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Pheu Thai And Red Shirts Do Nothing To Help Their Own


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I'd say that willingly denying people access to assistance according to their political persuasion is not exactly what one could call an act of humanity.

I'd like to see the people responsible for putting that sticker on that boat explain why they did it.

Of course we can all make guesses according to our approach to the subject but it would be interesting to hear it from the horses mouth.

While we're waiting for them to get back to us on that, maybe someone here could speculate what possible positive meaning it might have. I'm placing a bet with myself here. I'll tell you later if I win or not.

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Thaksin's apologists trying to get their act together. When they are saying let's drop the politics it is because they are trying to push away the spotlight from the response of this hopeless government (directed by Thaksin) whose main contribution has been to refuse declaring a SOE (can't be seen reliant on the army),....

Perhaps you can tell me what a SOE provides in term of powers that the current authorities don't already have have.I'm open minded but don't have the information to decide.I hope you will not go all quiet as have the others to whom I have posed this question.

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Fascinating. One group, Nationmultimedia, already known to be hostile to the government proides a negative opinion and TVF accepts it as the gospel truth. I suggest people consider additional information outlets to provide a fair and balanced opinion.

Care to name a few balanced sources worthy of your scrutiny?

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I'd say that willingly denying people access to assistance according to their political persuasion is not exactly what one could call an act of humanity.

I'd like to see the people responsible for putting that sticker on that boat explain why they did it.

Of course we can all make guesses according to our approach to the subject but it would be interesting to hear it from the horses mouth.

I agree, it would be nice to hear these folks in discussion about this point, and to ask them:

- Who gave them the stickers / signs etc.

- Who owns / donated the boat / supplies which they put the sticker on.

- etc.

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And so what if Thaksin puts his name on the goods that he donates? I've seen tons of aid distributed with no logo or any slogan on it. If he donates it, he can do whatever he wants with it. Even the United States puts "donated by the United States Government" on food packs. Get a life, Sherlock.

But did he donate it, or was it donations from the public?

Where's the big pumps from Korea?

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I been asking the gf for 2 weeks. Where is Chalerm? Before the floods, he couldn't be quietened, now he is anonymous. I mentioned in another post that I felt sorry for Yingluck, looked like she was being given the chance to sink or swim, whether out of pique or whatever by her party bigwigs

Very good point. I noticed too and asked the same question.

I think that, once all the water is gone, Yingluck will have to watch her back very carefully because the enemy will not be the opposition. It will be her own camp. And Jatuporn....have you heard of him recently?

Further, chalerm is pretty cunning, maybe he realized this was going to be a total shambles and no chance of actually winning against the water, so he decided to stay home for a few weeks and keep a distance from this event.

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1319805324[/url]' post='4803115']
1319804288[/url]' post='4803075']

Fascinating. One group, Nationmultimedia, already known to be hostile to the government proides a negative opinion and TVF accepts it as the gospel truth. I suggest people consider additional information outlets to provide a fair and balanced opinion.

Care to name a few balanced sources worthy of your scrutiny?

We of course know from multiple past experiences with Shinawatra Clan governments, that any kind of non-positive reporting on them is considered " hostile". That should be considered a bad mark on their records of doing the publics will.

Never mind that one of the main fuctions of 'the Fourth Estate' in a free democracy, is reporting on the governace of the nation to keep the 'leaders' honest. Which by it's nature means letting the public know where the papers editorial staff stands on governments actions. A paper without a stance is non-existant.

Lacking this public oversight function, the dialog between populace and leaders breaks down.

Considering the" LIES " told during campaigns it is even more important the people hear and can respond to governent actions 'between elections'. We can not ever expect things performed in the public interest, if the only thing goverments base work on is THEIR perception of winning based on their stump speeches applause volume and nothing else. GIving a mandate to party only means 'They can then work for the common good, while listening to All Public Sides, not just their preferred one.

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Fascinating. One group, Nationmultimedia, already known to be hostile to the government proides a negative opinion and TVF accepts it as the gospel truth. I suggest people consider additional information outlets to provide a fair and balanced opinion.

