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Yingluck's First Challenge: Prove You Are Not A Puppet


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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Edited by sirchai
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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

A decent quality worker? They are more educated in what? Are you talking about the spoken English of some I love u too much girls?

The majority pass grade by grade, even when they don't know anything about this particular subject. That's why so many things are wrong. The educators should be educated to able to educate properly. Can you imagine to see a doctor who passed all examinations because he's filthy rich?

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Its all relative, double the minimum wage, suddenly the cost of living goes up by a comparable amount. Today's 25B noodles will cost 50B tomorrow.

Same nett spending power.

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

A decent quality worker? They are more educated in what? Are you talking about the spoken English of some I love u too much girls?

The majority pass grade by grade, even when they don't know anything about this particular subject. That's why so many things are wrong. The educators should be educated to able to educate properly. Can you imagine to see a doctor who passed all examinations because he's filthy rich?

You might want to have a look at the crisis now developing in South Africa. A huge sum was invested in education and the results show a stunning decline in students' academic capabilities.

Have a look at the USA, its academic results are deplorable despite billions spent on programs. It is not just Thailand. Yes there are some incompetent physicians in Thailand. Unfortunately, they are present elsewhwere. In Canada, a physician can have a history of serious malpractice or improriety and still be allowed to practice. The situation you describe is found everywhere.

If the Thais were as stupid as you make them out to be, then who built the home you are living in? Who cooked the food you eat? Who grew that food? Who runs the much maligned BKK airport and manages to get planes up and down from the skies without fatalaties? Who are the people that service those airplanes at the TG maintenance hub? If Thais were as stupid and inept as you claim, nothing would function in this country. And yet, the foreigners remain and new ones come every day.

Enough with the negativity.

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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Have you ever been Chairman of an organization the size or magnitude that she has been Chairwoman of?

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Duuub...... I think its meant as The Thai Nation, and not the newspaper.. of course she has nothing to prove to a newspaper... she does however have to have to prove something to all the good and kind people of Thailand whom have put their trust in her to guide this Nation to some type of stability and unity.. its gonna be a rocky ride... but fun to observe..

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Well said! I have said it before that The Nation is the biggest problem Thailand is facing today. If i were Yingluck my first priority would be to close down The Nation forever and bare all its workers from working with any other media so they don't transmit their bias, propaganda and hatred viruses to other medias.

Yay for Red Democracy.

Let's shut down all media with opposing views. Even when they aren't telling lies, breaking laws and inciting violence

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"The minimum wage level should be re-considered" It should definitely go up and 300 baht should be the minimum. The workers of Thailand get paid far to little. They are more educated and efficient then say Chinese or Cambodian workers, the cost of living especially food is going up in Thailand and around the world, and industry will not be fleeing Thailand, 300 baht minimum wage is still very low and they get in return a decent quality worker.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Its all relative, double the minimum wage, suddenly the cost of living goes up by a comparable amount. Today's 25B noodles will cost 50B tomorrow.

Same nett spending power.

Except the general costs are added on to exports which then shrink MORE,

and as oil rises, the net cost of living rises even further.

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Well said! I have said it before that The Nation is the biggest problem Thailand is facing today. If i were Yingluck my first priority would be to close down The Nation forever and bare all its workers from working with any other media so they don't transmit their bias, propaganda and hatred viruses to other medias.

Yay for Red Democracy.

Let's shut down all media with opposing views. Even when they aren't telling lies, breaking laws and inciting violence

Spot on WB.

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The whole AEC and the happenings of the coup need to be investigate.

Reconciliation means going back to the coup of 2006.

The coup was an act of treason - but the coup leaders all gave themselves AMNESTY - without consulting the people.

The coup leaders appointed the AEC to investigate and find Thaksin guilty. They also replaced many of the judiciary with their personal choices . Was this fair ? or was it a set up ?

So everything from 2006 must be reconsidered as part the reconciliation process.

It is clear the Yellow side want to ignore and forget the treasonous act of a coup, the granting of amnesty to themselves, the scrapping of the peoples constitution BUT that cannot be the case. It is the root of the problem and everything needs to be considered, including events in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Reconciliation cannot be selective.

