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I wish her the best but......

The highlight of her education amounts to a four year degree from Kansas state.......(Go Hoosiers!)

Her business experience amounts to various jobs in her brothers companies......

I cant wait until she has to participate in world economic forums and help shape economic policy for southeast Asia, such an embarrassment for Thailand.

(Of course, I'm American and we put Bush in the White House so Thailand does not have exclusivity in such things)

Its too bad, the people of Thailand need/deserve a good strong leader more now than ever, maybe the incumbent couldn't get it done but I personally feel the country has taken a big step backwards in their selection of a PM.

Never-the-less, this should send a strong message to the upper middle and elite class in Thailand, either you share the wealth and educate the masses or you will be run over by big red machine........

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I sincerely hope I'm wrong, and this isn't meant as an expression of advocacy for any faction, but by this time next year Thaksin will be back in Thailand and all hell will have broken loose (no, not "civil war", but some newsworthy degree of "unrest" I'm guessing). Some combination of demonstrating, the Army somewhere between the rumors&speculation and actual street-presence stages, and demands for new elections.

The PM-elect DOES have it in her power to genuinely move the country forward so long as she doesn't move to repatriate her brother. If she does that (as many obviously expect and hope - how else could she have been elected? - probably a foregone conclusion), I don't see meaningful social reconciliation on the horizon.



expect the unexpected

its not over until the fat lady sings

BTW what is democracy?

is that where you get to vote someone in and then they do what ever they want and fly around in their own plan and live in a big house with lots of money and change the laws and and and?


Unfortunately the poor have been paid to vote. Thailand will stay in the corruption zone. :(

And they don´t understand at all, that continued widely spread corruption will result in, that the poor will keep getting poorer and the rich will keep getting richer :-)

I can only say that the voters of Thailand will get the government that they deserve!



expect the unexpected

its not over until the fat lady sings

BTW what is democracy?

is that where you get to vote someone in and then they do what ever they want and fly around in their own plan and live in a big house with lots of money and change the laws and and and?

I have 2 things to say (well 3 to pronounce upon) - first of all she is not fat and I don't know if she can sing (the right tunes for the moment anyway) and yes it does appear that that is what THAI democracy is all about!!!

The laws are also changed to ones that suit and benefit the likes of themselves in their new found world of opportunity (opportunities for themselves, again). I don't know why I need to repeat this "themselves" word so often to get my points of view over?? Can anybody enlighten me on this??


I say Good Luck to Yingluck and hope that she can make Thailand a better and fairer country, cut back corruption and serve the country and its people well. I say good luck to Abhisit in whatever endeavour he next takes on and if he stays in politics maybe he can help persuade some of the democratic dinosaurs to retire gracefully and make way for some younger more progressive people into politics.

The democracy (using a lose definition) here is slowly growing and the same process has been seen in the Western democracies. Change happens slowly.

I hope the first thing the new prime minister does is take steps to improve the education system and introduce some new ideas into the methods of learning here. Education is a pre-requisite to a healthy democracy.

Good luck to Thailand and may it be a better educated and less corrupt place for my three sons to grow up in the foreseeable future.


Democracy : isn't that what the world wants?

What slap in the face to we people who continually call Thaksin derogatory names, claiming he is not wanted back and all that kind of talk! I am utterly amused.


I wish her the best but......

The highlight of her education amounts to a four year degree from Kansas state.......(Go Hoosiers!)

Her business experience amounts to various jobs in her brothers companies......

I cant wait until she has to participate in world economic forums and help shape economic policy for southeast Asia, such an embarrassment for Thailand.

(Of course, I'm American and we put Bush in the White House so Thailand does not have exclusivity in such things)

Its too bad, the people of Thailand need/deserve a good strong leader more now than ever, maybe the incumbent couldn't get it done but I personally feel the country has taken a big step backwards in their selection of a PM.

Never-the-less, this should send a strong message to the upper middle and elite class in Thailand, either you share the wealth and educate the masses or you will be run over by big red machine........

Actually I think Reagan was the biggest mistake in the white house. How did he run the country? By using good advisers and admitting when he didn’t know what to do next. His problems came when he was face to face with other leaders, he made a big boboo.

