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Is Thailand's central bank, the Bank of Thailand, a private for-profit institution like the Federal Reserve of the U.S.A.?

The Federal Reserve is owned by shareholders who are international commercial banks such as Chase Manhattan, J.P. Morgan and Citibank, and these banks are in turn largely owned by a few of the ultra-wealthy such as the Rothchilds (who are said to be worth around 100T USD) and Rockefellers (who are said to be worth around 10T USD). The government of the U.S.A., since 1913, has basically allowed a commercial bank to profit from creating (out of nothing) and issuing the country's currency ("Federal Reserve notes").

Are there any comparisons with the Bank of Thailand? Who owns, and profits from, the Bank of Thailand?

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Good lord, do you have a bone to pick with Ben Bernacke? Did you just makeup this history about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank? Maybe this Wikipedia Link gives a little more accurate history/info.

And here's the Bank of Thailand webpage. Link


The info given is totally correct whatever Wikiwonker says

When will the Jews be implicated?

What a couple of wanke_rs, OP and his clone.


The info given is totally correct whatever Wikiwonker says

When will the Jews be implicated?

What a couple of wanke_rs, OP and his clone.

the individual perspective is the basis for "who is a wanke_r and who is not" :whistling:


The info given is totally correct whatever Wikiwonker says

When will the Jews be implicated?

What a couple of wanke_rs, OP and his clone.

the individual perspective is the basis for "who is a wanke_r and who is not" :whistling:

True, but put more poetically:

The kingdoms of experience

In the precious winds they rot

While paupers change possessions

Each one wishing for what the other has got

And the princess and the prince discuss

What's real and what's not

It doesn't matter inside The Gates of Eden

-- Bob Dylan


The info given is totally correct whatever Wikiwonker says

When will the Jews be implicated?

What a couple of wanke_rs, OP and his clone.

The Federal reserve of the USA is a private bank and private banks exist to make profit.

In England the Bank of England has special privilege over every other type of business in that the shareholders identity,s are kept secret by law, all other businesses have to register there details at Company's house.

Dont you think there is something odd in both set ups?

I think the OP is asking if the Bank of Thailand is a private bank?


I think the OP is asking if the Bank of Thailand is a private bank?

In a way, yes, though more specifically whether there any individuals, families, clans, or corporations that profit from Thailand's central bank. There is plenty of information about the central bank of U.S.A., and several sources state that the people of the international banking cartel who profit from the Federal Reserve in U.S.A. (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) also profit from central banks around the world. It may be true with central banks in England and Europe, but I'm not sure about Thailand or other Asian countries.

There's a page on the Bank of Thailand's web site of its history: History of the Bank of Thailand. Here's an interesting part:

With increasing ties to the West under the reigns of Kings Rama V and VI, there were several attempts by these western powers to establish a central bank for Siam to issue bank notes which would bring about substantial benefits. Yet these attempts did not materialise as the Siamese believed that these powers intended to reap the benefits for themselves.

So we can see that the international banking cartel did actually attempt to set up a central bank in Thailand for their own profit.

Ideally, it would be good to see some kind of diagram like this of the share ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:



I am happy to read people are getting awake. Of course there are always people who think wiki is not being fed by the ultra rich.

There are happily also people who do.


Good lord, do you have a bone to pick with Ben Bernacke?

Not with Ben Bernanke in particular, but with the ultra-wealthy and powerful people behind him who have a monopoly over controlling the world's reserve currency and possibly much of the world (and maybe one day the entire world).

Did you just makeup this history about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank?

No, I've just been doing a lot of research, and I'd recommend that you do too.

I came across this page that lists the Bank of Thailand as one of 165 central banks that the Rothschilds own or control: Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds Control And Dictate To The World

Though I'm not sure how reliable the information is, so I'm still looking around and for more detail. There are only 5 nations that are not on that list: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya. Maybe Libya will be added onto the list soon.

Here's a link to the document from which the diagram in my previous message came: FEDERAL RESERVE DIRECTORS: A STUDY OF CORPORATE AND BANKING INFLUENCE STAFF REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, CURRENCY AND HOUSING HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 94th Congress. Second Session August 1976. You can see how the Federal Reserve has been massively stacked with corporate heavyweights, including the Rockefellers. It would be interesting to know who the people are behind the Bank of Thailand and if it is controlled in a similar way by vested interests.


