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Pheu Thai Could Be Dissolved For Not Acting On Poll Vows


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i think you only need to look up at the data map posted by monkfish to see how you could guess what social class mainly vote democrat

May I remind you of the sentence I object to: "i think it's fair to say that the democrat party as it stands today is mainly backed by the urban middle class to upper class voters".

Without additional info on where the map posted by monkfish comes from or what it represents and how it relates to 'urban' and 'classes', I cannot accept it as valid data in our 'discussion'. The map seems to suggest there are ONLY upper class people in Bangkok if I would follow your reasoning.

Sorry, one of those things. In a parallel development someone asked "Do 'Ultracool' Brown Dwarfs Surround Us?"

(edit: add: what the map may suggest )

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i think you only need to look up at the data map posted by monkfish to see how you could guess what social class mainly vote democrat

May I remind you of the sentence I object to: "i think it's fair to say that the democrat party as it stands today is mainly backed by the urban middle class to upper class voters".

Without additional info on where the map posted by monkfish comes from or what it represents and how it relates to 'urban' and 'classes', I cannot accept it as valid data in our 'discussion'.

Sorry, one of those things. In a parallel development someone asked "Do 'Ultracool' Brown Dwarfs Surround Us?"

well i can tell you the map represents regional income, so how you can't put that together with what i've claimed about classes, i don't know

i don't really mind what you accept or not, it's my opinion and i stand by what i said and think that it is you who is wrong for disagreeing with it, but that's your opinion

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i think you only need to look up at the data map posted by monkfish to see how you could guess what social class mainly vote democrat

May I remind you of the sentence I object to: "i think it's fair to say that the democrat party as it stands today is mainly backed by the urban middle class to upper class voters".

Without additional info on where the map posted by monkfish comes from or what it represents and how it relates to 'urban' and 'classes', I cannot accept it as valid data in our 'discussion'.

Sorry, one of those things. In a parallel development someone asked "Do 'Ultracool' Brown Dwarfs Surround Us?"

well i can tell you the map represents regional income, so how you can't put that together with what i've claimed about classes, i don't know

i don't really mind what you accept or not, it's my opinion and i stand by what i said and think that it is you who is wrong for disagreeing with it, but that's your opinion

The map legend says 'human achievements index', with colors representing 'income index'. In other words a provincial average. It doesn't say anything about how that income is spread over people or classes. A few rich in Bangkok will surely distort the fact that out of 10 million BKK'ers most are poor. That's why I say the map cannot be used to support your "i think it's fair to say that the democrat party as it stands today is mainly backed by the urban middle class to upper class voters".

Till now I've seen nothing which supports your opinion. Of course, since it's your opinion you are entitled to it, it doesn't have to be based on facts, 'urban' legends are enough.

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lol, i can't be bothered

Don't worry, tomorrow might be a better day for all of us. The sun will shine, a bit of rain, life goes on.

Stay cool and keep smiling

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I do.


It isn't? I am fairly sure that I pay more taxes annually in Thailand than 90+% of the population. (I also pay taxes abroad.) PTP made promises to the people and in less than a week reneged on them in some cases. Part of why PTP was elected was to fulfill the promises they made (I would say the majority of the reason was that simple .. you said you would pay us more and now ....) If I remember right the majority of the country didn't think changing governments would lead to lasting change.

Offering unreasonable populist policies and then backtracking before even taking office certainly smacks of deceit to me ......

You are fairly sure that you pay more tax than 90% of the population that is because you earn more money than 90% of the population like the rest of the HI-SO'S

Hmmm you seem to have cut out almost all of GK's post .... But hey ....

It has absolutely nothing to do with being "HI-SO" and everything to do with being "middle-class". I suggest you go re-read the post you doctored and the post it was replying to :)

Hammered... VAT collection is somewhat problematic in poorer areas but you are correct that on many things the poor pay a higher percentage of their income in the form of taxation via VAT ,,, but that burden probably isn't as high as many people think.

I was not replying to GK's post but to jdinaisia OK :lol:

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This is an interesting chart.

Average income index from Thailand.

I think it kind of resembles the GE with just a couple of exceptions.

For visual comparison:


That is staggering correlation of maps

Looks to me as though there is going to be an awfully long front line when the war starts...

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I cannot comment on the success of his 'million baht per village scheme' as I do not know how successful this actually was but what I do know is that it was well received in the upper regions of the country and probably benefitted the poor people in the villages and helped the plight of a number of them.

