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The British Are Coming.....So Says Tat


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Never knew Brits were the biggest source of tourists in LOS............they are lousy swimmers, maybe this is cover for a cull :rolleyes:

11/8/2011 7:55:00 AM

Thailand is targeting an increased number of visitors from its number one source market, the UK.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) revealed that British visitors are now coming to Thailand all year round, rather than just in the winter months, as was the case in the past. This allowed the UK to become Thailand’s number one source market in 2010, generating tourism receipts of more than THB44 billion (₤892 million).


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Are you really that surprised ? I've never really travelled anywhere in the world without coming across lots of people from the UK. Montevideo being perhaps the only exception to this, I was only there for a couple of days though.

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I notice the post talks about Tat and not TAT, significant and relevant I think!

Unintentional pun on my part old chap, still relevant though. As a Brit I am pleased to know we are their Number 1 tourist source. It matters not that this comes from a source whose compilation of statistical facts should be listed for the Booker prize for fiction on an annual basis. It matters not that many of these arrivals are actually back to back visa runners falsely claiming incapacity benefit. Or even that they may be Scouser's or even Scots. British to the core and proud of it :ermm:

Let other nationalities scoff, as this thread has shown no one is better at taking the p**s out of themselves better than the Brits. :D


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Are you really that surprised ? I've never really travelled anywhere in the world without coming across lots of people from the UK. Montevideo being perhaps the only exception to this, I was only there for a couple of days though.

Montivideo was very popular about 16th december 1940 with the Royal Navy for a couple of days, fact. But they never came back

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Great more fat, footie shirt wearing, tattooed pi** heads wanting a fight, not that Im generalising.

I can do three out of five :)

I only score one out of five, could I get a grant from somewhere, to help me improve/degenerate further ? :lol:

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If we Brits are their number target might I suggest they sign a reciprical arrangement with the UK so that UK pensioners can have their pensions unlifted annualy. This would be a great benefit to the UK pensioners who have paid all their lives then suddenly found their own government had moved the goalposts! It would also be a boon to the Thai economy because we would all have more money to spend in it which would benefit all. In the meantime tourists see what they like and plan to return or retire, win win ;)

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Are you really that surprised ? I've never really travelled anywhere in the world without coming across lots of people from the UK. Montevideo being perhaps the only exception to this, I was only there for a couple of days though.

I ( from uk ) have been to Montevideo and strangely enough, met no brits either. That would go for Florianopolis and Rio Grande Do Sul( South Brazil ), the middle of the Salar De Uyuni and certain parts of Rotherham.

There ain't many places us Brits don't get to. Let's face it, Australia is now full of em after we landed in the 16th century :)

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Great more fat, footie shirt wearing, tattooed pi** heads wanting a fight, not that Im generalising.

And in what ways do you add value to this wondrous nation ?

<deleted> all is my guess - but I am also generalising

Why do I have to add anything to it? why would I want to, what even makes you think I might?

OK I left it , there the value is added

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I notice the post talks about Tat and not TAT, significant and relevant I think!

Indubitably , what's all this tit for tat about a tat on a tit when the TAT is so TIT .

oops I said TIT .

edit ; tit

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Are you really that surprised ? I've never really travelled anywhere in the world without coming across lots of people from the UK. Montevideo being perhaps the only exception to this, I was only there for a couple of days though.

I ( from uk ) have been to Montevideo and strangely enough, met no brits either. That would go for Florianopolis and Rio Grande Do Sul( South Brazil ), the middle of the Salar De Uyuni and certain parts of Rotherham.

There ain't many places us Brits don't get to. Let's face it, Australia is now full of em after we landed in the 16th century :)

The British Navy sometimes stops there on the way back from the Falklands. Our ship went to Fortaleza instead. Hell of a place. 10 women to 1 man. Gutted i missed Rio and Capetown as well.

After 5 - 6 months stuck on a wind swept island, with next to no women...........you will probably be glad that we never turned up when you were there. It was messy. But we are not aloud to wear football shirts and we never started any fights. Might of slept with some wifes though. :ph34r: But me......I'm still only one on that list. I don't like footy, I'm rugby fan. I'm not fat. I have no tattoos but i do like to get pissed and hate people that fight when drunk or try to start trouble.

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