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Cant Sleep


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I have been living here in Thailand since November and I had no problem at all adjusting to the time zone but then I went back to Europe for 2 weeks and since my return to Thailand no matter what I try I just cant sleep. This is driving me nuts.

So if anyone has ANY advice on how I can reset my body clock I would really love to hear it.



PS: I have had sleep tablets from the doctor but they don't really send me to sleep. If all else fails I guess I will go back to the doctor.

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Lack of sleep can drive you crazy and make you put on weight - so I hope you've managed to fix the problems?

I travel regularly to UK/US and here's what I've found really works for me: (but everyone is different I guess) ....

1. Avoid sleeping pulls, melatonin, alcohol or anything similar ... they just delay the adjustment, don't provide 'real' sleep or create dependency.

2. Try to put off sleep 'till the normal sleeping time in your current time zone

3. Sleep with the curtains OPEN

4. Let the light wake you up*

5. If you can't get to sleep - try flying a kite :D

* Number 4 will not work in the UK in the winter as there is no light, and in the summer you may be woken up at 4:00 am .... but it works a treat in Thailand ... as does number 5.

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In my experience, plenty of exposure to sunlight during the day followed by melatonin at night works well.

A big thumbs up for melatonin too, it does work but boy gives me some seriously vivid dreams

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In my experience, plenty of exposure to sunlight during the day followed by melatonin at night works well.

A big thumbs up for melatonin too, it does work but boy gives me some seriously vivid dreams

Have to agree there i got some melatonin. I cant say it helps me sleep good but it does give me those vivid dreams. Real crazy ones. But those tablets alone don't put me down.

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Melatonin is worth trying. Take a tab at least 2h before bed time. The dose can be repeated during the night but ideally about 6h before getting up.

I could give you 5-6 other herbs that also help people sleep. However, like Melatonin, I can find none sold in Thailand and I have looked for certain herbs and supplements for 2 years now with no results.

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone know of any natural sleeping aids/tablets or tea etc...i can not sleep at night stuffing from RLS (restless leg syndrome) get spasms all night, it only happens when i try to sleep if i watch a movie or surf the net its fine, i dont really want to take sleeping tablets...

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Many Western countries sell diphenhydramine as a non-prescription sleeping drug.

In Thailand, diphenhydramine doesn't seem to be sold on its own - however, it is readily available in "TIFFY Nite", the bedtime version of TIFFY (a popular cold and flu remedy in Thailand).

TIFFY Nite contains 500mg paracetamol, 30mg pseudoephedrine and 25mg diphenhydramine. It's very cheap.

Despite the addition of pseudoephedrine (which makes many people feel more wide awake), it still does a good job of getting me to sleep.

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  • 1 month later...

I am surprised that no one has mentioned tryptophan. It got a bad rap many years ago when a contaminated batch made in Japan found it's way into the shops. Tryptophan is a natural substance occuring in milk, chicken and turkey-meat to name a few. I currently have it in Europe purchased via a Channel Islands based company which imports from America. check out Health Monthly. Also, I am surprised that no one has mentioned memory foam. A topper on the mattress feels great. Every little bit helps!! -S.

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  • 3 months later...

Believe it or not, it is listed as a controlled drug i.e. prescription only. Should be able to get it from any hospital.

I just ordered and received 180 3mg tablets from the UK ... took about one week to get here. Would I be correct in assuming that 3mgs is the max dose that should be taken to assist sleep ... thanks

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Every ~ 60 days I travel to the U.S, stay for 5 - 7 days, then return to Thailand. Going to the U.S. (sometimes I fly east via Tokyo and Chicago, sometimes west via Frankfurt) I never have a problem. But over the past few years, when returning to Thailand it does take me at least 7 days to get back to normal (10/11 PM - 6/7 AM local sleep time). I think you have to force yourself to stay up through the first day to your desired local bed-time, get as much physical exercise as you can tolerate, avoid alcohol, caffeine during the trip, and not succumb to naps, as I do. I also try to avoid sleeping on the plane during the final leg into BKK.

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