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4Th Of July Party


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My Thai Family and I that will be attending are greatful and Happy to have this 4th of July event happening.

It will be a first time for both my family and I to experience an American 4th of July Picnic here in Thailand.

I have been here quite a few years, but have never gone to the evnts in BKK or CM.

Have been away also a number of times on the 4th.

I don't mind buying our own hot dogs, BBQ, Taco's, Beer, Cokes etc.

As long as the organizers create a festive environment (Music and Fireworks) with real 4th of July type food, that is all I expect.

Would be nice to have the extras available (American Beers), but that all takes a bit of planning and coordinating by the organizers.

If it can't be done this year, so what. We always have the Singha and other local Beers etc. Maybe in the future.

Toilets are always a concearn at any big event, so hope the organizers have some type of plan for western style toilets.If not, I can deal with it (but not like it if I actually needed to use one for #2 :( ).

My family will enjoy it in the spirti it is ment to be.

Happy 4th of July

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My Thai Family and I that will be attending are greatful and Happy to have this 4th of July event happening.

It will be a first time for both my family and I to experience an American 4th of July Picnic here in Thailand.

I have been here quite a few years, but have never gone to the evnts in BKK or CM.

Have been away also a number of times on the 4th.

I don't mind buying our own hot dogs, BBQ, Taco's, Beer, Cokes etc.

As long as the organizers create a festive environment (Music and Fireworks) with real 4th of July type food, that is all I expect.

Would be nice to have the extras available (American Beers), but that all takes a bit of planning and coordinating by the organizers.

If it can't be done this year, so what. We always have the Singha and other local Beers etc. Maybe in the future.

Toilets are always a concearn at any big event, so hope the organizers have some type of plan for western style toilets.If not, I can deal with it (but not like it if I actually needed to use one for #2 :( ).

My family will enjoy it in the spirti it is ment to be.

Happy 4th of July

Thank you, KimoMax. We are hoping to provide a festive and entertaining afternoon for all!! :jap:

The American beverages would've been really nice, but after several consultations with the VFW, US CONSULATE, THE AMERICAN CHAMBER of COMMERCE in Bangkok, and a few others, all of our avenues were exhausted. I thank the VFW for their previous work in this respect, because having the luxury of a nice US beer or soft-drink, at a reasonable price, is a lot harder in Thailand than it sounds. We are thankful that a few local beer and drink suppliers have been kind enough to support the event.

On the toilets, we have worked towards improving the situation and hope that the folks we have contracted with come through, but we are a bit concerned because of the previous day's Thai election activity. Our intent is also for folks to be able to make greater use of the western style toilet facilities which already exist on the grounds.

I look forward to meeting a lot of you out there.


Edited by ckguy
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Folks we've heard several times over the last few days that the annual "4TH OF JULY" celebration at the old sports stadium has been cancelled "due to the rainy season" and postponed to February. Please rest assured this is NOT THE CASE... THE EVENT AT THE STADIUM IS STILL ON, RAIN OR SHINE.

This confusion seems to mostly stem from an official notice sent out by US CONSUL-GENERAL'S OFFICE for THEIR yearly INVITATION ONLY reception at the US CONSULATE, not the open-to-the-public "4TH OF JULY" event/picnic at the old stadium.

So again, the ”4TH OF JULY" picnic/event hosted and sponsored by Creative Kingdom at the Chiang Mai Municipal Stadium has NOT BEEN canceled.


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From State Department;

We’re very pleased that Creative Kingdom, under the leadership of CEO Eduardo Robles, has stepped up to the challenge. On July 4, 2011, Creative Kingdom is organizing a day of Americana at the Chiang Mai municipal stadium with music, dancing and fireworks. There will also be all-American food such as hot dogs, barbecued chicken and tacos catered by local restaurants. While we might not be lucky enough to be in the U.S. for July 4, the community picnic will again make you feel like you’re there.

Thanks for posting this ... I'll be there :)

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Folks we've heard several times over the last few days that the annual "4TH OF JULY" celebration at the old sports stadium has been cancelled "due to the rainy season" and postponed to February. Please rest assured this is NOT THE CASE... THE EVENT AT THE STADIUM IS STILL ON, RAIN OR SHINE.

