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Absolutely,and all the more reason to give them sod all,by not entering,

Personally I would rather give a donation to Charity,and then there would be something worthwhile for somebody, more needy.

As if you had any intention of getting off your keyboard and running a marathon.

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There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

I wonder if you're aware that there's an undertone of racial hatred in all your posts - toward Thais. Perhaps Thailand is not your cup of tea.

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Dual pricing exist in the US also, University for residents and non residents as well as tourist attractions. Its just that your probably white and never experienced racism before while being in your home country, but now that your abroad you are no longer special.

As far as the marathon, most caucasions are twice the size as asians, so thats probable the reason. So does a farang with almost twice the stride length a fair competitor compared to asians.? Think about it.

Its just like when you here a farang complaining about getting into a fight with a thai male and the whole moo ban jumps in to help, the farang is twice the size, i guess they never take that into consideration.

No, what you talked about in terms of university tuition is not racism. All of the universities charge more for both out-of-state students and foreigners. You failed to mention this. It is a charge for people who live outside the state where the university is located. The reason? Residents of the state have paid taxes for the construction and upkeep of the universities, including salaries for professors; residents outside of the state have not paid taxes except within their own state (and foreigners have not paid taxes). That is not racism. I do not know of one example where non-US citizens pay more than US citizens, and it is based on racism.

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There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

I wonder if you're aware that there's an undertone of racial hatred in all your posts - toward Thais. Perhaps Thailand is not your cup of tea.

Nonsense, the poster is merely stating facts. Anybody with actual experience of UK life will have noticed a dramatic favouritism granted to immigrants, a dramatically disproportionate involvement in crime by certain groups of immigrants/ethnic groups and an infuriating stupidity, naivety and hypocrisy of the ultra PC class that have been running the country for much of the past 20 years or so, either in parliament, local government or our institutions.

It isn't rscist to state facts that have racial implications. It is racist to invent facts to promote a racist agenda but that isn't being done in these posts.

And the points made by the poster about expats in Thailand are certainly true, we don't in the vast majority of cases receive any economic or other favouritism, the opposite is in fact the case, we have to put up with frequent discrimination, higher prices and restrictions.

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You and "the poster" must be trolling. First, he claims "obvious racism." Then, he switches to "Nationalistic Xenophobia." And you both imperialistically conjecture that the UK is less racist than Thailand because there is "dramatic favoritism granted to immigrants." Thereby fanning the "flames of racialism" in the UK.

Who or what is fanning the "flames of racialism" in Thailand? I don't know what you two are drinking. But, I hope they charged you the racist price. wacko.gif

Edited by rijb
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My opinion on dual pricing is that it does not qualify as racism as such, rather it is based on the assumption that foreigners that visit Thailand, and other SE Asian countries, are, on average, more wealthy than the indigenous population. I consider it a variety of the "from each according to their means" philosophy rather than racism. When I visited Borodur temple in Indonesia I think I paid 4-5 times what the locals pay. Fair enough I reckon.


I totaly agree, this has nothing to do with racism in any shape or form.

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You and "the poster" must be trolling. First, he claims "obvious racism." Then, he switches to "Nationalistic Xenophobia." And you both imperialistically conjecture that the UK is less racist than Thailand because there is "dramatic favoritism granted to immigrants." Thereby fanning the "flames of racialism" in the UK.

Who or what is fanning the "flames of racialism" in Thailand? I don't know what you two are drinking. But, I hope they charged you the racist price. wacko.gif

I haven't drinking anything apart from a cup of tea at the moment, but I suggest you might want a brain supplement of some kind...cos you sound a little on the dull side.

Also, why would I be "Trolling", I just found your response stupid so I decided to reply to it. And I find your response to my reeply equally stupid.

The comment on "fanning the flames of racialism", wasn't mine, it was the other poster's. But it obviously refers to the situation in the UK, not Thailand. You need to improve your powers of English comprehension, ever thought of going on a course to learn English as a foreign language?

Your comment about imperialism is just plain weird, how is it imperialist? It is just an experience based observation to say that there is more racism (against foreigners) in Thailand than in the UK. How is that "imperialistic"?

Do you even know what imperialism means? I suggest you look it up as you are clearly getting confused.

