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Acid Attack On Foreigners At Asoke Bts Station


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For those that follow journalists and writers on Twitter already know that there are multiple reported cases the recent days, several [foreign] women being attacked.

Some will deny it happens without acid-proof in their face - let them.

They will slowly read up on the events eventually.

Journalists and writers are using twitter (140 character limit) to report news as opposed to using twitter to direct people to their actual news?

Regardless, at least now we are talking about something that certainly can be linked here. Can you provide those links so we too can find out more about the multiple attacks against foreign women the last few days?

It is a communications-tool. Maybe you should check it out one day.

In anyway, information is power. And I have no interest in helping you. If you were someone I found pleasant, sure, but...


I had a feeling you would not be able to back up your claims.

By the way, I asked you to help us all .. not me.

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Ebriel Elizabeth Briel I'm going offline for 2-3 days. Police are investigating our incident as well as others. That's is all I have to say on the matter 2 hours ago

Ebriel Elizabeth Briel @ @lesmajesty Police are now working hard on our case, lots of interviews etc. I've heard no specifics of other reported cases 9 hours ago

Ebriel Elizabeth Briel Update: Police now thoroughly investigating our incident (we reported it to them the night it happened). Will update when given the go-ahead 11 hours ago

Ebriel Elizabeth Briel I never gave an interview to the Bangkok Post. Twitter updates as statements. Blog posts as records of experiences.Journalism's transforming 19 hours ago

Ebriel Elizabeth Briel .@AquaExpert's with police today, but we don't have much to offer them-he was blinded, I was confused, there were people milling around.20 hours ago

Ebriel Elizabeth Briel Heard our incident in Bangkok is on anti-Muslim websites. Posted on@ThaiVisa and Bkk Post. I haven't looked at any of them, and will not.21 hours ago

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I have no doubt "something" happened to this women but I just see no reason to believe with certainty, as she has, that it was an attack at this point. The women admits she has an over active imagination when it came to speculating it might be a boyfriend of an ex-lover who mistook her husband for somebody else. A lot of her comments seem a bit contradictory or suspicious but then again, it is Twitter. For her sake, I hope her story jives with any video footage that may be available or she may find herself with more problems.

But who knows, maybe as she claims but has no details about, there really is a person running around spraying acid in the eyes of people along the BTS and for whatever reason the police, who she says are working hard on the case, believe they have a better chance of catching the villain and protecting the public by keeping it quiet.

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For those that follow journalists and writers on Twitter already know that there are multiple reported cases the recent days, several [foreign] women being attacked.

Some will deny it happens without acid-proof in their face - let them.

They will slowly read up on the events eventually.

Post the links to the journalists claiming several acid attacks on foreign women in the past several days.

None of the Thai journalists on twitter I have followed have mentioned anything about that. I find it strange this extremely suspect case made news and that multiple followup cases haven't

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1. Alleged victim saw no assailant.

2. No reports other than this woman's. A tweet and a blog post short on details, and a BKK Post article that just repeats the tweet.

3. No real indication of what this substance might have been, but acid would be very low on the list given the following:

Husband's eyes were "melting" in front of her, BUT immediate release from hospital and dinner out later that night. Really?

4. Rather than report this to authorities, tweets and a blog post. Yes, no crimes are ever solved here, so why bother reporting them, right?

5. Blog post exhibits lot of unhappiness with 'Thailand' (to whom the post is addressed as a spurned lover no less) prior to the alleged incident, and will now be moving to China. Hmm, issues.

6. Artist is thankful a 'non-corrosive acid' was used. <deleted>?

Indeed, this could have happened in Thailand. Thailand is not perfect, or even close. But this story needs a LOT more research before it can be accepted as a true story.

If however, it does turn out to be true, then the Thai Basherstm brigade can pile on about how:

1. ...uniquely evil Thailand is.

2. ...Thais have been trained from birth to hate foreigners.

3. ...Thais are just the most violent, hateful, rude people you could ever imagine.

4. ...you must be crazy to even live here faced with such danger.

5. ...Things are just getting worse here and spiraling out of control.

6. ...anyone who denies the above is living in a dream land or has 'gone native'

7. ...this is what happens when you have a Thaksin government.

8. yada yada yada

P.S. Nice retweet Bangkok Post reporters. Did you think to check with anyone at Bumrungrad hospital? Did you interview this woman? Did you visit the scene to see if anyone there witnessed anything? No, you just wrote up a tweet. Pulitzer work.

Interesting that in one of her updates she said a Bangkok Post reporter did try to contact her via email but she also states that she didn't speak to them and all the info they reported was from her tweets. I have to wonder why it appears this women wouldn't talk to a reporter to warn others of the multiple attacks but has no problem posting on twitter and her blog. I also am guessing that The Post felt it would take away from the sensationalism of the story if they stated the women wouldn't talk to them and only wanted to tell her story through twitter and her blog.

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tbf to the woman, she posted it on twitter for her followers, never made a big deal out of it, if she wanted to she could have gone to the press, she refused to speak to the press, so why are people having a go at her for this.

