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The Music Is Over


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Chiang Mai's fledgling music scene has suffered a setback of late due to the crackdown on foreign musicians playing live music in the city. A number of arrests were made during the months of March and April at Guitarman and Northgate, nightspots that have gained cult status within the foreign community, among local Thais as well as tourists. The arrests, which the immigration police have said were an action against people working without the requisite work permits, has created confusion and a small void at a time when Chiang Mai was fast becoming a creative nexus for foreign musicians.

Since the arrests, the expat community, musicians, bar owners, as well as music aficionados, have been voicing their opinions, though mostly in the shadows, debating the issue of whether the arrests were just and in accordance with the law, or whether it is yet another attempt to intimidate foreigners out of money and how much affect it will have on Chiang Mai as a whole. Questions have been raised as to what is exactly illegal concerning playing live music. One of the arrestees at Guitarman was in Thailand for just one night when he was arrested, on the other hand some of the musicians were regulars and have admitted that they were paid for their services, thereby undoubtedly violating the law.

An anonymous musician from a popular foreign band based in Chiang Mai told Citylife that his regular venue is now virtually deserted with no music being performed anymore, "Open mic nights are done, musicians in Chiang Mai are done", he said. He also explained that a large number of foreign musicians have cancelled their gigs out of fear of being arrested by immigration, and a growing number of foreign musicians who have settled or retired in Chiang Mai are leaving as they feel that the city no longer offers what was once a creative hub for performers.

Chiang Mai is currently asking United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) to grant the city 'Creative City Status', a city where cultural and creative activities are an integral part of the city's economic and social functioning. If Chiang Mai is to be internationally recognised as a creative city, would it not be in our interest to promote creativity through music, art, poetry...or even karaoke? On the other hand, the law of the land surely must also be upheld and enforced.

The recent crackdowns are not only affecting foreign musicians in Chiang Mai, but also businesses and local tourism - though to what degree depends on your standpoint regarding this issue. Business owner Toni of Happy Pizza (Chiang Mai-Hod Road, Hang Dong) has been forced to put his pizza and pasta restaurant up for sale, "since the recent musicians arrests in Chiang Mai, I can no longer sing and play music in my own restaurant, this is the reason why I am selling," said Toni.

Basically, the law states that without a valid work permit foreigners can not earn money for a living. And if musicians play regularly in a venue, it can be argued that they are increasing the sales for that business, even though they are not remunerated, therefore they should have a work permit. Tourists cannot reasonably be expected to understand that they may be caught up by the police should they stand up on stage to play a song. And in fact, there is nothing illegal about that act, since they tend to be one-off occurrences. Immigration police are trying to uphold the law whilst musicians, claiming to be unaware of immigration laws, may be risking their freedom and could end up in jail. While naivety can be claimed as a defence, it will not hold up in court.

Ruchuchai Potha, Chiang Mai Employment Office, Department of Work Permits, explains that his department and the immigration police both have the power to arrest for on-the-spot employment breaches. The two departments also employ investigative officers who specifically focus on larger case infractions. When a complaint regarding illegal work activity is lodged to the immigration police it is their duty to investigate, if they fail to follow through it becomes a dereliction of duty. In the case of the Guitarman arrests, an official complaint was made by someone and immigration followed through after investigations. Ruchuchai said there were similar circumstances surrounding the Northgate arrests, although unfortunately an innocent backpacker was swept up in the net without doing anything wrong. While he may have had to go through the legal process following, no charges were laid nor were court appearances required.

So when is 'work' officially considered as employment? Ruchuchai answered, "If you work at home it's none of my business, gardening, sweeping, painting, it's all fine. It's when you perform activities which help someone (or yourself) earn an income, that is not OK." If you were to make furniture at home and gave a set to a restaurant owner friend, that wouldn't be a problem," when asked if one were to make 10 sets for a restaurant, Ruchuchai responded with an ambivalent, "ah..." which I can only assume that means 'not OK'. The second an individual or group begins to promote their work through portals such as websites, posters, etc. regardless of whether they are for profit or not, "things get wrong" says Ruchuchai.


According to the Alien Working Act, B.E. 2551 (2008), any non-Thai nationality may not work inside Thailand for wages or benefit without expressed official permission, i.e. a valid work permit. And while the Labour Department can issue work permits quite easily and with few restrictions, within permitted fields of work, the problem is often the monetary restrictions required by the Immigration Department in issuing visas (a westerner has to earn - and pay taxes and social security on - over 50,000 baht per month to receive a visa). Though musicians 'jamming' for no wages, as one Chiang Mai lawyer put it, is a different matter and a complicated issue. Many foreign musicians may in fact not be accepting payment and are just 'jamming' for enjoyment and therefore not breaking any immigration laws. However, this can be difficult for immigration police to discern who is 'legally' playing, and who is not. Ruchuachai says, "There's a process in place, if you're following it and can prove it, you're innocent. No problem, jamming is OK for sure. No judge is going to punish you for it, but you may have to go through the legal process nonetheless."

