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Riots and looting spreads to Greater Manchester on fourth day of violence


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Take away those silly Robocop police uniforms and replace them with any of.....Beretta M9. The Sig-SauerP228 DAK Beretta 96 pistol, Smith & WessonM&P .357. Springfield/HS Produckt or Sig-Sauer.

Much lighter, much cheaper and certainly much more effective!

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Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

Explain how ' Bigotry and Injustice ' relates to UK <deleted> acting like a pack of dogs to steal and destroy property. ? .

Agreed. Huey's hogwash shows he really doesn't understand the problems or the solutions. I'm sure the British are now even more averse to guns - it would cause a hell of a lot of deaths by the rioters. Guns are the worst possible ingredient here. And at least the reds in Thailand had widespread support - hence the new government. And yes, the reds are the result of years of bigotry and injustice, unlike the Uk riots.

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Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

Explain how ' Bigotry and Injustice ' relates to UK <deleted> acting like a pack of dogs to steal and destroy property. ? .

Agreed. Huey's hogwash shows he really doesn't understand the problems or the solutions. I'm sure the British are now even more averse to guns - it would cause a hell of a lot of deaths by the rioters. Guns are the worst possible ingredient here.

I disagree. Rioters in the USA don't use guns. They know that's a game changer. Unarmed, they can rampage without much worry. If they get beat, they can sue. If they have guns, all bets are off. They no longer blend in with their biggest protection - being one of a large mass of people and mostly unidentifiable. If they are carrying a gun, they can be shot on the spot. That's why in a country with as many guns as the USA, you don't see people sporting them during riots.

Edited by koheesti
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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

I will have to disagree again.

In the 'good old days' all our criminals were sent to live in Australia.

And before that they were all shipped over to America.

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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

I will have to disagree again.

In the 'good old days' all our criminals were sent to live in Australia.

And before that they were all shipped over to America.


This is a tv programme that was on in England a while back. Take lads that have convictions for crimes and treat them to some good old fasioned national service.

The show changed them all. For the good. Some of them even joined the regular army after.

So I have to disagree with you and say, it does work.

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The authoritarians, keyboard facists, haters of their own country and simple minded are out in force. Events like this always seem to bring out the worst in everyone bar probably the father of one of the dead men and oddly enough all the drunken idiots singing "edl" and "engerland" down Eltham way would probably love to have him removed from the country for not being "British", which in their eyes equates to white and right wing

The spirit of 30s Europe is alive and well, unfortunately

<deleted>, The haters of their own Country are the ones who have been running it for the last few decades when a bloated nanny state has rotted it's finances and morality to the core. You are seeing the average man in the street finally having enough of these parasites and in time we will no doubt end up with a far more authoritarian government, but it's the leftards who have caused this.

I would have to disagree.

It is those who support a woman's right to have children on her own without the ability to support those children on her own who I blame.

(Either after a divorce or for those who never bothered to have a regular partner)

Children need live-in Fathers!

or to be more politically correct, children need two parents co-habiting!

What about people that are in the armed forces. They go away for months at a time. Are they not allowed children as well.

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Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

Explain how ' Bigotry and Injustice ' relates to UK <deleted> acting like a pack of dogs to steal and destroy property. ? .

Agreed. Huey's hogwash shows he really doesn't understand the problems or the solutions. I'm sure the British are now even more averse to guns - it would cause a hell of a lot of deaths by the rioters. Guns are the worst possible ingredient here.

I disagree. Rioters in the USA don't use guns. They know that's a game changer. Unarmed, they can rampage without much worry. If they get beat, they can sue. If they have guns, all bets are off. They no longer blend in with their biggest protection - being one of a large mass of people and mostly unidentifiable. If they are carrying a gun, they can be shot on the spot. That's why in a country with as many guns as the USA, you don't see people sporting them during riots.

So if guns are the answer why do people still riot in the USA?

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When things like this happen in England, I do ask myself, why am I in the Navy protecting a country of animals.

I feel sorry for all those that have died to give freedom and safety to people that don't deserve it. They run around saying people should respect them. How have they earn't that respect. Scum of the earth, if you ask me.

Sorry, rant over.

