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Pattaya'S "Uncleanliness"


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How is it the streets in Bangsaen are immaculate and Pattaya so dirty, when we all live in Chonburi

I've never seen many farang in Bangsaen so maybe the Thais only want to make a good impression for non tourists

Right, and to take this farther, most Thais in Pattaya dislike foreigners and go out of their way to do things that will upset them.

Like throwing garbage all over the place.


-- Basically (in general terms) the transient Thais working in Pattaya have no community attachment to the province of Chon Buri -- Also, it deals with lack of education about the negatives of littering. OVer 40 years ago, North Americans were a bit careless about littering until an advertising campaign (and laws were passed ) to not litter - "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute". In Europe there are heavy fines for polluting and plenty of trash bins for recycling. One interesting observation I made while living in the rich Middle Eastern countries was how the Arabs would just throw their trash out the car window in the cities or drop their trash anywhere though their newly built cities looked pristine. why? Lack of community awareness , expecting thepoorly paid Pakistani and Indian street sweepers to clean it up, and having a "desert mentallity" thinking the sand would eventually cover it up.

Pattaya doesn't have to look so dirty if the city made an effort in educating the public about not littering, placing more garbage bins around, and fining people -locals and foreigners.

Edited by Rimmer
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The day Koto quits trying to educate people to clean up after themselves and to help clean up will be a great loss and a very sad day indeed.

Edited by Rimmer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Makes me laugh how people winge and notice a few plastic bags laying around and few drain smells, much rather be in uk where is all nice and clean and lovely, just the Government S*^#*ing on you from a great hight while your paying for their extravagances.

OH and bloody crap weather too.

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Pattaya will never need to change. it is what it is. we need places like Pattaya in this world to keep sane people from going insane. and well... a place for the insane to live and not bother the rest of the upstanding citizens of this world.

i like it just the way it is. where it doesn't compete with any other city in the world.

I'd LIKE it to be a "model" city, but the decrepitude is probably the only thing keeping it from being over run with package tourists and families. If that happens, it really is goodbye to the Pattaya we know and love!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why do people come to Thailand and want it to be like where they come from, but they leave where they come from because of how it is, then want it to be the same, a few bits of trash, wow, how aweful

Is "clean" too much to ask?

If so, how about an effort towards being cleaner instead of going backwards?

Nothing wrong with people living here, many who plan on staying here for the rest of their life, wanting some things to improve.

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Discarding your waste in a proper way and then collecting it is one thing,

not to generate it in the first place is far superior. You think it can't be done??

Look at China: Bang, - one crackdown from the central government, and from

one day to the next no more free plastic bags at Tesco, Carrefour and Walmart,

not even at the corner store!!!

They give you bags made from cloth or other degradable materials, and you pay

a Yuan for 'em.

Will any Thai central government EVER have the guts for such a sensible legislation???

"Visit" a toilet in China and you will start appreciating even Pattaya!

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How is it the streets in Bangsaen are immaculate and Pattaya so dirty, when we all live in Chonburi

I've never seen many farang in Bangsaen so maybe the Thais only want to make a good impression for non tourists

Right, and to take this farther, most Thais in Pattaya dislike foreigners and go out of their way to do things that will upset them.

Like throwing garbage all over the place.

WHAT A BS!!! Because some dislike foreigners they throw garbage all over the place? Are you sick, thinking like that?!

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Why do people come to Thailand and want it to be like where they come from, but they leave where they come from because of how it is, then want it to be the same, a few bits of trash, wow, how aweful


None of us that live/visit Thailand (or any other country) want the culture...customs....architecture...life style (even the weather) to be the same as back home. But I think 99% of humans prefer to live in a half-way clean, uncluttered environment AND most visitors that come to Thailand are use to throwing their garbage in a bin ---not on the street or in a pile. I wonder what Danlo's home environment looks like...???

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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

No need. ALL of Pattaya is disgusting and unclean.

Mind you, I don't mind, as it helps keep the "family" tourists away.

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Why do people come to Thailand and want it to be like where they come from, but they leave where they come from because of how it is, then want it to be the same, a few bits of trash, wow, how aweful


None of us that live/visit Thailand (or any other country) want the culture...customs....architecture...life style (even the weather) to be the same as back home. But I think 99% of humans prefer to live in a half-way clean, uncluttered environment AND most visitors that come to Thailand are use to throwing their garbage in a bin ---not on the street or in a pile. I wonder what Danlo's home environment looks like...???

+Stop being a toenail, the streets are half way clean and uncluttered, a few areas with a few bits of trash, all offer to pay a few bob to the council and ask them to get it all way clean and uncluttered, its a small part of the big picture.

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