Care to name a few balanced sources worthy of your scrutiny?

For geriatrickid most probably only the Red Shirt Newspaper or TV would be good enough.

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Fascinating. One group, Nationmultimedia, already known to be hostile to the government proides a negative opinion and TVF accepts it as the gospel truth. I suggest people consider additional information outlets to provide a fair and balanced opinion.

I think you'll find that no one is actually discussing the OP. They are discussing PT/Thaksin labeling public donations as from them. What do you say about that?

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And so what if Thaksin puts his name on the goods that he donates? I've seen tons of aid distributed with no logo or any slogan on it. If he donates it, he can do whatever he wants with it. Even the United States puts "donated by the United States Government" on food packs. Get a life, Sherlock.

But did he donate it, or was it donations from the public?

Where's the big pumps from Korea?

Maybe they just put the sticker "Donated from Thaksin" on the pumps China donated?

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If the Temple of the Emerald Buddha were to be completely underwater, Thais would have been dealt a big shock, losing all morale and strength to fight back. If the Emerald Buddha cannot protect the City of Angels, then the angels would have taken flight and the capital would have fallen.

With talk like that, anyone would think Thailand was a backward, primitive country, its barely literate, ill-informed, pathologically incurious citizens still hobbled by pre-scientific superstitions and liable to the whims of fakers, charlatans and pseudo-religious, mumbo-jumbo-spouting con artists.

Oh, right.


Your comments apply to around 4-5 billion people of the 7 billion on earth. Each major religion has it's doomsday scenario's if certain buildings or relics should fall. Should the Grand Mosque fall it would be the end of the House of Saud, should the church of the nativity or St Pauls at the Vatican be destroyed then so will fall other various empires, the Jews have them as do the Hindi's and all the other major religions. Hell they even clip the wings of the rooks at the Tower of London so they cannot fly because of an age old legend that when there are no more rooks present at the Tower, England and the throne will fall. Now if that isn't all pre-scientific superstition and hokus pokus then I don't know what is.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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I'd say that willingly denying people access to assistance according to their political persuasion is not exactly what one could call an act of humanity.

I'd like to see the people responsible for putting that sticker on that boat explain why they did it.

Of course we can all make guesses according to our approach to the subject but it would be interesting to hear it from the horses mouth.

While we're waiting for them to get back to us on that, maybe someone here could speculate what possible positive meaning it might have. I'm placing a bet with myself here. I'll tell you later if I win or not.

No need to remind us how much you like speculation, so have at it. No takers yet, but have faith. I'd say 'don't hold your breathe' but that would be kind of argumentative.

Edited by hanuman1
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I have heard people complaining (although i have no links/proof to back it up) that in some areas, the relief packages that are being handed out comes with the question "are you a red shirt?" - answer "No" and you are told "supplies have run out"

I really *really* hope this is BS... because if its true, it would be disgusting beyond imagination!

Has anyone else heard of this?

It is beyond imagination. Human nature in time of need is to help one another. Put these hate-monger "facts" in perspective.

Actually, it's reality. Those incidents are happening.

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Funny how all the Thaksin haters, after 6 pages of replies, have been unable to provide proof that the aid that was labeled as coming from Thaksin was not paid for by Thaksin, but "stolen" from aid donated by tax payers. Where's the proof for your ridiculous accusations? If you don't have proof, please stop stirring up rumors and trying to divide the nation. Thailand needs to be united in this time of crisis and your ridiculous claims and attempts to divide the nation are nothing short of disgusting.

I see dozens of aid trucks passing every hour and none of them has anything written on the sides that suggest it's coming from Thaksin or any other politician. If Thaksin donated one truck full of aid, then that's a good thing.

So, again, unless you have proof that Thaksin "stole" any of the relief aid, drop it already. It's not helping. And no, posting pictures with airport workers (wearing yellow airport cargo staff uniform) unloading aid boxes and putting a label on it with Photoshop saying "UDD stealing aid" doesn't count as proof. Maybe you can fool a 3 year old with that.