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UK riots: grammar school girl is accused of theft

By Tom Whitehead, and Holly Watt

7:24AM BST 11 Aug 2011

Laura Johnson appears as far removed as is possible from the lawless "underclass" said to have been blighting Britain's streets.

The 19–year–old is a high–flying pupil who attended St Olave's Grammar School – the fourth best performing state school in the country.

She is now reading English and Italian at the University of Exeter.

Read more: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8694655/UK-riots-grammar-school-girl-is-accused-of-theft.html

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Agreed. Huey's hogwash shows he really doesn't understand the problems or the solutions. I'm sure the British are now even more averse to guns - it would cause a hell of a lot of deaths by the rioters. Guns are the worst possible ingredient here.

I disagree. Rioters in the USA don't use guns. They know that's a game changer. Unarmed, they can rampage without much worry. If they get beat, they can sue. If they have guns, all bets are off. They no longer blend in with their biggest protection - being one of a large mass of people and mostly unidentifiable. If they are carrying a gun, they can be shot on the spot. That's why in a country with as many guns as the USA, you don't see people sporting them during riots.

So if guns are the answer why do people still riot in the USA?

Guns are the answer to keep riots from getting out of control. Guns work great for self-protection. In England, three immigrants were run over and killed protecting their neighborhood. Twenty years ago in the LA riot, immigrants had guns and protected their shops with rifles from the rooftops.

In the USA they don't riot anywhere on the scale of what is happening across England or what happened in 300 towns in France a few years back.

The reasons for riots in the USA in recent history have been to protest IMF meetings (anarchist wannabes) and because their sports team won the championship. Yep, you read that last one right. The streets fill up with celebrating drunks and someone breaks a window or something and mob mentality takes over. Even rich white kids riot in those instances. About a decade ago when the American football team in Boston won their first championship, students from top universities hit the streets drunk and ended up burning cars, looting, breaking windows. I never heard of them attacking people or robbing them though and it doesn't go on for days either.

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Reminds me of british tourists abroad under influence.

Hooligans is that what they are called? Must be! Has anyone ever heard of Canadian hooligan? I never have.

Edmonton riots 2006

Montreal riots 2008

There are of course more, google is your friend.

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Reminds me of british tourists abroad under influence.

Hooligans is that what they are called? Must be! Has anyone ever heard of Canadian hooligan? I never have.

Then do a Google for 'Canadian hockey fans fight' or similar.

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Agreed. Huey's hogwash shows he really doesn't understand the problems or the solutions. I'm sure the British are now even more averse to guns - it would cause a hell of a lot of deaths by the rioters. Guns are the worst possible ingredient here.

I disagree. Rioters in the USA don't use guns. They know that's a game changer. Unarmed, they can rampage without much worry. If they get beat, they can sue. If they have guns, all bets are off. They no longer blend in with their biggest protection - being one of a large mass of people and mostly unidentifiable. If they are carrying a gun, they can be shot on the spot. That's why in a country with as many guns as the USA, you don't see people sporting them during riots.

So if guns are the answer why do people still riot in the USA?

Guns are the answer to keep riots from getting out of control. Guns work great for self-protection. In England, three immigrants were run over and killed protecting their neighborhood. Twenty years ago in the LA riot, immigrants had guns and protected their shops with rifles from the rooftops.

In the USA they don't riot anywhere on the scale of what is happening across England or what happened in 300 towns in France a few years back.

The reasons for riots in the USA in recent history have been to protest IMF meetings (anarchist wannabes) and because their sports team won the championship. Yep, you read that last one right. The streets fill up with celebrating drunks and someone breaks a window or something and mob mentality takes over. Even rich white kids riot in those instances. About a decade ago when the American football team in Boston won their first championship, students from top universities hit the streets drunk and ended up burning cars, looting, breaking windows. I never heard of them attacking people or robbing them though and it doesn't go on for days either.

Well, u just wait for it. UK first, maybe France next then the USA. And guns won't stop 'em.

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Excellent article by Theodore Dalrymple. From 2006 but things have only got worse since then.


His last sentence perhaps sums up why so many of us are happy living in Thailand.

[but one does not feel the defects of a foreign country in quite the same lacerating way as the defects of one's native land; they are more an object of amused, detached interest than of personal despair].<BR clear=all>

Edited by sangfroid
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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

I will have to disagree again.