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My opinion on dual pricing is that it does not qualify as racism as such, rather it is based on the assumption that foreigners that visit Thailand, and other SE Asian countries, are, on average, more wealthy than the indigenous population. I consider it a variety of the "from each according to their means" philosophy rather than racism. When I visited Borodur temple in Indonesia I think I paid 4-5 times what the locals pay. Fair enough I reckon.


I totaly agree, this has nothing to do with racism in any shape or form.

If what you and Timestamp are saying is true, then they should charge Asians they perceive as having more wealth than the majority of other Asians--say Asians from Japan--more money to enter the race? They do not do this. They are only targeting farangs. I really do not understand why so many posters apologize or rationalize this type of behavior. This simply does not happen in most developed countries. It would be incredible to walk into a restaurant in the USA and see a sign that says, pie US$2 per slice for US citizens, US$4 for non-US citizens. Do you know what would happen to the restaurant owner? Guess.

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Being from Wales I get asked about sheep sha*ing ( but not being a kiss and tell type of person) I just smile and say that's between me and my sheep,JT do you think that is rascit against the Welsh or the sheep. :lol:

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I would suggest a Farang only Marathon, with double pricing for Thais and Asians and exclude them from prizes...they wouldn't participate but so what. I am sure such an event would definitely get noticed...

Only racist use

Farang = white person

Correct word

Kon Dtaang Chaat = foreigner


Nak tong Teow = tourist

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I admit im racist.im australian Irish with Aboriginal.grandmother.

i hate australia i hate the flag and i hate the british emblem on it.

i do not like people from england as my father was a staunch irish supporter and used to send money to the ira.

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If what you and Timestamp are saying is true, then they should charge Asians they perceive as having more wealth than the majority of other Asians--say Asians from Japan--more money to enter the race? They do not do this. They are only targeting farangs. I really do not understand why so many posters apologize or rationalize this type of behavior. This simply does not happen in most developed countries. It would be incredible to walk into a restaurant in the USA and see a sign that says, pie US$2 per slice for US citizens, US$4 for non-US citizens. Do you know what would happen to the restaurant owner? Guess.

Well if you want equality as practiced in the US, then it should be applied in all things. According the US Internal Revenue Service:

Taxation of Resident Aliens

Taxable Income

A resident alien's income is generally subject to tax in the same manner as a U.S. citizen. If you are a resident alien, you must report all interest, dividends, wages, or other compensation for services, income from rental property or royalties, and other types of income on your U.S. tax return. You must report these amounts whether from sources within or outside the United States.


Personally I'd rather avoid having to deal with Thai taxes. I once lived in another country in which I had to go through the annual local tax procedure that treated me like everyone else. No thank you.

And I should add, in that other country where I had to file taxes annually, without an annual tax clearance certificate you could not exit the country.

Edited by Suradit
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I admit im racist.im australian Irish with Aboriginal.grandmother.

i hate australia i hate the flag and i hate the british emblem on it.

i do not like people from england as my father was a staunch irish supporter and used to send money to the ira.

Thank you for that honest response. I can certainly sympathize with you given what happened to the aboriginal groups in Australia. It is no doubt a fact that we are all racists to some degree, but few of us have the courage to admit it. If true, governments must play a role to prevent us from engaging in racism (we may think it, but we need to prevented from acting on it). That is where the legal system comes in. If Thailand ever wants to attain developed world status, it must take action to stop racism and xenophobia among its people. One simple step forward would be to stop double pricing based on race.

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I admit im racist.im australian Irish with Aboriginal.grandmother.

i hate australia i hate the flag and i hate the british emblem on it.

i do not like people from england as my father was a staunch irish supporter and used to send money to the ira.

Thank you for that honest response. I can certainly sympathize with you given what happened to the aboriginal groups in Australia. It is no doubt a fact that we are all racists to some degree, but few of us have the courage to admit it. If true, governments must play a role to prevent us from engaging in racism (we may think it, but we need to prevented from acting on it). That is where the legal system comes in. If Thailand ever wants to attain developed world status, it must take action to stop racism and xenophobia among its people. One simple step forward would be to stop double pricing based on race.

"i do not like people from england as my father was a staunch irish supporter and used to send money to the ira."

You welcome his honesty? OK, but why?. He sounds like an ignorant fool. He doesn't even understand what racism is, he isn't talking about racism here. He is talking about dislike of certain nations and nationalities. As mindless and ignorant as his anti-englishness is (what has the average englishman got to do with the ancient history he pretends to be all worked up about), its got nothing to do with race. Ita like the Americans who go on about being Irish American or Italian American but probably know nothing about these places at all, just pretensious <deleted>.

