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Our Big Day!


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2 weeks ago I tied the knot with Wan, my Thai GF. (Sorry for not posting earlier but we have been honeymooning...)

Here's a quick rundown of history and events:

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and met some good and not so good girls. Wan might be classed by some as falling into the latter category, since she had been working in the bars. But I felt differently and we were both determined to try to make our relationship work. Beearing in mind that past events cannot be changed, we looked only to the future.

Well, the early days were not easy, (hence my member status! - check previous postings!). There were tears on both sides. But we both worked at our relationship and we have been able to 'pull away' from past experiences and enjoy a very happy time together.

Wan is now 3 months pregnant and so we needed this wedding without delay. This was a village ceronmony in Northern Issan.

Some 400 people or so attended the event which was held at her parents' home. I had the support of Chris - an English friend, but I was on my own apart from that!

I was given the honour of eating fresh buffolo afterbirth... (Is this an Issan ritual or just some joke they play on farangs??)

The wedding went very well in all respects. I paid a sinsot, not because I agreed with this practice, but because no sinsot would mean a serious lost of face for her family. (Please don't tell me that you never pay sinsot for an ex BG, especially one with a child. I've heard it all before and this was my decision!)

After the wedding the food and dancing began. Some 16 'stars' from the Issan Music venue in BKK travelled up to Issan and entertained the crowd for several hours. This Issan music event was broadcast live on the local radio station.

The whole wedding ceronmony and entertainment was captured by a camera crew from TV channel 3, (although I don't know if/when this is to be broadcast...)

After the wedding, we spent a few days in Phuket. Our plans are to relax there with our new baby, before moving to Samui in about 1 year.

I've got lots of photos, but I'll just bore you with one :o

Simon & Wan


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Best of luck to the both of you.

At first I thought I had something else to say, but after further contemplation, I think the simple first sentence sums everything I was thinking when reading your post

Edited by Ladphrao
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2 weeks ago I tied the knot with Wan, my Thai GF. (Sorry for not posting earlier but we have been honeymooning...)

Here's a quick rundown of history and events:

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and met some good and not so good girls.  Wan might be classed by some as falling into the latter category, since she had been working in the bars.  But I felt differently and we were both determined to try to make our relationship work.  Beearing in mind that past events cannot be changed, we looked only to the future.

Well, the early days were not easy, (hence my member status! - check previous postings!).  There were tears on both sides.  But we both worked at our relationship and we have been able to 'pull away' from past experiences and enjoy a very happy time together.

Wan is now 3 months pregnant and so we needed this wedding without delay.  This was a village ceronmony in Northern Issan.

Some 400 people or so attended the event which was held at her parents' home.  I had the support of Chris - an English friend, but I was on my own apart from that!

I was given the honour of eating fresh buffolo afterbirth...  (Is this an Issan ritual or just some joke they play on farangs??)

The wedding went very well in all respects.  I paid a sinsot, not because I agreed with this practice, but because no sinsot would mean a serious lost of face for her family.  (Please don't tell me that you never pay sinsot for an ex BG, especially one with a child.  I've heard it all before and this was my decision!)

After the wedding the food and dancing began.  Some 16 'stars' from the Issan Music venue in BKK travelled up to Issan and entertained the crowd for several hours.  This Issan music event was broadcast live on the local radio station.

The whole wedding ceronmony and entertainment was captured by a camera crew from TV channel 3, (although I don't know if/when this is to be broadcast...)

After the wedding, we spent a few days in Phuket.  Our plans are to relax there with our new baby, before moving to Samui in about 1 year.

I've got lots of photos, but I'll just bore you with one :D

Simon & Wan



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I forgot the bit about fighting! The music and dancing went on into the night until the local teenagers all got drunk. They then decided to pick a fight with the 10 policemen who were looking after our event. But since is LoS, a fight means with guns!! The police had to call for reinforcements to quell the 'kids' before we could sneak out to our beds...

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I forgot the bit about fighting!  The music and dancing went on into the night until the local teenagers all got drunk.  They then decided to pick a fight with the 10 policemen who were looking after our event.  But since is LoS, a fight means with guns!!  The police had to call for reinforcements to quell the 'kids' before we could sneak out to our beds...

Are you sure they were policemen not just security guards?

And yes, this happens every time. At least my experience.

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I forgot the bit about fighting!  The music and dancing went on into the night until the local teenagers all got drunk.  They then decided to pick a fight with the 10 policemen who were looking after our event.  But since is LoS, a fight means with guns!!  The police had to call for reinforcements to quell the 'kids' before we could sneak out to our beds...

Are you sure they were policemen not just security guards?

And yes, this happens every time. At least my experience.

HUH! No fighting at my wedding. Then again there were no cops either. Just a couple of hundred drunks trying to sing karaoke. Now that I think about your wedding was probably a lot more fun.

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A hearty Congrats from me too, Simon. :D

Sounds like a good time was had by all (even the cops who would have been bored if there wasn't a bit of a rumble with the kids at the end!). The buffalo afterbirth (nong kwai) is normal Isaan fayre for a special occasion and the fact that you ate it, will stand you in good stead with the in-laws for future visits. :D Top tucker with a shot of lao kao to follow.

Wish you every happiness for the future in Samui and that your baby inherits Wan's good looks. :o

and your brains too of course! :D

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Congrats Mate

all us good guys pay some sort of sinsod

As for all the guys that complain a moan about it being bullshit

I can tell you that even a woman that has kids and has been married before get some sort of sinsod even when marring a Thai well they do in our village

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