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There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

I wonder if you're aware that there's an undertone of racial hatred in all your posts - toward Thais. Perhaps Thailand is not your cup of tea.

Nonsense, the poster is merely stating facts.

Nonsense, he was giving his opinion as you are now. Pretty much anything anyone has to say about racism is opinion.

Most of you are confusing racism with nationalism. People just don't cling together in racial groups, they cling together in national or religious groups. There is often no affinity between different nationalities of the same races. Witness Thailand's cold relationship with many of its Asian neighbors.

There's nothing I find more annoying that people running around crying "racism" whenever they feel they've been hard done by.

Most of the worst wars and genocides in history were within the same racial groups.

I'm afraid your comprehension of the in depth English Language is somewhat lacking,my comments do not earmark me as being Rascist towards Thais,even though you may choose to interpret them in that way.

I would also inform you (even though I owe you no such explaination)

That I have been Married many years to a Thai Lady,and we have a Wonderful Thai/English Daughter between us.

Hardly Rascist towards Thais eh? so get your facts right.

PS Before you go quoting me,YES I do stand by my comments that I believe Thais to be Rascist in general,but of course not all!

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You seem confused between what a fact is and what an opinion is. A falang generally means a white person. If prices are higher "for falang" then that is racism, pure and simple, no argument, its a fact. If you think its right or wrong, that is your opinion.

,.. you are wrong.

Allow me to clear up your ongoing confusion.

Here's an excerpt from the OP:

"1. the prices to enter are over 100% more expensive for foreigners.

Full Marathon - Foreigner 1,080: Asian 500

Half Marathon - Foreigner 900: Asian 400

Quarter Marathon - Foreigner 720: Asian 300"

Now please point out where "falang (sic)" is mentioned. I only see the word "foreigner" mentioned in the OP.

"Foreigner" in this case means non-Thai.

"Asian" in this case means Thai.

Now to totally clear up your confusion, we must ask the race organizers if Korean, Chinese, Japanese etc pay the Asian price or the foreigner price because obviously they too are foreigners.

How about you save some of your posting time on here, do that and then report back to us.

yawn...you seem to have missed the point, the debate has moved on...

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There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

I wonder if you're aware that there's an undertone of racial hatred in all your posts - toward Thais. Perhaps Thailand is not your cup of tea.

Only in your shortsighted assessment of logical debate and facts!

and the undertone of Racial Hatred is all in your mind.

Edited by MAJIC
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I admit im racist.im australian Irish with Aboriginal.grandmother.

i hate australia i hate the flag and i hate the british emblem on it.

i do not like people from england as my father was a staunch irish supporter and used to send money to the ira.

Thank you for that honest response. I can certainly sympathize with you given what happened to the aboriginal groups in Australia. It is no doubt a fact that we are all racists to some degree, but few of us have the courage to admit it. If true, governments must play a role to prevent us from engaging in racism (we may think it, but we need to prevented from acting on it). That is where the legal system comes in. If Thailand ever wants to attain developed world status, it must take action to stop racism and xenophobia among its people. One simple step forward would be to stop double pricing based on race.

"i do not like people from england as my father was a staunch irish supporter and used to send money to the ira."

You welcome his honesty? OK, but why?. He sounds like an ignorant fool. He doesn't even understand what racism is, he isn't talking about racism here. He is talking about dislike of certain nations and nationalities. As mindless and ignorant as his anti-englishness is (what has the average englishman got to do with the ancient history he pretends to be all worked up about), its got nothing to do with race. Ita like the Americans who go on about being Irish American or Italian American but probably know nothing about these places at all, just pretensious <deleted>.

How about if I said I dislike Australians because of one or two idiot Australians I've come across, like this one...yes, that would be pathetically ignorant, but it still wouldn't be racist.

It isn't even as if there is any semi-intelligent basis for his general dislike for the english. It is based on anciednt history. If he at least had said, for example, 'i hate the english as they are all so much more intelligent than me and i find that annoying", or, "i hate the english as they are all drunken hooligans" then there would be a germ of logic based on a small subset of his personal observations, however wrong to tar all with the same brush. But blaming all english people for something he thinks the english did to the irish decades ago is just plain dumb.