Hyper -i am not sure how accurate your hypothesis ,that the the roths. ,"own " The Bank of Thailand? My understanding is that it is an independent arm of the Thai govt. Although ,there have been times when the Governor of the Bank has been "appointed" and "'or sacked ", by the Govt. of the day. Due to that Govts. desire to see the bank move in a particular direction So , Thai Govts ,DO exercise some form of control.Which tells me that that the roths do not own the Bank, although ,they might have some sort of advisory capacity.Of which ,I have heard no mention At the moment, the Thai reserves are very good. Or high. But where are they held? My guess is ,mainly in U.S. bonds or currency. If ,we look at where China is presently moving, what do we see? .Granted ,not a lot, but it would appear that China is buying a lot of gold. Should we be asking why? As well as buying Eurobonds. Moving out of a reliance on $U.S. as the primary reserve currency? Long term? Now, that is an absolutely fascinating question


The real owner is an indirect owner and surely not Thai. Thank for all the docs.

Total rubbish. If so, who is it?,Please provide proof ,as to who or what it is. No thanks. To you


The real owner is an indirect owner and surely not Thai. Thank for all the docs.

Total rubbish. If so, who is it?,Please provide proof ,as to who or what it is. No thanks. To you

Yes i agree it sounds like rubbish. Happy to talk about the OP subject again. But do you really think the bank of Thailand or any other bank in the world has just 1 owner from that country. I mean to say do you really own the bank if the value of your own currency is being regulated from outside influences. What i am getting at is i think it's interesting to think about who really controls the value of any local currency. I am conviced there are just a few people in the world who control this and they are really the owners. Inderectly.

Thanks for your reaction.



Good lord, do you have a bone to pick with Ben Bernacke?

Not with Ben Bernanke in particular, but with the ultra-wealthy and powerful people behind him who have a monopoly over controlling the world's reserve currency and possibly much of the world (and maybe one day the entire world).

Did you just makeup this history about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank?

No, I've just been doing a lot of research, and I'd recommend that you do too.

I came across this page that lists the Bank of Thailand as one of 165 central banks that the Rothschilds own or control: Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds Control And Dictate To The World

Though I'm not sure how reliable the information is, so I'm still looking around and for more detail. There are only 5 nations that are not on that list: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya. Maybe Libya will be added onto the list soon.

Here's a link to the document from which the diagram in my previous message came: FEDERAL RESERVE DIRECTORS: A STUDY OF CORPORATE AND BANKING INFLUENCE STAFF REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, CURRENCY AND HOUSING HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 94th Congress. Second Session August 1976. You can see how the Federal Reserve has been massively stacked with corporate heavyweights, including the Rockefellers. It would be interesting to know who the people are behind the Bank of Thailand and if it is controlled in a similar way by vested interests.

Those that control the worlds money supply control the world,the Rothchilds in other words.

They even backed both sides in the Napoleon / Wellington war,just to be sure they were on the winning side!


Hyper -i am not sure how accurate your hypothesis ,that the the roths. ,"own " The Bank of Thailand?

That's not my own hypothesis, just the web site that I provided the link for. If the Rothschilds do own central banks (via commercial banks that they own or control), they may not actually fully own all of them but a (probably large) percentage, with the rest shared amongst other shareholders in the central bank or the commercial banks.

My understanding is that it is an independent arm of the Thai govt.

I was thinking that royalty is behind it, but I have not found evidence other than in its history.

Although ,there have been times when the Governor of the Bank has been "appointed" and "'or sacked "

Trillionaires like Rothschilds and Rockefellers can and do control governments using the weight of their wealth and connections.


Yes ,most National banks are "owned " by their Govts. Only the "Fed" is privately owned. But that is America!! I do not doubt ,for one minute, that they are all in cahoots ,with each other ,especially including the greatest rogues of the lot -the roths. Who ,effectively control the finances of the world- at this point in time. Who knows ,as I have said previously, will be the future,If China sets itself ,or uses goldas an alternative global currency? My guess is ,that China will be too powerful ,for even the "roths " to control. Would not that be fascinating to see?


I am happy to read people are getting awake. Of course there are always people who think wiki is not being fed by the ultra rich.

There are happily also people who do.

Yes agree,

What makes my blood boil is the total unaccountability of politicians to borrow money from these private banks and then ask you and generations to come as tax payers to pay the government loans AND the interest on top back??


