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In Sunny Bangkok, 14% Residents Deficient In Vitamin D


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In sunny Bangkok, 14% deficient in vitamin D

By The Nation


Despite the scorching sun over Bangkok, up to 14 per cent of its residents suffer from Vitamin D deficiency.

"They have rarely been exposed to sunlight. Women are more prone to develop this condition than men," Dr Boonsong Ongphiphadhanakul said yesterday. The urban lifestyle is to blame, he said.

Citing a survey of 2,500 people across the country, he told an academic conference that Vitamin D deficiency was detected in just 57 per cent of people outside the capital.

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the intestine, which is good for healthy bones. Human bodies can produce Vitamin D if they are out in the sun.

"In fact, Thais should not have a Vitamin D problem at all, since we have strong rays throughout the year," he said.

Without adequate Vitamin D, people, especially the elderly, face a greater risk of osteomalacia and broken bones.

"There are also some connections between Vitamin D deficiency and diabetes and hypertension," he said.

To prevent Vitamin D deficiency, city people should get some sun for about 1015 minutes a few times each week.

"The exposure, without any sunblock, should be between 10am and 2pm," he said.

People can also acquire Vitamin D from their diet.

"We're doing research to determine which plants in Thailand are rich in Vitamin D. Studies conducted in foreign countries show mushrooms have a lot of Vitamin D."


-- The Nation 2011-06-16

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It certainly isn't because of all the trees blocking the sun, that's for sure.

I am quite surprised how people can avoid getting 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight every few days.

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It certainly isn't because of all the trees blocking the sun, that's for sure.

I am quite surprised how people can avoid getting 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight every few days.

You know how it is Scott, the cosmetic interests comes before health.

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He is correct about the exposure to the sun during the hottest part of the day but to get enough you need to expose more than your head and arms. Just get over it and take at least 5,000mg a day. People should have a blood test to determine their levels. Beging taking the vit-d and recheck in 6 months. Vit-d is more than about calcium absorbsion its about the immune system as well and the prevention of flues,colds, and other diease.

Vit-d is the precurosor for many of the steriodial hormones. The reaserch that has been done to date on vit-d has opened eyes to its importance and that it may be a hormone instead of a vitamin.

Edited by moe666
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Stand under the sun.......Nooooooo, my skin will get dark.

Most of these shallow minded people grow up believing fair skin to equal beauty. You expect them to roast in the sun for up 15 minutes, three times a week. Good luck with that.

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It certainly isn't because of all the trees blocking the sun, that's for sure.

I am quite surprised how people can avoid getting 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight every few days.

You know how it is Scott, the cosmetic interests comes before health.

It's city people life and not just cosmetic interests.

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I have to wonder if this article is talking about lacking Vitamin D or actually having a Vitamin D Deficiency which is much more serious than not having the recommended about of Vitamin D. I also have to wonder why they avoided getting into diet since Vitamin D is also found in fish, fish oil, milk and eggs.

People with dark skin also don't absorb/produce the Vitamin D as quickly from the Sun as fair skinned people. But my guess is this study was done in hospitals with people already there and likely ill. Illness, poor diet, being a strict vegetarian can all cause a Vitamin D Deficiency. Most people need to take supplements to maintain the proper level of Vitamin D .. I remember a fairly recent study in the US said more than 70% of kids lacked Vitamin D and kids are out in the sun all the time but if I recall right it also said more than 50% of the population lacked the recommended about of Vitamin D which actually increases as you get older.

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This problem has cropped up in Australia where the long running Slip, Slap, Slop campaign has been too effective. The problem here does have a lot to do with cosmetics - firstly the general desire for white/whiter skin leads to almost complete skin coverage when going out in the sun, followed by the use of high factor sunblocks in moisturisers, combined with skin whiteners (what a chemical cocktail!)

Take a pill, that's the answer! Maybe if you live in Siberia; in Thailand it is ridiculous. BTW aggressive advertising by vitamin companies has led many people with an otherwise healthy diet to take vitamin supplements. At best they are a waste of money, at worst they can damage your health by overdosing on some vitamins which are actually toxic in excess.

Off topic, a respected arthritis specialist informed me that taking pain-killers such as paracetemol on a daily basis will kill you from kidney failure in 10-15 years. On the other hand, moderate amounts of alcohol will also reduce pain with minimal damage to the liver, and a cirrhosis CURING drug is currently in testing. Another Chang, Vicar?

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When Britain had its first wave of Islamic Pakistanis, many of their women developed rickets. Their traditional dress was fine in their home villages with high levels of UV radiation, but totally wrong for the British climate.

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I have just had blood tests done and have been told by my Doctor to get the shirt off for 1 hour a week at least. I have also been put on 2 x 1000MG Fish Oil capsules a day and 3 x Vitamin D capsules a day, which contain Vitamin D3 1000iu and cholecalciferol 25mcg? They are Vitamin D no idea what that other stuff is in the capsule.

Bottom line more sun, hasen't been much here lately and it's winter as well. Too Cold outside.

