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Is Network Marketing Good Or Bad?

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It's a long piece but shows the true nature of the scam.

this is a good piece but sadly beyond the comprehension of most of the poor b____ds who get sucked into this kind of nonsense.

These are invariably businesses started by exploiters and psychopaths (lets call them scum) who prey on the poorly educated, greedy simpletons , chancers and other sections of lifes losers. However some of those who get sucked in are poor and vulnerable and for these i feel very very sad.

Edited by wordchild
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Bottom line- for everyone that makes good money on an MLM, there are between 10-100 "dead bodies" left on the side of the road wondering where all their time and money went.

I'm not arrogant enough to believe I'm in the top 1-10% of the crowd when it comes to separating people from their money. That said, I've known a few people who live in houses paid for by MLM earnings. But not many.

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These are invariably businesses started by exploiters and psychopaths (lets call them scum) who prey on the poorly educated, greedy simpletons , chancers and other sections of lifes losers. However some of those who get sucked in are poor and vulnerable and for these i feel very very sad.

This definition could apply to just about anyone who start/owns s a business, not just pyramid schemes.....:whistling:

Edited by Soutpeel
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There are many very good and years old..

BT, Kleeneze, Avon, Amway, Yves Rocher, CIoA, spring to mind big MLM companies.

But there are many Insurance Companies, even car manufactures in the UK [ 2 different makes I bought I got vouchers to give to friends if they bought I got a commission payment, or anyone I took to that make. and that is going back 12 and 9 years ago]

As for pyramid schemes, many businesses you can call this, there is the Company Director, directors, managers, floor mangers, sales staff, maybe all in one building or interviduals working as self employed or agents, most Companies are pyramids..

Many Network Marketing adverts are poor or down right miss leading... $5 up to a lot more = 5 mins work a day and earn many 1000/s, these sort of adverts attract the poor, the lazy, people that could not work at anything let alone something that may take many hours and months with little money.

The only people that I personalty know that make good money were before Company Directors or owners with a big data/contact base of there own, they spent months researching a company, and work more like double the hours they did at there 8 - 5 jobs

Do your research well, be prepared to work 60 - 80 hours a week for a few years, all being well you can relax in 10 years time with just a few hours work a week, if you worked hard and put in place a good team, your rewards will pay off..

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Thank you for all of you who commented. Actually, many people also misconceptualized , misunderstood the true value of Muti-level marketing in which I cannot also blame them because some companies are abusing this marketing strategy. With this, majority thinks that this is only a Pyramid Scams.

Let us put it this way. ...

If anyone who wants to escape to be an employee (WORKING FOR OTHERS TO MAKE THEM RICH) then I think network marketing is the best initial step to escape from being an employee as long as you got the correct product and understand the true value of your OWN business.

Some people I knew was hooked and failed on some networking and even end up of loosing their homes. I think the major reason for this is that they do not know what they are doing. They just look for the quick bucks (money) and NOT wealth (vision in life). They go for quantity and not for quality.

For example, I have money to invest and I have the option of either investing my total savings of 1 Million versus minimal amount of $150 with the same TIME, RISK and EFFORT, then I would rather choose to be involved in MLM as long as I have the correct product and just tapped the system from the best existing company in the world rather than allocate some budget in my marketing from my own pocket.

What do you think?

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There are many very good and years old..

BT, Kleeneze, Avon, Amway, Yves Rocher, CIoA, spring to mind big MLM companies.

But there are many Insurance Companies, even car manufactures in the UK [ 2 different makes I bought I got vouchers to give to friends if they bought I got a commission payment, or anyone I took to that make. and that is going back 12 and 9 years ago]

As for pyramid schemes, many businesses you can call this, there is the Company Director, directors, managers, floor mangers, sales staff, maybe all in one building or interviduals working as self employed or agents, most Companies are pyramids..

Many Network Marketing adverts are poor or down right miss leading... $5 up to a lot more = 5 mins work a day and earn many 1000/s, these sort of adverts attract the poor, the lazy, people that could not work at anything let alone something that may take many hours and months with little money.

The only people that I personalty know that make good money were before Company Directors or owners with a big data/contact base of there own, they spent months researching a company, and work more like double the hours they did at there 8 - 5 jobs

Do your research well, be prepared to work 60 - 80 hours a week for a few years, all being well you can relax in 10 years time with just a few hours work a week, if you worked hard and put in place a good team, your rewards will pay off..

Hi Ignis!

Thank you for your comment above. Just want to share this to you and to everybody involved in this forum. Me and my husband worked together in the same company for almost 15 years. We used to set up the factory in Vietnam as well as here in Thailand from scratch, acquiring the land, hiring 1 personnel to become 1,000 employees, from filings, purchasing, marketing, hows to generate sales up to accounting presentations. The initial investment we are talking here is millions of dollars.

We are so successful and we are growing our business continuosly and expanded since we have something new to offer to the market during that time in VIETNAM (first in factor is one of our advantage in VIETNAM). While we started setting up here in Thailand we already know from the start that this is very challenging. As you said above we are also giving some benefits to our distributors in order to succeed in this saturated market in which I pressumed that this is not a pyramid schemes that some of you misinterpret the beauty of the Networking.

In any event, you can read my other below comments and if you want to hear more from me you can send me personal message.

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Interesting that one of the OP's interests on her profile is "Coaching to attain success".

About the only time I've heard that kind of terminology is at MLM recruiting events.

I'm with Pacificperson- this appears to be an advertisement and nothing more.

