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Riots and looting spreads to Greater Manchester on fourth day of violence


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Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

HERE HERE! The acts of hooliganism by the police on these young youths is sickening. This is the reason why it has got out of control the Police using brute force like cavemen it is UNACCEPTABLE and i hope the police in the video are bought to justice, sacked from the Police force and made to walk the streets apologising to the ethnic communities what disgusting animals they have been.

are you being facetious..? I do hope so ..otherwise you are intimating that it was ethnic communities that were the culprits hugh...tut tut? Perhaps if there were no rioters the police would not have reason to admonish these sweet innocent "young youths".

What would you suggest? Police hand out tea and cookies singing the the theme from "Dixon of Dock Green"....as the culprits destroy peoples property and livelihoods.

Sorry but these people deserve everything they get...don't know what the British Isles is coming to..not in favour of a police state but there are too many restrictions placed on law enforcement obviously...have a son and a nephew in law enforcement and they are frustrated and disgusted as to what they have to put up with from criminal elements..

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regarding the feral underclass... I remember James Whale's (straight talking, no nonsense british radio presenter & legend) serious take on population control :

1. all males should be sterilized at birth

2. at 18, they apply (if they so wish) for a license to breed

3. extensive checks are done on them & their circumstances

4. if they pass, they get the reversal operation..

I think he still advocates it.. (along with Nazis.??)

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

...reminds me of that detective on "Thin Blue Line"..."lock everybody up at birth until they are proven innocent"..or something to that effect..

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nothing like a good crackdown is there?

England riots: Cameron says police admit to wrong tactics

11 August 2011 Last updated at 21:52 GMT

The police admit they got their riot tactics wrong, the prime minister has said, as he announced measures to help homeowners and businesses.

David Cameron told MPs the riots in cities across England were "criminality pure and simple", but there were "far too few police" on the streets.

In an emergency recall of Parliament, he announced a crackdown on facemasks and a review on the use of curfews.


MPs debated the riots for more than seven hours - with most agreeing they were caused by criminals rather than protesters - and that there was no excuse for the actions of a lawless minority.


Mrs May said policing by consent was the British way, but robust action was needed.

Edited by Maestro
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why bother with the movie when you've got the real thing?

Movie remake Rise of the Planet of the Apes opens in the UK on 11 August.

Rise of the Apes movie holds up mirror to humanity

. . . But the Planet of the Apes films weren't just about gun-toting gorillas. As with much science fiction, there was subtext. "They appear to be about apes, but they are really about people," says Rich Handley, founder of Hasslein Books and author of Lexicon of the Planet of the Apes (2010) and Timeline of the Planet of the Apes (2008).

"They hold a mirror up to us - and the mirror has two reflections, neither of which is very flattering.

"In the first film you've got humans who are reduced to mindless savages, and intelligent apes who are literally aping human behaviour and doing just as bad a job of it: they've still got prejudices, religious dogmatism and military paranoia."

. . . . "Both the savage, smelly humans and the snooty ape intellectuals are a reflection of humanity's inhumanity," adds Handley. He points out that the sequels explore other themes including nuclear paranoia, religious extremism and animal cruelty.

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England riots claim fifth victim as man dies in hospital

2011-08-12 07:10:54 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- An elderly man who was attacked during the riots in London on Monday died of his injuries on late Thursday evening, police said on early Friday morning. It raises the nationwide death toll as a result of the unrest to five.

The riots in England began on Saturday in the Tottenham area of London in protest over the death of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, who was shot and killed by police on Thursday when they attempted to arrest him. The riots eventually spread to other cities in England during the next few days.

Richard Mannington Bowes, 68, was seriously injured on late Monday evening when he was attacked as he tried to stamp out a fire during the riots in Ealing, an area of west London. His wallet and mobile phone were also stolen, initially hampering police efforts to identify him.

Bowes was subsequently taken by ambulance to a west London hospital where he died at 11.52 p.m. local time on Thursday evening. "This was a brutal incident that resulted in the senseless killing of an innocent man," said Detective Chief Inspector John McFarlane of the Homicide and Serious Crime Command. "I still need the assistance of the community who may have witnessed the attack on Richard, to come forward and provide information or images they may have recorded on mobile devices. This information could be crucial in catching his killer."

On Wednesday, police released CCTV images showing a man who is suspected of carrying out the brutal attack. He is described as black with a big build, wearing a white t-shirt with writing on the front and a dark colored jumper over his shoulders.

More CCTV images were released on Thursday which show the suspected attacker in the Ealing area at around 8 p.m. local time on Monday, nearly three hours before the murder. He is seen participating in violence and looting and appeared to be in the company of a large group of others.

CCTV images have also been released of a witness who may have crucial information about the attack. "He had been in close proximity to the attack, recording the events on a mobile device," police said.

In addition to Bowes, four other people were previously killed during the riots. 26-year-old Trevor Ellis was killed during a shooting in the Croydon area of South London while three other men were killed in a hit-and-run incident in Birmingham while attempting to protect their neighborhood from rioters and looters.