I used to naively think our head of village was one of few heads of village who used 1 million baht to help the village. My eyes have been opened by local Thais informing me he uses most of money to give loans to his mates and build projects he benefits from. HIs mates get loans and he gets a kickback. His mates pay no interest and im told none have ever paid any money back. He id use some money to put in a small fitness centre but then proceeded to pay one of his family to run it. The list goes on and on much same as Taksins scams and schemes to extract money only on a small scale. And now hes promised 2 million baht a year for village. No wonder he told everyone to vote PTP.

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That is staggering correlation of maps

I don't think so. One map gives the election result, the other the (average) income index.

- Bangkok is PT/Dems 10/23, but in the highest 'income index' scale.

- NorthWest of Thailand voted Dems', but is in the lowest scale.

The only thing you may say is that larger parts of Thailand which are on the lower 'income index' scales primarily voted Pheu Thai. For the Dem's it seems much more complicated than that. The suggestion some gave (Dem's mostly supported by urban middle and upper classvoters) is not defendable in my eyes.

That's all the correlation you can do without further information and study, IMHO

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That is staggering correlation of maps

I don't think so. One map gives the election result, the other the (average) income index.

- Bangkok is PT/Dems 10/23, but in the highest 'income index' scale.

- NorthWest of Thailand voted Dems', but is in the lowest scale.

The only thing you may say is that larger parts of Thailand which are on the lower 'income index' scales primarily voted Pheu Thai. For the Dem's it seems much more complicated than that. The suggestion some gave (Dem's mostly supported by urban middle and upper classvoters) is not defendable in my eyes.

That's all the correlation you can do without further information and study, IMHO

The North west Thailand low population density supporting Dems is well known to be based on high minority hill tribe support

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That is staggering correlation of maps

I don't think so. One map gives the election result, the other the (average) income index.

- Bangkok is PT/Dems 10/23, but in the highest 'income index' scale.

- NorthWest of Thailand voted Dems', but is in the lowest scale.

The only thing you may say is that larger parts of Thailand which are on the lower 'income index' scales primarily voted Pheu Thai. For the Dem's it seems much more complicated than that. The suggestion some gave (Dem's mostly supported by urban middle and upper classvoters) is not defendable in my eyes.

That's all the correlation you can do without further information and study, IMHO

The North west Thailand low population density supporting Dems is well known to be based on high minority hill tribe support

OK, true. Still I think your remark confirms my saying more information is needed to properly correlate the two maps.

BTW sorry, minor detail. More proper your sentence should read 'The low population density NorthWest supporting ...'. The NorthWest is low population density, and the density has no relation to the Dem's or voting.

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That is staggering correlation of maps

I don't think so. One map gives the election result, the other the (average) income index.

- Bangkok is PT/Dems 10/23, but in the highest 'income index' scale.

- NorthWest of Thailand voted Dems', but is in the lowest scale.

The only thing you may say is that larger parts of Thailand which are on the lower 'income index' scales primarily voted Pheu Thai. For the Dem's it seems much more complicated than that. The suggestion some gave (Dem's mostly supported by urban middle and upper classvoters) is not defendable in my eyes.

That's all the correlation you can do without further information and study, IMHO

The North west Thailand low population density supporting Dems is well known to be based on high minority hill tribe support

OK, true. Still I think your remark confirms my saying more information is needed to properly correlate the two maps.

BTW sorry, minor detail. More proper your sentence should read 'The low population density NorthWest supporting ...'. The NorthWest is low population density, and the density has no relation to the Dem's or voting.

Sorry I didnt phrase it very well, large proportion of hill tribes in a low density population, so they have a big vote relative to say the northern or central ethnic tai

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I don't think so. One map gives the election result, the other the (average) income index.

- Bangkok is PT/Dems 10/23, but in the highest 'income index' scale.

- NorthWest of Thailand voted Dems', but is in the lowest scale.

The only thing you may say is that larger parts of Thailand which are on the lower 'income index' scales primarily voted Pheu Thai. For the Dem's it seems much more complicated than that. The suggestion some gave (Dem's mostly supported by urban middle and upper classvoters) is not defendable in my eyes.

That's all the correlation you can do without further information and study, IMHO

The North west Thailand low population density supporting Dems is well known to be based on high minority hill tribe support

OK, true. Still I think your remark confirms my saying more information is needed to properly correlate the two maps.

