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U.S. says it will veto Palestinian statehood bid at the UN


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jpost = proof? :rolleyes:

ALL the Jews in the world?...Really? :ermm:

ummm Triple Next?

You're just being silly. There aren't many Jews in the world

Well I think it would be less silly & more likely factual for you to to say....

I have read of all the jews surveyed in the world instead of what you claimed.


I have read a survey of all Jews in the world

One is possible the other impossible...Sensational though ;)

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So we're talking about a poor wording before? Fine! We're done about this, I think.

Back to the topic, the fact is enemies of Israel consider any Jew in the world they can find that opposes the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state as a big propaganda prize. Of course, many such Jewish individuals exist just like gay republicans exist; it's just that they represent a small minority of Jews.

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So we're talking about a poor wording before? Fine! We're done about this, I think.

:jap: no problem as it was a non-starter claim

I guess we're not done. Are you saying seriously you think the majority of Jews in the world DO NOT support the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state now and/or that overwhelming evidence in a scientifically given sample poll are meaningless?

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I guess we're not done. Are you saying seriously you think the majority of Jews in the world DO NOT support the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state now and/or that overwhelming evidence in a scientifically given sample poll are meaningless?

Wouldn't know & wouldn't care.

I would like to know if the majority of American citizens footing the bill support the right to tax their grandchildren with billions in handouts that we cannot afford nor do we have to give....I think not

I have also said in previous posts that I would think the majority of Humans support the right of any group to exist.

Including Israel AND Palestine

What I did seriously say was that your post to which I replied claiming a site like jpost was empirical evidence was questionable reference for anything to do with Israel same as anyone else would claim a site like Palestine post ( if such a site exists) may be slanted in their reporting

Secondly I was also seriously saying a claim like yours of a survey of ALL the Jews in the world was not only impossible but sensationalizing on your part.

Clearly we should be done now ;)

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Like it or not, we are all Israel.


Like it or not, no we aren't. Not even close.

In fact, the upcoming vote at the UN is going to make it clear in no uncertain terms that the overwhelming majority of the world's nations side with the Palestinians.

I am for one NOT Israel. Perish that thought. And yes, the majority of the world is in support of Palestinian statehood. Interesting times ahead. Even nervous times ahead for some. ;)

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And yes, the majority of the world is in support of Palestinian statehood.

The majority of the world could care less about the Palestinians - including their Arab brothers. They are nothing but pawns for Israel haters. However, the US can veto the haters vote and they will. :thumbsup:

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And there an awful lot of 'haters'.

Yes there are. They fight amonst themselves, torture and kill their own people to stay in power and refuse to make peace, no matter how much sense it makes and even when they will never have their own state otherwise. ;)

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The World Bank, The IMF and the EU have all declared that the Palestinian Territories are ready for statehood. At the end of the month, an overwhelming majority of nations will vote the same way at the UN. Yes, the US will use its special privileges to overrule the vote, but this is only a temporary setback on the road to justice.

Everyone of consequence (including the Israeli govt.)knows how this is going to play out in the long run, but the Israeli government is too belligerent and arrogant to admit it. Some here can stomp their feet and hold their breath til they're blue in the face but it won't change the reality that Palestinian statehood on the 1967 demarcation is inevitable. :)

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The representatives for these *OUR* United States of America

would do well to heed the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.

As well described by John Quincy Adams...

(color & emphasis added to parts I thought appropriate )

Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be.

But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.

She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.

She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.

She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.

The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force....

She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit....

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Most Americans support Israel and are in favor of protecting the country from those who seek to destroy it.

American and Israel share a special bond. Our relationship is unique among all nations. Like America, Israel is a strong democracy, a symbol of freedom, and an oasis of liberty, a home to the oppressed and persecuted.

William J. Clinton

American foreign policy has been - and must continue to be - based on unequivocal support for Israel's right to exist and to be free from terror.

Howard Berman

And if we are honest we have to make a distinction between a democratic Israel that wants to live in peace and the terrorists who want Israel wiped out. The Israelis were told to give up land for peace; they gave up the land, but got no peace.