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OP says she doesn't want to work for someone to make him rich... then consider MLM as an alternative... blink.gif

MLM is based on the principle that people on top make money out of the work of the ones below thanks to the commission system.

It's absolutely NOT an alternative to traditional business except in the fact that entry-level employee start by actually investing money in the company. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission requires Amway to label its products with the message that 54% of Amway recruits make nothing and the rest earn on average $65 a month.

In other words: quite a lot of the money made by Amway successful members comes from the losses of the failed ones. Nice.

I too feel that OP is actually trying to find new members rather than asking for advice.

Interesting read.


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· Thank you very much for all of your positive and negative insights. I respect all your comments on this. Whether this topic is for Networking or whatever type of business it maybe, investor/owner concerns is to succeed of what they are doing. Based on the legendary Peter Drucker theories (the man who invented Management) you need to consider this 7 elements before you invest your TIME and MONEY on anything. It is YOU can only decide for yourself.

1. Product Characteristic if meets the quality standard

2. Vision and Mission of the founder or CEO

3. Compensation Plan

4. Company Profile & History

5. Future trend (company must be linked in e-commerce/can access to work anywhere anytime)

6. Timing

7. Teamwork and yourself

Wealth is your attitudes, thoughts, feelings, heart, mind, body, soul, in alignment. Money is just a by product of wealth.


You must dream, have some fantasies in mind these are all free. And have some inspirations in life. Once you develop this VISION, money will just flow by itself.

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· Thank you very much for all of your positive and negative insights. I respect all your comments on this. Whether this topic is for Networking or whatever type of business it maybe, investor/owner concerns is to succeed of what they are doing. Based on the legendary Peter Drucker theories (the man who invented Management) you need to consider this 7 elements before you invest your TIME and MONEY on anything. It is YOU can only decide for yourself.

1. Product Characteristic if meets the quality standard

2. Vision and Mission of the founder or CEO

3. Compensation Plan

4. Company Profile & History

5. Future trend (company must be linked in e-commerce/can access to work anywhere anytime)

6. Timing

7. Teamwork and yourself

Wealth is your attitudes, thoughts, feelings, heart, mind, body, soul, in alignment. Money is just a by product of wealth.


You must dream, have some fantasies in mind these are all free. And have some inspirations in life. Once you develop this VISION, money will just flow by itself.

Have you been overdosing on Chinese fortune cookies lately?

I dare say there are some desperate gullible suckers out there who will swallow the above hogwash, is there a buffalo in the room, whats that smell, smells like BS to me.

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· Thank you very much for all of your positive and negative insights. I respect all your comments on this. Whether this topic is for Networking or whatever type of business it maybe, investor/owner concerns is to succeed of what they are doing. Based on the legendary Peter Drucker theories (the man who invented Management) you need to consider this 7 elements before you invest your TIME and MONEY on anything. It is YOU can only decide for yourself.

1. Product Characteristic if meets the quality standard

2. Vision and Mission of the founder or CEO

3. Compensation Plan

4. Company Profile & History

5. Future trend (company must be linked in e-commerce/can access to work anywhere anytime)

6. Timing

7. Teamwork and yourself

Wealth is your attitudes, thoughts, feelings, heart, mind, body, soul, in alignment. Money is just a by product of wealth.


You must dream, have some fantasies in mind these are all free. And have some inspirations in life. Once you develop this VISION, money will just flow by itself.

For a bussines you need a bussinesplan and not a pyramid scheme

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MLM is annoying, you go to a meeting where they hype things up like you're going to make so much money. Oh and by the way they wont even tell you what the meeting is about until you get there.

MLM and anyone who participates in MLM is either mislead, or out to mislead people. It's a numbers game, the more people they can trick, the more money they make. No, i do not want vitamins, magnets, amway, or makeup...go away now please.

If your going to hit the street and try to sell something, might as well sell something of your own...Why make someone else rich ?

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Have nothing to do with MLM, but know many that have..

KRS1 post 'If your going to hit the street and try to sell something, might as well sell something of your own...Why make someone else rich ?'

Very fine, so you have something of your own and your selling well, now you wonder if you had a bit of help maybe the next town/area you could sell in, and the next, do you employ a sales person or many ? what if they do not sell anything ? you will still have to pay them, supply transport etc..

Most of my life I have been self employed working for many different Companies.. Commission only, to me that is not a lot of difference.. Last few years we sell car and truck parts, few months ago a Thai friend wanted the market tested with 2nd hand parts, wow really took off get orders every day, now 4 months on 4 self employed salesmen cover most of Thailand...

To me many very good thing are only sold by direct sales, but think it would be better if each sales person had there own area...

In UK I would get 8+ different Kleeneze book every month, Vans with Frozen foods. very good, but not 5 or 6 different people coming every month.. Like 'Yves Rocher' love the products, but what annoyed me was it was MLM but they did not help anyone by leaflet dropping every house with buy 1 get 1 free offers, all the agent that bought the books and tried to direct sell could not offer this, or even get 1 free.. I know because every 4 months would call my team to do the 'Yves Rocher' leaflet drops..

As for Amway they have many very good product, sure I buy but get all I use + a few friends from the Malaysia Boarder at 1/2 the price.. [sorry agents]

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If any "Networking" or MLM involves selling to your friends - you will very quickly be looking for more friends - so that you can then try to rope them in as well - ad nauseum.

Pretty soon the only friends you have will be the ones in your particular Pyramid.

And what a boring bunch you will be.

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