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Kriver>> There is a big difference of a company labeling the gods THEY donate (I helped out at CH3 relief packaging before btw) and groups labeling relief bags from the GOVERNMENT aka paid by TAX MONEY, to be labeled with the labels of a party or a specific MP!

Btw, would you protest if the boats had signs saying 'NO BLACKS'?

Or, even more over the top, labeling relief bags funded by public donations, with the labels of a party or a specific MP. :blink:

Both. there are some pics on various threads.

Yes, it's becoming more widely disseminated.

The international media is informing the world.

Videos and photos have also appeared on the Internet of relief supplies from the government and public donations being delivered in trucks with banners bearing the name of Yingluck's older brother Thaksin Shinawatra and other politicians from the ruling party, sparking charges they are using the disaster for political gain.

Read more:


Time Magazine - Oct. 27, 2011

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Funny how all the Thaksin haters, after 6 pages of replies, have been unable to provide proof that the aid that was labeled as coming from Thaksin was not paid for by Thaksin, but "stolen" from aid donated by tax payers. Where's the proof for your ridiculous accusations? If you don't have proof, please stop stirring up rumors and trying to divide the nation. Thailand needs to be united in this time of crisis and your ridiculous claims and attempts to divide the nation are nothing short of disgusting.

I see dozens of aid trucks passing every hour and none of them has anything written on the sides that suggest it's coming from Thaksin or any other politician. If Thaksin donated one truck full of aid, then that's a good thing.

So, again, unless you have proof that Thaksin "stole" any of the relief aid, drop it already. It's not helping. And no, posting pictures with airport workers (wearing yellow airport cargo staff uniform) unloading aid boxes and putting a label on it with Photoshop saying "UDD stealing aid" doesn't count as proof. Maybe you can fool a 3 year old with that.


Let's keep it simple: You are proposing that relief-packages being distributed by FROC at Don Muang was paid for by Thaksin or some local PT MP representing the area the truck went to?

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While domestically, the word is spread further...

"Govt should not label donations from others as from any individual." - That's correct. To suggest that my donation to the people that I gave through the government is from anyone else but "The Government" is absolutely wrong.

Labeling goods donated by the people as being from PT or from Thaksin is the "political game".

Absolutely correct!!!

And looking at some of the Thai blogs, many Thai are aghast, angry, and offended by that practice. It may well backfire.

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Where does it say that the aid came from FROC? Did someone at Pantip.com say it came from FROC? Where's the proof? I don't see anything about FROC on the pictures. Don Muang is an airport where airplanes from all over the country and even outside the country arrive. That picture was taken days ago when the airport was still open to everyone.

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The only thing being divisive at this most difficult time in Thai history, is The Nation


The Nation isn't putting white stickers on rescue boats saying for Red Shirts only... but somebody is.

It is, however, reporting on it. As well as a host of other news media, both local and international, who are also reporting on it and similar government/Red Shirt irregularities.


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Where does it say that the aid came from FROC? Did someone at Pantip.com say it came from FROC? Where's the proof? I don't see anything about FROC on the pictures. Don Muang is an airport where airplanes from all over the country and even outside the country arrive. That picture was taken days ago when the airport was still open to everyone.

Which was your previous username again?

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Where does it say that the aid came from FROC? Did someone at Pantip.com say it came from FROC? Where's the proof? I don't see anything about FROC on the pictures. Don Muang is an airport where airplanes from all over the country and even outside the country arrive. That picture was taken days ago when the airport was still open to everyone.

It's quite a coincidence that the relief bags going onto "Thaksin's truck" is the same as all the other relief bags.

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Not sure what Khao San Farang translated that for you, but that's not what it says on the boat.

By the way, still waiting for the proof that the aid that was packed onto the truck with the Thaksin label did indeed come from FROC. I saw it come out of the Don Muang airport terminal with tourists walking by in the background. I doubt that FROC uses the main terminal door for aid distribution. But please, prove me wrong, if you can.