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Would be great if someone knows where to get a Vitamin D test here! In other countries it is not expensive, but they want a lot in local hospitals.. Most people do not have healthy levels. One is looking for blood levels above 45ng/ml in the test, which is known as 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25 OH vitamin D) test.

Another problem is that Vit D3 (cholecalciferol, which is the one needed, not D1 or D2) is not easily available here, unless at the grey market in MBK at high prices. In States, it is very cheap & the 'trend' is to take from 2,000 to 5,000 iu's (international units) a day for optimal anti-depression & immune boost dose. New research shows it isn't easy to overdose on it. One can not get nearly enough from eating it in any foods (only 10%, at most). The skin produces it only by the sun, therefor they are calling it a hormone, as produced by the body. Best is to take it in an under the tongue microdot or liquid form which one can order online thru Iherb or other sites that deliver here. Very effective against colds, flu & even the most common cancers, Breast, Colon & Prostate, among others. Statistics prove that there is 20 times more problems caused from not enough sun than too much sun! Sun block over spf 4 also blocks 'D'. By the way, 30,000 iu's is only 1 milligram, so the earlier post about 5k mg's is incorrect. With full sun exposure, near mid-day, half hour will provide 10-20,000 iu's, depending on skin color, time of day, how little clothing. A tan slows it down. The only thing to be aware of is, not to Burn, but build up slowly over several days. Not needed every day, as it remains in the body for a while.

What are the symptoms of vit D deficiency?

There is no clear pattern of symptoms. In fact many people remain asymptomatic despite low levels. But here are the more common symptoms


General muscle pain and weakness

Muscle cramps

Joint pain

Chronic pain

Weight gain

High blood pressure

Restless sleep

Poor concentration


Bladder problems

Constipation or diarrhea

What diseases are associated with Vit D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to play a role in almost every major disease. This includes:

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

17 varieties of Cancer (including breast, prostate and colon)

Heart disease

High blood pressure


Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Autoimmune diseases

Multiple sclerosis

Rheumatoid arthritis




Infertility and PMS

Parkinson’s Disease

Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Alzheimer’s Disease

Chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic Pain

Periodontal disease


What's not to love about this almost miraculous chemical??

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The problem for most people is getting enough time to get some sun. The optimum time is 10 am to 1 pm when we are also told to avoid the sun because of its intensity. if you want to weigh 300 lbs go ahead and eat enough food to get enough vit-d3. As stated earlier its in eggs, how many raw eggs to you eat once they are cooked end of vit-d3.

To get enough vit-d3 you will have to take a supplament unless you live in the sun. Sorry to say this to an earlier poster but 3000IU a day will not be enough to raise your levels.Lots of sun is the way to go.

There is a lot of new reserch out there on vit-d3 google is your friend.

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"in Bangkok, up to 14 per cent of its residents suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. ... Vitamin D deficiency was detected in just 57 per cent of people outside the capital"

figures for bangkok are not that bad, as for the rest of the country, so why so biased title of the article? There is life beyond bangkok

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Would be great if someone knows where to get a Vitamin D test here! In other countries it is not expensive, but they want a lot in local hospitals.. Most people do not have healthy levels. One is looking for blood levels above 45ng/ml in the test, which is known as 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25 OH vitamin D) test.

Another problem is that Vit D3 (cholecalciferol, which is the one needed, not D1 or D2) is not easily available here, unless at the grey market in MBK at high prices. In States, it is very cheap & the 'trend' is to take from 2,000 to 5,000 iu's (international units) a day for optimal anti-depression & immune boost dose. New research shows it isn't easy to overdose on it. One can not get nearly enough from eating it in any foods (only 10%, at most). The skin produces it only by the sun, therefor they are calling it a hormone, as produced by the body. Best is to take it in an under the tongue microdot or liquid form which one can order online thru Iherb or other sites that deliver here. Very effective against colds, flu & even the most common cancers, Breast, Colon & Prostate, among others. Statistics prove that there is 20 times more problems caused from not enough sun than too much sun! Sun block over spf 4 also blocks 'D'. By the way, 30,000 iu's is only 1 milligram, so the earlier post about 5k mg's is incorrect. With full sun exposure, near mid-day, half hour will provide 10-20,000 iu's, depending on skin color, time of day, how little clothing. A tan slows it down. The only thing to be aware of is, not to Burn, but build up slowly over several days. Not needed every day, as it remains in the body for a while.

What are the symptoms of vit D deficiency?

There is no clear pattern of symptoms. In fact many people remain asymptomatic despite low levels. But here are the more common symptoms


General muscle pain and weakness

Muscle cramps

Joint pain

Chronic pain

Weight gain

High blood pressure

Restless sleep

Poor concentration


Bladder problems

Constipation or diarrhea

What diseases are associated with Vit D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to play a role in almost every major disease. This includes:

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

17 varieties of Cancer (including breast, prostate and colon)

Heart disease

High blood pressure


Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Autoimmune diseases

Multiple sclerosis

Rheumatoid arthritis




Infertility and PMS

Parkinson’s Disease

Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Alzheimer’s Disease

Chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic Pain

Periodontal disease


What's not to love about this almost miraculous chemical??

