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Thailand To Shed 'Sex Tourism' Tag Soon


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Here is a free tip for Thailand. In Las Vegas , Nevada, the city " leaders" decided they did not want the reputation for the city to be sin and gambling. They then tried to redo all publicity to push for family tourism. Revenues fell WAY off, they came to their senses, and the new promotion became" what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas". Thailand can certainly do whatever it wants, but if it kills off the sex trade just be sure to have regular jobs for all the girls from Issan...... This kind of government social engineering is made all the more funny by the fact that 80 to 90 percent of the sex trade is for the benefit of and used by Thai men. But I suppose that segment will not be going away. :whistling:

On a side note, if they really do want family tourism, the government is going to have to do something about the endless scams. Those do not go well with families. Kids watching their dad get beaten up by jet ski thugs could have a detrimental effect on future families visiting......

Good comment and comparison.

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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


2 lakh = 2 x 100,000 = 200,000. Lakh (100,000) is an Indian Word, probably derived from Pali.

I think there are probably more than 200,000 hookers in all of Thailand. They may refer to full time vs. part time prostitution.

What about world wide?

If you are getting a reward for it female or male you are a prostitute; and payment does not have to be in cash. I would think that the figure is conservative?

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I want a job with Thaia visa forum. I can write headlines that makes people bite.

Non immigrant visa required to drink beer. Bar to close at Christmas for 3 days. Thailand to become sex free. Etc Etc Etc

Cheers Fishface, made my day :P

Excellent attempt Fishface but if I may point out the missing element that'll really cause some Pavlovian reactions and possible strokes - attributing quotes to Thaksin, Yingluk or the government in connection with TVF.

"Thaksin Shinawatra tweeted that all TVF posters who don't like him couldn't get laid for free in a mortuary and have wives with faces that look as if it caught fire and somebody put it out with a shovel"

" Yingluk Shinawatra on TVF - " Take the piss all you like but I'm richer than any of you so who gives a flying f#ck what you think. Go and open another Chang and realise how worthless your existence is"

" A Thai government spokesman recently said " Of course our main aim is to bring Thaksin back whitewashed and squeaky clean. Duh. His sister is the PM for sake. But all your keyboard bashing won't change things one iota. We make you report every 90 days where you live like some pikey criminal so obviously your position in the grand scheme of things is slightly above that of the fleas on a soi dogs arse. Dance monkeys dance!" :D

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Actually I regularly travel from China to Bangkok.

All the flights are fully booked, and not by western sexpats

Some people really need to realize times are changing

I don't think things will change that much. Thailand will become like many other countries. They will continue full throtle just not be so open about it.

All that being said I seriously doubt that that making it a ten minute job to find a companion for pay instead of just walk down the street will make that big a difference. Seems like some people just think with there second head and think every one is like them.

Yes it is out there and it is all over the world.

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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?



Oops, just noticed the 10 other pages of comments! I remind myself again to make sure I have read the thread to the end before commenting!

My two baht's worth:

The sex trade is alive and well in every corner of the globe. It's just more alive here for several reasons covered well above. More regulation will see the participants (men, women, and punters) at less risk of harm. That's all I see as important. It will never go away and nor should it. And why be ashamed of it?

Edited by sfbandung
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Pattaya is a nice place when you know where to go, the best places don't actually cater to sex tourists.

I'm sure Pattaya residents could confirm that.

Most Pattaya residents wouldn't live there for any other reasons than the sex.

What Pattaya residents have to say ?


Because of my job being in the Eastern Seaboard area, I live in Pattaya. There are some positive points about Pattaya for the farang to live here (other than the commercialized "one hour romance"). You have the best of both worlds--the Thai and Western influence. One can buy inexpensive Thai food down the soi from a food vendor for 30-40 baht vs. being able to go to a great restaurant such as Mantra or one of our 5 star hotels; being able to see a newly released Hollywood movie for half the cost of what it would be in America; and now with Central Shopping Center one doesn't need to go to BKK to shop for those special items. Because it is a "tourist town" it offers more entertainment than a place such as Sri Racha or Chonburri city. Pattaya Bay is picturesque from ones condo (true, don't get too close to see the ugliness) and there is a variety of condos/ villas/ houses to live in. Some sex-aholics don't understand that just because there are sois with go-go girl bars and the "ladies of the night" sit along the Beach Road promenade and there is Walking Street, it doesn't mean everyone who lives in Pattaya is out every night getting a "boom-boom". It is like surfing through ones satellite TV, you choose what you want, you don't have to select the rated R channels. B)

Edited by toenail
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I want a job with Thaia visa forum. I can write headlines that makes people bite.

Non immigrant visa required to drink beer. Bar to close at Christmas for 3 days. Thailand to become sex free. Etc Etc Etc

Cheers Fishface, made my day :P

Excellent attempt Fishface but if I may point out the missing element that'll really cause some Pavlovian reactions and possible strokes - attributing quotes to Thaksin, Yingluk or the government in connection with TVF.

"Thaksin Shinawatra tweeted that all TVF posters who don't like him couldn't get laid for free in a mortuary and have wives with faces that look as if it caught fire and somebody put it out with a shovel"

" Yingluk Shinawatra on TVF - " Take the piss all you like but I'm richer than any of you so who gives a flying f#ck what you think. Go and open another Chang and realise how worthless your existence is"

" A Thai government spokesman recently said " Of course our main aim is to bring Thaksin back whitewashed and squeaky clean. Duh. His sister is the PM for fuc_ks sake. But all your keyboard bashing won't change things one iota. We make you report every 90 days where you live like some pikey criminal so obviously your position in the grand scheme of things is slightly above that of the fleas on a soi dogs arse. Dance monkeys dance!" :D

LOL +1

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Thai politicians never heard of American prohibition intent, consequences and result.It's a shame what some politicians will do to score political points.