So you have to go back and see why the coup happened and why so many were relieved when it did.

Thaksin's wholesale abuse of the democratic system with his emasculation of all the checks and balances is the reason.

Funnily enough I do not remember any massive protests. Just a few yellow shirts and rabid yellow media outlets.

Funnily enough the "people" voted TRT, TRT, TRT, PPP and PTP. The majority of the people therefore never supported the coup at all.

Corruption was much lower under TRT than under the previous Democrat government.

The reason for the coup.... a good question. And one that needs to be investigated along with the overseas bank accounts of senior coup leaders to see if anyone or any entity paid for the coup to happen.

Everything needs to be investigated as part of the reconciliation process.

"Corruption was much lower under TRT than under the previous Democrat government."

Just a laughable comment.

Chuan saved the countries ass'ets in the previous government,

the government previous to his, Chavalits, touched off the Asian Tiger collapse,

and Thaksin was stand on place behind Chavalit when he did that.

Chuans brother pout the touch on some for millions all on his own,

Thaksin went for billions via policy corruption on a grandiose scale.

Who could have imagined that the propaganda would let up with a PTP win....

After the AEC did it's job, they passed the information on to Police and Attorney General offices. He was prosecuted by them not by AEC. So looking at the AEC is a red herring. They provided the information in an organized fashion, finally being able to work unimpeded by Thaksin's bully boys. But the AEC didn't take him to court.

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Well said! I have said it before that The Nation is the biggest problem Thailand is facing today. If i were Yingluck my first priority would be to close down The Nation forever and bare all its workers from working with any other media so they don't transmit their bias, propaganda and hatred viruses to other medias.

I never realised that the Nation was so very influential ? :lol:

Of course it has a bias, so does every other publication, here or in any other country. So what ? The freedom to take a broad view, and to report from that POV, should be defended not attacked. It's called freedom-of-the-press, and is a good thing, at least up to the point where they call for violent revolution on-the-streets !

But already we see here the explicit demand to close-down this newspaper, and sack & black-list the journalists and editorial-staff, this would be going straight back to the 'Bad Old Days' of TRT/Thaksin & billion-Baht law-suits, in an attempt to muzzle the press and stiffle the reporting of corruption.

The country needs more press-freedom, not less, and some might think that the L-M law & internet-censorship might be a good place to begin. Freedom-of-expression is necessary for a healthy democracy, and all who as here argue against it, should be regarded with suspicion. Ms Yingluck has an opportunity to show what she stands for. B)

Edited by Ricardo
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Is this the future of TVF? The group that led the "We hate Thaksinbrigade", became the "Yingluck can't win because she's a dumb corrupt Thai" and now has become the sore losers recovery group rehashing the same stories and allegations over and over. It's like picking a big scab that is their collective life.

Get over it. The election result is clear. Yingluck won the election. The PTP and its policies were endorsed by the people. The addition of the other 5 political parties into the government further endorses the PTP position. The people have spoken and your side lost. Have some class and quit with the cheap shots and snide remarks that denigrate the Thai PM designate.

If any of you feel so strongly on the issue please write to the PM designate and tell her how much you hate her. Be sure to include that you think she's an unedcated bimbo too. Don't hold back.

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Is this the future of TVF? The group that led the "We hate Thaksinbrigade", became the "Yingluck can't win because she's a dumb corrupt Thai" and now has become the sore losers recovery group rehashing the same stories and allegations over and over. It's like picking a big scab that is their collective life.

Get over it. The election result is clear. Yingluck won the election. The PTP and its policies were endorsed by the people. The addition of the other 5 political parties into the government further endorses the PTP position. The people have spoken and your side lost. Have some class and quit with the cheap shots and snide remarks that denigrate the Thai PM designate.

If any of you feel so strongly on the issue please write to the PM designate and tell her how much you hate her. Be sure to include that you think she's an unedcated bimbo too. Don't hold back.