Good Post.

Considering a long drawn out History which nowadays should be irrelevant,

Extremely Succinctly put!

Or as Margaret Thatcher (and believe me I was never a fan of hers) once said :

"History is Bunkum"

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I was at Central Mall tonight and they were selling little black kid dolls, puffed up afro hair, huge red lips, big mouth, typical racist black toy. Under the doll it said, "Oh brother."

But no, there is no racism here. I mean, besides many Issaan people telling stories of how blacks eat babies, and making songs with titles like "American Negro," but that aside, none at all.

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Here's a good explanation of price discrimination. It explains the purpose of price discrimination is to capture the markets consumer surplus. In English, that means don't leave any money on the table. In other words, it's about making money - not about putting down a race. This same discussion is going on in a number of other Asian country forums. It sounds like most of the shrilling about racism is by white men. And their unyielding opinion is that racism, not money, is the motivation for dual pricing. Obstinacy and vehemency in opinion are the surest proofs of stupidity. (Quote by - Bernard Barton)

Very nicely put!

"Asian" doesn't denote a race anyway. It's a geographic term.

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I'm afraid your comprehension of the in depth English Language is somewhat lacking,my comments do not earmark me as being Rascist towards Thais,even though you may choose to interpret them in that way.

I would also inform you (even though I owe you no such explaination)

That I have been Married many years to a Thai Lady,and we have a Wonderful Thai/English Daughter between us.

Hardly Rascist towards Thais eh? so get your facts right.

PS Before you go quoting me,YES I do stand by my comments that I believe Thais to be Rascist in general,but of course not all!

LOL! Just because you're married to a Thai doesn't guarantee you like them. It could be the reason you started to hate them.

I've met plenty of guys who started hating Thais after being married to them.

Your undertone of racial hatred toward Thais just got stronger. Have anymore "facts" to add?

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Here's a good explanation of price discrimination. It explains the purpose of price discrimination is to capture the markets consumer surplus. In English, that means don't leave any money on the table. In other words, it's about making money - not about putting down a race. This same discussion is going on in a number of other Asian country forums. It sounds like most of the shrilling about racism is by white men. And their unyielding opinion is that racism, not money, is the motivation for dual pricing. Obstinacy and vehemency in opinion are the surest proofs of stupidity. (Quote by - Bernard Barton)

Very nicely put!

"Asian" doesn't denote a race anyway. It's a geographic term.

Actually, you are wrong, again! The most racists people will categorize all of the variety of Asian people as "Asians" in the same way they will categorize all of the variety of African peoples as "Blacks or N's." People who are less ethnocentric will make distinctions among various Asians--Japanese, Chinese, Thais, etc. and Africans. It is almost astonishing how many Thai apologists there are posting here. I am beginning to think some of them are not "farang" but pretending to be "farang." And, of course, if you come here with an open, non-racists mind, and you are repeatedly discriminated against, you will develop negative attitudes towards Thais. That is normal behavior...a normal psychological response. Racism is alive and well in Thailand. If I want to, I can easily walk down the street and buy a NAZI flag! You would think that the govt. might be a bit proactive with regard to that and stop people from selling them, but they do nothing about it. Why? Tokay gave us one (among many others) good example of racism in Thailand. It amazes me how people get sucked up into this culture, bend over, and accept anything thrown at them or just ignore/deny reality. Good luck with that attitude.

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Actually, you are wrong, again! The most racists people will categorize all of the variety of Asian people as "Asians" in the same way they will categorize all of the variety of African peoples as "Blacks or N's." People who are less ethnocentric will make distinctions among various Asians--Japanese, Chinese, Thais, etc. and Africans. It is almost astonishing how many Thai apologists there are posting here. I am beginning to think some of them are not "farang" but pretending to be "farang." And, of course, if you come here with an open, non-racists mind, and you are repeatedly discriminated against, you will develop negative attitudes towards Thais. That is normal behavior...a normal psychological response. Racism is alive and well in Thailand. If I want to, I can easily walk down the street and buy a NAZI flag! You would think that the govt. might be a bit proactive with regard to that and stop people from selling them, but they do nothing about it. Why? Tokay gave us one (among many others) good example of racism in Thailand. It amazes me how people get sucked up into this culture, bend over, and accept anything thrown at them or just ignore/deny reality. Good luck with that attitude.