Here's FactCheck.org opinion on Federal Reserve Bank Ownership: Link

Quote from the article-

"The member banks must by law invest 3 percent of their capital as stock in the Reserve Banks, and they cannot sell or trade their stock or even use that stock as collateral to borrow money. They do receive dividends of 6 percent per year from the Reserve Banks and get to elect each Reserve Bank’s board of directors."

There you go.

I dont believe the private Banks would invest 3% of their capital for a 6 % return (i bet the 6% is guaranteed as well?), however the influence of the voting patterns of the Directors will be worth more than that to them...its called buying influence.

The Federal reserve of the USA is a private bank and private banks exist to make profit.

And when they don't make profits they are bailed out by the tax payers.

The Federal Reserve is different from other commercial banks in many ways, with one difference being that it pretends to be part of the government, and another difference is that it cannot really go broke as they simply create more money literally out of nothing, simply by typing numbers into a computer.


I have found that the influence of the Rockefellers, who are agents of the Rothschilds, have had influence in Thailand since the 1960s:

During the late 1960s, the Rockefeller Foundation stepped in to shore up liberal economic thought at Thammasat by sponsoring US economists there and by transforming the curriculum, a project which was pushed by the then Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Dr Puey Ungphakorn. Such US intervention in economics departments was not limited to Thammasat but extended throughout the leading Thai universities. One dean of an economics department responded to an interviewer’s question regarding how the curriculum at the school was developed, saying, ‘we simply look at the U.S. catalogs and make a shopping list’ (Bell 1991: 102–4).

The effects of such training in neoclassical and Keynesian economics have not been—and were not intended to be—merely academic. Dr Puey himself was the director of the Bank of Thailand from 1959 until 1971, and many of the Rockefeller-sponsored Thai students who came to the United States during the 1970s returned to Thailand to play leading roles as technocrats and teachers (Bell 1991: 104). Their influence today is felt in everything from interpretations of economic crisis popular in the mainstream media to the actual economic policies of leading state institutions.4 In this sense, then, those social scientists and state officials who are the product of the internationalized social factory have played a crucial role in reproducing capitalist social relations in Thailand.

Source: Thailand at the Margins: Internationalization of the State and the Transformation of Labour by Jim Glassman, page 77.

Also, the Bank of Thailand has an office in Rockefeller Plaza in New York: http://www.ranknewyork.com/Bank-Of-Thailand-cn4QF.html


The BOT is a juristic person which is a state agency, and is neither a government

agency nor state enterprise under the law on budgetary procedure and other laws.


Since that comes straight from the Bank of Thailand themselves, it cannot be relied upon, just as when the Federal Reserve themself says that it "is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution":

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System fulfills its public mission as an independent entity within government. It is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution.

As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress of the United States. It is considered an independent central bank because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms.

However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by the Congress, which often reviews the Federal Reserve's activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government" rather than "independent of government."

The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by the Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized similarly to private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year.

Source: Who owns the Federal Reserve?


For those who don't fall too easily for the conspiracy theory nuts ....

The member banks in each district privately own each of the 12 Federal Reserve banks. However, the government-appointed Board of Governors controls these banks. Also, the Federal Reserve System rebates almost all of its profits to the Treasury each year, actually REDUCING the taxpayer burden.

Each Federal Reserve bank is owned by member banks in that district. Individuals and non-bank institutions, foreign or domestic, are not allowed to own shares in any Federal Reserve bank. Again, the Board sets monetary policy not the Federal Reserve banks.




What was the point of the OP? It seems clear, at least to me, it was not to find out who owns the Bank of Thailand but to rant about some mythical conspiracy theory regarding the US Federal Reserve Banking System.


What was the point of the OP? It seems clear, at least to me, it was not to find out who owns the Bank of Thailand but to rant about some mythical conspiracy theory regarding the US Federal Reserve Banking System.

the point of the OP was quite clear. i don't know whether he believes in mythical conspiracies. what i know is that "ownership" of the FED justifies a zillion critical questions based on pure logic after looking at and digesting the facts.



What was the point of the OP? It seems clear, at least to me, it was not to find out who owns the Bank of Thailand but to rant about some mythical conspiracy theory regarding the US Federal Reserve Banking System.

the point of the OP was quite clear. i don't know whether he believes in mythical conspiracies. what i know is that "ownership" of the FED justifies a zillion critical questions based on pure logic after looking at and digesting the facts.


OK, Naam has let the cat out of the bag....this whole thread is about generating a zillion views of ThaiVisa. Now we are going to need to research/discuss who really owns ThaiVisa....the Fed or BOT maybe? ;)

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