And none of that invalidates pointing out the revenges are starting up,

the white wash of Thaksin has commenced, and the propaganda for both are swinging into high gear.

And neither has anything to do with the will of the people to vote in MPs.

Such fatuous hyperbole is part of the problem by the way.

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

Well said! I have said it before that The Nation is the biggest problem Thailand is facing today. If i were Yingluck my first priority would be to close down The Nation forever and bare all its workers from working with any other media so they don't transmit their bias, propaganda and hatred viruses to other medias.

Yeah, that will show them what reconciliation is all about! PTP/UDD have complained long and hard about repression of free expression, now it's our turn!

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Why does someone who campaigned on the Thaksin thinks, PTP does slogan quite succesfully and who was helped rather than damaged by being a clone have to show she is not a puppet? If the people have willingly chosen a puppet or maybe better termed as representative of another, then the country gets what it chose. There is no rule that when you win an election that you must suddenly do everything to keep the losers happy although at times it can be a politically astute move. Let Yingluck and the PTP get on with doing what they will do and come the next election if it is not popular, they can be voted out and in the meantime if it is illegal there are courts and a senate etc

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As a Thai friend of mine put it 'we had a chance to move the country forward and now we step back'.

Yes back to Thaksin rule and the country will likely be run as a Thaksin company, after all that is where the expertise of the lady lies.

There can never be reconciliation until the red leaders (now PT MP,s) accept responsibility for the riots and the deaths, injuries and loss of property they caused and this will never happen.

It will be interesting to see if the policies, along with bring back Thaksin, that won the election are implimented and if so what comes first.

Meanwhile the Baht is dropping and this is good for me and probably most farang.

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Yeah, that will show them what reconciliation is all about! PTP/UDD have complained long and hard about repression of free expression, now it's our turn!

If you would know what kind of information the red media have been expressing the last 3 years, you would look in the mirror and ask yourself why you would ever write the nonsense you just did! I cannot even quote the free red expression without the fear of getting arrested! They've been spewing pure hatred and lies of the worst and most dangerous kind for years now.

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The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.


With respect. I disagree. It seems to me at least at first reading to be a very balanced and thoughtful article.

There are going to be a lot of hurdles for her, her government,and Thailand to get over.

Personally, I hope they do. After all, I have to live here too, don't I?


Yes I do understand your concern. Perhaps, the Nation would prefer that there be another puppet of the military in office? I do not disagree that the PM designate must demonstrate that she has the nation of Thailand's best interests at heart. What I disagree with is the continual sniping that comes from Nation Media. I do not believe that the company shows respect for the fact that Mme. Yingluck won the election and that she has a mandate to govern.

No matter what the woman does, the Nation will find fault and continue with the sniping. If she visits a disaster site and is shaken by what she sees, no doubt the Nation will dismiss her as a frail woman etc. No one dismissed Bill Clinton when he showed empathy for victims of catastrophe and the tears rolled down his chubby cheeks. No one ridiculed Maggie Thatcher when a tear came from her saphire eyes as she met victims of terrorism. Ever since she was announced as the PM candidate, the Nation has been out front with its nasty attacks. It's despicable and petty.

The PM designate has empathy for people and the Nation can't quite get over the fact that some political leaders do genuinely care about the people. The woman hasn't even been sworn in and the Nation comes with its demands. Just what has the Nation done to promote peace and reconciliation in the country? Many foreign malcontents still can't grasp the fact that she has a majority victory. The fact that she has reached out to include 5 of the other parties in her government planning suggests that she is trying to bring as many people into the government as possible. Give the woman a chance before everyone starts ganging up on her. The voters were well aware that her brother was the ousted PM, and yet they still voted for her. Take the hint. The Democrats said this was an election on the former PM Thaksin. Well, ok. They got their answer and a majority of the people voted in favour of the party and the policies that the Democrats condemned. Too bad. the PM designate does not answer to the interests of the Nation Media. The nation backed the Democrats and it backed the wrong group and now it has to accept the result.