In the 'good old days' all our criminals were sent to live in Australia.

And before that they were all shipped over to America.

And I in turn will have to disagree as you are being rather picky I think? I was referring to the 40's & 50's not centuries past.

As a teenager I was a rebel, but had that knocked out of me in short shrift when I joined the army as a 16 year old. At the end of 20 years in uniform, I had straightened out a few myself, with good old fashioned exercise and not the boot or fist to calm simmering aggression.

Parents have become too soft. As a 25 year old preparing to leave for war three decades ago, my old man commented "if you get killed, don't come crying back to me!"

I knew more than one well rounded adult that had been given the choice of prison or the army in their youth. There is an overdue need to stop molly coddling young people. They need to learn about losing as well as winning and be made to tow the line.

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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

The job of the Armed Forces is to protect the country. For that we need professional, volunteer, committed people not thugs who are as dumb as rocks.

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Large groups of young males tend to be problematic. Not a problem specific to Britain. They tend to be reckless, they tend to form gangs, they tend to drink too much, drive to fast and without a lot of reason, they tend to start destroying things.

If you get a large enough of them in the military, then there is a good chance you'll need to start a conflict somewhere to keep them occupied. It's not necessary, but it tends to be what happens with a large number of idle soldiers on hand.

In this mix are some really bad characters that will not be straightened out by the military, or much of anything else. A nice long time away from society is best for them.

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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

Yes,but the thing is the Army don`t want people like this and why would they? Greedy,selfish,ignorant and ill-educated rabble would surely be of no use to modern,professional armed forces and lower morale,would they not?

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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

The job of the Armed Forces is to protect the country. For that we need professional, volunteer, committed people not thugs who are as dumb as rocks.

They are committed maybe, but why would anyone not dumb as rocks join the army?

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British Riots - UK Riots - or English Riots?

a lengthy thread elsewhere about being English or British; what would you rather be now?

England riots: Alex Salmond angry as 'UK' headlines sweep Scotland into fray

Scotland's leader fears copycat riots and damage to tourism as media portrays unrest with broad brush.

Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, has complained about broadcasters headlining coverage of urban unrest as "UK riots". Salmond said he was not complacent but claimed Scottish society was different from that in England, and that similar riots were much less likely in Scotland.

By referring to the riots as being UK-wide, he said, the risk was increased of copycat riots in Scotland and damage to Scotland's reputation as a tourism destination.

Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland, he said: "We know we have a different society in Scotland, and one of my frustrations was to see this being described on BBC television and Sky as riots in the UK. Well, until such time as we do have a riot in Scotland, then we've seen riots in London and across English cities. It's actually unhelpful to see them inaccurately presented, because one of the dangers we face in Scotland is copycat action."

His stance was backed by Scottish National party MSPs, as well as bloggers, who claimed that Welsh and Northern Irish citizens would share the irritation.


Yea OK MP Salmond,disown UK Membership if you must,perhaps soon the UK Taxpayer can stop pumping £1 Billion into Scotland every year,when its truly a separate Country,and your 13 SNP MPs in our UK Parliament can go back over the Border to peace and tranquility.

Edited by MAJIC
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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

The job of the Armed Forces is to protect the country. For that we need professional, volunteer, committed people not thugs who are as dumb as rocks.

Speaking from experience? The point is I think that individuals dumb as rocks can be re-educated given the right resources.

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Time is long overdue to bring back National Service. A couple of years in uniform would straighten them out. In the good old days, the choice was Borstal or the army and many a toe rag turned into well rounded adults as a result.

The job of the Armed Forces is to protect the country. For that we need professional, volunteer, committed people not thugs who are as dumb as rocks.

They are committed maybe, but why would anyone not dumb as rocks join the army?

That's a little harsh? Some still know the meaning or patriotism and loaylty, at least I hope some do. Not everyone does it for the rather mediocre salaries.

Edited by metisdead
Repaired the reply.
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Speaking from experience? The point is I think that individuals dumb as rocks can be re-educated given the right resources.

And my point is that I don't think it's the job of the Armed Forces to act as a sort of alternative Prison Service. If these individuals can be re-educated then let's set up some sort of system to do so and leave the Armed Forces to do what they're designed to do.

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