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New Zealand Sports Head Murdered In Thailand

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Charlie was from my home town Westport, NZ and was a friend our family. It was only about 4 months ago I warned him of the do,s and don'ts, what to be aware off when travelling through asia.

People should not jump conclusions to the race of the person who committed this crime. Its very posible its not a thai.

RIP Charlie.

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Not sure if there is any relevance and I don't intend to foment scandal about the victim, but over the years there have been some Indian descent serial thieves/killers, systemically luring in gay tourists and expats through popular gay contact internet sites, for financial exploitation, and sometimes murder. I recall they caught at least one of them. The meeting at in the VC hotel raised a red flag to me. Yes, mostly middle eastern clientele, but it is also a very Indian area, and often Indians and Middle easterners look similar. There are also rumors now on some gay boards that this murder has a gay element. I don't see any real evidence that it does, though I am concerned for those still living that there's possibly another potential serial killer of tourists/expats on the loose.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not sure if there is any relevance and I don't intend to foment scandal about the victim, but over the years there have been some Indian descent serial thieves/killers, systemically luring in gay tourists and expats through popular gay contact internet sites, for financial exploitation, and sometimes murder. I recall they caught at least one of them. The meeting at in the VC hotel raised a red flag to me. Yes, mostly middle eastern clientele, but it is also a very Indian area, and often Indians and Middle easterners look similar. There are also rumors now on some gay boards that this murder has a gay element. I don't see any real evidence that it does, though I am concerned for those still living that there's possibly another potential serial killer of tourists/expats on the loose.

I usuallly agree with virtually all of your posts but the comments above and the highlighted phrase in particular seem rather hysterical :(

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Considering the propensity for inaccurate reporting it is not advisable to make unfounded accusations. Anyone recall the alleged 10 man Thai gang that supposedly murdered the former telephone fraudster? It turned out to be 2 swedes. How about people wait for some reliable facts?

Agree... Seems like people on TV just wait to find even a least bit of anti-Thailand stuff and start hanging crap on whole Thailand...

I found Thai police to be effective and helpful... it all depends on how u present urself... if u r a scum... they will treat u accordingly... B)

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Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

Neither are the bungling and corrupt Thai Police though.

This makes no sense... The police now "pre-bungle' cases you have no working knowledge

Maybe some have been here too long, but you evidently haven't been here near long enough.

I wouldn't trust the Thai police to properly investigate a misdemeanor, let alone a case like this.

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Considering the propensity for inaccurate reporting it is not advisable to make unfounded accusations. Anyone recall the alleged 10 man Thai gang that supposedly murdered the former telephone fraudster? It turned out to be 2 swedes. How about people wait for some reliable facts?

A good reminder. Thanks! So many times the poser's on this forum including (poster's like myself) spew out accusations based on nothing.

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I love croquet, especially when it comes with a good sandwich. But do not tell me it is a sport... it isn't

yep a little like golf

You forgot billiards,snooker and pool.

As for wrestling! Fodder for the cerebrally challenged.

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RichardinBKK, I agree with you. There are places in every country where it is not safe and NZ is no different from Thailand. It is a sad occasion and I would hope that people on the forum will stop there stupid speculating and let the police get on with job.

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May he Rest In Peace.

I donot wish to take anything away from such a tragic death. But I feel many foreigners who come here donot really grasp the concept that life has no value here, thais donot care about your status in your home country, your life has the same value as a Burmese squid fishers. We all know how the Burmese workers get thrown overboard at sea rather than pay them. The wild east is a reality and people should be aware of it or stay home.

Yeah, better to stay home than to risk anything in life. Good advice. A recipe for a boring life. Let's get up in the morning, eat something, go to work, come home, watch some TV, then go to sleep. Sounds real fulfilling. Thanks for your wisdom.

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Neighbours heard sounds of a violent struggle but did not go to the aid of a New Zealand man killed in his Thailand apartment.

Westport man Charles Jones, 56 - the president of the World Croquet Association - was found dead in his rented apartment in Pattaya, a popular holiday resort about 165km southeast of Bangkok.