J. D. Hayworth

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I have a lot of friends in the US (and expatriates), who are critical of Israel and not very trusting of Jews, but between many of the countries in the Middle East and Israel, they will back Israel.

I think the biggest negative for many people in the US is the constant news coverage of Israel and what appears to be childish fighting between the Palestinians and the Israeli's. It's a little like listening to people going through a divorce. At the end of the day, however, Israel will be the more enduring friendship that lasts.

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"At the end of the day, however, Israel will be the more enduring friendship that lasts. "

For whom? And for how long you might want to ask yourself!

The bitter thruth is that the USrAel is over! Period! Its just a matter of years or even months now, like it or not. Its all so stupid beacuse it could have been soo diferent so much better if only the will and good people had worked together.


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"At the end of the day, however, Israel will be the more enduring friendship that lasts. "

For whom? And for how long you might want to ask yourself!

The bitter thruth is that the USrAel is over! Period! Its just a matter of years or even months now, like it or not. Its all so stupid beacuse it could have been soo diferent so much better if only the will and good people had worked together.


It took 320 years for the Roman empire to collapse from it's peak according to some historians so don't hold your breath. And if by the off chance you are right and we end up with an Islamic dark age you will have your own forehead pressed to the ground too often to gain any satisfaction from it, unless of course that's what you already do. :ph34r:

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It would be foolish to give Palestinians statehood until they show they can run one. They were given Gaza back about 5-6 years ago and immediately turned it into a launching pad for rockets aimed at their neighbor. They had their chance and blew it - again.

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And there an awful lot of 'haters'.

Yes there are. They fight amonst themselves, torture and kill their own people to stay in power and refuse to make peace, no matter how much sense it makes and even when they will never have their own state otherwise. ;)

I don't see too much fighting amongst themselves in western nations, the majority of which are against Israel's tactics and agree that Palestine should be recognised.

Perhaps your blinkers need removing so you can see the light.

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You are talking about "useful idiots" that enable terrorism, rather than the violent zealots that actually carry out Islamic Jihad. They have swallowed all the far-left lies about the situation, but most of them are not "haters" per se - of course there are quite a few exceptions and many of them seem to be posting on this very forum. :)

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"At the end of the day, however, Israel will be the more enduring friendship that lasts. "

For whom? And for how long you might want to ask yourself!

The bitter thruth is that the USrAel is over! Period! Its just a matter of years or even months now, like it or not. Its all so stupid beacuse it could have been soo diferent so much better if only the will and good people had worked together.


I agree. This particular alliance is on old legs and will struggle to survive in it's present form if they continue to sit on their hands and do nothing to accomadate the Palestinians, and the greater worlds wishes, for the Palestinians to have their own state to call home.

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Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

If the "Palestinians" want their own state, all they have to do is renounce terrorism, recognize Israel and sign a peace treaty. They need to take responsibilty for their own mistakes going way back before 1948. They did start the fighting after all.

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You are talking about "useful idiots" that enable terrorism, rather than the violent zealots that actually carry out Islamic Jihad. They have swallowed all the far-left lies about the situation, but most of them are not "haters" per se - of course there are quite a few exceptions and many of them seem to be posting on this very forum. :)

I'm talking about the governments, not the people. The majority of western democratic governments do not agree with what Israel is doing.

The simple fact is that your view is a minority, yet you think everyone else has swallowed the lies? :blink: The mirror is a good place to start looking.

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Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

If the "Palestinians" want their own state, all they have to do is renounce terrorism, recognize Israel and sign a peace treaty. They need to take responsibilty for their own mistakes going way back before 1948. They did start the fighting after all.

But Israel doesn't have to take any responsibility right? :lol:

I don't know why you keep saying Palestinians have to do this or that. It isn't up to you and the goalposts can change depending on who is the US President and with the ever growing list of UN countries voting for a Palestinian state the US will soon feel the pressure to rethink it's blind support for the way Israel conducts itself.

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