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Visa Length Variations


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Has any one heard that Immigration is considering a one three and five year VISA for those married to Thai citizens? I overheard a discussion at Immigration today that touched on the subject

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Visa are not what Immigration provides - Consulates are the normal source for visas and none is more than one year.

You might also want to read the Chiang Mai legal employment thread in visa section of radio discussion where Immigration specifically said they were not considering any 'fast track' change.

When asked if there were plans to allow a fast track service for longer term resident foreigners, Khun Witthaya said that he had asked the main office this question and the answer was a clear “no”, there was going to be no fast track option.

-- Chiang Mai Mail 2011-06-08

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Well it certainly would make sense as it would for retirement visas. I think its more likely to happen to the latter, if ever ,we can only hope,maybe after a 3/5 year continuos qualifying period.

It would certainly make a lot of sense for those meeting a pre determined qualifying period.

So by definition the fact that it makes a lot of sense probably means it will not happen. TIT

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I have trouble with just my 1 year Non B -

Yast year my 1 year was 9 months. This year I just renewed and got 11 months 1 day. Not sure how they do the math. I thought 1 year was 1 year, 365 days???:blink:

Extensions are retroactive from the date of expiry of the visa not from the date you receive it.

Not sure that any changes of this nature would be announced only in Chiang Mai and I would be interested to hear from the OP who exactly told him this news as if it was anyone official then this would be better off in the Visas forum as it would be a nationwide policy change.

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Now sbk (you dreamer you) just because an official (they all think they are) says or suggests that something is/will happen may not qualify it for the Visa forum, just yet. Not trying to be a smart arse, just saw humor in your paragraph. The rumor mill cranks up on a fairly regular basis.

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