This confusion seems to mostly stem from an official notice sent out by US CONSUL-GENERAL'S OFFICE for THEIR yearly INVITATION ONLY reception at the US CONSULATE, not the open-to-the-public "4TH OF JULY" event/picnic at the old stadium.

So again, the 4TH OF JULY" picnic/event hosted and sponsored by Creative Kingdom at the Chiang Mai Municipal Stadium has NOT BEEN canceled.


Yes, I heard this same rumor this afternoon from one of the honorary consels in CM, someone who would have been invited to an invitation-only event at the U.S. Consulate. I asked him "How can they cancel the 4th of July?" Initially, I thought it was a prank by people upset with the previous year's event -- people who might want to see this year's event fail. Obviously, what really happened was that the U.S. Consulate cancelled some sort of private event, a party, not an entire holiday. I didn't see the notice from the U.S. Consulate but it sounds like it was not well-written.

I'll be at the sports stadium on Monday afternoon for the event, whether or not any consular employees show up.

Edited by RogerL
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On behalf of CK and all of the sponsors of the 4th of July event, we would like to THANK each and everyone who came out to the event Monday. We hope you all enjoyed, although we still had a few challenges and hiccups that still need addressing at future events, it seemed all were having a good time; all the kids seemed to have a blast!

We prayed that the rain would stay away and it did, but it seems the heat got turned up a bit, but by firework time, the night was beautiful. For next 4th of July, for whoever may organize, we need to request that there be no national election the day before the 4th of July celebration… this was one of our biggest challenges this year.

Please feel free to leave compliments, or levy complaints, but please be civil and constructive as possible. THANK YOU AGAIN!


p.s. we know there was still a big challenge with the toilet situation, and we want to apologize to anyone who may have been inconvenienced by this situation. We put measures in place that unfortunately did not materialize this year.

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On behalf of CK and all of the sponsors of the 4th of July event, we would like to THANK each and everyone who came out to the event Monday. We hope you all enjoyed, although we still had a few challenges and hiccups that still need addressing at future events, it seemed all were having a good time; all the kids seemed to have a blast!

We prayed that the rain would stay away and it did, but it seems the heat got turned up a bit, but by firework time, the night was beautiful. For next 4th of July, for whoever may organize, we need to request that there be no national election the day before the 4th of July celebration… this was one of our biggest challenges this year.

Please feel free to leave compliments, or levy complaints, but please be civil and constructive as possible. THANK YOU AGAIN!


p.s. we know there was still a big challenge with the toilet situation, and we want to apologize to anyone who may have been inconvenienced by this situation. We put measures in place that unfortunately did not materialize this year.

THANK YOU for putting the time, effort, and resources into organizing it! Y'all did a great job. This is the second year I was in Chiang Mai for the 4th and, after not celebrating it last year, I am most appreciative of the opportunity to celebrate the holiday here. :)

Edited by CPT
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Hubby and I went and had a great time, unlike last year where the long wait in the hot sun for the food really tried our patience.

Good points of this year's event:

Food and beverage selection was good and the prices very fair; no waits for more than 2 or 3 other customers to be served before us

Kids seemed to enjoy the games and the games seemed to be well organized (didn't have kid with us; just observed the ones around us)

Security was good

Some attempt at filling in the swampy areas of the field with sand prior to the event

Adequate seating in the tents for shade

Played American music

Fireworks show was nice, but too quick. Maybe should have been slowed down so we could gasp at each display.

Saw some VFW members, so they all haven't "gone away mad"

Areas for improvement:

Toilets and hand washing stations -- the organizers know this is a problem and their supplier let them down. They need to have someone assigned to potty patrol full time during the event to make sure the western toilets aren't locked by the staff at the park and are stocked with soap and paper at all times. Also, someone should have personally inspected the proposed portable facilities rather than accept the supplier's word they were western.

Signage at the event -- if we hadn't gone in previous years, we wouldn't have known where to go upon entering the complex. Also needed signs to toilets.

Sound system volume was often way too high to conduct conversation. They tried to respond to this complaint. Maybe have more speakers to distribute sound more evenly rather than blasting out of just a couple of speakers.

Could have done without the Thai vocalist mangling American songs. Maybe stick with a DJ and recordings from American artists.

Publicity of the event -- many of my friends didn't come. They were expecting to see announcements at least six weeks before and to be given a chance to buy tickets at Expats club meeting.

Would be nice to have an American military color guard, but this isn't essential.