Laws like the Alien Working Act, B.E. 2521 (1978), a legislation which includes criteria designed to protect the Thailand domestic labour department, is an example of what kind of factors complicate the issue. Under this legislation, the Department of Employment will consider whether the 'work' could be undertaken by a Thai, whether the foreigner is appropriately qualified and whether the job fits the needs of Thailand. After these factors are considered, the individual requires an organisation such as a company or charity to sponsor them.

Any foreigner with intent to work, or 'jam', can apply for a 15 day temporary work permit through the Department of Work Permits in Chiang Mai. Ruchuachai says, "I'm a reasonable man, we can give permission, the law says if a foreigner is going to work for less than 15 days they can - just come and ask me." Although he makes it sound so easy, we do wonder how many people will take the risk of applying for such permits. Then there is the problem of confusion amongst the government agencies themselves. Ruchuachai claims that his staff are all quite sensible and are not out to get people for minor infractions, but says "that cannot be said about other departments who may have another agenda". He even goes so far as to mention the tourist police in Chiang Mai, who employ foreign 'volunteers' who are technically working without official work permits, "please tell them that that is illegal! They need to come and report to me. The same goes for many government agencies and not-for-profit organisations which employ foreign teachers, also for apparent 'volunteer' duties, again without permits." "We're all going to end up arresting each other soon. Authorities are not respecting our department or the law," he bemoans.

"Basically, the law is the law but it's up to discretion. However, discretion is one thing, everyone has different standards", said Ruchuchai. "Some Thai authorities are too uptight. I don't want to insult them but... you know. I'm happy with my staff, they don't go overboard, they use common sense." It's easy enough to use the term 'common sense' but common sense tends to differ from person to person.

When asked about Citylife's recent Unite for Japan concert, where numerous foreign musicians played to raise money for Japan, he horrified us with his answer, "Citylife could have been fined up to 100,000 baht per musician, next time make sure you ask my permission!"

Where do we draw the line? Even Ruchuachai says "it's hard to answer". It's a catch 22. If all laws in Thailand were as firmly enforced as the current crackdown, people might possess a greater understanding of the law and the consequences, then the foreign music scene in Chiang Mai may not be hit as hard and fear around performing (legally) would minify. However, if that were the case 'jamming' goes out the window and is replaced by foreign musicians stuck in the waiting line at the Department of Work Permits hoping to be granted with the right to 'play legally' for a 15 day period...an artist's dream, huh? The law will never be respected if groups feel they are being targeted and other law-breakers are getting away with far greater crimes.

-- chiangmainews.com


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He even goes so far as to mention the tourist police in Chiang Mai, who employ foreign 'volunteers' who are technically working without official work permits, "please tell them that that is illegal! They need to come and report to me.

Hum 'please tell them'? blink.gif

Good article as you say but it really is a case of 'Amazing Thailand'

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He even goes so far as to mention the tourist police in Chiang Mai, who employ foreign 'volunteers' who are technically working without official work permits, "please tell them that that is illegal! They need to come and report to me.

Hum 'please tell them'? blink.gif

Good article as you say but it really is a case of 'Amazing Thailand'

or 'TIT'

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He even goes so far as to mention the tourist police in Chiang Mai, who employ foreign 'volunteers' who are technically working without official work permits, "please tell them that that is illegal! They need to come and report to me.

Hum 'please tell them'? blink.gif

Good article as you say but it really is a case of 'Amazing Thailand'

Amazingly stupid....once again methinks corruption heads its ugly rear.

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The word "artist" is thrown around far too casually in the article. What is being talked about are "performing artists" (to use the term very loosely) who are doing little more than hacking their way through bad covers of somebody else's songs. Virtually none of them will be people of unique talent losing the opportunity to compose and refine original compositions of any quality.

Edit for spelling.

Edited by Thai-Spy
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It's the same thing that happens over and over in Thailand, there is not one month without some major story that illustrates exactly that:

Thai Immigration is working against the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

While the TAT or a city tries to attract foreigners and to create a new image (like in the above case, Chiang Mai trying to get a 'Creative City' tag), the Immigration comes in and puts up another of these 'crackdowns'. There would be so many other ways to do this than this very harsh and 'violent' way … but there doesn't seem to be a will to think in an open-minded and reasonable kind of way at Immigration.

It happens again and again in Thailand. I wonder what's the reason for this historic animosity of Immigration against tourism goals.

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Under this legislation, the Department of Employment will consider whether the 'work' could be undertaken by a Thai, whether the foreigner is appropriately qualified and whether the job fits the needs of Thailand. After these factors are considered, the individual requires an organisation such as a company or charity to sponsor them.

"Normally" this is not an issue, however, if they make it an issue who decides to what degree and quality standard the 'work' would be undertaken by a Thai.

