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New Traffic Cams - Rawai

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Im quite happy most of the time on Thai roads. The last thing i want is nanny state laws from the west on Thai roads. Along with TVPs or old fuddy duddys who think they can enforce the local laws....if you don't like the driving here then don't drive. From previous experience in this country, i don't think the laws will be enforced anytime soon thank god.

What a mind numbingly stupid post. I have a home off Sai Yuan and WALK along it's length daily. I see Idiots, both Western and Thai attempting to overtake on this very narrow soi (where's the fcking fire?) ALL the time. The sound of ambulance/police sirens a daily occurrence.

Well you hit the nail on the head right there....one of my biggest beefs with Phuket and Thailand generally is absolutely no footpaths...and if there is even a sniff of what looks like one a shop will be erected on it in seconds

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Look I wont be posting either of my car rego numbers on this site.....or any of my bikes. The last thing I need is to be chased by a 'blue rinse set ' lynch mob mounted on Honda Dreams waving walking sticks, or team 'Chips' on their big bikes testing their 'powers'. Also the possibility of having my car scratched whilst I'm sitting having a quiet beer because someone doesn't like my opinions.

My real beef with volunteer policemen on Thai roads is they only seem to want to harass other Falangs, I dont think they would have the guts to pull over any Thais. It seems like a power trip to me...I could be wrong, maybe I dont see the good work they do.

As for the origional post...traffic is a hot topic in Phuket...so naturally some people will get heated. Thats life.

Bring on the cameras it will be just like Australia...everyone knows where they are and have the locations added on their GPS. Wont make a bit of difference. jap.gif

They would not dare to you are 190cm tall and weight 110KG, although you certainly do not look it in the

picture you had on your posts :D


Look I wont be posting either of my car rego numbers on this site.....or any of my bikes. The last thing I need is to be chased by a 'blue rinse set ' lynch mob mounted on Honda Dreams waving walking sticks, or team 'Chips' on their big bikes testing their 'powers'. Also the possibility of having my car scratched whilst I'm sitting having a quiet beer because someone doesn't like my opinions.

My real beef with volunteer policemen on Thai roads is they only seem to want to harass other Falangs, I dont think they would have the guts to pull over any Thais. It seems like a power trip to me...I could be wrong, maybe I dont see the good work they do.

As for the origional post...traffic is a hot topic in Phuket...so naturally some people will get heated. Thats life.

Bring on the cameras it will be just like Australia...everyone knows where they are and have the locations added on their GPS. Wont make a bit of difference. jap.gif

70% of all HighwayPolice Volunteers are Thai nationals, some of them very wealthy, well you need to be well off to buy a +1million baht bike and some of them own several +1million baht bikes. and the only BBHWP female Volunteers in class 5 are Thai nationals, and of course bikers

On one occasion I had to run into a tuk tuk to prevent him moving into a convoy of 80 or so bikes, possibly causing a major accident, and he was indeed Thai

and on accident scenes i sure have pulled the keys out of a Thai operated vehicle to prevent him leaving a farang dying on the road

So your beef with "volunteer policemen" was what?

have you ever seen one, no not the ones with fake stickers on their car, a genuine one with Police badge and Police ID card. oh yeah, had to check who the poster was, sorry snamos, we have met, but I was not there as HWP :D

I do not know any real HWP Volunteer assisting on checkpoints issuing fines. None. In an early post in this topic Scuba Buddha posting about one. Later I was accused of being the one, proved by video. Funny thing he could not tell the color of my bike or plate number. As I had 2 Ninja650, at that time one blue and one white, he had to dig himself deeper an deeper. Video never surfaced :rolleyes: and I wasnt in Phuket that week :whistling:

Marshalling and assisting or leading accident scenes, yes.


Look if everyone is so concerned about the road rules here...

when they are having a few beers at the local tonight, dont let anyone who has had more than 2 beers leave with their car or bike keys....that includes staff. If you continue drinking there then you are a hypocryte. The bad driving is a way of life here, bring on the cameras, nothing will change just the cops will get a bit more loot in their kicks from a few stupid tourists that dont know where they are....

Im sure there will be a forum on Thaivisa that reads something like "Where are all the speed cameras in Phuket?"


Look I wont be posting either of my car rego numbers on this site.....or any of my bikes. The last thing I need is to be chased by a 'blue rinse set ' lynch mob mounted on Honda Dreams waving walking sticks, or team 'Chips' on their big bikes testing their 'powers'. Also the possibility of having my car scratched whilst I'm sitting having a quiet beer because someone doesn't like my opinions.

My real beef with volunteer policemen on Thai roads is they only seem to want to harass other Falangs, I dont think they would have the guts to pull over any Thais. It seems like a power trip to me...I could be wrong, maybe I dont see the good work they do.

As for the origional post...traffic is a hot topic in Phuket...so naturally some people will get heated. Thats life.

Bring on the cameras it will be just like Australia...everyone knows where they are and have the locations added on their GPS. Wont make a bit of difference. jap.gif

They would not dare to you are 190cm tall and weight 110KG, although you certainly do not look it in the

picture you had on your posts :D

Well i was sitting down at a bar. So u can't tell much front that. I notice no one else posting their real photos on here....


The problem most people have is individuals boasting about drinking and driving and boasting about the nasty antics they try to do to other road users, I said this in a previous post why would any one come on to a public forum and boast about these things?? why why would any one come on to a public forum and share personnel details which are private(this could cause the poster many problems, it's mind boggling stuff and I do not understand it, maybe the 2 people concerned could explain in a civilized way why they feel it necessary to boast about these things..

Even though my identity is hidden I would not dare come on here and post, "I got well pissed last night and drove home like a lunatic, I tried to force people of the road, what a great night"


i dont hang out at cheap local bars as i have a life and i dont need to drown my sorrows(and sorry life) to feel good. When i drink its wine and beer that i enjoy with people i enjoy(not local bargirl)

So i never need to drive when im drinking unless i wanted to live around a constant 'where you from' chatter.. I did drive drunk when i was younger and im terribly sorry i did and so glad i didnt hurt anyone. I have above average reflexes and even when drunk i am more alert than the average person and i still should not have been driving ever.

Also i dont try to kill people on the roads, cant image how bad you are when drunk.


I have above average reflexes and even when drunk i am more alert than the average person


Classic drunk driver excuse..........

That is a classic drink driver comment, and any one that honestly believes he is a better driver after drink is well drunk lol


I have above average reflexes and even when drunk i am more alert than the average person


Classic drunk driver excuse..........

if you could read right after that i said i still should not drive drunk even though i am very alert when drunk. Which i am, you can have me tested.

which is why i have not driven drunk in years and wont again. Anyone above ~25years(this is a good cutoff for young ignorance) of age that still drives drunk is a complete retard and should be put down and his money and place in society given to a less fortunate person.


be honest ..were you tanked when you posted this ? if not ..please seek help before you do kill someone....i feel sorry for you ...

I'll just throw a couple of thousand baht notes out the window....guarantee the jacks wont be chasing the car.

If people want to drive like muppets I will do my best to get around them...if Somchai decides to start selling hot dogs in the middle of the intersection I wont be slowing down for him. And if Yohan and Inga from Sweden have a case of the wobbles because its the first time on a scooter...I will speed up and blow the horn, and if any falang goose on a powerful motorbike attempt to pull me over, they will be run off the road. I will pay the bribe at a time convenient to me.

I havent had a sober accident in ages and i dont intend to anytime soon...take note "do-gooders" ..I will be at the front of the pack

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