How about if I said I dislike Australians because of one or two idiot Australians I've come across, like this one...yes, that would be pathetically ignorant, but it still wouldn't be racist.

It isn't even as if there is any semi-intelligent basis for his general dislike for the english. It is based on anciednt history. If he at least had said, for example, 'i hate the english as they are all so much more intelligent than me and i find that annoying", or, "i hate the english as they are all drunken hooligans" then there would be a germ of logic based on a small subset of his personal observations, however wrong to tar all with the same brush. But blaming all english people for something he thinks the english did to the irish decades ago is just plain dumb.

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another dual pricing whine . . . maybe this could be added to all the others?

You could of course not compete - that would really teach them a lesson!

If it is stated on the entry form - what is the problem?

It is hardly 'outright racism'. And I doubt very much any country's law would support your claim of "offensive, racist and illegal".

If a sponsor puts up money/prizes for local people, then that's who they are for - the sponsor may believe they are 1 supporting the local athletes, and 2 improving their local customer base/good advertising.

Another "whine"? Boyz O' boyz!!

You clearly miss the OP point. This is out and out despicable racism. The level of entry fee is based solely on your race. The prize money is based solely on your race.

How much more clearly do you need this spelt out?

You are totally wrong to suggest that any other country would not consider this racism. Just try anywhere in Europe to have a race and charge, just as an example, black people double the fee. What do you think would happen?

Edited by harleyclarkey
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Being from Wales I get asked about sheep sha*ing ( but not being a kiss and tell type of person) I just smile and say that's between me and my sheep,JT do you think that is rascit against the Welsh or the sheep. :lol:

HaHa. So important to retain a sense of humour mate. Although not Welsh, i lived in West Wales for twenty years, God's country. Just stick their back legs in your welly boots,(Green ones so that you blend in with the grass), and away you go! And no baa fine!:whistling:

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There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

I wonder if you're aware that there's an undertone of racial hatred in all your posts - toward Thais. Perhaps Thailand is not your cup of tea.

Nonsense, the poster is merely stating facts.

Nonsense, he was giving his opinion as you are now. Pretty much anything anyone has to say about racism is opinion.

Most of you are confusing racism with nationalism. People just don't cling together in racial groups, they cling together in national or religious groups. There is often no affinity between different nationalities of the same races. Witness Thailand's cold relationship with many of its Asian neighbors.

There's nothing I find more annoying that people running around crying "racism" whenever they feel they've been hard done by.

Most of the worst wars and genocides in history were within the same racial groups.

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There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

I wonder if you're aware that there's an undertone of racial hatred in all your posts - toward Thais. Perhaps Thailand is not your cup of tea.

Nonsense, the poster is merely stating facts.

Nonsense, he was giving his opinion as you are now. Pretty much anything anyone has to say about racism is opinion.

Most of you are confusing racism with nationalism. People just don't cling together in racial groups, they cling together in national or religious groups. There is often no affinity between different nationalities of the same races. Witness Thailand's cold relationship with many of its Asian neighbors.

There's nothing I find more annoying that people running around crying "racism" whenever they feel they've been hard done by.

Most of the worst wars and genocides in history were within the same racial groups.

You seem confused between what a fact is and what an opinion is. A falang generally means a white person. If prices are higher "for falang" then that is racism, pure and simple, no argument, its a fact. If you think its right or wrong, that is your opinion.

Similarly, if in the UK there is a policy of say, immigrants getting council houses faster than ordinary citizens, then that is a form of favouritism, a fact. Your view on whether it is right or wrong is an opinion.

And by the way, one of the things that annoys me is people who act as constant apologists. I find people in the UK who cry racist all the time also annoying, especially when it is always a kind of racist accusation in itself. To confuse the writers of posts who complain about racism in Thailand of whiners who are playing the race card is annoying to say the least and shows you really don't get what people are actually talking about.

Anyway, get as annoyed as you like, nobody cares, you are wrong.