LOL, as if you would agree with me.

It's pretty obvious that what you're discussing is nationalism, not racism. The term racism is nearly meaningless anyway and should be deleted from the dictionary because it's nearly impossible to define, however that would give people like you less to complain about.

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Actually, you are wrong, again! The most racists people will categorize all of the variety of Asian people as "Asians" in the same way they will categorize all of the variety of African peoples as "Blacks or N's." People who are less ethnocentric will make distinctions among various Asians--Japanese, Chinese, Thais, etc. and Africans. It is almost astonishing how many Thai apologists there are posting here. I am beginning to think some of them are not "farang" but pretending to be "farang." And, of course, if you come here with an open, non-racists mind, and you are repeatedly discriminated against, you will develop negative attitudes towards Thais. That is normal behavior...a normal psychological response. Racism is alive and well in Thailand. If I want to, I can easily walk down the street and buy a NAZI flag! You would think that the govt. might be a bit proactive with regard to that and stop people from selling them, but they do nothing about it. Why? Tokay gave us one (among many others) good example of racism in Thailand. It amazes me how people get sucked up into this culture, bend over, and accept anything thrown at them or just ignore/deny reality. Good luck with that attitude.

LOL, as if you would agree with me.

It's pretty obvious that what you're discussing is nationalism, not racism. The term racism is nearly meaningless anyway and should be deleted from the dictionary because it's nearly impossible to define, however that would give people like you less to complain about.

The people posting on this thread are discussing racism, not nationalism. I do agree with you that racism is nearly meaningless, especially in terms of our genetic makeup.

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Actually, you are wrong, again! The most racists people will categorize all of the variety of Asian people as "Asians" in the same way they will categorize all of the variety of African peoples as "Blacks or N's." People who are less ethnocentric will make distinctions among various Asians--Japanese, Chinese, Thais, etc. and Africans. It is almost astonishing how many Thai apologists there are posting here. I am beginning to think some of them are not "farang" but pretending to be "farang." And, of course, if you come here with an open, non-racists mind, and you are repeatedly discriminated against, you will develop negative attitudes towards Thais. That is normal behavior...a normal psychological response. Racism is alive and well in Thailand. If I want to, I can easily walk down the street and buy a NAZI flag! You would think that the govt. might be a bit proactive with regard to that and stop people from selling them, but they do nothing about it. Why? Tokay gave us one (among many others) good example of racism in Thailand. It amazes me how people get sucked up into this culture, bend over, and accept anything thrown at them or just ignore/deny reality. Good luck with that attitude.

LOL, as if you would agree with me.

It's pretty obvious that what you're discussing is nationalism, not racism. The term racism is nearly meaningless anyway and should be deleted from the dictionary because it's nearly impossible to define, however that would give people like you less to complain about.

New thread......check it out: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/483718-dual-enterance-tickets/

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Here's a good explanation of price discrimination. It explains the purpose of price discrimination is to capture the markets consumer surplus. In English, that means don't leave any money on the table. In other words, it's about making money - not about putting down a race. This same discussion is going on in a number of other Asian country forums. It sounds like most of the shrilling about racism is by white men. And their unyielding opinion is that racism, not money, is the motivation for dual pricing. Obstinacy and vehemency in opinion are the surest proofs of stupidity. (Quote by - Bernard Barton)

Very nicely put!

"Asian" doesn't denote a race anyway. It's a geographic term.

