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Flood Warnings 2011


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I still don't see how the Ping can come 2/3 of the way to the Mall. Comments?

The entire Mahidol road up until Hang Dong road is part of flood zone 7, that's how.

Here's the chiang mai flood map for reference

chiang mai flood map.pdf

Edit: The map claims zone 7 is affected at 4.60 which luckily seems to be not quite true.

Hmm... I hadn't really read this map properly before.. the area right next to the bridge is in zone 1, CM land in zone 6.

Yeah, that map isn't all that accurate. East of the railway line in zone 5 hasn't seen flooding. Whereas areas south of Mahidol Road in zone 7 are under water.

Maybe the map was made before some flood defenses were put in place.

Edited by hanuman1
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Notice on the speaker system in Sirriwattana Moo Bahn (Nong Hoi, south of Mahidol) says to expect the flood to enter the Moo Bahn in 1hr. Just announced.

Just been told by same Moo Bahn speaker system that another 4ft is going to come. That would take us up to 6 metres.

Given that the original warning shows no signs of coming true, I'll believe another 4ft when I see it.

I think we can cancel the warning that Sirriwattana is going to flood with the explanation that someone with too much Sang Som inside them has got hold of the microphone.

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I left the night bazaar at 9pm. I have a labradour and a golden retriever. The dogs thought it was great fun swimming down the night bazaar road (I think it is still Chang klan rd). I spoke to people over a 20 minute period and in that time the current was becoming stronger very quickly. I estimate about a 3 to 4 centremetre rise in water level in that 20 minutes.

I hope I am wrong because to me that seems rather to fast. I am now back in SAn PAk whan where I live. I hope all in the flood are OK and that I was just overcome by the moment.

THe two dogs are fast asleep after there great night out.

As I said to my friend that owns Kanphaengdin motor bike rental. Good luck all.

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Not sure you can really derive trends from that.

It's a pretty obvious trend to me, it's been consistently going up since midnight with no reversals for flood relief efforts. I plotted it out with a basic polynomial fit and the trend is it is slowing down. ;) Obviously other factors such as recently reported announcements just above this post of expected new water coming in could change this quickly.


Edited by Tywais
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A few minutes ago an Oh Boh Toh sound truck came around (I'm in Tanawan) announcing that since it rained hard all of last night up north, water will be released from the dam today (Mae Kwang Dam presumably since the Mae Kaew River, which is connected to the Mae Kwang river, runs through Tanawan).

Well, I don't understand. A month ago the Mae Ping didn't flood in Chiang Mai but San Kamphaeng and Sansai did, including the streets of Tanawan where I live. But this time the Mae Ping has flooded Chiang Mai but the streets of Tanawan are dry. It's especially strange considering that the sound truck gave a strong warning this morning that we would be flooded in two or three hours (not to mention the halfwit moo baan guard who went from house to house saying the dam had broke). The Mae Kaew River runs right behind my house and it didn't rise at all today as of 6PM. And I've seen a photo (on this thread?) ostensibly of Mae Kuang Dam overflowing today. If so, the water must have been diverted downstream from the dam. Or the water flowed straight through without overflowing? I know very little.

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Not sure you can really derive trends from that.

It's a pretty obvious trend to me, it's been consistently going up since midnight with no reversals for flood relief efforts. I plotted it out with a basic polynomial fit and the trend is it is slowing down. ;)Obviously other factors such as recently reported announcements just above this post of expected new water coming in could change this quickly.

That's what I was trying to say. Trends aren't that useful when things can change quickly ;)

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Was at my gf's shop on Chang Klan Tha Pae end about 25 mins ago. The road would be two foot plus under while the actual shop floor is maybe 15cm under. Am hoping we don't see too much more of a rise down there. The shops are under duress and we've got two cars parked on slightly higher ground.

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I was on Hang Dong about 9p, Nikster, and all was fine. I then took the longer route home to ride up to the river along the Middle Ring Road, and saw that there was still quite a spectator crowd gathered above and below to watch the water in the dark. My moo baan in Pa Daet is in a tricky state right now. I see that I can get out ok, but two of the ways in are flooded by a klong overflowing and by raised water table in general. We'll see how things develop over the nighttime.

I also did a run up along the river all the way toward Mahidol and the undercrossing to Changklan, and it wasn't pretty. There was a festival-like attitude with many onlookers and residents gathering and looking. But you could also see into peoples' homes that were being flooded and it was kind of sad too. It seemed everyone was helping n doing the best they can, but clearly it's not a good situation for those right along the river. They're gonna have a long night.

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Guys , was playing with the system and got a link that show a few photo of the flood meter

i upload it on facebook . http://www.facebook.com/SiamGet

the link is form


but i suggest we don;t flood the server and usefacebook or other server for it .. cos if the server can't handle the traffic it might crash and we are out of info

i suspect that the other update server crashes and is not able to handle the flux of traffic for us checking every few min .

I agree Ta 22.... that site was suggested to me about an hour ago and I have been following the updates and good news.... it seems to have risen only about .02 in the past hour. Surely hope so..... could really use a drop over the next few hours....


