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Thailand To Shed 'Sex Tourism' Tag Soon

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I find the announcement to be great advertising. The diplomate is very shrewd in his phrasing.

He could off simply announced that Thailand has many features to would apeal to the family traveller...then go on to list some of them.

But no....in serveal places he talks about the huge sex industry that is currently in Thailand. You see that in actual fact he's not there to promote family tourism but to advertise the promiscuous funn to be had there. Of course he can't be that direct so he uses a roundabout method.

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So many Russian families visiting Pattaya these days that I almost forget its a sex city.....

Family vacation or sex vacation . Who cares as long as Thais will make a profit from it. .

That describes the ups and downs of Pattaya precisely (pun intended).


Another moron with no brains and a microphone.

Question? Why not let working girls run this place?

At least it would be taken more seriously than all these quacks with a title.


Maybe if they bulldozer Pattaya...

One thing's for sure though with the rise of Asia tourism in general is going to be Asian, and it's going to be very different from western tourism. For one, dark ladies do nothing for Asian gentlemen.

But that's just an aside - Asian tourists are prone to come in large groups and do weird group-toury-things. That's miles away from backpackers or sexpats or even Euro families. It's a completely different market. And it's going to be the biggest growth sector in Thai tourism for years to come. Simply because Chinese and to some extent other Asians are becoming more wealthy, and it's close, and it's a great tourism country.

A Chinese friend of mine who was born in California but now moved to Shanghai went on a tour group to Thailand. He's a normal dude, I can only assume he became very Chinese to go on a tour group in the first place. But anyway, he told me they went to Pattaya and he thought all the girls are really ugly.

All in all Thai tourism is changing, I am with @tlansford: It's a case of taking your flag and getting in front of the parade.

I agree they should bulldoze Pattaya. Thailand is being dragged through the toilet by Pattaya. Thailands reputation has been created soley by Pattaya. Get rid of Pattaya and the government would be taking a huge step in cleaning up Thailands reputation. After all Pattaya exists only for the sex tourists.


Agree with that. The same everywhere in the world.

What people don't understand is there is big shift in tourism in Thailand, from tourists from the west to tourist from the east, a lot from China. .

The traditional form of Thai "prostitution" (mia noi business) that is so exotic to western tourists, is very common to Asian people. They won't come to Thailand for that.

And in the future, they are are going to be the main source for tourism.

The problem is western tourists don't realize they don't represent the future of tourism for Thailand

Can you imagine a Chinese tourist falling in love here and taking on the family??

They have done that for a couple of hundred years, where do you think all these thai-chineses come from ?

If westerners all left there will be a few million broken homes here. We are not the B and end all,but for all the talk they would miss our money, no 150 bht at atms, and a million more things

I think you completely overestimate the importance of Falangs in Thailands.

How many falangs in the government ?

How many chineses ?


This IQ rating for Thailand surely is correct. BELOW THE WORLD AVERAGE,

Actually, the chineses are above average, so most probably the falang influence


The golf courses won't be too packed because there'll be no caddies to carry the clubs, and, what will become of the 19th hole ?

Men from all over the world come her for Thai girls and some for boys, and many for golf. Take the girls out of the equation and what will be the result?

Uhm. I dunno. Busy boys and packed golf courses? :huh:

The 19th hole will go back to Isaan!


I believe that the majority of the posters who seem to believe that 'sex tourists' constitute the majority of the tourist traffic to Thailand are themselves so biased and isolated that they can only see Thailand through their own small prism of what is their own jaded reality. If they were to speak to normal people outside of Thailand they might find that there are tremendous numbers of tourists who have been to Thailand who have a completely different perception of the LOS and found it to be one of the most delightful places in the world due primarily to the hospitality of the Thai people. It is a very long flight from the USA to Thailand, yet older couples in their 50's and on up that I know personally have traveled to Thailand and find it a place they would like to visit again and not one of them ever broached the topic of sex tourism as they were the type of people who were totally ignorant of it.

I have a Vietnamese friend who works as a hospitality trainer to several 5 star hotels in Vietnam who just yesterday told me about reciprocal tourist arrangements where a Vietnamese can fly to BKK from Saigon and stay 5 nights in 5 star hotels for US $200 and that the more well to do Vietnamese who want plastic surgery go to Thailand for their procedures. He told me that the hotels that he works for have so many Thai tourists that they consciously have added a huge selection of Thai dishes to the menus in their restaurants.