Actually, you are wrong, again! The most racists people will categorize all of the variety of Asian people as "Asians" in the same way they will categorize all of the variety of African peoples as "Blacks or N's." People who are less ethnocentric will make distinctions among various Asians--Japanese, Chinese, Thais, etc. and Africans. It is almost astonishing how many Thai apologists there are posting here. I am beginning to think some of them are not "farang" but pretending to be "farang." And, of course, if you come here with an open, non-racists mind, and you are repeatedly discriminated against, you will develop negative attitudes towards Thais. That is normal behavior...a normal psychological response. Racism is alive and well in Thailand. If I want to, I can easily walk down the street and buy a NAZI flag! You would think that the govt. might be a bit proactive with regard to that and stop people from selling them, but they do nothing about it. Why? Tokay gave us one (among many others) good example of racism in Thailand. It amazes me how people get sucked up into this culture, bend over, and accept anything thrown at them or just ignore/deny reality. Good luck with that attitude.

Actually, you're blowing smoke. Should we strike Asia, as a continent, from our vocabulary? What about 'Asian Games'? etc. BTW: where you see Thai apologists, I see non-fanatics who have a hard time believing that white men are the downtrodden race in this country or in any country!

Why is it so hard for people to understand this? "It's about the color of the money, stupid - not the color of the skin!" smile.gif

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I really couldn't care too much about different price rates for foreigners and locals. If I want to go to a national park, show my work permit etc. If I feel that something is too expensive, despite the pricing structure, I won't buy it. Simple.

I'm sure the Kenyans that won this race will use the creditation in their career CV. They will benefit from winning in more than one way. They have the joy of winning which is not worth a price, and they can say they won it.

The Thai's aren't really racist against white farangs. They are curious, envious, suspicious perhaps. But not outright racist against them in general. It is easy to act like a bull in a china shop in Thailand (Thais are generally polite and gracious) and when you are treated accordingly for your behaviour cry racsism.

Why do you think the skin-whitening market is so lucrative in Thailand?

One thing that does irritate me is the Thais fear of the colour black. It is plain racist. No other word for it. I know of an african-american with a masters degree in teaching that cannot find a teaching job in Thailand. There is something wrong there. The only way it can be solved is by education. Education from an early age.

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I really couldn't care too much about different price rates for foreigners and locals. If I want to go to a national park, show my work permit etc. If I feel that something is too expensive, despite the pricing structure, I won't buy it. Simple.

I'm sure the Kenyans that won this race will use the creditation in their career CV. They will benefit from winning in more than one way. They have the joy of winning which is not worth a price, and they can say they won it.

The Thai's aren't really racist against white farangs. They are curious, envious, suspicious perhaps. But not outright racist against them in general. It is easy to act like a bull in a china shop in Thailand (Thais are generally polite and gracious) and when you are treated accordingly for your behaviour cry racsism.

Why do you think the skin-whitening market is so lucrative in Thailand?

One thing that does irritate me is the Thais fear of the colour black. It is plain racist. No other word for it. I know of an african-american with a masters degree in teaching that cannot find a teaching job in Thailand. There is something wrong there. The only way it can be solved is by education. Education from an early age.

WOW! violin.gifpassifier.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Dual pricing exist in the US also, University for residents and non residents as well as tourist attractions. Its just that your probably white and never experienced racism before while being in your home country, but now that your abroad you are no longer special.

As far as the marathon, most caucasions are twice the size as asians, so thats probable the reason. So does a farang with almost twice the stride length a fair competitor compared to asians.? Think about it.

Its just like when you here a farang complaining about getting into a fight with a thai male and the whole moo ban jumps in to help, the farang is twice the size, i guess they never take that into consideration.

What an astonishingly stupid load of old tripe.

Why would anyone think size would be an advantage in a marathon? First, the fastest runners have been small framed Ethiopians and other smallish Africans. Second, isn't it just obvious that size means more weight means quicker to tire?

As for "twice the size", please switch on your brain or don't bother posting. The average Thai male is probably about 65KG, the average falang is probably about 80KG, thats not double so why would it be be fair to suggest that of there is ever a physical confrontation that it is fair to mob a falang many to one, especially as the Thai's often use weapons and the falangs are often much older and drunk.

Really, if you have nothing intelligent to say, it really is better to say nothing.

Not too bright are we?