His computer and cellphone had been stolen. Family said he refused to give thieves the combination for the apartment safe.

His sister Alison McMillan said CCTV footage showed a man entering her brother's apartment and leaving with his computer about half an hour later.

Edited by metisdead
Edited for fair use.
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As someone who is moving back to Thailand in two weeks, with a job, to *stay* I have to add to this. Really, if you can't say something kind or useful in a tragic situation like this, then maybe it's best you find another board.

The highest level of irritation for me reminds me of an old situation at the church I grew up in. Someone would come to the rector, complaining about something that wasn't working, or was incorrect (and it usually meant they weren't getting anything out of it), and he would say, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You are so right, that (thing, situation, etc.) is really an issue that we could be doing more about. What do you plan to do? Start a committee, I'll arrange meeting space and a time for you to have your meeting." And he'd leave it at that. They usually, never came back, stopped complaining and started to get the clue. The smart few took him up on it and learned a little bit about *really* trying to get things done, to change things.

So, forum, with all your sharp-tongued criticisms, what do you plan to do about it? Any meetings? I'll be there in two weeks, I'm happy to help you arrange a meeting.



I don't think you will find any Thai's taking notice of what a farang says not matter how big the comittee. Just look at the jetskis.

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Seems a bit of a stretch to say he was murdered because he wouldn't give up the safe combination...a wild assumption at most, as there were apparently no eyewitnesses.

Agree, who can possible know that 'he wouldn't give up the safe combination'. Quite irresponsible reporting to say the least

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I could not agree more.

It is like a formula ((News) + (Conjecture)) x ((Ignorance + Hate)) = Postings on this site.

You all have over stayed your welcome.

Go back to the utopia you came from.

note that 'murder' not confirmed, MFAT says 'died'

Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

We all know what the BiB are going to conclude anyway...

Is there no topic, no situation, no moment of sadness that rises above the self-satisfying rush to Thai bashing?

Well Richard in BKK you know what you're going to read on this site since you obviously have your put-down stored in notepad to paste in reply to every comment you don' t personally approve of.

You are obviously a fine upstanding citizen with no vices to speak of but you really need to come up with some witty, original, worthwhile comments to make your contributions worthwhile. I disagree with a lot of the drunken knee jerk commentary I read here but at least it makes me laugh sometimes.

Your pasted pat reaction however offers nothing new or substantial. Please try harder or resist the urge to comment and save some electricity.

Thanks & Regards

Seri Thai

P.s. I will take it as read that you suggest I leave if I don't like it etc etc ;). So please don't trouble yourself with the "Ctrl V" shortcut unless you have a suitably witty riposte :)

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Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

Neither are the bungling and corrupt Thai Police though.

This makes no sense... The police now "pre-bungle' cases you have no working knowledge

Maybe some have been here too long, but you evidently haven't been here near long enough.

I wouldn't trust the Thai police to properly investigate a misdemeanor, let alone a case like this.

Been here for 5 yrs... traveling here for well over 10 yrs.... First real contact with Thai police was just this year during a traffic accident where I hit a scooter with my car... Actually she did one of those 'blind' (no lookie) turns into my lane while I was going straight and I tried the best I could to avoid her but I clipped her pretty bad. I'm thankful she was wearing a helmet and with only a few slight injuries spent 3 days in the hospital. Needless to say I only speak a little Thai so I had one of my close Thai friends go with me to the Police Station during the initial and follow up investigations. In summary the captain that was presiding over my case was the nicest and fairest policeman one could ask for. He treated me much nicer than many of the routine patrol officers from the USA that had pulled me over for some random auto infraction. He was very honest and set forth the outcome of my accident in my favor, which from many stories I have heard and read on here wouldn't be the case since: a) I'm a farang B) I was in the car and the Thai woman was on a scooter.

So now perhaps you can tell me your bad experience and how you got 'shafted'..... of wait, just forget it, leave this terrible country now instead so I don't have to continue listening to your whimpering and whining...

