50-60% of Western women will some day divorce)

If he is broke she wont get much and in my case my ex was the more educated one and she gave to me. there are a lot more wealthy women in the west than the affordable retiring countries in the east

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Well in the case of Arnold it will be completely different. he married a woman much richer, more powerful and more educated then he was and is now. In his case he fuc_ked up so in the court system he will be the one thaqt caused the seperation but I do not think his wife will ask for anything in return

In the West, even a rich woman will get huge parts of a man's assets:

HOLLYWOOD, CA (Hollywood Today) 5/20/11 – Arnold Schwarzenegger has terminated his film and TV schedule that included five projects that could have earned him over $100 million.

On the negative side of his cash flow is that most of the money could go to Maria Shriver, who has hired a shark of a divorce lawyer. She could get a settlement of between $200 and $400 million, according to KNBC. They will work it out in mediation to avoid a media-circus court trial.

This is the Western way of Sin Sod. Even if you are not Arnie, you will be fleeced if you are a man.

Keep this in mind when you haggle a few thousand Baht your Thai GF wants. It is nothing compared to a Western divorce.

(and 50-60% of Western women will some day divorce)

If a wealthy man is stupid enough to marry a poor woman much younger than him in the West, then yes, he is going to be fleeced.

Most people in the West though marry spouses from a similar background, wealth bracket etc.

Western divorce laws generally allow for a 50/50 settlement - not a problem unless one party has far more assets than the other.

Edit - incidentally it works the other way around too. Have you read the case about the man in England (pilot) who was convicted of 'manslaughter' for killing his wife? He had signed a pre-nup and at first thought it wouldn't hold through the courts. A court case validating pre-nups changed his mind....

Edited by F1fanatic
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Hello, can you post a recent pic of yourself to see how you look? Maybe that will explain what is going on.

Ignore the above.

Post a picture of the MIL, a list of her assets and required sin sot.

The MIL seems to be the only one with any sense out of the three of you.

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