On the last 2 trips I made to Thailand, I saw very few single males in the cabin on my flight. On the first flight, the majority of the passengers were Asian families with small children and couples and of the Caucasians, there were groups of youths and adults traveling to do missionary work. On the second trip I sat next to a Thai lady traveling back to visit relatives in Udonthani and in our conversations never once made an aspersion that I might be traveling to BKK only to experience the sex trade (which has never been my motivation for acquiring a retirement visa).

Believe it or not, there really are tremendous numbers of normal people who find a ride on an elephant a memorable life experience on the magnitude of a trip to, and preferable to a western theme park like Disneyland. There really are tremendous numbers of foreign couples who want to experience the exotic culture, but mostly, the well deserved reputation of Thailand as having probably the most friendly and helpful people of any people they have experienced. One couple I know in their 50's fell in love with a young lady in Chiang Mai who worked in their hotel restaurant and offered to sponsor her, live with them, and even pay for her tuition and these people are not swingers and the young lady was not offering sexual favors.

There really are more people who see Thailand through a positive prism than so many of the misreble posters to this forum who have such negative impressions and evidently see all Thai women as scheming hos from Issan.

So true. Thrice in seven years, my family and I went into the Lion's Den (Pattaya) and had great times without doing anything remotely sex touristy.

I had a client from Portugal, a monger extraordinaire, who could find a whore within a short time of landing in any city, even Jeddah. It's all in what you're looking for.



The golf courses won't be too packed because there'll be no caddies to carry the clubs, and, what will become of the 19th hole ?

Men from all over the world come her for Thai girls and some for boys, and many for golf. Take the girls out of the equation and what will be the result?

Uhm. I dunno. Busy boys and packed golf courses? :huh:

The 19th hole will go back to Isaan!

Naughty, naughty, Jay!........... LOL!!!!!!!


A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


"A lakh (play /ˈlæk/ lak or /ˈlɑːk/ lahk; also lac) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000; 105). It is widely used both in official and other contexts in Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Pakistan, and is often used in Indian English."

Why would the thr "WHO" in their infinite wisdom, report currency in lakh?? 2 lahk sounds a little too much like tee luk.I'll call bs on this breaking news story

The story appears to be from an Indian newspaper meant for a mainly Indian readership, hence the Indian nomenclature.



The key point is that Thai prostitution is by Thai for Thai. While tourists will frequent sex spots the tourism traffic alone would never support the industry. So, how are they going to change the cultural norm of prostitution and infidelity with kept mistresses among Thais?

Agree with that. The same everywhere in the world.

What people don't understand is there is big shift in tourism in Thailand, from tourists from the west to tourist from the east, a lot from China. .

The traditional form of Thai "prostitution" (mia noi business) that is so exotic to western tourists, is very common to Asian people. They won't come to Thailand for that.

And in the future, they are are going to be the main source for tourism.

The problem is western tourists don't realize they don't represent the future of tourism for Thailand

You might have a point to consider.

However, the western tourists stay longer and spend more per day.

Big part of that spending flows into the purses of hardworking people.

The tourists from Asian country, in general come with a package tour.

Everything is paid before departure, most money flows into the lined pockets of travel agents, big hotels, restaurants.......

Now, most western tourists see this very clearly.

But do the local authorities see this.

Or is it exactly what they are gunning for?


Change the nature of Thailand's "attraction" by just a shift in jargon?

Shakespeare comes to mind: "A rose by any other name....." whistling.gif


You might have a point to consider.

However, the western tourists stay longer and spend more per day.

Big part of that spending flows into the purses of hardworking people.

The tourists from Asian country, in general come with a package tour.

Everything is paid before departure, most money flows into the lined pockets of travel agents, big hotels, restaurants.......

Now, most western tourists see this very clearly.

But do the local authorities see this.

Or is it exactly what they are gunning for?

It's an old debate,

It used to be high spending short term tourists Vs backpackers who stay for a couple of month

Both bring something to the country

But the sexpats ? I think we can do without ....


Pattaya is the place that has given Thailand the bad reputation as the sex capital of the world. Why don't they start by bulldozing and cleaning that place up. Start arresting and charging the bargirls working in prostitution and thier clients send out a very clear and positive message to the sex tourists that this illegal act will no longer be tolerated. The sex tourists will stop comming after they starting spending time in the BKK Hilton. (Prostitution is after all illegal)

And just what crusading brave soul is going to be at the forefront of this? Who will you find to take on the politicians, elites, mafia and police (ok, same same) and live to tell about it? Sorry, but it just ain't gonna happen.


