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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Disgustingly, I turned off the TV shortly after the first results came through. Just the thought of the highly likelihood that in the near future, Thaksin will get an amnesty and freely lead the country again is sickening.


Accidents happen!!

**IT happens.

**IT doesn't happen. It's always produced by an ***hole.

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With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

What's interesting about those numbers is, that BJT seems to have gotten decimated, because its charasmatic leader is under suspension and played no part in these elections. What's interesting about PTP is their leader is also under suspension but we see his influence in every media, both domestic and international. Now we're going to see what the Thai judiciary is made of.

You know very well what the Thai judiciary is made of. We've seen it before.

Not sure they can get away with it again though, with such a clear election result. But if they try (same applies to the military) then that'd be an excellent path to civil war.

How about RESPECTING THE ELECTION RESULTS, that everyone has been so full of. Anything else is worse, even if you don't like the result.

What we've seen before from ther Thai judiciary is the creation of that nation eating bacteria that is Thaksin. in his assets trial they admitted that he was clearly guilty but they didn't want to "rock the boat and go against the will of the electorate". Since then they have said they clearly made a HUGE mistake and were negligent in their duty to the country. I guess we'll have to see how they feel now. Clearly criminals in charge now. We're gonna find out what Thailand's made of soon.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

This is beyond belief how a robber baron can extract billions from the electorate with his cell phone company than flee the country on criminal charges only to return via his puppet sister as Prime Minister. This shows the animosity the northerners must have toward the rest of Thai society as no one can be this gullible or can they? Perhaps time to let Northern Thailand join Myamar or Cambodia (no insult intended).


I am watching Thai TV and it says Phuea Thai did not win a single seat from any province in the South! So much as to all Thais support the reds or Thaksin bullshit. All Thais in the South that I know detest Thaksin and the Red Shirts. Funny enough, that they paid 500 Baht per person and still didn´t get a single seat from the south.

As the southern provinces get far less seats than the north and isaan, it doesn´t change a thing. But still interesting to note.

Just in Thai TV as well. Central and Southern provinces, as well as Eastern Seaboard are all won by the Democrats, while the north and Issaan are won by Phuea Thai. Country is very much divided on this topic.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

You're a regular sad sack. A landslide result is the best possible outcome. The people have spoken.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

A very sad day. This is not a democracy, it is all about money.

Last night my g/f's mother confirmed that all 7 members of her family and virtually everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each.

It is a bloody disgrace.

Yes it should have been at least 500 baht

It's a disgrace that your g/f's mother and her family took the money, indeed. You must not be supporting them properly.

One of my employees said that the Puea Thai candidate handed out 200 Baht as well in her village, but the Democrats handed out 500 Baht the same evening. You see, every party in Thailand pays for votes. In the end however, Thais will vote whoever they want.

In my neck of the woods the Dems were only handing out B100 notes. Bloody cheap skates. No wonder they didn't get many votes around here.


It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Democracy is dead? How so? Because Thais, for the first time in years, have had a chance to express their opinion?

I'd say Dictatorship is dead, Democracy is back.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

<deleted> would all you bleating ex-pats know?

Let me answer that.... STUFF ALL.

My wife's family and just about every Thai I know have had enough of the Democrats.

20 years since they were elected and yet they have clung onto power with the help of the military.

They deserve to be booted out.

The people have spoken in a free and fair election.

The elite need to understand, democracy means majority rule, not minority rule.

Despite Thaksin't sins, he understood what the poor want, the Democrats have no idea at all. It will take a complete rebirth of that party to make them understand.

The life of the average poor Thai was considerably improved under Thaksin's rule and people remember that.

They have waited patiently for this day and they clearly haven't swallowed all the crap that has been spouted by the Bangkok elite and their media.

We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

A post riddled with emotional lines and incorrect facts. 26 coups? LOL. Owell...hope you and your wife's family gets exactly what is coming to you. Myself I will by alright either way, actually. I was just hoping we could avoid solidifying the nation as a joke of the region.


Democracy is such a dumb idea.

"...democracy is the worst form of government -- except all the others..."


"Democracy is not my goal"

Thaksin Shinawatra


Preaching to the choir.

