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Win Xp Bug - Anyone Else Got This?

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I've noticed this problem for quite a while. I assume it has always been there since I bought the PC. I can't remember if it was present on my old PC which I upgraded from W98 to XP.

This is the bug: Click on Start, go to Programs and then right click on any folder listed. From the menu presented, select "Open".

What I get is a "Move Items" window which I have to cancel and then I get a "Copy Items" window which I also have to cancel before I get the folder that I want opened in a new window.


I'm afraid I can't replicate it RDN.

I'm running Win XP Pro Version 5.1 SP2.

What are you running?

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


The nearest I can get is by doing a right-drag on the folder, this opens a move / copy window.

You're not accidentally moving the mouse when you right click are you (it doesn't need to move far)?

Otherwise, no idea

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Which type Start are you using (XP or Classic)? In XP if follow the Start/Folder as soon as you mouse the folder it opens contents in another pane and if sub folders into another pane.

If you just right click the main folder it opens that folder with icons shown for each item.

Which type Start are you using (XP or Classic)?  In XP if follow the Start/Folder as soon as you mouse the folder it opens contents in another pane and if sub folders into another pane.

If you just right click the main folder it opens that folder with icons shown for each item.

That's what mine does too.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

The nearest I can get is by doing a right-drag on the folder, this opens a move / copy window.

You're not accidentally moving the mouse when you right click are you (it doesn't need to move far)?

Otherwise, no idea

That sounds like what is happening to him. You might try removing the mouse driver and reinstalling. Also check the mouse tracking speed and slow it down a little.

The nearest I can get is by doing a right-drag on the folder, this opens a move / copy window.

You're not accidentally moving the mouse when you right click are you (it doesn't need to move far)?

Otherwise, no idea

That's a good point, but I am absolutely not moving the mouse a single pixel!

I'm afraid I can't replicate it RDN.

I'm running Win XP Pro Version 5.1 SP2.

What are you running?

My XP is fully updated. At the bottom right corner of my desktop it says "Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 (Service Pack 2)". I forget which "tweak" I used to get that information displayed - maybe "TuneUp Utilities 2006"? And it's a fully legal and registered version that came with my new lap top (6 months old?).

Which type Start are you using (XP or Classic)?  In XP if follow the Start/Folder as soon as you mouse the folder it opens contents in another pane and if sub folders into another pane.

If you just right click the main folder it opens that folder with icons shown for each item.

Good questions, lop. I like the look and feel of W98, so my Start Menu is "Classic" and I've customised it so all "Advanced Start menu options" are checked, except the last one - "Use Personalised Menus".

My Desktop is also "Windows Classic Style", with colour scheme "Windows Standard".

After I click on "Start", I only have to hover the mouse on "Programs" for the list of folders and programs to appear on the right. I then hover the mouse on one of those folders, and its contents appear to the right. I leave the mouse where it is and right click to get the options to "Open, Open All Users, Explore, Delete" etc.

Then I move the mouse to select "Open" (or Explore), left click on it and up pops the "Move Items" window! I cancel that and get the "Copy Items" window. I cancel that and get the normal "Open" window (by that, I mean there is no "Folders" pane to the left, just the "File and Folder Tasks" pane).

It's not a big problem, but obviously it shouldn't do it and maybe indicates something else is screwed up that IS more serious.

Any more help gratefully received.

My XP is fully updated. At the bottom right corner of my desktop it says "Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 (Service Pack 2)". I forget which "tweak" I used to get that information displayed - maybe "TuneUp Utilities 2006"? And it's a fully legal and registered version that came with my new lap top (6 months old?).

You can get that information if you start Explore, Help, About Windows.

Maybe your "TuneUp Utilities 2006" tuned a little more than you wanted... :o

Perhaps try uninstalling them and see if the same problem occurs.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I don't know what mouse you have (mine is Logitech). Try going to Control Panel and opening the Mouse Properties. See if you have an option to change the button functions, specifically the right button and see whatr your options are.

I don't know what mouse you have (mine is Logitech).  Try going to Control Panel and opening the Mouse Properties.  See if you have an option to change the button functions, specifically the right button and see what your options are.

I think you might be on the right track here, tywais. I'm trying to remember when the problem first started and it may just be after I installed this super-dooper wireless optical mouse. I originally had a USB mouse (very small) that came free with the 'puter and when I installed the optical mouse, it forced me to uninstall the touch pad mouse (some kind of conflict) but as it was a MicroSoft mouse I was installing, I dutifully uninstalled the touch pad mouse driver. But I think I can still used the old USB mouse.

So I'll disconnect the optical mouse and see what happens with the USB mouse.

Not sure if a reboot is necessary - I may be some time (who said that before?).


That didn't take long. Didn't change any drivers, just unplugged the MS wireless optical mouse from the USB port and plugged in the mini optical mouse.

But, the mini optical mouse does the same. Very strange.