I expect Yingluck to be more or less the same but she is much brighter, younger. She will learn very quickly. As long as she keeps Taksin as only one piece of advice and not in control (which may be difficult) she could do very well. The four years of a taught masters degree (which I suppose it was) will tell.

Certainly she has done well so far – I do not believe a pot plant could have done it.


I think it's a pretty smart move to have a lovely looking Thai lady as PM even if she's a puppet - she's probably the most attractive PM ever?. Great PR for the land of smiles tourist sector every time she is shown on news in foreign countries. The planes from Korea, Japan and Europe will be full again. Happy days :rolleyes:.


Of course you know it takes a shark to know another shark.

You think because Teddy Kennedy was from the very rich in America that he was any less a fighter for the common man?

FDR was from a very rich family and that certainly diod not stop him from being a fighter for the common man.

So what is your point?

You think only a man from the countryside who worked in the fields can fight for the common Thai man?

I disagree and I doubt you really think that.

You just do not like the election results.

My point was adressing your erroneous and laughable earlier comment about the Ruling Elite failed to keep Thaksin out, and how this is self-contradictory when both he and his sister are Landed Gentry with inherited $billions and huge corporate interests. I notice that instead of replying to this accurate point I put to you, you instead chose to start some fairly surreal shark metaphors which are pretty wide of the mark if your referring to me, unlike Thaksin I don't have a criminal record & unlike Thaksin & Sis I really am Working Class & have had to work hard just to pay bills, there was never any $60 billion mystery cash "from my family" in my Bank account, so if he is a shark then I guess Im not. I wasn't calling him a shark, I was calling him a convicted white-collar criminal who has lived in the jet-set upper-class Ruling Elite his entire life.

I do actually think that if a person is campaigning on solidarity with field/factory workers he/she should have worked in those areas at least for a few years or represented them on some level. Failing that, if the person is a Ruling Class billionaire they should avoid basing their whole campaign on "stopping the Ruling Elite" .

As for not liking the election results, actually I'm more concerned about what this new regime will usher in with it, and how it will impact on normal working Thais, the ones whose shops and business were petrol bombed last year by the Reds, for example. I don't vote in Thailand or in either of the lands that I am dual-national in. I just don't like hypocrisy which is what Thaksin & Sis stand for, and I don't like seeing factionalism which is what Thaksin brings with him. I have a lot of friends here in Bangkok, most of them voted Abhisit despite them being factory workers & nurses etc. i.e. not Ruling Elite at all, and today they are all really worried about the years ahead.


Democracy : isn't that what the world wants?

What slap in the face to we people who continually call Thaksin derogatory names, claiming he is not wanted back and all that kind of talk! I am utterly amused.

Yes it is amusing and it appears that those of us that said this know very little of Thai politics or even less about the thai people. I congratulate the incoming P.M and wish her well. As long as she stays aware from and does not take tips from Australia's female P.M then she should do very well for Thailand.


From what i have learned from My thai friends is that Thai people don't care who wins as long as THEY will benefit. Which is what most sensible people in the world would want in their own country. Most people i have talked to don't want Thaksin or Aphisit...they all voted NO Vote.... Which basically guaranteed Thaksin a victory. If that's what Thais want. It's their country. I just think it's sad because children learn from their parents and from this election it just shows that Thais think it's ok to break the law and run and NOT be punished. 'You can be a criminal son, that's ok...look what Thaksin did.' 'See how so many people admire him. You can do that too...but make sure you have money first. Because with money you can buy friends...money is power. oh, and it doesn't matter how you get the money...just get it. In the end people will just say my pen rai''

And as for ethics..well, it's just something that is not really that important here. That's why corruption will continue to flourish. It's what people are used to here. It's what they feel comfortable with. They wouldn't know what to do without it.

May I be the first to congratulate Khun Yingluck, sanity has returned to my beloved Thailand

Much power to the people


I most definately second that!


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

I think we can be certain that it will end in tears, just not sure when though. :rolleyes:


The process is called 'democracy' my friend. In this process ALL people have the right to cast a vote, not just certain strata of society.

By the very nature of the process, some people will be satisfied with the result, others not so.

I have no issue with a democracy per se, but I have a dream of an election with only enlightened voters. Whatever the outcome would be.