She was either the victim of a crime or an accident victim, the police are dealing with it. I fail to see how she is milking this like some of you are claiming in your desire to defend everything thai. she has not said it was a thai that did this.

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tbf to the woman, she posted it on twitter for her followers, never made a big deal out of it, if she wanted to she could have gone to the press, she refused to speak to the press, so why are people having a go at her for this.

She was either the victim of a crime or an accident victim, the police are dealing with it. I fail to see how she is milking this like some of you are claiming in your desire to defend everything thai. she has not said it was a thai that did this.

Puleeze, just because someone asks for a bit of proof when an extemely serious allegation is made does not mean one is defending everything Thai. Futhermore, even if it is true it is hardly any condemnation of Thailand or Thai society. I mean seriously, when a terrible crime is commited back in your home country is that a cue to wail about how terrible your countrymen are and condemn your country's culture? Are Norwegians horrible people and Norway a terrible place to live because of the actions of a maniac who wanted to make a point about Muslim immigrants there? Is Norway now a dangerous place to live? How about the UK, should we all avoid the place because of the recent riots and agree that Brits are the scum of the earth?

As far as the 'milking it' issue, she not only tweeted this, but she wrote a blog post specifically devoted to this, melodramatically addressing the post to 'Thailand' as a now-spurned lover. An acid attack targeting strangers is extremely serious. In light of the fact that she was once eager to let all and sundry know about this, she then apparently refuses to speak to the press, which would be the responsible thing to do as it would add credibility to her story and further alert the public. There are also elements of her story that don't make a lot of sense and she will do nothing to clarify them. I also strongly suspect, but cannot prove as I didn't make a screen grab, that she has altered the body of her original post to add details that were suspicously missing earlier (police report, acid vs alkali, looking for cleaning person, etc.) To make it clear, I am not referring to the updates added subsequently, but the body of the original post. Whenever anyone reports a very serious crime like this and then hushes up or is not forthcoming it is hard not to suspect that there might be more (or less) to the story than we are were led to believe. My apologies if I demand a bit more in the way of proof when serious allegations are made, no matter in which country they are made.

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tbf to the woman, she posted it on twitter for her followers, never made a big deal out of it, if she wanted to she could have gone to the press, she refused to speak to the press, so why are people having a go at her for this.

She was either the victim of a crime or an accident victim, the police are dealing with it. I fail to see how she is milking this like some of you are claiming in your desire to defend everything thai. she has not said it was a thai that did this.

Puleeze, just because someone asks for a bit of proof when an extemely serious allegation is made does not mean one is defending everything Thai. Futhermore, even if it is true it is hardly any condemnation of Thailand or Thai society. I mean seriously, when a terrible crime is commited back in your home country is that a cue to wail about how terrible your countrymen are and condemn your country's culture? Are Norwegians horrible people and Norway a terrible place to live because of the actions of a maniac who wanted to make a point about Muslim immigrants there? Is Norway now a dangerous place to live? How about the UK, should we all avoid the place because of the recent riots and agree that Brits are the scum of the earth?

As far as the 'milking it' issue, she not only tweeted this, but she wrote a blog post specifically devoted to this, melodramatically addressing the post to 'Thailand' as a now-spurned lover. An acid attack targeting strangers is extremely serious. In light of the fact that she was once eager to let all and sundry know about this, she then apparently refuses to speak to the press, which would be the responsible thing to do as it would add credibility to her story and further alert the public. There are also elements of her story that don't make a lot of sense and she will do nothing to clarify them. I also strongly suspect, but cannot prove as I didn't make a screen grab, that she has altered the body of her original post to add details that were suspicously missing earlier (police report, acid vs alkali, looking for cleaning person, etc.) To make it clear, I am not referring to the updates added subsequently, but the body of the original post. Whenever anyone reports a very serious crime like this and then hushes up or is not forthcoming it is hard not to suspect that there might be more (or less) to the story than we are were led to believe. My apologies if I demand a bit more in the way of proof when serious allegations are made, no matter in which country they are made.

you completely miss the point of my post but well done for writing such a long post about something that I have not even mentioned,

fair enough, aim your diatribe at the posters that criticise everything Thai, however my post is simply saying this woman did not even say it was a thai person, she didnt even see who it was, she made a few tweets (this is after all what tweets are for) about her day, it was picked up by a paper who then printed it, not at her request, if she wanted the publicity she could have got the paper down, pictures, interview etc etc etc. She has done no wrong here. Extremely serious?? your words, not hers.

Amazing, someone uses a social network for what it is there for, to give information, and they get abused for it, called drama queens etc, maybe twitter should just close down, or ban tweeters from talking about themslves or what has happened to them.

On another note, those of you that think thais do no wrong are well wide of the mark, just as those are that tarnish ALL thais after the idiotic antics of some. Both sides need to get their heads out of their <deleted>.

if you are waiting for more proof then i suggest you wait for the police report, or do you expect all this proof to come from a victim?? I can just see it now "that woman that got her head cut off and washed up on koh chang, I am just not buying it, i want more proof that her head was cut off, why is she not doing more to bring us proof of this, I am sorry, but call me old fashioned, a headless corpse is just not enough, i want a statement from her in the press" :lol:

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tbf to the woman, she posted it on twitter for her followers, never made a big deal out of it, if she wanted to she could have gone to the press, she refused to speak to the press, so why are people having a go at her for this.