I've been saying it for years -- long before he was ousted -- it was not only abundantly clear in his actions but even his words: the man was no believer in democracy.

My post was in response to the man who said democracy is a dumb idea..I though Churchill's comment was an apt reply to his qoute...


Democracy is messy. I wish Thailand the best and only time will tell the story. All these dire predictions are premature. We just have witnessed a convincing election win and need to support the will of the people. Unless you are a citizen, we are all guests of the country and should behave as such. This policy has made my years of leaving abroad much easier.

very correct indeed .


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?

You are genuinely funny, very funny! This has NOT happen under Democratic rules, it was a 100% rigged election, especially the newcomers bragged about it already long before elections and the Remotecontroller saif he'll be back before years end!


It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Democracy is dead? How so? Because Thais, for the first time in years, have had a chance to express their opinion?

I'd say Dictatorship is dead, Democracy is back.

OK. Fine. They voted democratically to be ruled by an authoritarian dictatorship. Their choice, I accept that, good choice, no, I don't have to accept that.


I am watching Thai TV and it says Phuea Thai did not win a single seat from any province in the South! So much as to all Thais support the reds or Thaksin bullshit. All Thais in the South that I know detest Thaksin and the Red Shirts. Funny enough, that they paid 500 Baht per person and still didn´t get a single seat from the south.

As the southern provinces get far less seats than the north and isaan, it doesn´t change a thing. But still interesting to note.

Just in Thai TV as well. Central and Southern provinces, as well as Eastern Seaboard are all won by the Democrats, while the north and Issaan are won by Phuea Thai. Country is very much divided on this topic.

If the Democrats won the entire South, all of Bangkok, all the Central and Eastern Provices, they must be going for a landslide Democract victory then.



Unofficial poll results show Democrats leading Pheu Thai in BKK, leading to questions about exit polls

Nice try, but your misleading comment won't affect the official results. I'm watching Thai TV and they're showing the contrary.

Yeah, get out of the bar fridge.:burp:


Thaksin is the least corrupt of these leaders and policians, including the generals.

He doesn't need the money.

He's interested in prestige.

Of course, he must by sheer necessity engage in a certain amount of political corruption when you consider who the other players are, and that it's Thailand.

As for paying poor people for votes...how much did Abhissit pay them?


.And what did he ever do for them....


Thaksin tried, and with some success, delivered for them...health-care...land reform...education reform.... and he deserves every vote.

I hope his sister's government can restart those initiatives.


The ones to feel sorry on here are the Falangs who "burnt their bridges" with no investments or property back home, Something I was never stupid or naive to do.

I'm glad you are not my investment advisor.

If you are from the USA or Europe you would have been much better off investing here than at home over the last 5 years.


I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

Retired (s)expats that get their money in Dollar, Pound and Euro from abroad might be happy that the marked-analysts are predicting a decline and higher exchange-rates for the currencies mentioned.

Democracy all over the world now means that if you want to win you must promise to give loads of other people's money to your supporters. Anyone promising fiscal rectitude, an impartial judiciary and protection of property rights hasn't got a hope.

Thailand has just voted itself a massive handout. The result will of course be more inflation and a declining baht. rolleyes.gif

But the sheer size of the victory should hopefully mean that the result is respected and unless old square face makes a speedy return I don't foresee an early return to the streets for the yellow shirts. In a few years those celebrating today maybe ruing the cost but that's why we have "conservative/republican" parties. Someone has to clear up the mess.


If the exit polls are correct this is such a resounding rejection of the Democrats polices over the last two years.

From how they came to power, to the handling and investigation of last years red shirt rally to their subsequent election campaign.

The only choice people really had was between the Democrats and their coalition partners or Puea Thai, it would seem that the Democeats (and partners) have totally misread the mood of the nation.

This result may not be so much an endorsement for Thaksin but a rejection of the status quo of Thai politics.


begin removed ...

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

Minor correction. Start counting with the Siamese coup d'état of 1933 we've had only 20 till now ;)


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?

You are genuinely funny, very funny! This has NOT happen under Democratic rules, it was a 100% rigged election, especially the newcomers bragged about it already long before elections and the Remotecontroller saif he'll be back before years end!

Rigged election? How so? Was someone with a gun standing behind every single Thai telling them where to vote?