This topic is amusing, many have never experienced racism until they have stepped out of their home country. All of a sudden they start experiencing what the minorities have been experiencing in their home countries for ages.:rolleyes:

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best i ever heard was of an english man who with his wife opened up a thai restaurant back in the U.K....

one day some Thai people came to dine there they sit down and start to look at the menus, he arrives from out the back see's them sit there and confirms their nationality, takes the menus off them and comes back with the thai menus which are marked at double the price...they query the prices and he replies with not same menu for thai :lol:

not sure he would win business man of the year or whatever but funny story all the same B)

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What an astonishingly stupid load of old tripe.

Why would anyone think size would be an advantage in a marathon? First, the fastest runners have been small framed Ethiopians and other smallish Africans. Second, isn't it just obvious that size means more weight means quicker to tire?

As for "twice the size", please switch on your brain or don't bother posting. The average Thai male is probably about 65KG, the average falang is probably about 80KG, thats not double so why would it be be fair to suggest that of there is ever a physical confrontation that it is fair to mob a falang many to one, especially as the Thai's often use weapons and the falangs are often much older and drunk.

Really, if you have nothing intelligent to say, it really is better to say nothing.

The best marathon runners are tall and lean/skinny. They have low bodyweight with long stride. You'll notice many world champions have long legs and short bodies - the type of physiques you see in Kenyans. Asians tend to have short legs, so despite their lower bodyweight they are at a disadvantage for long distance racing.

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I'm afraid your comprehension of the in depth English Language is somewhat lacking,my comments do not earmark me as being Rascist towards Thais,even though you may choose to interpret them in that way.

I would also inform you (even though I owe you no such explaination)

That I have been Married many years to a Thai Lady,and we have a Wonderful Thai/English Daughter between us.

Hardly Rascist towards Thais eh? so get your facts right.

PS Before you go quoting me,YES I do stand by my comments that I believe Thais to be Rascist in general,but of course not all!

LOL! Just because you're married to a Thai doesn't guarantee you like them. It could be the reason you started to hate them.

I've met plenty of guys who started hating Thais after being married to them.

Your undertone of racial hatred toward Thais just got stronger. Have anymore "facts" to add?

You have the Facts,from myself and other TV Members,on this thread,unfortunately your thought processes will only allow you to deny facts,and come up with lame arguments to support your ridiculous claims,which are Pathetic,try reading the Posts of others, and learn and understand another point of view. instead of pulling your untrue regimented nonsense, ideas out of thin air,and try and make them fit your purpose,or try and gag them,

debate is not about winning the argument,by using Personal untrue remarks, but winning is quite obviously your goal.

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You have the Facts,from myself and other TV Members,on this thread,unfortunately your thought processes will only allow you to deny facts,and come up with lame arguments to support your ridiculous claims,which are Pathetic,try reading the Posts of others, and learn and understand another point of view. instead of pulling your untrue regimented nonsense, ideas out of thin air,and try and make them fit your purpose,or try and gag them,

debate is not about winning the argument,by using Personal untrue remarks, but winning is quite obviously your goal.

LOL! You told us that you're married to a Thai, therefore it follows you're not racist towards them. That's about the size of your logic.

Apart from being a terrible whiner after you've been exposed, you're quite naive.

You believe the race organizers are racist based solely on double pricing. Of course you would jump to this conclusion because you're of the opinion that most Thais are racist.

I disagree.

That's about the size of it.

Now let's move on....

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Yes it is. Funny thing is that the ones who cry RACIST the moment they are charged a non-Thai price ... Heck, a few months ago many people thought Chin*y was an OK name for a chinese takeaway here... But I was shocked at the number of posters here who thought the name was perfectly acceptable in a city with a sizeable local Chinese community.

Also, perhaps over a year ago, there was some other report that mentioned TV as a bastion of red necks and racist hicks.... The response "if you dont like it, you are free to leave" is most apt for such hypocrites.

You don't find dual pricing offensive, you find calling Chinese takeaway Chin*y highly racist, but you think using highly derogatory slang like "rednecks" for whites perfectly acceptable! Now, who is the hypocrite?