BTW sorry, minor detail. More proper your sentence should read 'The low population density NorthWest supporting ...'. The NorthWest is low population density, and the density has no relation to the Dem's or voting.

Sorry I didnt phrase it very well, large proportion of hill tribes in a low density population, so they have a big vote relative to say the northern or central ethnic tai

Don't worry, we might be both non-native English speakers. I understood what you meant.

Still as I said I think a lot of additional information is needed before the two maps can be properly correlated.

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'rubl' timestamp='1311143753' post='4570885'

I don't think so. One map gives the election result, the other the (average) income index.

- Bangkok is PT/Dems 10/23, but in the highest 'income index' scale.

- NorthWest of Thailand voted Dems', but is in the lowest scale.

The only thing you may say is that larger parts of Thailand which are on the lower 'income index' scales primarily voted Pheu Thai. For the Dem's it seems much more complicated than that. The suggestion some gave (Dem's mostly supported by urban middle and upper classvoters) is not defendable in my eyes.

That's all the correlation you can do without further information and study, IMHO

The North west Thailand low population density supporting Dems is well known to be based on high minority hill tribe support

OK, true. Still I think your remark confirms my saying more information is needed to properly correlate the two maps.

BTW sorry, minor detail. More proper your sentence should read 'The low population density NorthWest supporting ...'. The NorthWest is low population density, and the density has no relation to the Dem's or voting.

Sorry I didnt phrase it very well, large proportion of hill tribes in a low density population, so they have a big vote relative to say the northern or central ethnic tai

Don't worry, we might be both non-native English speakers. I understood what you meant.

Still as I said I think a lot of additional information is needed before the two maps can be properly correlated.

What this shows is that the most marginalized and poorest of the poor

ie hill tribes support the Dems. As the best fairest shot for their getting ahead.

Why might that be, if the Dems are supposedly the elite supporting baddies?

And Thaksin never bothered too much working the hilltribes as his base.

He actual has targeted those most likely to mistreat the hill tribe people

badly with prejudice, resentment and greed induced profiteering on their labors.

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Consequently to say 'Dem's mainly backed by urban middle class to uppper class voters' seems incorrect :ermm:

well it may seem incorrect to you but i don't think it is

So please tell us: In your mind, is middle, west and south of Thailand made up of mostly middle and upper class people?

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What this shows is that the most marginalized and poorest of the poor

ie hill tribes support the Dems. As the best fairest shot for their getting ahead.

Why might that be, if the Dems are supposedly the elite supporting baddies?

And Thaksin never bothered too much working the hilltribes as his base.

He actual has targeted those most likely to mistreat the hill tribe people

badly with prejudice, resentment and greed induced profiteering on their labors.


Tak Province is the 4. for area, the last for population. (most people are not registered, hill tribes staying longtime have limited civil rights.)

But we have the highest density of Health Stations of Thailand. And we have the best skilled workers (working abroad, Grandfather, Father learnt by the Construction of the Bhumiphon Dam)

After the Lybia disaster the skilled Thai workers came home quickly, International contract and companies. The others (not skilled workers) with slave contracts (most from Easaarn) had big problems.

The development started with Chuang Leek Pai when he was PM together with the Good Spirit of the Mother of the KIng, the HR Princess Foundation , and good Dem MPs

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What's more serious is hinting at Yet Another Way a democratically elected government can be thrown out by the judiciary; they sure got creative all the way from being on a cooking TV show up! ;)

An elected government was not thrown out because of a cooking show; rather a PM was forced to stand down for having a second job and then lying about it in court. He could have returned to the post immediately. That he didn't had nothing to do with the judiciary, but to do with Thaksin's dissatisfaction with the job he was doing. But then you know all this Winnie. So why come on here and perpetuate red propaganda?

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lol, i can't be bothered

Yes, red shirts can never be bothered to prove their false allegations and assertions.

how dare you call me a red shirt just because i put forward my opinion of the type of democrat voter, how f*****g dare you

i stated that i think the 'MAIN' vote base for the democrats is the urban population and the middle class to upper class.

it's mainly middle class as there are more middle class than upper class

i still stand by that, for people to say that i am wrong about this means they must be saying the main voters of the democrats are the rural and working class, is that what ye're arguing with me here?