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

I think we can be certain that it will end in tears, just not sure when though. :rolleyes:

I don't think the yellow shirts will take this laying down. I believe they will do everything in thier power to disrupt thailand, maybe more airport blockades and even a coup. Personally I do not think they will accept the voice of the majority or accept a democratically elected government. My wife said to expect very big trouble from the yellowshirts.


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

Will be very entertaining, as we will see the first PM in the world whom can not enter any discussions or debates, since she is not allowed to do so.



/../ she's probably the most attractive PM ever?.

My lord, please tell me that you are joking?

Well compare her to thatcher, gillard and co, I also think she is the most attractive P.M ;)


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

Will be very entertaining, as we will see the first PM in the world whom can not enter any discussions or debates, since she is not allowed to do so.


A shining star for global feminism!

Actually, her campaign will be studied by political strategists all over the world. How the pretty "product" with basically NO SUBSTANCE (and no experience, poor education, etc.) could be marketed to produce a historic landslide victory. Like marketing a new flavor of salad cream. That is remarkable. A bigger challenge, take an even prettier pet hospital receptionist with similarly absurd lack of any qualifications, with no FAMILY NAME advantage and deliver a similar result. BTW, I don't "hate" Yingluck, there is really no "there there" to hate, and who doesn't like a pretty face?


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

Will be very entertaining, as we will see the first PM in the world whom can not enter any discussions or debates, since she is not allowed to do so.


A shining star for global feminism!

Actually, her campaign will be studied by political strategists all over the world. How the pretty "product" with basically NO SUBSTANCE (and no experience, poor education, etc.) could be marketed to produce a historic landslide victory. Like marketing a new flavor of salad cream. That is remarkable. A bigger challenge, take an even prettier pet hospital receptionist with similarly absurd lack of any qualifications, with no FAMILY NAME advantage and deliver a similar result. BTW, I don't "hate" Yingluck, there is really no "there there" to hate, and who doesn't like a pretty face?

Judging by some of the posts/posters on TV I think its fair to assume she is better educated than many of the so called experts posting here.

As for hoodwinking the gullible public, well Tony Blair for one springs to mind.

My American friends are now saying pretty much the same as you have just posted, except their anger is directed at themselves for being taken in by The Emperors New Clothes that is Obama.


What difference does it make if none of the posters here are qualified to be the leader of their countries? Some other poster said a similar thing, and the absurdity of that galls me! Thailand has quite a large population. She's the elite? In family name and money only. It's a disgrace, really, to prop up a cipher like her.

She is NOTHING like Obama, who though you may not like his politics, is clearly a brilliant man and at least part of the time a dynamic speaker. When not dynamic, he is at least serviceable and not afraid to be interviewed with hard ball questions at press conferences.

She is VERY MUCH like SARAH PALIN. A pretty face with a LOW GRADE education who has proven totally incompetent with the press, who instead she attacks in juvenile ways ("lamestream media") so is only interview by friendlies and relies on TWITTER for her one way communication.


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

Will be very entertaining, as we will see the first PM in the world whom can not enter any discussions or debates, since she is not allowed to do so.


A shining star for global feminism!

Actually, her campaign will be studied by political strategists all over the world. How the pretty "product" with basically NO SUBSTANCE (and no experience, poor education, etc.) could be marketed to produce a historic landslide victory. Like marketing a new flavor of salad cream. That is remarkable. A bigger challenge, take an even prettier pet hospital receptionist with similarly absurd lack of any qualifications, with no FAMILY NAME advantage and deliver a similar result. BTW, I don't "hate" Yingluck, there is really no "there there" to hate, and who doesn't like a pretty face?

Judging by some of the posts/posters on TV I think its fair to assume she is better educated than many of the so called experts posting here.

As for hoodwinking the gullible public, well Tony Blair for one springs to mind.

My American friends are now saying pretty much the same as you have just posted, except their anger is directed at themselves for being taken in by The Emperors New Clothes that is Obama.

Well, we're not running for public office either. Most of the remarks here are just opinions. Everybody has a right to one. Or do you deny that? Yeah, I feel totally hoodwinked by Obama the shill.


A shining star for global feminism!