-- thaivisa.com © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-08-12

Edited by mpoppel
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great timing! - we've seen lots of rehearsal runs in the last few days.

11 August 2011 Last updated at 14:57 GMT

London 2012 torch relay: 28,000 through to next round

Some 28,000 would-be torchbearers for the London 2012 Olympic torch relay have been told by email that they are through to the next selection round.

People have a one in 14 chance of success. Locog said 9,000 applications had been rejected in the initial stage.

They will be judged on the contribution they have made to their communities and personal achievements.

Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14489840

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regarding the feral underclass... I remember James Whale's (straight talking, no nonsense british radio presenter & legend) serious take on population control :

1. all males should be sterilized at birth

2. at 18, they apply (if they so wish) for a license to breed

3. extensive checks are done on them & their circumstances

4. if they pass, they get the reversal operation..

I think he still advocates it.. (along with Nazis.??)

Why are men always the victims of these silly suggestions.

How about a 5 year implant under the skin of women.

After all, it does appear to be the women who breed for benefits, not the men.

Nobody has suggested army snipers on rooftops yet?

No imagination I suppose.

Edited by ludditeman
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great timing! - we've seen lots of rehearsal runs in the last few days.

11 August 2011 Last updated at 14:57 GMT

London 2012 torch relay: 28,000 through to next round

Some 28,000 would-be torchbearers for the London 2012 Olympic torch relay have been told by email that they are through to the next selection round.

People have a one in 14 chance of success. Locog said 9,000 applications had been rejected in the initial stage.

They will be judged on the contribution they have made to their communities and personal achievements.

Certainly no shortage of experienced torch bearers in the UK.

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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

Yes,but the thing is the Army don`t want people like this and why would they? Greedy,selfish,ignorant and ill-educated rabble would surely be of no use to modern,professional armed forces and lower morale,would they not?

And you think we didn't have similar louts to re-adjust in my time?

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yep.. the British media is heavily pushing this Father of one of the murdered muslim kids testimony that, 'nobody should over react & seek vengeance' etc.. - his decision to say that is a dream come true for the petrified political class & government in the UK.

note how the identity of the 'man assisting police enquiries' over this triple murder has not been revealed in the media..(certainly not in the immediate aftermath/cooling off period) if it is likely to come out that he is a white local male, then you just watch this already bone dry tinder box erupt into a maelstrom of fire down there in Brum... A 'war' will erupt that will make London look like a boy scouts campfire.

The father spoke with great courage and dignity, yes sure there is a danger what started out as criminal/anarchist looting could degenerate to racial strife and all credit to the father for probably diffusing this.

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Exclusive: Teen Gang Reveals Looting Spree

6:40am UK, Friday August 12, 2011

Tom Parmenter, Sky News correspondent

Four teenagers who looted in neighbourhoods across London have told Sky News it was like a 'shopping spree'.

Speaking on condition of anonymity the group admitted that they stole iPads, Blackberry tablets, games consoles, laptops, clothes, trainers and even nappies and clothes for their children.

They claim that they used a transit van to move between different boroughs and grabbed so many different items that the van was filled several times and emptied between their sprees.

Read more (with video) http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16048584

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Cop Presence In London 'Can't Be Maintained'

7:31am UK, Friday August 12, 2011

Catherine Jacob, Sky News correspondent

A former Met commander has said the massive police presence in London to deal with possible unrest is "not sustainable" and officers are "exhausted".

Kevin Hurley told Sky News many are surviving on "at best four or five hours" sleep each day and warned of a possible "over-use of force" by officers as a result.

Since Monday night's widespread violence, police from other forces have boosted the numbers patrolling the capital from 6,000 to 16,000, and are also assisting elsewhere.

Read more: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16048558

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

Edited by adder
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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

Capitalism has many negatives but it gives employment to the brain dead. My mum didn't have shoes on her feet to go to school BUT she didn't riot, it was the way it was, and she became an exec officer in the gov labour department. I will wager that all the asshol_e looters had mobile phones and all the trimmings at home probably supplied by the tax payer. B)

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Cop Presence In London 'Can't Be Maintained'

7:31am UK, Friday August 12, 2011

Catherine Jacob, Sky News correspondent

A former Met commander has said the massive police presence in London to deal with possible unrest is "not sustainable" and officers are "exhausted".

Kevin Hurley told Sky News many are surviving on "at best four or five hours" sleep each day and warned of a possible "over-use of force" by officers as a result.

Since Monday night's widespread violence, police from other forces have boosted the numbers patrolling the capital from 6,000 to 16,000, and are also assisting elsewhere.

Read more: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16048558

Whats wrong with bringing the army in,(whats left of it here in blighty that is). Edited by Colin Yai
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Cop Presence In London 'Can't Be Maintained'

7:31am UK, Friday August 12, 2011

Catherine Jacob, Sky News correspondent

A former Met commander has said the massive police presence in London to deal with possible unrest is "not sustainable" and officers are "exhausted".

Kevin Hurley told Sky News many are surviving on "at best four or five hours" sleep each day and warned of a possible "over-use of force" by officers as a result.