The sophistry of the usual suspects over the past couple of years is exposed for what is was: outside the expat bubble this is a very predictable result. Members might like to read Festinger et al's classic 'When Prophecy Fails', but I'm sure many will carry on building their castles in the air.

Can Thailand transcend the usual pattern of the provinces elect, Bangkok rejects?


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

<deleted> would all you bleating ex-pats know?

Let me answer that.... STUFF ALL.

My wife's family and just about every Thai I know have had enough of the Democrats.

20 years since they were elected and yet they have clung onto power with the help of the military.

They deserve to be booted out.

The people have spoken in a free and fair election.

The elite need to understand, democracy means majority rule, not minority rule.

Despite Thaksin't sins, he understood what the poor want, the Democrats have no idea at all. It will take a complete rebirth of that party to make them understand.

The life of the average poor Thai was considerably improved under Thaksin's rule and people remember that.

They have waited patiently for this day and they clearly haven't swallowed all the crap that has been spouted by the Bangkok elite and their media.

We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

I don't think that paying 300 to 500 Bt for a vote is democratic. It should be considerably more :whistling:


Thaksin is the least corrupt of these leaders and policians, including the generals.

He doesn't need the money.

He's interested in prestige.

Of course, he must by sheer necessity engage in a certain amount of political corruption when you consider who the other players are, and that it's Thailand.

As for paying poor people for votes...how much did Abhissit pay them?


.And what did he ever do for them....


Thaksin tried, and with some success, delivered for them...health-care...land reform...education reform.... and he deserves every vote.

I hope his sister's government can restart those initiatives.

What land reform or education reform?

Restart? Do you mean start charging for the healthcare that is now free? Reduce free education back from 15 years?

I don't know what planet you've been on for the last 10 years.


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

The Thaksin promises are all lies. The suckers have been suckered again. What really makes me laugh is all the fools who constantly said Thaksin was not controlling the party from afar but that it was a true democratic movement. More like a bowel movement;)


Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

Absolutely agree. Most farangs seem to exhibit a holier than thou attitude, seeming to know better than the locals. It's a shame that they still behave like missionaries. Two bloody world wars and they have not got this antagonism out of their system. There are however many exceptions and they are doing something good for Thailand without being pompous. I guess action speak louder than words.


If the exit polls are correct this is such a resounding rejection of the Democrats polices over the last two years.

From how they came to power, to the handling and subsequent investigation of last years red shirt rally to their subsequent election campaign.

The only choice people really had was between the Democrats and their coalition partners or Puea Thai, it would seem that the Democeats (and partners) have totally misread the mood of the nation.

This result may not be so much an endorsement for Thaksin but a rejection of the status quo of Thai politics.

Agree 100%


C'mon all you old farts! It's been a fair competition and the best one won :jap: Khun Abhisit might have been Mr. Clean at heart, but still had to cry out "I'm finished! Come and wipe!" As little missus Yingoutofluck will have to do. It'a new money vs. old money and privileges, and basically there was more of the new. No surprise, seeing y'all buy your booze and fags from 7-11 and use AIS to save a dime.

Relax my friends, relax. Nothing will change, except for maybe a few Malay's in the South, the drug addicts and some being eradicated, journalist of course - but who needs freedom of speach when you can get to tall bottles of Chang at give-away-prices?

No, seriously. Thaksin - a Berlusconi gone bad - is not good. Neither are the Democrats who had a chance of cleaning up their act but never did. They are at fault and although the outcome does not bode well for the Kingdom, som nam naah! :whistling:


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?

You are genuinely funny, very funny! This has NOT happen under Democratic rules, it was a 100% rigged election, especially the newcomers bragged about it already long before elections and the Remotecontroller saif he'll be back before years end!

Rigged election? How so? Was someone with a gun standing behind every single Thai telling them where to vote?

Surely something must be wrong. The latest preliminary results give:

ThaiPBS based on total vote counting so far PT 256, Dem 165, BJT 34, Chart Thai Pattana 18, Chart Pattana Puea Paendin 10, Palangchon 6 /via@bangkokpundit

(PS: telling where to vote is no real problem, unless you meant 'where to mark the ballot')

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