What happened to some healthy competition and may the best win?

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It's the same thing that happens over and over in Thailand, there is not one month without some major story that illustrates exactly that:

Thai Immigration is working against the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

While the TAT or a city tries to attract foreigners and to create a new image (like in the above case, Chiang Mai trying to get a 'Creative City' tag), the Immigration comes in and puts up another of these 'crackdowns'. There would be so many other ways to do this than this very harsh and 'violent' way … but there doesn't seem to be a will to think in an open-minded and reasonable kind of way at Immigration.

It happens again and again in Thailand. I wonder what's the reason for this historic animosity of Immigration against tourism goals.


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Wow, for many musicians jamming is a spur of the moment thing, obtaining work permits is the last thing they would be thinking of as they left their hotel room or guest house for a night out !!

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ya this is informative but i'm not sure if it is correct outside Chang Mai.

i have heard from many sources that volunteer work does not violate the Alien Work Act.

you cannot do work that a Thai can get paid for. Thai's don't do volunteer work.

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The problem is, that Thailand as a whole is not UNITED!! pockets of idiots all over the place, working for personal gain, immigration against Police, Police against Army,Army against politicians, politicians against their people and the people against us, we should teach them a lesson and just piss off for a while, taking our money with us!!!!

Hmmm, this is too touchy for me, maybe i shouldn't comment ....:whistling:

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Maybe they should start doing volunteer work, then the Thai arrogant attitude might change a little!!

ya this is informative but i'm not sure if it is correct outside Chang Mai.

i have heard from many sources that volunteer work does not violate the Alien Work Act.

you cannot do work that a Thai can get paid for. Thai's don't do volunteer work.

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I think this needs telling to the tourist police volunteers and FVP in Pattaya, what they are doing is illegal?

He even goes so far as to mention the tourist police in Chiang Mai, who employ foreign 'volunteers' who are technically working without official work permits, "please tell them that that is illegal! They need to come and report to me.

Hum 'please tell them'? blink.gif

Good article as you say but it really is a case of 'Amazing Thailand'

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

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Why not put a jar next to the stage and have every Farang who plays "pay" ten baht to play. Then you are paying to do something, just like paying for a tour. Surely there can be no issue with that!

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ya this is informative but i'm not sure if it is correct outside Chang Mai.

i have heard from many sources that volunteer work does not violate the Alien Work Act.

you cannot do work that a Thai can get paid for. Thai's don't do volunteer work.

Your many sources are incorrect.

You CAN NOT volunteer or do any kind of "work" without a work permit

It's clear as day even if it is daft


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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

We are not talking about musicians who are being paid to play. We are talking about people getting up on stage for a open mic and playing for fun. No money involved, yet they are arrested for "working."

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

Actually, a lot of the CM pubs dont pay the artists. Is some of the aforementioned spots, people get up and jam because they enjoy playing music and having a social venue to do so. The ones who make a good income are the owners of the pubs, both Thai or foreign, as locals come in to drink and support the local scene. Probably more of a case of the BIB just wanting more and more.

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In the name of Buddha! We spend all our money here so please give us our music with the least amount of complications possible......pleazzze!!!! Same rule applies to D-Jays who might only be playing 1 night. I know it's not just Thailand as you can't work in most countries without a work permit but bars with good ferrang music pull in crowds of Thais and Tourists who spend, spend, spend so the pros outweigh the cons. They'll be banning alcohol next! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. It's just a few greedy officials and police with no interest in Thailand's economy, only what they can make out of a minor infringement today.

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hahahahaha, you are funny, how the hell can you support yourself on what the Thai's pay,that 's why we play for free, we retire and play golf, while others retire and play music,this is the point,not earning money!!

A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

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When a complaint regarding illegal work activity is lodged to the immigration police it is their duty to investigate, if they fail to follow through it becomes a dereliction of duty

there's always gonna be some disgruntled A-hole who'll file a complaint. Unfortunately, the immigration police have to check it out.

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

can you play any?

I understand them.... even they don't earn a buck..

they will be happy to do so!!!!!!..... they are what we called performing "ARTISTS".

Edited by dunkin2012
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The WHOLE thing is a complete and utter mess with nobody seemingly knowing what's allowed and legal and what is taboo and may or may not be illegal.

There is too much ambiguity here with different departments imposing their own interpretation of matters according to how they see it!!! Why on earth can't they decide on and implement rules and regulations that are clear cut and precise and not so open to personal interpretation which is only going to cause complete confusion and concerns for everyone about doing something unwittingly just in case they are arrested for it.

People may not agree with these laws but it lessens the risk of falling fail of them if they understand what they are all about.

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This may sound arrogant,but show me a Thai musician, who can do a better job than me!!! very hard to find my friends, not only are we artists,we are specialized entertainers,making people feel great and that's the name of the game,people feel great in a place ,they come back!

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