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60 A Good Time To Sort Life Out!


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Sixty! a great time to start putting my life in order. I have all the answers to life’s problems so it shouldn’t take too long to sort myself out.

So where to start! guess now is a good a place to start, this very moment why not?

Am I happy doing what I’m doing at this moment? no. What aspect of my life am I not happy with?

One not having a wife whom I can talk to on a one to one bases.

Two, having a wife who has absolutely no interest in sex.

Three, my weight and my teeth.

Four, the freedom to do my own thing when I want, without a guilt trip.

Solution 1 Dump the Wife.

One, two and four could be solved by dumping the wife.

Obstacles to over come, cost of dumping the wife, only one way to do this with out having her come back with a bill to put me in debt up to my arm pits, sell up and skip the country. Take all assets out of her reach and don’t say where I am. Take the two kids that I have and want to take care of my self, with me.

Three start a diet and a keep fit program, save up a little cash and fix the teeth and talk to a doctor about the skin.

Where would this leave me? Probably living some place I don’t want to be, working in a job I don’t like looking after two small kids with no mum. Don’t sound very fair to the kids to me they want mummy and daddy. Wife might also not like, not seeing her kids again. That would make three people unhappy instead of just one, I think this may not be such a good idea after all, in fact it sucks.

I feel this needs a different approach, one that can best serve all involved.

Solution 2 Negotiate with the wife.

The third thing on my list can be sorted without involving or upsetting anyone, so I can do that.

As for one, two and four, that could involve some tricky negotiations and we all know what can happen when we want to do a deal with the wife, it’s going to cost. So that looks like a last resort, no deals just yet, we don’t want the tail wagging the dog.

Solution 3 The bit on the side.

The double life! sounds like it could work lets look at this option in more detail.

A bit on the side could be the answer. First find some thing that keeps me away from home for days at a time, then set up a pad. Find a nice girl with a degree who loves to chat, has some great ideas and who wants sex all day long. But, I have a real bad feeling I could be digging a big hole for my self. What starts off as a bit on the side could end up more like a permanent deal, she would want me to spend more and more time with her talking and shagging and when not with her, she to would want to know where I was, and what I was doing.

Sounds like double trouble to me, OK so back to the drawing board.sad.gif

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7 posts in 2 years......think sex means a lot to him and fair enough

I'd be going for the pad and the girl.

Make it a seaside one, so runs along the beach to lose the weigh angle fits in.

Make sure the girl knows she is second to the kids and as long as you look after her....she should be fine with that.....plus doubt she will be sitting around just waiting for sex from you all day every day....she will have other shit to do and get on with.....just keep her busy 3 days a week.

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Hi 'qutejute' I'm happy to tell you this, there is an easy answer, the answer is simple; stop dripping and do something other than what you are doing now!

Sounds to simple doesn't it? Bottom line; if you don't start taking action now the only change in 12 months time will be you're a year older.

As for the wife………………….Be a man a, you married for better or worse, do the right thing, if you're going to leave her, fine, but don't mark a new start with being an asshol_e. Life is full of shitty decisions we have to make. If you truly want change in your life then take control, it's time to man-up and deal with each issue in turn…………Good luck.

Edited by Tonto21
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