She was either the victim of a crime or an accident victim, the police are dealing with it. I fail to see how she is milking this like some of you are claiming in your desire to defend everything thai. she has not said it was a thai that did this.

Puleeze, just because someone asks for a bit of proof when an extemely serious allegation is made does not mean one is defending everything Thai. Futhermore, even if it is true it is hardly any condemnation of Thailand or Thai society. I mean seriously, when a terrible crime is commited back in your home country is that a cue to wail about how terrible your countrymen are and condemn your country's culture? Are Norwegians horrible people and Norway a terrible place to live because of the actions of a maniac who wanted to make a point about Muslim immigrants there? Is Norway now a dangerous place to live? How about the UK, should we all avoid the place because of the recent riots and agree that Brits are the scum of the earth?

As far as the 'milking it' issue, she not only tweeted this, but she wrote a blog post specifically devoted to this, melodramatically addressing the post to 'Thailand' as a now-spurned lover. An acid attack targeting strangers is extremely serious. In light of the fact that she was once eager to let all and sundry know about this, she then apparently refuses to speak to the press, which would be the responsible thing to do as it would add credibility to her story and further alert the public. There are also elements of her story that don't make a lot of sense and she will do nothing to clarify them. I also strongly suspect, but cannot prove as I didn't make a screen grab, that she has altered the body of her original post to add details that were suspicously missing earlier (police report, acid vs alkali, looking for cleaning person, etc.) To make it clear, I am not referring to the updates added subsequently, but the body of the original post. Whenever anyone reports a very serious crime like this and then hushes up or is not forthcoming it is hard not to suspect that there might be more (or less) to the story than we are were led to believe. My apologies if I demand a bit more in the way of proof when serious allegations are made, no matter in which country they are made.

you completely miss the point of my post but well done for writing such a long post about something that I have not even mentioned,

fair enough, aim your diatribe at the posters that criticise everything Thai, however my post is simply saying this woman did not even say it was a thai person, she didnt even see who it was, she made a few tweets (this is after all what tweets are for) about her day, it was picked up by a paper who then printed it, not at her request, if she wanted the publicity she could have got the paper down, pictures, interview etc etc etc. She has done no wrong here. Extremely serious?? your words, not hers.

Amazing, someone uses a social network for what it is there for, to give information, and they get abused for it, called drama queens etc, maybe twitter should just close down, or ban tweeters from talking about themslves or what has happened to them.

On another note, those of you that think thais do no wrong are well wide of the mark, just as those are that tarnish ALL thais after the idiotic antics of some. Both sides need to get their heads out of their <deleted>.

if you are waiting for more proof then i suggest you wait for the police report, or do you expect all this proof to come from a victim?? I can just see it now "that woman that got her head cut off and washed up on koh chang, I am just not buying it, i want more proof that her head was cut off, why is she not doing more to bring us proof of this, I am sorry, but call me old fashioned, a headless corpse is just not enough, i want a statement from her in the press" :lol:

1. Perhaps you missed her blog postings? If you missed it the link is contained earlier in this thread. It was far more than a few tweets.

2. It doesn't matter how she characterizes the alleged incident. I think any reasonable person would describe an acid attack on anyone as an extremely serious incident.

3. Regarding police reports, I would like some acknowlegement by the police that a report was even made before I sit around waiting for it.

4. Finally, the 'headless corpse on Koh Chang' is a good example of the problem here. The first report on Thai Visa says that Thai Police thought it was a farang. Truth is they did not. I read the story in Thai Rath and they said the corpse had blond hair 'like' or 'similar to' a farang, which is not the same thing. I do not know if it was a farang or not, but the point is that it is wrong to make big assumptions about any people, place, or thing based on scanty evidence. Do you believe any tweet you come across, particularly when there is no independent third-party confirmation? (Note: The Post story is entirely based on her tweets, so provides no confirmation. It does however confirm the Post's total lack of good journalistic practice).

If I were to tweet or blog that I make 10,000 dollars a day through a mail order business would you believe it? Do you believe anything you see in print without seeking any other kind of corroboration, withtout asking yourself if the story holds up, etc.? I hope not.

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...4. Finally, the 'headless corpse on Koh Chang' is a good example of the problem here. The first report on Thai Visa says that Thai Police thought it was a farang. Truth is they did not. I read the story in Thai Rath and they said the corpse had blond hair 'like' or 'similar to' a farang, which is not the same thing..

I think you're confusing the body found on Koh Chang with the one fished out from the Jaopraya river in BKK. The body found on Koh Chang was missing a head, so it would have been a little difficult to determine it had blonde hair in this case.

Anyhow, the mention of the unidentified body in the Jaopraya story as having 'blonde hair and body hair similar to a foreigner' was meant to imply they thought she was farang. Unless you think think the implication was she was Thai?

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