FYI, rednecks where a derogatory term used for white slaves/indentured workers getting their necks burnt red by the sun while working the fields. To learn more about the conditions these poor people lived under, I suggest you read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentured_servant


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You have the Facts,from myself and other TV Members,on this thread,unfortunately your thought processes will only allow you to deny facts,and come up with lame arguments to support your ridiculous claims,which are Pathetic,try reading the Posts of others, and learn and understand another point of view. instead of pulling your untrue regimented nonsense, ideas out of thin air,and try and make them fit your purpose,or try and gag them,

debate is not about winning the argument,by using Personal untrue remarks, but winning is quite obviously your goal.

LOL! You told us that you're married to a Thai, therefore it follows you're not racist towards them. That's about the size of your logic.

Apart from being a terrible whiner after you've been exposed, you're quite naive.

You believe the race organizers are racist based solely on double pricing. Of course you would jump to this conclusion because you're of the opinion that most Thais are racist.

I disagree.

That's about the size of it.

Now let's move on....

Nobody is saying this..."You believe the race organizers are racist based solely on double pricing."

Although it does not help.

I am basing my post on racism primarily on this quoted statement....

"Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to Thai and Asian nationality only"

When nationalism spills over into actions, rules, behaviour that diasadvantages or separates out one group of people that are a distinct grouping as often occurs, based on racial characteristics then it qualifies and I care little if the term or underlying motivation is racism or nationalism frankly. It is the degree and depth to which the views are held and acted on that matters.

We can discuss/argue about the exact term in individual situations but both of them when taken to extremes usually amount to similar viewpoints held and exhibited behaviour. In broad terms and for this topic it's almost like discussing if it is often or frequently seen in Thailand. Broadly it's a lot and broadly it's the same type of thoughts/actions/behaviour that result!

I could care less about the nuances and finite terminology. I know it when I see it and the statement I refer to qualifies. There were other options in every sphere of apology for that statement. i.e. had they wanted to stop Kenyans who train for these events wining prizes rather than the full marathon prizes only, they could have stated "Professional runners will not be eligible for prize money". That's broad enough to have targetted these Kenyans coming over to win the top prizes or anyone else deemed to be a professional circuit runner. It's perfectly acceptable too, just like the Olympics is for amateurs and not professionals. Indeed there are a myriad of ways not to have needed a statement that is racist in tone and intent and meaning. Also as stated it's nothing to do with being more wealthy, as such, because Japanese etc are just as wealthy, but qualify to win prize money as Asian. It's racist because it does not address any issue but to exclude all but Asians! aimho

I note the winners of the full marathon were Kenyan and all others were Thai I believe. lol

Had to laugh at the Pattaya People TV announcement. The prize for half marathon went to the winner who was (a Thai Man). Perhaps it should/could have said in certain circumstances....the winner's prize money went to (Thai man's name) and the race was actually won by John Smith from UK, who came in first and was otherwise forgotten, ignored and banned from the winner's rostrum, but was permitted to hang around and cheer the winners who finished the race behind him. LMAO

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It is hardly 'outright racism'. And I doubt very much any country's law would support your claim of "offensive, racist and illegal".

I think you would find that the organisers of any sporting event in Europe issuing rules that allow for doubling the entry fee for asians would be in court on racism charges faster than you can blink.

Just because Europeans are so PC that they penalise themselves everytime rather than possibly offend any other culture doesn't mean that Thais are racist, just that Europeans are barking PC idiots.

Incidentally, I've yet to meet anyone that isn't racist in the privacy of their own home.

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It is hardly 'outright racism'. And I doubt very much any country's law would support your claim of "offensive, racist and illegal".

I think you would find that the organisers of any sporting event in Europe issuing rules that allow for doubling the entry fee for asians would be in court on racism charges faster than you can blink.

Just because Europeans are so PC that they penalise themselves everytime rather than possibly offend any other culture doesn't mean that Thais are racist, just that Europeans are barking PC idiots.

Incidentally, I've yet to meet anyone that isn't racist in the privacy of their own home.