Edited by mrfarang
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Not sure what Khao San Farang translated that for you, but that's not what it says on the boat.

By the way, still waiting for the proof that the aid that was packed onto the truck with the Thaksin label did indeed come from FROC. I saw it come out of the Don Muang airport terminal with tourists walking by in the background. I doubt that FROC uses the main terminal door for aid distribution. But please, prove me wrong, if you can.

What holds you back to post the actual translation?

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Actually MrT donated something. From the breaking news section yesterday:

"Thaicom Foundation presented 20 floating toilets and 1,000 emergency toilet sets through Thaksin Shinawatra's three children."

How better can he say to his people "See, now you can take care of your own s***!"

A trillion and half baht of gold and platinum and he springs for a thousand toilet seats. How magnanimous.


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Not sure what Khao San Farang translated that for you, but that's not what it says on the boat.

ใช้ในราษฎร (คนเสื้อแดงเท่านั้น) = Use for people (only red shirt)

Do you have a different translation?

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Hi Nick, I have the same observation on the ground here in Pathum Thani as you do, although more limited as I have not gone too far from our flooded house. Everyone here is pitching in to help, good spirits, I don't see any of the kind of thing that certifiable nutcase Thanong writes about.

I am afraid your plea will fall on deaf ears here. For reasons I cannot fathom TVF is a farang yellow shirt redoubt, slightly to the right of Attila the Hun politically. I know you are busy, but when you have time I would like to hear your theories of just why that is so? I know a few Thai red shirts opponents who would be ashamed by some of the crap washing up here. A lot of it is from people who could not understand directions in Thai to their corner 7/11, but somehow they are past masters of Thai current events. Mind boggling.

Thaksin's apologists trying to get their act together. When they are saying let's drop the politics it is because they are trying to push away the spotlight from the response of this hopeless government (directed by Thaksin) whose main contribution has been to refuse declaring a SOE (can't be seen reliant on the army), refusing support from the USA (Thaksin still upset that the US released phone-taps showing his direction of the red actions in 2010) and having little to say except ministers declaring 'the worst is over', lets push some synchronised boats up the CP River and the PMs tears of oh woe is me. Keep it up chaps.

Can always rely on yoshiwara for cutting through the fog.



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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, elected in July, has come under withering criticism because of the confusing and conflicting information issued by the government's Flood Relief Operations Center. The center, located at Don Muang domestic airport in northern Bangkok, is now surrounded by water.

Videos and photos have also appeared on the Internet of relief supplies from the government and public donations being delivered in trucks with banners bearing the name of Yingluck's older brother Thaksin Shinawatra and other politicians from the ruling party, sparking charges they are using the disaster for political gain.

Read more:


Time Magazine - Oct. 27, 2011


Yeah, that Time Magazine is such a Yellow Shirt publication \sarc

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I'd say that willingly denying people access to assistance according to their political persuasion is not exactly what one could call an act of humanity.

I'd like to see the people responsible for putting that sticker on that boat explain why they did it.

Of course we can all make guesses according to our approach to the subject but it would be interesting to hear it from the horses mouth.

While we're waiting for them to get back to us on that, maybe someone here could speculate what possible positive meaning it might have. I'm placing a bet with myself here. I'll tell you later if I win or not.

A possibly plausible reason for having a sticker that says only a certain type may board is that accountants are running the boats. And so as to be able to know exactly how many people they rescue and can easily categorise them, they are using a lot of boats and each one has a sticker saying '.......shirts only'. Meaning that they can count how many people who wear each kind of shirt they rescue.

Either the 'no top' boat or the 'hawaiian' boat are probably being provided in multiple numbers. blink.gif

Or, but this might be a stretch. The boat is part of a flotilla of news boats and all reporters are part of the group - including journalists from the red media. And some nasty sarccy person has just labeled each boat with a brief description of who will get on the boat.

In that guess I think it might be the 'media-star' journos that would require all the extra boats.

Let me know what you think of these two ideas?

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