The Thaksin's are are more about promoting puritanism than prohibition-ism. Legislating morality is never a good, long term approach to running a government. Remember when they were locking the doors and rolling up the carpets at 10 pm. under the last Thaksin administration? I for one certainly take the threat of loosing freedoms seriously. This is about more than just the sex trade and fear that it is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Almost everyone I talk to in Dallas doesn't know Thailand from Taiwan and therefore have no idea of Thailand's reputation. For a Thai govt. representative to bring up the subject of needing to change the perception of Thailand will make some curious as to why it needs changing. Sometimes a can of worms is best left unopened.

I think that might be a limited point of view. Just today I was reading a story in the LA Times in which they were talking about prostitution and human trafficking and they said "This isn't children being sold from their villages in some faraway place like Thailand." (I'm heavily paraphrasing because I'm quoting from memory). The movie Hangover II was largely based on "perceptions" people have about Thailand.

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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A lakh (11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png/ˈlæk/ lak or /ˈlɑːk/ lahk; also lac) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000; 105). It is widely used both in official and other contexts in Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Pakistan, and is often used in Indian English.

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Did anyone answer as to how much two lakh is?


Many times read the thread

200,000 ...


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A lakh (11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png/ˈlæk/ lak or /ˈlɑːk/ lahk; also lac) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000; 105). It is widely used both in official and other contexts in Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Pakistan, and is often used in Indian English.

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Lets hope these families don't have an internet connection and discover what Thais are doing to visitors.

King Power Airport Duty Free Scam.

Jet Ski Scam.

Taxi Mafia parked in front of every hotel.

Scammers lurking(owning) the areas in front of attractions.

Double pricing scams.

Thai Police shaking down visitors.

Phukett Tuk Tuk Mafia.

20 Baht Tuk Tuk (tour)

Cigarette Butt Police Scam.

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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


Indian counting system 1 lakh is 100,000. so 2 lakh= 200,000.

I think may an underestimation.

Try Google

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Here is a free tip for Thailand. In Las Vegas , Nevada, the city " leaders" decided they did not want the reputation for the city to be sin and gambling. They then tried to redo all publicity to push for family tourism. Revenues fell WAY off, they came to their senses, and the new promotion became" what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas". Thailand can certainly do whatever it wants, but if it kills off the sex trade just be sure to have regular jobs for all the girls from Issan...... This kind of government social engineering is made all the more funny by the fact that 80 to 90 percent of the sex trade is for the benefit of and used by Thai men. But I suppose that segment will not be going away. :whistling:

On a side note, if they really do want family tourism, the government is going to have to do something about the endless scams. Those do not go well with families. Kids watching their dad get beaten up by jet ski thugs could have a detrimental effect on future families visiting......

You can beat up a few sex tourists for complaining about over-charging them but Tuk-tuk drivers will show no mercy just cause

these farangs are with kids.....a good family resort will only be a self

contained one in Thailand , where your guests are secure and you don't let them go out without a resort driver.

Now this type of tourism comes with a price tag , for the family tourist !

Perhaps the idea was concieved before all the violence erupted , which between the seizure of the airport and farangs being robbed,

ripped - off and killed , has caused more damage to tourism then the Tsunami !

If it weren't for the traveler's , ex-pats and horny tourists

they'd have no one to blame for the last 2+ years ,of all year long low season tourism.

Instead of embracing what works best for Thailand ,TOT goes after probably the tourist demographic most affected by the world economic slowdown , Family Tourism ! TOT , wake up.....

What happens in Thailand ,

stays in the world news for days!

People getting laid is nothing news!!!

Edited by metisdead
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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


You really need to know how to use your computer and the internet.

Search google for lakh and the first page is a wikipedia page stating

"A lakh is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand"

It's so much more enjoyable finding out for yourself than asking questions of others. Try it.

Edited by KKK
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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


Waiting for the numbers to go up to 5 lakhs. Then the supply demand will bring the prices down. And BTW announcing the policy (goal) in India is an oxymoron. All the sex starved indian cheapos flock to Thailand, because it is 1. availability of sex in LOS and 2. It is cheaper to go to Thailand than taking a flight cross country within India.

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Sex tourism --are you joking, you know how much a bonk is these days. Things have got out of hand and now its 3000 at least. A lady drink is an arm and a leg which is close on to 150baht for some red water.

Short time rooms are going bust too. I can barely afford a motorbike,--certainly not both like we did in the good ole days for ha loi.

I remember when 2000 a day did all three bike, bird, booze,bed.

Anyone paying 3000 needs their head examined. It's not necessary to pay that kind of money. B)

Depends where you live or visit.

For example, in Chiang Mai, the only options are to go through the beerbar system, thats drinks, bar fine, room and so on, which can be an extremely expensive night out, or the rippoff soapy massage establishes, again expensive.

All the lady houses are gone as far as I know, so these days there are no cheap alternatives in Chiang Mai.

Sounds like what I found in Hua Hin. Bars limited to a specific area. Bar gals selective and aloof (at least to me). Complete absence of independent gals on street to compete with the bar gals - probably strictly-enforced to limit the image of sleeze. The effort seemed pretty successful to me, but at least there was a 'Lolita's'.

So ... I ended up sort of seducing the cook's assistant at the hotel. Or did she seduce me? I forget even if I ever knew for sure. The last thing I remember was that she wanted me to pony up 5K to fix her bent motorbike. At least she wasn't too hard-core about the whole thing.

Edited by MaxYakov
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