A few odd thoughts:

In many, if not most, bars a single male and even couples will be joined by an attractive female, or someone pretending to be, who doesn't really want to practice their foreign language skills. Most tourists understand the situation.

In Nakhon Phanom there is a clock-tower donated by Uncle Ho for R&R services to the NVA. They weren't here for the fried rice.

I once knew quite well, if not intimately, a young lady who described herself as a "Jap specialist," this having something to do with the relative sizes of their organs and bankrolls. She was fluent in Japanese and far from impoverished - I am led to believe this is not particularly rare.

From my observation of, and conversation with, Asian tourists I have found that they are not adverse to the charms of Thai ladies, though preferring the paler skinned ones (as do Thais). I have several Japanese friends who are regular visitors - most like me are in a long-term relationship with a Thai lady.

If you should do a border-run to Sadao/Had Yai area you will hardly be able to miss the number of Malaysian men enjoying the hospitality.

In Penang, I have noticed some Indian-race prostitutes. They all wear pant-suits, are really tall, and have deep voices. If that is any reflection on the prostitution scene in India, we are going to be over-run with wobble-heads.

If I had a Chinese friend who told me all the girls in Pattaya were really ugly, I would be wondering what he thought of the boys.


A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


A lakh is a 100,000


What's a "sexpat"?

If it's an expat who has sex then I was a "sexpat" twice this morning and got breakfast in bed from the wife as a reward.

I think you are commonly known as a Lucky, lucky bastard an entirely different thing.


I took my two boys (7 & 11 years old at the time) to Thailand for two months a couple years back, and they loved it. In addition to the family fun like elephant treks etc., we all got massages every day (no happy endings for the boys obviously), played pool in many a beer bar and hung out with lots of friendly professional ladies. Without exception, the ladies loved the boys as if they were their own, buying them food and drinks etc. One of the best aspects of the LOS in my view is the lack of differentiation between what is "adult" and what is "family." Within certain common-sense boundaries, of course, (I would no more want my kids exposed to pornography or violence than any other father), one of the nicest things about Thailand is its tolerant, accepting attitude to the realities of sexuality and not labeling it as "bad." It would be a shame to see that actually threatened.

Yep ... a good post with which I happily concur.


did he describe the girls as all having large feet and adam's apple.....

Maybe if they bulldozer Pattaya...

One thing's for sure though with the rise of Asia tourism in general is going to be Asian, and it's going to be very different from western tourism. For one, dark ladies do nothing for Asian gentlemen.

But that's just an aside - Asian tourists are prone to come in large groups and do weird group-toury-things. That's miles away from backpackers or sexpats or even Euro families. It's a completely different market. And it's going to be the biggest growth sector in Thai tourism for years to come. Simply because Chinese and to some extent other Asians are becoming more wealthy, and it's close, and it's a great tourism country.

A Chinese friend of mine who was born in California but now moved to Shanghai went on a tour group to Thailand. He's a normal dude, I can only assume he became very Chinese to go on a tour group in the first place. But anyway, he told me they went to Pattaya and he thought all the girls are really ugly.

All in all Thai tourism is changing, I am with @tlansford: It's a case of taking your flag and getting in front of the parade.


I took my two boys (7 & 11 years old at the time) to Thailand for two months a couple years back, and they loved it. In addition to the family fun like elephant treks etc., we all got massages every day (no happy endings for the boys obviously), played pool in many a beer bar and hung out with lots of friendly professional ladies. Without exception, the ladies loved the boys as if they were their own, buying them food and drinks etc. One of the best aspects of the LOS in my view is the lack of differentiation between what is "adult" and what is "family." Within certain common-sense boundaries, of course, (I would no more want my kids exposed to pornography or violence than any other father), one of the nicest things about Thailand is its tolerant, accepting attitude to the realities of sexuality and not labeling it as "bad." It would be a shame to see that actually threatened.

Ahh, so you're one of those guys who brings his small children into the bars and thinks because the staff think they're cute that the rest of the patrons will enjoy the company of your kids. No offense but parents, please leave your children at home when you decide to hit the bars. Most people who go to bars are looking to get away from things like children.


Sex tourism --are you joking, you know how much a bonk is these days. Things have got out of hand and now its 3000 at least. A lady drink is an arm and a leg which is close on to 150baht for some red water.

Short time rooms are going bust too. I can barely afford a motorbike,--certainly not both like we did in the good ole days for ha loi.

I remember when 2000 a day did all three bike, bird, booze,bed.

Anyone paying 3000 needs their head examined. It's not necessary to pay that kind of money. B)

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