The last PM faced constant false accusations that he murdered 90+ people. But we should handle this frail woman with the beautiful smile with kid gloves? Welcome to the real word Sunshine! If she can't handle the heat, she should have stayed out of the kitchen, like her (smarter) older sister.

And it is going to get a dam_n sight hotter for her. Hopefully, like the Cheshire cat she resembles, she will eventually just fade away.

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Yeah, that will show them what reconciliation is all about! PTP/UDD have complained long and hard about repression of free expression, now it's our turn!

If you would know what kind of information the red media have been expressing the last 3 years, you would look in the mirror and ask yourself why you would ever write the nonsense you just did! I cannot even quote the free red expression without the fear of getting arrested! They've been spewing pure hatred and lies of the worst and most dangerous kind for years now.

KireB, if you had read the post I was replying to, you might understand that I was taking the piss. I suppose a big red SATIRE was in order.

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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Have you ever been Chairman of an organization the size or magnitude that she has been Chairwoman of?

She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Have you ever been Chairman of an organization the size or magnitude that she has been Chairwoman of?

She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

Actually, the position of President of the company has been filled by her 23-year-old niece (Thaksin's daughter) who is obviously working her way up from the bottom.

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KireB, if you had read the post I was replying to, you might understand that I was taking the piss. I suppose a big red SATIRE was in order.

Don't take it personal, I misunderstood your cynicism. There's just so much too read nowadays on this forum.

Anyway, remark stands about red media and their campaign of hatred against anyone but themselves.

This won't stop. The red movement will become an extension of the PT party in society. A new kind of Check and Balances has arrived!

Very scary if you think about how far this could go!

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I think a western nickname is in order.

How about Pinnochia?

Though i still like the Cheshire cat comparison, all smile and no substance. Perhaps a bit obscure for those not familiar with Carrol.

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TheNation's First Challenge: Prove that you are not a puppet newspaper.

Yingluck Shinawatra now has to bear both the privilege and the burden of being Thailand's first female prime minister. Yingluck will have to silence her critics by showing that a woman can also be a good premier.

Yingluck has everything she needs to become a good leader. She has been praised by some observant academics for displaying a willingness to compromise, which could be an asset for national reconciliation efforts. Another plus is her experience in the corporate world.

She should get some advice from the East German Chancellor Merkel. Both could rule the world together.


What about her experience in the corporate world? I just don't get the plot. :jap:

Have you ever been Chairman of an organization the size or magnitude that she has been Chairwoman of?

She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

In England we call it Chairman, in America they call it President..

Presedent now that's a big word

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Why does someone who campaigned on the Thaksin thinks, PTP does slogan quite succesfully and who was helped rather than damaged by being a clone have to show she is not a puppet? If the people have willingly chosen a puppet or maybe better termed as representative of another, then the country gets what it chose. There is no rule that when you win an election that you must suddenly do everything to keep the losers happy although at times it can be a politically astute move. Let Yingluck and the PTP get on with doing what they will do and come the next election if it is not popular, they can be voted out and in the meantime if it is illegal there are courts and a senate etc

You could change puppet to Proxy.

And they is lots of talk in Thailand of Proxies being a bad thing.

As to not whacking away at the losers,

this is called, reigning in Tyranny Of The Majority.

Which is another of the things Checks and Balances is supposed to prevent.

As shown through history if majorities are not benevolent then insurgencies spring up,

the less benevolent and more malevolent the majority, the strong the inverse response and it's actions.

Assuming that all points of all members of a political coalition are give a mandate by all voters is dangerous a fallacy. Sure some voted to punish the elite, and others to exonerate Thaksin, and others to send a message to the army, ands others still to install their FRed Workers Paradise in Thailand.

The point being, a win is a win, but not all your voters all back every point the same amount, or even at all. Pretending a mandate exists for the workers paradise, the same as sending a message to the army is a false argument and a dangerous one to presume.

Respecting the win also must mean respecting the losers too.

If the PTP doesn't want to meet the army again, then they MUST set the standar of no retribution and reign in those reds who have already started to move past gloating and into revenge.

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