Actually, her campaign will be studied by political strategists all over the world. How the pretty "product" with basically NO SUBSTANCE (and no experience, poor education, etc.) could be marketed to produce a historic landslide victory. Like marketing a new flavor of salad cream. That is remarkable. A bigger challenge, take an even prettier pet hospital receptionist with similarly absurd lack of any qualifications, with no FAMILY NAME advantage and deliver a similar result. BTW, I don't "hate" Yingluck, there is really no "there there" to hate, and who doesn't like a pretty face?

Judging by some of the posts/posters on TV I think its fair to assume she is better educated than many of the so called experts posting here.

As for hoodwinking the gullible public, well Tony Blair for one springs to mind.

My American friends are now saying pretty much the same as you have just posted, except their anger is directed at themselves for being taken in by The Emperors New Clothes that is Obama.

Well, we're not running for public office either. Most of the remarks here are just opinions. Everybody has a right to one. Or do you deny that? Yeah, I feel totally hoodwinked by Obama the shill.

Agree with all you say, my comments were directed to JT and his remark, " poor education"

Taken from the following link,


The above states the following,

"Yingluck earned a bachelors degree from Chiang Mai University and a masters degree from Kentucky State University, both in public administration.

If JT considers her to be poorly educated perhaps he could enlighten us with his qualifications, I will be the first to admit she is better qualified than I am.

The reference to Tony Blair was to point out that he also entered the door to number ten with no experience.

I will keep my opinions on him to myself, except I think its fair to say I doubt very much Yingluck will be leading Thailand into wars of dubious legallity.



/../ she's probably the most attractive PM ever?.

My lord, please tell me that you are joking?

Well compare her to thatcher, gillard and co, I also think she is the most attractive P.M ;)

What about Merkel?biggrin.gif

Shoulder rubs any one, did not work out so well for baby Bush.


Thai stocks were the days biggest gainers after a decisive electoral victory for a party headed by former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatras younger sister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Citigroup analysts said the results should lead to a rerating of the stock market, as the policies the winning party proposed during the campaign including large increases in the minimum wage and monthly support for retirees should drive stronger consumption and investment spending

This in the papers in the U.S

Vive la Thaksin.jap.gif


JUSTICE!! Abhisit Never Had a Mandate to run this country. The people have spoken. When people belittle the red shirt movement, remember this election.

Abhisit was able to form a coalition. That translates as a mandate.

I don't see anything good in the Red Shirt movement, and I see how this election outcome will bode ill for Thailand's future. Thaksin will either be in the PM's chair within months and/or he will be pardoned and his ill-begotten money returned. After that, it's an avalanche of additional money for the Shinawatres (and their bosom buddies) and less for the Thai people and its treasury. Thaksin was proven to have cheated the Thai treasury out of billions - and he is insatiable - for power and for money. Will his clone be the same?


The last 2 Thaksin puppets didn't last too long. I wonder how this will play out?

I think we can be certain that it will end in tears, just not sure when though. :rolleyes:

I don't think the yellow shirts will take this laying down. I believe they will do everything in thier power to disrupt thailand, maybe more airport blockades and even a coup. Personally I do not think they will accept the voice of the majority or accept a democratically elected government. My wife said to expect very big trouble from the yellowshirts.

Erm ... I was thinking more, of Ms-Yingluck's lacrimosity (hence the smilie) & stress-levels, when she has to deliver on all her campaign-promises, whilst looking over her shoulder at the jostling herd of supporters, but anyway. Also responding to what welbymd had pointed-out, that Thaksin 's history of working through nominee-PMs is not great. B)

But to address your own comments, I think it's too-simplistic to view "the yellow shirts" as a single coordinated block.

I would hope & expect the military to give her time, to show how she wants to run things & who she picks for Defense Minister, after-all they did give the PPP/PM-Samak some time. They will also probably be studying/worrying-about how much influence the Red-Shirt-leader MPs will actually have, after all these are the people who were leading the attacks on them, a year ago in Bangkok.

The Dems will be embroiled in analysing what-went-wrong, and now a leadership-contest, for a while.

The PAD may want to cause trouble, but they don't appear to have very much support these days, however that may change if the Amnesty is now pushed to the top-priority. Have to wait-and-see on that, and stay optimistic, meanwhile.

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