All in all, this event was well done and I think they organizers have the right attitude about accepting "criticism" as really suggestions for areas of improvement. I hope that next year the VFW can rejoin in a limited way. It would be nice if they sold American beverages as a fund-raiser for the VFW and perhaps arranged for an American military color guard.

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Hubby and I went and had a great time, unlike last year where the long wait in the hot sun for the food really tried our patience.......


Areas for improvement:

- Fireworks show was nice, but too quick. Maybe should have been slowed down so we could gasp at each display.

- Toilets and hand washing stations -- the organizers know this is a problem and their supplier let them down. They need to have someone assigned to potty patrol full time during the event to make sure the western toilets aren't locked by the staff at the park and are stocked with soap and paper at all times. Also, someone should have personally inspected the proposed portable facilities rather than accept the

supplier's word they were western.

- Signage at the event -- if we hadn't gone in previous years, we wouldn't have known where to go upon entering the complex. Also needed signs to toilets.

- Sound system volume was often way too high to conduct conversation. They tried to respond to this complaint. Maybe have more speakers to distribute sound more evenly rather than blasting out of just a

couple of speakers.

- Could have done without the Thai vocalist mangling American songs. Maybe stick with a DJ and recordings from American artists.

- Publicity of the event -- many of my friends didn't come. They were expecting to see announcements at least six weeks before and to be given a chance to buy tickets at Expats club meeting.

- Would be nice to have an American military color guard, but this isn't essential.

All in all, this event was well done and I think they organizers have the right attitude about accepting "criticism" as really suggestions for areas of improvement. I hope that next year the VFW can rejoin in a limited way. It would be nice if they sold American beverages as a fund-raiser for the VFW and perhaps arranged for an American military color guard.

Thank you for all of the input Nancy L, all of your areas of improvement have been duly noted and will be discussed at our wrap-up meeting this week.

I do want to note that CK reached out to several groups, including the US CONSULATE folks, for a proper MILITARY COLOR GUARD for this event, but unfortunately none was to be found or available this year. We were really hoping to preserve the tradition of presenting the colors properly; maybe next year this element can be restored.

And yes, we are also hoping the VFW Post can rejoin the festivities in a more tangible manner in the future; they bring a lot to the table!

It was a pleasure serving all who attended!


Ps. on your friends not coming I blame you NancyL... they're your friends... you should've dragged them all along with you!!! :D I jest of course!

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Hubby and I went and had a great time, unlike last year where the long wait in the hot sun for the food really tried our patience.......


Areas for improvement:

- Fireworks show was nice, but too quick. Maybe should have been slowed down so we could gasp at each display.

- Toilets and hand washing stations -- the organizers know this is a problem and their supplier let them down. They need to have someone assigned to potty patrol full time during the event to make sure the western toilets aren't locked by the staff at the park and are stocked with soap and paper at all times. Also, someone should have personally inspected the proposed portable facilities rather than accept the

supplier's word they were western.

- Signage at the event -- if we hadn't gone in previous years, we wouldn't have known where to go upon entering the complex. Also needed signs to toilets.

- Sound system volume was often way too high to conduct conversation. They tried to respond to this complaint. Maybe have more speakers to distribute sound more evenly rather than blasting out of just a

couple of speakers.

- Could have done without the Thai vocalist mangling American songs. Maybe stick with a DJ and recordings from American artists.

- Publicity of the event -- many of my friends didn't come. They were expecting to see announcements at least six weeks before and to be given a chance to buy tickets at Expats club meeting.

- Would be nice to have an American military color guard, but this isn't essential.

All in all, this event was well done and I think they organizers have the right attitude about accepting "criticism" as really suggestions for areas of improvement. I hope that next year the VFW can rejoin in a limited way. It would be nice if they sold American beverages as a fund-raiser for the VFW and perhaps arranged for an American military color guard.

Thank you for all of the input Nancy L, all of your areas of improvement have been duly noted and will be discussed at our wrap-up meeting this week.

I do want to note that CK reached out to several groups, including the US CONSULATE folks, for a proper MILITARY COLOR GUARD for this event, but unfortunately none was to be found or available this year. We were really hoping to preserve the tradition of presenting the colors properly; maybe next year this element can be restored.

And yes, we are also hoping the VFW Post can rejoin the festivities in a more tangible manner in the future; they bring a lot to the table!