Back on topic.... I hope they find the person that did this crime and give them the punishment they deserve. I wish to send my sincere condolences to this victim's friends and family.... May he RIP.

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Read with total shock and dismay. Our dear friend CHARLES stayed with us in Brighton (UK) on 2nd August and written in our visitorbook that he wanted us to visit him in NZ. Very coincidently the tragedy had happen just two doors away from our holiday apartment in Jomtien. While in Brighton he had complined about injury his shoulder when was travlling in London. He phoned his siter in NZ from our home to say all is ok. Charles is a delightful and interesting person, always offer to help others. When staying in Thailand, he employed a Thai friend to do clearning in his apartment and others by way of helping the person to earn a living. We shall be very happy to assitst the police if we can. RIP Charles. Somchai & George, UK

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Why it comes as a surprise to you (all) that Thailandhas this problem is beyond me, since it was the Americans who turned it into a private whorehouse for GI's during the Vietnam Invasion.

Let's assign any blame accurately, shall we? Leaving aside the fact that the sector of that caters to foreigners is maybe 10% at best of the sex industry in this country, the Americans had nothing to do with how prostitution (and its antecedents) had been viewed in this country for centuries prior to their involvment in SEA.

My condolences to the family and friends of Charles Jones. By all accounts a good man.

Please forgive the off-topic content below.

In her book 'Sex Slaves', published in 2001, Louise Brown states that 2.5 percent of prostitution in Thailand involves foreigner-Thai, 97.5 percent being Thai-Thai. This figure might have changed in the ten years since Sex Slaves was published, but Brown's book is in agreement with the quote above from SteeleJoe.

Louise Brown is reported to be, (or was), a lecturer in Asian Studies and a Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Research in the Humanities at the University of Birmingham.

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Why it comes as a surprise to you (all) that Thailandhas this problem is beyond me, since it was the Americans who turned it into a private whorehouse for GI's during the Vietnam Invasion.

Let's assign any blame accurately, shall we? Leaving aside the fact that the sector of that caters to foreigners is maybe 10% at best of the sex industry in this country, the Americans had nothing to do with how prostitution (and its antecedents) had been viewed in this country for centuries prior to their involvment in SEA.

My condolences to the family and friends of Charles Jones. By all accounts a good man.

Please forgive the off-topic content below.

In her book 'Sex Slaves', published in 2001, Louise Brown states that 2.5 percent of prostitution in Thailand involves foreigner-Thai, 97.5 percent being Thai-Thai. This figure might have changed in the ten years since Sex Slaves was published, but Brown's book is in agreement with the quote above from SteeleJoe.

Louise Brown is reported to be, (or was), a lecturer in Asian Studies and a Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Research in the Humanities at the University of Birmingham.


My own belief -- based on a certain amount of knowledge (albeit somewhat dated) of the subject is that it's well below 10% (more likely half of that or less). I was deliberately giving a higher figure for the sake of argument.

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CCTV shows Jones had male visitor

By The Nation

Images captured by security cameras at Jomtien Complex in Pattaya show that World Croquet Federation president Charles Jones took a man to his room on the night of August 22, before he was found dead the following day.

Jones, 56, was allegedly stabbed to death and his computer notebook and cellphone are considered missing.

Officials say the man Jones brought along looks like someone from the Middle East. People living in the room next door said they heard two men quarrelling in English on Monday night.

Jones, a New Zealand national, was on a sixweek vacation in Thailand.


-- The Nation 2011-08-27

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Syrian arrested for Kiwi's murder in Thailand

Thai police have arrested a 24-year-old man for the murder of top New Zealand sports official Charles Jones, a close friend says.

The New Zealand president of the World Croquet Federation was slain in his apartment on Monday night in a brutal knife attack in the popular Thai resort Pattaya, about 165km southeast of Bangkok.

His friend, Christchurch man Stuart Yeatman, contacted The Press overnight from Thailand and said a Syrian named Mohamed had been arrested for the murder of the 56-year-old Westport man.

Jones' family said they were ''very relieved'' at the news but were waiting for official confirmation from the New Zealand Embassy in Thailand.