This is undeniably the most miraculous chemical ever - and so many thanks for your PR explosion; it was enlightening.

But, pray, what connection does your enthusiasm have to the topic?

Nobody Thai has any interest in vitamins, but they do in trying to keep their skin white - or didn't you know that?


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I have just had blood tests done and have been told by my Doctor to get the shirt off for 1 hour a week at least. I have also been put on 2 x 1000MG Fish Oil capsules a day and 3 x Vitamin D capsules a day, which contain Vitamin D3 1000iu and cholecalciferol 25mcg? They are Vitamin D no idea what that other stuff is in the capsule.

Bottom line more sun, hasen't been much here lately and it's winter as well. Too Cold outside.

Tell you what - contact me in 10 years and we'll chat again about all your fretsome tablets! I reckon you need to buy a sunlamp - it's be a lot cheaper than all that cholecalciferol . :D


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The problem for most people is getting enough time to get some sun. The optimum time is 10 am to 1 pm when we are also told to avoid the sun because of its intensity. if you want to weigh 300 lbs go ahead and eat enough food to get enough vit-d3. As stated earlier its in eggs, how many raw eggs to you eat once they are cooked end of vit-d3.

To get enough vit-d3 you will have to take a supplament unless you live in the sun. Sorry to say this to an earlier poster but 3000IU a day will not be enough to raise your levels.Lots of sun is the way to go.

There is a lot of new reserch out there on vit-d3 google is your friend.

Makes me wonder how the human race ever manage to survive. My father's generation seemed to do OK without vit-d3 or 3000IUs.


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Yes, we really need a government-sponsored study as to why when we put SPF 500+ all over the body, a huge umbrella over the head and wear long sleeves and long pants, we don't get enough natural Vitamin D from the sun.

The sarcasm sniper pops another one!



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This problem has cropped up in Australia where the long running Slip, Slap, Slop campaign has been too effective. The problem here does have a lot to do with cosmetics - firstly the general desire for white/whiter skin leads to almost complete skin coverage when going out in the sun, followed by the use of high factor sunblocks in moisturisers, combined with skin whiteners (what a chemical cocktail!)

Take a pill, that's the answer! Maybe if you live in Siberia; in Thailand it is ridiculous. BTW aggressive advertising by vitamin companies has led many people with an otherwise healthy diet to take vitamin supplements. At best they are a waste of money, at worst they can damage your health by overdosing on some vitamins which are actually toxic in excess.

Off topic, a respected arthritis specialist informed me that taking pain-killers such as paracetemol on a daily basis will kill you from kidney failure in 10-15 years. On the other hand, moderate amounts of alcohol will also reduce pain with minimal damage to the liver, and a cirrhosis CURING drug is currently in testing. Another Chang, Vicar?

A excellent & balanced reply. Thank you!

(Drat - can't get sarky on this one ...)


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Why make a big deal out of this. In a couple weeks there will be a story about how Bangkok residents need to apply more sunblock and cover up more because of the increase rate in skin cancer that some other poll claims.

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"in Bangkok, up to 14 per cent of its residents suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. ... Vitamin D deficiency was detected in just 57 per cent of people outside the capital"

figures for bangkok are not that bad, as for the rest of the country, so why so biased title of the article? There is life beyond bangkok

It's a problem with the Nation's website: en-dashes get dropped. It should read probably read 5–7 per cent.

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Nobody Thai has any interest in vitamins, but they do in trying to keep their skin white - or didn't you know that?

Thais do have an interest in vitamin products. Tons of it are sold in pharmacies in Thailand every day.

Edited by Puccini
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"in Bangkok, up to 14 per cent of its residents suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. ... Vitamin D deficiency was detected in just 57 per cent of people outside the capital"

figures for bangkok are not that bad, as for the rest of the country, so why so biased title of the article? There is life beyond bangkok

It's a problem with the Nation's website: en-dashes get dropped. It should read probably read 5–7 per cent.

I have witnessed this issue with the dashes before but why would they say 5 to 7% They don't say 13 to 15% for the people in BKK. All polls have a margin of error but when publishing results you state what the poll results in percentages while including the margin of error within the footnotes. So one has to wonder, if it is 5-7 why this poll could be sure about the percentage in BKK but unsure if it is 5,6 or 7% of people outside BKK.

You are probably right but the point is I never believe these polls and findings because they never mention how they were conducted, who was polled or the margin of error. They often don't even mention who took the poll or who paid to have the poll taken. And they rarely ever put the issue in perspective such as letting us know if 14% may actually be low given a comparison globally or within other countries. I still also question if they are talking about "Vitamin D Deficiency" or simply not having the recommended levels of Vitamin D. One is very common while the other is a dangerous condition.

Edited by Nisa
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