It was a pleasure serving all who attended!


Ps. on your friends not coming I blame you NancyL... they're your friends... you should've dragged them all along with you!!! :D I jest of course!

CK Guy, Just so you will know for your wrap up meeting next week I agree 100% with all of NancyL's findings, she is right on the money in all she said.
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We had a fine time. Band was great, kids there enjoyed themselves, good talks with friends, food/drinks were reasonable, and it didn't rain. It's nice to have a party like this available.

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Ps. on your friends not coming I blame you NancyL... they're your friends... you should've dragged them all along with you!!! :D I jest of course!

Thank you for listening to my comments, CKGuy. Yeah, I know I should have encouraged more of my friends to come, but I had encouraged many of them to come last year -- some weren't physically able to stand for hours in the hot sun to get their food and left without eating or asking for a refund. Others were appalled with the state of the toilets and lack of hand washing facilities. I wasn't going to encourage my friends again unless I knew it was going to be much better. I think with this year's execution and willingness to consider suggestions for improvement, I'll definitely recommend the event to my friends next year.

Incidentally, I've had a touch of thong sia today. I don't know if it's because I'm not used to eating so much meat or because of the lack of hand washing facilities. How did the food servers wash their hands properly? I know I couldn't -- no soap was available even when I finally found a building with proper toilets and sinks.

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CK Guy, Just so you will know for your wrap up meeting next week I agree 100% with all of NancyL's findings, she is right on the money in all she said.

Thank you for the affirmation BarnicaleBob!

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What a difference a year makes. Excellent planning and flawless execution. Thanks for stepping up to the plate, CK.

Thank you mesquite... I will agree that our team did a good job of planning, but not wanting to stick our heads-in-the-sand, we still fell a bit short in the final execution. It all worked out well, thank God, but improvements can still be made. But we are very proud of our young team and what they accomplished... and all this was with half the team members and double the work of last year.


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Incidentally, I've had a touch of thong sia today. I don't know if it's because I'm not used to eating so much meat or because of the lack of hand washing facilities. How did the food servers wash their hands properly? I know I couldn't -- no soap was available even when I finally found a building with proper toilets and sinks.

There was a proper wash station with clean potable water (2 - 10k liter tanks), placed by the tennis courts, by the western style toilets in the back. Unfortunately, we were informed the MORNING-OF the event that these same toilet facilities would not be available for use. All vendors were made aware of the water tanks, but we do understand that the lack of signage made a challenge for all participants to be informed of them. This was one of the areas discussed today, and if CK is to organize next year this will be one of the areas of improvement.

As for me, considering we are in northern Thailand, I've been informed to carry a little bottle of disinfecting sanitary hand wipe/cleanser with me at all times. I found this to be good advice on more than one occasion... maybe we can work somethign like this into the event next year.

Thanks again!


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Thanks for the great 4th. The kids tried burgers for the first time and loved them and enjoyed the games (I thought being in a cartoon on the video was pretty cool). Great fireworks, met lots of new ppl. esp other Bostonians since I wore my Red Sox shirt, and even our Thai Grandma like the atmosphere and food! See you next year!

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Just a question to ck, did you get a head count on attendance? It does appear that you learned and adjusted for past problems, very successfully. The few problems you have alluded to are/were accepted by most as we realize we are not in Kansas. Good on you and your organizational group. See you next year.

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Just a question to ck, did you get a head count on attendance? It does appear that you learned and adjusted for past problems, very successfully. The few problems you have alluded to are/were accepted by most as we realize we are not in Kansas. Good on you and your organizational group. See you next year.

Our estimate, from tickets sold and collected, was +/- 1600 folks. So a bit less than last year, but we feel it made for a more intimate/enjoyable event for all. Our goal this year was to ease into the activity and try not to be completely overwhelmed. And yes, we did have the benefit and experience of those who went before us to learn from. The VFW was also gracious enough to provide us with all of their insight and experience from the past.

Thank you to both slapout and junglechef for coming out and enjoying the festivities, we are glad all had a good time, including Thai grandma! :)


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Sorry this is late, but just got back home from our trip to Chiang Mai for the 4th and some other business there.

Thanks to all that put together the 4th of July celebration. Especially CK for their sponsorship.

My wife (thai) thouroughly enjoyed the festivities.