I don't know what mouse you have (mine is Logitech).  Try going to Control Panel and opening the Mouse Properties.  See if you have an option to change the button functions, specifically the right button and see whatr your options are.

I just swapped the left and right buttons (on the MS optical mouse), but the problem is still there. :o

does it do it if you are controlling the cursor with the touch pad ?

Yes, that's something I was going to do later. I have to make sure I have the driver for the MS optical mouse first, because I'm pretty sure I've got to uninstall it. And I've got to find the driver for the touch pad mouse since I already uninstalled that. I guess that driver will be on the Drivers CD that came with the PC. (Da.mn well hope so!).

I'll let you know how I get on.


I've just discovered a simpler way of creating the problem and I hope my initial more complicated way didn't confuse people.

I can get the "Move Items" window to appear by merely double-clicking (left button) on a Start Menu / Programs folder. This clearly causes the default action (Open) to be performed. (So, I don't have to right click and select Open from the menu, just double clicking makes it happen too).



rdn, I have the same bug :D

right click or double click brings up the move option, that I need to cancel twice before the folder opens.

in explore in the right click menu give the same.

so, let's look in the doc and settings, if some options are here for remedy ...

if not let'scheck in the folder options(control panel)

there must be an option somewhere checked and shouldn't be :D

I make a few test and I'll tell you :o



re ...

so, after an sfc(system file checking), tune up 2006(reg) settings, and look in the registry for a possible fault ... :D found nothing usefull :D

but anyway, why open a program folder from start menu?

properties are still here working, everything except open and explore which imho are useless :D


ps; so, let's say "mai pen rai", as long as the rest is working :D

must be a small bug from tune up :o

Have you been messing with the registry lately?...

But of course! Don't we all? But seriously, only one or two things and those were done in strict accordance to instructions I got from somewhere :D


rdn, I have the same bug

right click or double click brings up the move option, that I need to cancel twice before the folder opens.

in explore in the right click menu give the same.

so, let's look in the doc and settings, if some options are here for remedy ...

if not let's check in the folder options(control panel)

there must be an option somewhere checked and shouldn't be

I make a few test and I'll tell you


Hooray!! :o Woo-hoo! :D Yippeee! Someone else has the same problem! :D:D (Misery loves company!)

So what have you got that's the same as what I've got? :burp:

I use Firefox + many extensions and TuneUp Utilities 2006 and ????

re ...

so, after an sfc(system file checking), tune up 2006(reg) settings, and look in the registry for a possible fault ... :D found nothing usefull

but anyway, why open a program folder from start menu?

properties are still here working, everything except open and explore which  imho are useless


ps; so, let's say "mai pen rai", as long as the rest is working

must be a small bug from tune up

I never say "mai pen rai" to a software bug! Never! It'll be rankling me for months to come. I gotta find it, I just must! :D

The reason I want to open the Start Menu / Programs folders is because I have so many utilities that I must group those with similar functionality together, otherwise I'd never find them. And opening the programs folder from the Start Menu is the easiest way.

Obviously, now I try not to do it that way, but it always gives me a shock when I forget about the bug and up pops the "Move Items" window :D

Anyway, I'll persevere - I've already posted the same question on another couple of Windows forums, so if they come up with anything I'll let you know. :D


Problem Found! :o

Tuneup Utilities 2006: Customise & Analyse / Tuneup System Control / Display / File Types / Menu Operations / Files and Folders - turn off "Show Copy to Folder" and "Show Move to Folder".

Thanks to all who gave help, and especially to Francois who just happened to mention that he has Tuneup Utilities installed :D - that was lucky!

Cheers all!


well done.

i know how annoying it is when these little deviations from normal computer behaviour appear and how infuriatingly difficult they can be to locate and reverse.

its even more annoying when they turn out to be a result of one of my unforgotten mouse click months ago and not a blame all virus.



good shot rdn :D

you mentionned ordering the program menu, why don't you go to doc and settings/ start menu/programs and btw, put shortcut for those which still are on your user side only, except for those you want to keep an eye on like cleaning stuffs :D

you can hide the uninstall also :o

I always do like this, and it works like a charm :D


ps; just one more line to say that a part from this little bug, tune up utilities 2006 is far the best tools suite available .. tested a lot, trust me :D


good shot rdn :D

you mentionned ordering the program menu, why don't you go to doc and settings/ start menu/programs and btw, put shortcut for those which still are on your user side only, except for those you want to keep an eye on like cleaning stuffs :D

you can hide the uninstall also :o

I always do like this, and it works like a charm :D


ps; just one more line to say that a part from this little bug, tune up utilities 2006 is far the best tools suite available .. tested a lot, trust me :D

Hi Francois, yes, I have tried rearranging things the way you suggest, but I've used the method I described for so long, it has become automatic. Anyway, the problem has gone now, so it's all "water under the bridge".

And I agree, TuneUp Utilities is great - apart from that one little irritation.

However, I just posted another thread - maybe TuneUp has another bug and a ****ed site more dangerous! :D:D:D

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