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lol, i can't be bothered

Yes, red shirts can never be bothered to prove their false allegations and assertions.

how dare you call me a red shirt just because i put forward my opinion of the type of democrat voter, how f*****g dare you

i stated that i think the 'MAIN' vote base for the democrats is the urban population and the middle class to upper class.

it's mainly middle class as there are more middle class than upper class

i still stand by that, for people to say that i am wrong about this means they must be saying the main voters of the democrats are the rural and working class, is that what ye're arguing with me here?

Still at it, I see. Sorry I didn't reply to your 'I think you know I'm right, tbh'. At that time my answer would probably get me suspended or even banned. Cooled down, let me try again.

You said "i think it's fair to say that the democrat party as it stands today is mainly backed by the urban middle class to upper class voters". I replied with I don't think so, the Dem's won almost all South of Bangkok, 23 out of 33 districts in BKK, NorthWest and other bits and pieces. No proof, but seems hardly 'mostly urban middle/upper class'. A map was produces which I said 'income index' is an average per province, Bangkok being in the high scale, but hardly all 10 million people middle/upper class'. A bit more nonsense followed till I asked

"can you either indicate why what you think is right, or what I think is wrong"

I asked at least two times. Following you 'can't be bothered' and very provokingly 'I think you know I'm right, tbh'

My question still stands, a straight answer would be appreciated <_<

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lol, i can't be bothered

Yes, red shirts can never be bothered to prove their false allegations and assertions.

how dare you call me a red shirt just because i put forward my opinion of the type of democrat voter, how f*****g dare you

i stated that i think the 'MAIN' vote base for the democrats is the urban population and the middle class to upper class.

it's mainly middle class as there are more middle class than upper class

i still stand by that, for people to say that i am wrong about this means they must be saying the main voters of the democrats are the rural and working class, is that what ye're arguing with me here?

Still at it, I see. Sorry I didn't reply to your 'I think you know I'm right, tbh'. At that time my answer would probably get me suspended or even banned. Cooled down, let me try again.

You said "i think it's fair to say that the democrat party as it stands today is mainly backed by the urban middle class to upper class voters". I replied with I don't think so, the Dem's won almost all South of Bangkok, 23 out of 33 districts in BKK, NorthWest and other bits and pieces. No proof, but seems hardly 'mostly urban middle/upper class'. A map was produces which I said 'income index' is an average per province, Bangkok being in the high scale, but hardly all 10 million people middle/upper class'. A bit more nonsense followed till I asked

"can you either indicate why what you think is right, or what I think is wrong"

I asked at least two times. Following you 'can't be bothered' and very provokingly 'I think you know I'm right, tbh'

My question still stands, a straight answer would be appreciated <_<

oh god, that scares me what your answer might have been hadn't you cooled down....phew i should count myself lucky then

you're the one talking nonsense yesterday, accusing me of trolling when i clearly wasn't, unless you misinterpret what trolling means...telling me to produce facts to prove i'm right, yet not having the facts to prove me wrong but telling me i'm "totally incorrect"

you haven't answered my questions with straight answers either, how about you answer my question that you seem to be avoiding

do you think that the 'MAIN' voters for the democrats are the middle class and upper class, and the urban thai

or do you think the 'MAIN' voters are the rural thai and working class thai?

now i don't want facts, i want your opinion

edit: and you can throw in as many <_< faces as you like, it doesn't make you look big or clever

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Why would you need to ask who the "MAIN" voters for the Dems are? The number of constituencies is certainly available out there and it shows a large section of BKK (That rarely votes for the same party in 2 consecutive elections, historically) and the SOUTH ,... Each constituency in Thailand is in theory about the same size as the next (in population). This pretty much disproves the class-based argument about who votes for the Dems.

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Why would you need to ask who the "MAIN" voters for the Dems are? The number of constituencies is certainly available out there and it shows a large section of BKK (That rarely votes for the same party in 2 consecutive elections, historically) and the SOUTH ,... Each constituency in Thailand is in theory about the same size as the next (in population). This pretty much disproves the class-based argument about who votes for the Dems.

"The number of constituencies is certainly available out there and it shows a large section of BKK (That rarely votes for the same party in 2 consecutive elections, historically) "

this why i said the democrat party "as it stands today"

"and the SOUTH ,... Each constituency in Thailand is in theory about the same size as the next (in population). This pretty much disproves the class-based argument about who votes for the Dems."

why, are you saying there is no middle-upper class people in the south?

every party has a 'main' vote base, 'main' meaning the most.

if you didn't have a 'MAIN' vote base, then every single class of person would have to vote exactly equally

can i ask your opinion on who do you think mainly votes democrat?

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