Since Monday night's widespread violence, police from other forces have boosted the numbers patrolling the capital from 6,000 to 16,000, and are also assisting elsewhere.

Read more: http://news.sky.com/...rticle/16048558

Whats wrong with bringing the army in,(whats left of it here in blighty that is).

Of course the army should be brought in. When the fire brigade was on strike the army was used, this situation the police do not have the numbers and so the army should be brought in. The yob culture of today fears nothing cos nothing will happen to them. Crack heads and send a message to the brain dead, the only thing they will understand is a beating, talking will do nothing, period. :(

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MMmmmm so back to the good old victorian days or some other time period it is then. Nah they had riots then and before and after. Probably the most riot free time was after the war when the welfare state was set up. It has been more with the dismantling of it that riots have seen a big return. Plenty in the 80s too. The haters of the country are the ones telling others in it what they should do, be and who can live in it like the edl and bnp. We aint going nowhere as country by peddling hate and fear. The problems of the coutnry need to be addressed by all in a positive way that is inclusive. Exclusion creates social disharmony and rioting. Of course the bnp and edl know this and love it as without the fear, rioting and disharmony they are politically irrelevant so they need it and sowing seeds of hatred based on colour of skin or ethnicity or not being "English" ie even being white and liking multiculturalism

Parasites. Hmm I think you have to look at the upper echelons of British society if you want to find parasitical role models. Plenty of them not paying tax while donating shed loads of dosh to the Tories and telling Cameron and his muckers what policies they are allowed and not allowed to implement. I doubt a bunch of dole scroungers as annoying as they may seem have quite the same ability to screw up the country as the parasites at the top.

Firstly the riots are not about poverty, they are about a misplaced sense of entitlement, incidentally if there were few riots in the post war period it was probably more down to people rolling their sleeves up and rebuilding the Country rather than the setting up of the welfare state.

This is not about race, it's about a mentally and morally deficient underclass that span all ethnicity. Incidentally you also lump the EDL and BNP into the same basket no doubt without even bothering to have read the EDL manifesto, which is explicitly not anti any race, but anti militant Islam, they even have Jewish groups and gay groups in their number, but such minorities obviously don't pass the left wing sniff test.

Finally, in case you have been in a coma for the last decade let me point out that the Orwellian Sith lord, Blair and the even more repugnant Brown presided over the ruination of UK finances going from a surplus inherited from the last Tory government to a massive deficit. During said period the public sector swelled from 39% of the economy to 53%, armies of social workers, legal aid, community liason officers and a whole tier of hangers on became themselves dependent on the newly created constituency of the benefits underclass breeding like flies and ruining the Country from within.

Poverty has a lot to do with it, without poverty they wouldn't have much of a reason to riot. You will also find that the lack of riots after the wars was because the country was united against an outside enemy, there was a sense of unity. Today the only unity from the low economic society is their hatred of the government that has done nothing to close the gap between rich and poor. When there is a large gap there is always unrest. Add in a bit of multiculturalism and bobs your uncle for a nice little riot every now and again.

Exactly and oddly enough the police predicted this would happen after the cuts and not long ago and the police are not exactly known for their left wing agenda. The poor rich gap in London has multiplied in recent years and everyone can name the powerful tory backers who dont pay tax but who arent villified by the press naturally and who advise on goevernment policy. These people are as ethically and morally bankrupt as any poor dole claimant who doesnt want to take a job cleaning toilets, probably more so as they use their connections and good education to avoid their contributions to their own country. Maybe traitors would be an apt description.

I was thinking last night if it isnt about povert and schooling etc why wouldnt Cameron allow his kids (if he has any) to study at a school in say Hackney or Haringey and take up residence in a desirable Hackney high rise housing estate as obviously it would make no difference to his kids upbringing

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

That is the sad reality

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

That is the sad reality

I suppose the likes of Alan Sugar, east end lad born in Hackney to a working class family should have just sat on their <deleted> injecting skag in the stairwells of their council estates, grubbing handouts and having an attitude that the world owes me.

These scum don't know they are born, they should really have a cap put in their worthless sculls, but failing that I'm all for retroactive legislation given every one of them 5 years hard labour rebuilding the UK's crumbling infrastructure. You leftist quislings make me want to vomit.

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

That is the sad reality

Not really. Rich or poor you should have respect for your neighbour, NOT set light to their business or home cos your a lowlife, as that is what they are.

NO excuses, the UK has a very good system of helping the poor or the brain dead. None of us are born equal but in the UK nobody starves, not even dodgy immigrants. NO EXCUSES. The do gooders have created the UK situation and now the tax payer, the insurance payer will pay again. Scum are scum, they have always been in the woodwork, a sad reality of the REAL UK..

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

That is the sad reality

I suppose the likes of Alan Sugar, east end lad born in Hackney to a working class family should have just sat on their <deleted> injecting skag in the stairwells of their council estates, grubbing handouts and having an attitude that the world owes me.

These scum don't know they are born, they should really have a cap put in their worthless sculls, but failing that I'm all for retroactive legislation given every one of them 5 years hard labour rebuilding the UK's crumbling infrastructure. You leftist quislings make me want to vomit.


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