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Back to what caused all this whining, the King's Cup Asian And Pattaya Marathon was run today - thread here and some results

  • Marathon (42.195 km) Men's division: Lawrence Kiptoo Saina from Kenya, total time of 2:21:06
  • Marathon (42.195 km) Women's division: Euzaeth Jeruiyoj Chemweno from Kenya, total time of 2:44:06
  • Half Marathon (21.10 km) Men's division: Sanchai Namkhet from Thailand, total time of 1:12.13
  • Half Marathon (21.10 km) Women's division: Chow Chi Ngan from Hong Kong
  • Quarter Marathon (10.55 km) Men's division: Nattawuth Im-Noom from Thailand
  • Quarter Marathon (10.55 km) Women's division: Chantana Panyakul from Thailand

as the Kenyans are not Asian they will have paid the 'farang' price to enter the event - guess that extra few hundred baht didn't put them off.

I'm sure they'll be heading back to Kenya to ensure that in future all foreigners are charged extra for events in that country!

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You seem confused between what a fact is and what an opinion is. A falang generally means a white person.


Africans, African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Maori etc get charged Thai prices?

I wasn't aware of that fact.

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You seem confused between what a fact is and what an opinion is. A falang generally means a white person.


Africans, African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Maori etc get charged Thai prices?

I wasn't aware of that fact.

Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) also spelled falang, is the generic Thai word for a Westerner. A general term for foreigners is "khon tang prathet (Thai: ...

Got it?

Charge a black person double as he is black, not Thai...also not nice for that black person...

But what point do you think you have made? Fascinating, really fascinating...

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You seem confused between what a fact is and what an opinion is. A falang generally means a white person.


Africans, African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Maori etc get charged Thai prices?

I wasn't aware of that fact.

Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) also spelled falang, is the generic Thai word for a Westerner. A general term for foreigners is "khon tang prathet (Thai: ...

Got it?

Charge a black person double as he is black, not Thai...also not nice for that black person...

But what point do you think you have made? Fascinating, really fascinating...

They would all be called "Ni-go" = non Asian dark skin

"Kairk" = person from India race

Falang = person with white skin (not western person)

You will never hear Thai call person with black or dark skin a falang.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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Whichever way you cut it the original leaflet with the different price structure for farang and asian is discriminatory based on race and therefore qualifies unequivocally as rascist.

I am not sure why some posters are trying to deny this basic truth.

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I think some people are confused about what racism includes. Yes, it includes lynching and death camps, but it ALSO includes treating people DIFFERENTLY in any way based on race and it also includes "positive" racism. (Stereotyping groups in a positive way, such as Filipinos are great singers, which can be a weirdness to tone deaf ones.) How can positive racism be hurtful? For example if African Americans get the message that they are most suited to being basketball players and hip hop stars, so way too many of them pursue that dream, and one in a million make it.

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You seem confused between what a fact is and what an opinion is. A falang generally means a white person. If prices are higher "for falang" then that is racism, pure and simple, no argument, its a fact. If you think its right or wrong, that is your opinion.

,.. you are wrong.

Allow me to clear up your ongoing confusion.

Here's an excerpt from the OP:

"1. the prices to enter are over 100% more expensive for foreigners.

Full Marathon - Foreigner 1,080: Asian 500

Half Marathon - Foreigner 900: Asian 400

Quarter Marathon - Foreigner 720: Asian 300"

Now please point out where "falang (sic)" is mentioned. I only see the word "foreigner" mentioned in the OP.

"Foreigner" in this case means non-Thai.

"Asian" in this case means Thai.

Now to totally clear up your confusion, we must ask the race organizers if Korean, Chinese, Japanese etc pay the Asian price or the foreigner price because obviously they too are foreigners.

How about you save some of your posting time on here, do that and then report back to us.

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but it ALSO includes treating people DIFFERENTLY in any way based on race and it also includes "positive" racism. (Stereotyping groups in a positive way, such as Filipinos are great singers, which can be a weirdness to tone deaf ones.)

I think there is a lot of weirdness in this theory of yours....or were you joking?

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Here's a good explanation of price discrimination. It explains the purpose of price discrimination is to capture the markets consumer surplus. In English, that means don't leave any money on the table. In other words, it's about making money - not about putting down a race. This same discussion is going on in a number of other Asian country forums. It sounds like most of the shrilling about racism is by white men. And their unyielding opinion is that racism, not money, is the motivation for dual pricing. Obstinacy and vehemency in opinion are the surest proofs of stupidity. (Quote by - Bernard Barton)

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