Gonzo... Nice to see you posting again.... We were a bit worried. If you are okay now, you should be okay in the morning. The Ping River is down quite a bit here in Mae Taeng. The Mae Taeng River is still running very high however. Had dinner up in the mountains near the Mae Taeng River and a one hour rain storm was torrential. Things should be stabilizing for you in Chiang Mai, but the next round of rain storms from tropical storm Haitang might change the whole picture. The problem right now is that the entire Ping River valley is full of water. It filled from Mae Taeng to Chiang Mai all day today and drainage basin is FULL. If another round of showers comes, it will equate directly with massive floods. Lets hope our rains the next few days are light so the valley can drain. The dam in Doi Saket need some relief too. I'll attach an announcement (in Thai only) from George on another thread that warns about the release of water there.

Thanks for the kind words and thoughts of concern T Dog.

You know , we here on TV do have our fair share of peckerheads, but I have to tell you that we do also have a larger bunch of kind and caring folks. I have felt pretty good inside today with the calls and visits from some who just came by to ask if I needed any help or was there anything they could help with. Kind of give one a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

To all those who called , posted or stopped by, I do say a great big THANK YOU


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I still don't see how the Ping can come 2/3 of the way to the Mall. Comments?

The entire Mahidol road up until Hang Dong road is part of flood zone 7, that's how.

Here's the chiang mai flood map for reference

chiang mai flood map.pdf

Edit: The map claims zone 7 is affected at 4.60 which luckily seems to be not quite true.

Hmm... I hadn't really read this map properly before.. the area right next to the bridge is in zone 1, CM land in zone 6.

Sure do thank you for the info. We put the flood plain map together with the hourly river info chart, plus the little graph under the chart, to get a super learning moment for my wife. Thanks for that, too.

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Not sure you can really derive trends from that.

It's a pretty obvious trend to me, it's been consistently going up since midnight with no reversals for flood relief efforts. I plotted it out with a basic polynomial fit and the trend is it is slowing down. ;) Obviously other factors such as recently reported announcements just above this post of expected new water coming in could change this quickly.


Thank you, Tywais, quite enlightening :wai:

/ Priceless

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Some night pictures, at 11pM, on Mengrai bridge near Holiday Inn. Impressive is the amount of debris hitting the bridge ... including a mattress... Water still does not top the bridge and Radjavej hospital is still dry ... but not easy access to it.







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Just got a phone call and maybe some bad news , that the water might rise .

The current reading is @ 4.89 At 11 pm .

There will release some water and it will bring in the water in the night as it will reaches us in about 1 hour or so ..

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Chiang Mai - Lamphun Road is closed heading North from Mahidol Road. South side of Mahidol is now seeing water coming up through drains. 7-11 at 89 plaza had much larger than expected queues forming for this time of night.

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The water had hit the 4.9 mark of 2005 , which is due to the water there release .

from the chart and the flow speed . we might be expecting an average of 0.03 - 0.07 M per hour till 2-3 am .

so at least be ready ..

hope for the better .

but some goods news is that - i also heard some people saying the up town had stopped flooding and chiangmai might just brushes off without more damage .

but i also hears ome old lady saying she think it would hit 5.8- 6 so i kinda worry .

keep it updated ok .


I uploaded it to my server hope it help

if you need to use it this is the direct link



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I just went out to the railway track that crosses under Mahidol road and the ditches either side had developed large puddles over the last few hours despite hardly any rain since the morning. Still, there's at least another 50-60cm before it reaches the level of the tracks. Roads on either side are not flooded.

Thank God it's not raining here!

Edited by hanuman1
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Notice on the speaker system in Sirriwattana Moo Bahn (Nong Hoi, south of Mahidol) says to expect the flood to enter the Moo Bahn in 1hr. Just announced.

Just been told by same Moo Bahn speaker system that another 4ft is going to come. That would take us up to 6 metres.

Given that the original warning shows no signs of coming true, I'll believe another 4ft when I see it.

I think we can cancel the warning that Sirriwattana is going to flood with the explanation that someone with too much Sang Som inside them has got hold of the microphone.

Well that's what the Thais in my neibouhood did when they heard it might flood. Let's just grab a bottle of Whiskey and if it floods we can catch fish. If you think I'm joking I was busy filling sandbags at the last near flood a month ago. We did get get a couple of small streams burst and got a bit of flooding. When no major flood came I was knackered after filling sandbags all afternoon well all the neighbours enjoyed a feast of fish and crabs they'd caught.

On an aside do you think the guy with a microphone might have though he was on Karoke?:lol:

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Well I'm to the west of Zone 7 and the water's up my street now here in Pa Daed. I live off Mahidon on the south side. I'm gonna wait till the water looks more significantly inside my yard before I start a massive moving of everything upstairs. I'm really, really hoping to avoid that, but I can pull it off in a pinch if I have to. Next few hrs will tell.

Most of the people in my neighborhood not sleeping either.

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Talked to my girlfriend this morning, she works in Chiang mai land, She will be off a few days because of the flooding they moved everything from the ground floor to 2 nd floor in office. She had to walk home in knee deep water as she couldn't ride her scooter. When I spoke to her safe at home.

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Five hours and no increase in the height upstream. Fingers crossed it stops rising here or there goes the refrigerator and the washing machine. Should have put them up higher. Never believed it could go this high. Note for next time - plastic drawers will float and tip over - ugh!

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