Same here. Most people are at least biased towards their own genetic type. it is unusual for races to interbreed. Call me a racist for saying it but that is a fact. it does not make it good or bad and Thais are no different than any other ethnic group or country, I.e., they favor their own. Americans are no different unfortunately than the Europeans in regard to PC. That is a shame because it prevents an open dialogue about basic human nature.

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we may all favour our own, but it's by degree of civilised and acceptable behaviour and norms, surely.

I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

My living here also confirms the racist/nationalistic tendencies are extremely widespread and strong and so don't contradict that conclusion whatsoever.

I do agree with the facts and the spirit that it would be rightly unacceptable in our home countries and is not done.

I don't think it is just PC. I think it's fair play and just. I have no problem banning professional runners from prize money in a public amateur race.

The John Smith winner in my above post, is you must admit a farce of a situation (laughable) and only possible in Thailand. TIT

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I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

This is where you don't get it.

It cannot be racist because "Asian" does not denote a single race, merely a geographic location, and obviously neither does "foreigner".

You can disagree with their policy for dishing out prize money and dual pricing, but don't call it something it's not.

Let's look at a map of Asia:


Who could possibly call people from this vast region one race?

IMO it was just a case of clumsy wording by people not well versed in the English language.

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I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

This is where you don't get it.

It cannot be racist because "Asian" does not denote a single race, merely a geographic location, and obviously neither does "foreigner".

You can disagree with their policy for dishing out prize money and dual pricing, but don't call it something it's not.

Let's look at a map of Asia:


Who could possibly call people from this vast region one race?

IMO it was just a case of clumsy wording by people not well versed in the English language.

The FBI in the USA makes that distinction when categorizing criminals. One category is "Asian." Get a grip on reality Tropo. You are so far out there and appear to not be able to admit that you are wrong about anything. Not one person I know is right about everything (me included).

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I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

This is where you don't get it.

It cannot be racist because "Asian" does not denote a single race, merely a geographic location, and obviously neither does "foreigner".

You can disagree with their policy for dishing out prize money and dual pricing, but don't call it something it's not.

Let's look at a map of Asia:


Who could possibly call people from this vast region one race?

IMO it was just a case of clumsy wording by people not well versed in the English language.

In the simplest terms, race is used to describe genetic heritage (including one's skin color, and associated traits)

For me race in its broadest term differentiates between people who all have common traits against another set of people who are all different, but identical themselves in those traits. Europeans, Asians, Africans are all distinguishingly different enough in a broad sweeping sense and we all understand this.

However it's really the nature and basis of the offending discrimination that's the real issue. Perhaps it's not exactly racism, perhaps it matters less what we call it though it feels like it is to me! Whatever label you want to apply, it's an example of that then and it exhibits fundamental similarities to racism in a broad sense.

btw, stop being so PC and pedantic. I don't care what you want to call it. To me it's good enough to call racist and arguing about the terminology is as I have said, secondary to the point being made of unacceptable exclusion based on being a non-Asian.

What is your term for being a non Asian then, that would be appropriate? Just swap in that term for racist and carry on, <deleted>. I will stick to racist in a broad general sphere of application as per my first paragraph and applying it to Asians and Non-Asians, as is 100% relevant here.

Edited by twix38
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I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

This is where you don't get it.

It cannot be racist because "Asian" does not denote a single race, merely a geographic location, and obviously neither does "foreigner".

You can disagree with their policy for dishing out prize money and dual pricing, but don't call it something it's not.

Let's look at a map of Asia:


Who could possibly call people from this vast region one race?

IMO it was just a case of clumsy wording by people not well versed in the English language.

Actually there are 3 races in the human species according to anthropological scholars; Mongoloid (includes all Asians and native Americans, Negroids, and Caucasians.

Now real liberals would tell you, illogically ... But after all they are liberals, that is wrong there is only one race, the human race, Ho hum, there are 3.

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This entire topic is going round and round in a downward spiral and as the race in the original post is now over and the results posted HERE Now would seem to be a good time to close this unfortunate thread up.


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