Was nice to see th games going on, and good job by the MC to keep things going.

We did arrive late. About 5pm. but had enough time to enjoy tthe woderful array of food, the live music, games, and yes the nice fireworks.

It was all one could expect from a 4th of July picnic. Especially since not back home in Kansas with Totto.

Great Job ! Thank You !

Edited by KimoMax
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Was probably a good idea for everyone to purchase their own food instead of unlimited free food with long lines and delays. Just as long as that is reflected in a fair ticket price. Surely to put on such an event is not free or cheap.

We enjoyed the live music and would not recommend playing pre-recorded music.

The Music, the Band and all the Singers were great. Would never trade that for recorded music.

Need to remember that expats can not play music and work in Thailand without a work permit (recent problems in Chiang Mai Night Clubs).

The evening Master of Ceremonies (was that Mr CK Guy ?) did a great job of keeping thigs moving and even finding the mom of the lost little girl during the raffel drawing.

Also would have been nice to break up some of the evening group games with some more band music.

Maybe consider a couple games, then a few music selections, then a couple more games.

Things did start to lag for those not actively involved in the group evening games.

We did not expeirice the toilet and hand washing facility short comings. But we were only there a few hours.

And congrats to that family that won all the neat stuff at the raffel. Lucky bunch !

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The official from the Chiang Mai labor dept who has talked recently to the CM Friends group and been on the Helping Hands radio broadcast claims that it's possible for foreigners to get "special permission" for volunteer work for what they call a "one-off" activity. I think that's British English for an event that is going to happen just one time. The sponsoring organization would have to write a letter requesting this "one-off" permission for the musicians in question and have it accepted by the labor dept. He said it wasn't hard to do, but many people aren't aware of this option and/or think it's going to be a hassle.

Perhaps this option could be used next year if some westerners want to volunteer to play American music at the 4th of July party.

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The official from the Chiang Mai labor dept who has talked recently to the CM Friends group and been on the Helping Hands radio broadcast claims that it's possible for foreigners to get "special permission" for volunteer work for what they call a "one-off" activity. I think that's British English for an event that is going to happen just one time. The sponsoring organization would have to write a letter requesting this "one-off" permission for the musicians in question and have it accepted by the labor dept. He said it wasn't hard to do, but many people aren't aware of this option and/or think it's going to be a hassle.

Perhaps this option could be used next year if some westerners want to volunteer to play American music at the 4th of July party.

Your British English is "bang on the money" as usual, Nancy.

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Was probably a good idea for everyone to purchase their own food instead of unlimited free food with long lines and delays. Just as long as that is reflected in a fair ticket price. Surely to put on such an event is not free or cheap.

We enjoyed the live music and would not recommend playing pre-recorded music.

The Music, the Band and all the Singers were great. Would never trade that for recorded music.

Need to remember that expats can not play music and work in Thailand without a work permit (recent problems in Chiang Mai Night Clubs).

The evening Master of Ceremonies (was that Mr CK Guy ?) did a great job of keeping thigs moving and even finding the mom of the lost little girl during the raffel drawing.

Also would have been nice to break up some of the evening group games with some more band music.

Maybe consider a couple games, then a few music selections, then a couple more games.

Things did start to lag for those not actively involved in the group evening games.

We did not expeirice the toilet and hand washing facility short comings. But we were only there a few hours.

And congrats to that family that won all the neat stuff at the raffel. Lucky bunch !

Thank you, KimoMax! We've put your excellent input/comments into the "review and consider" file. I am glad you guys enjoyed the live music! Sydnie, the event MC, does not work for CK, but he did a great job! We appreciate him volunteering for the job!


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We've been made aware of an unfortunate situation by a raffle winner, in regards to one of the sponsor's donated prizes from the event. The Rosewood Restaurant, which donated several discount coupon vouchers for food at their restaurant, issued tickets with a typo/printing error on the coupons. Unfortunately the year (in Thai) was printed wrong, and the issued tickets are reflecting an expired date. The owner of the restaurant has been made aware of the situation and has apologized for the regrettable mistake. He has assured us that his staff is now aware of the situation and will accept all 4th of July raffle winner's coupons.

If you should have a problem, please feel free to drops us a note at: [email protected]

Thank you and apologies for anyone whom may have encountered any inconvenience due to this situation.


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