''It does sound fantastic,'' Jones' sister, Alison McMillan, of Christchurch told The Press.

Yeatman had called her at 3.15am today to inform her of the arrest.

She strongly praised Thai police for making an arrest only four days after the killing and apologised for initially criticising their efforts.

Full story: http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/5517843/Syrian-arrested-for-Kiwis-murder-in-Thailand

-- stuff.co.nz 2011-08-27


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report from New Zealand Herald today

Syrian arrested for Kiwi's murder in Thailand

DEIDRE MUSSEN Last updated 09:25 27/08/2011


ON FILM: Closed-circuit television footage captured the man named "Mohamed" near the apartment where Kiwi man Charles Jones was found murdered.

Thai police have arrested a 24-year-old man for the murder of top New Zealand sports official Charles Jones, a close friend says.

The New Zealand president of the World Croquet Federation was slain in his apartment on Monday night in a brutal knife attack in the popular Thai resort Pattaya, about 165km southeast of Bangkok.

His friend, Christchurch man Stuart Yeatman, contacted The Press overnight from Thailand and said a Syrian named Mohamed had been arrested for the murder of the 56-year-old Westport man.

Jones' family said they were ''very relieved'' at the news but were waiting for official confirmation from the New Zealand Embassy in Thailand.

''It does sound fantastic,'' Jones' sister, Alison McMillan, of Christchurch told The Press. Yeatman had called her at 3.15am today to inform her of the arrest.

She strongly praised Thai police for making an arrest only four days after the killing and apologised for initially criticising their efforts.

''I'm very grateful for the persistent efforts by the Thai police in achieving a result by arresting someone. I really have to commend them. They've been excellent.''

McMillan said the embassy expected his body would be released in the next few days and returned to New Zealand.

The family hoped to hold his funeral in Westport in around one week's time.

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Edited by Atmos
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Know nothing about the case but to me, the profile of the face looks definitely asian (especially eyes) than middle eastern...hope this is not another case of cover-up?


report from New Zealand Herald today

Syrian arrested for Kiwi's murder in Thailand

DEIDRE MUSSEN Last updated 09:25 27/08/2011


ON FILM: Closed-circuit television footage captured the man named "Mohamed" near the apartment where Kiwi man Charles Jones was found murdered.

Thai police have arrested a 24-year-old man for the murder of top New Zealand sports official Charles Jones, a close friend says.

The New Zealand president of the World Croquet Federation was slain in his apartment on Monday night in a brutal knife attack in the popular Thai resort Pattaya, about 165km southeast of Bangkok.

His friend, Christchurch man Stuart Yeatman, contacted The Press overnight from Thailand and said a Syrian named Mohamed had been arrested for the murder of the 56-year-old Westport man.

Jones' family said they were ''very relieved'' at the news but were waiting for official confirmation from the New Zealand Embassy in Thailand.

''It does sound fantastic,'' Jones' sister, Alison McMillan, of Christchurch told The Press. Yeatman had called her at 3.15am today to inform her of the arrest.

She strongly praised Thai police for making an arrest only four days after the killing and apologised for initially criticising their efforts.

''I'm very grateful for the persistent efforts by the Thai police in achieving a result by arresting someone. I really have to commend them. They've been excellent.''

McMillan said the embassy expected his body would be released in the next few days and returned to New Zealand.

The family hoped to hold his funeral in Westport in around one week's time.

read more

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Know nothing about the case but to me, the profile of the face looks definitely asian (especially eyes) than middle eastern...hope this is not another case of cover-up?


<deleted> - will you amateur CSI experts never give up?

Now we have a miracle worker who can determine ethnicity from a blurred photo (especially eyes!) and come out with yet another half-brained (and that is being generous) conspiracy theory.

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In a place like Pattaya you should never take a stranger back to your room. I dont know where that leaves the future of bar girls and lady boys but thats their problem. Maybe they should get a real job. Go back to picking rice or chillies.

Is it safe to do it in Bangkok?

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