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Yingluck Must Stand Up And Face The Music: Thai Opinion


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Truth be told, even if the Shinawatra govt completely blew it with flood recovery, all the high and dry Isarn folk would still vote for them, while all the Bangkok tax payers who got soaked and are disgusted have just enough numbers to re-elect their own governor.

"Its a sad, sad situation" but unfortunately I think your surmisal sums up the situation pretty accurately!!!!

The ironic thing is that the first mildly difficult event/problem/situation was always going to pose problems for this amateurish political novice and her thuggish, smug incompetent charges whereby they would come unstuck and show their true colours at the first test of their capabilities!!!!

What on earth were the "people from the North" thinking about when they entrusted the running of the country to Pheu Thai. I bet their "trimphant faces" as they put their little "red cross" on that simple piece of paper has turned into a frown or scowl now!!!:annoyed:.

You only have yourselves to blame and how about thinking about what you are letting yourselves in for the next time, before deciding who you vote for!!!

Don't be fooled into voting for Thaksin's interests - a bit of advice here, why don't you do yourselves a big favour and consider the implications of what it means for YOU, and not just one cowardly tyrant who courts disaster in everything he does or stamps his mark on!!!!

By the way - just who has brain-washed Hammered - they certainly did a good number on him. He is a brave man though, as if it had been me in his position of receiving constant ridiculing at his irrational "apologist" postings then I would have been "outta here" a long time ago, believe me!!!! B).

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I didn't think it was that difficult to grasp. Why are people with legitimate grievances considered, by yourself at least, to be disgusting? Should legitimate grievances NOT be reported because they offend your political leanings?

You have made a fool of yourself I'm afraid.

I was obviously not referring to people with legitimate grievances as disgusting.I was referring, as I'm sure everyone but you grasped, to the reactionaries and quasi fascists like Thanong that exploit those grievances for their creepy political ends.

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".Indeed these disgusting people feed off legitimate grievances."

For some reason The Emporer"s New Clothes comes to mind.

To your mind perhaps but not to others.Care to explain the reference.

I didn't think it was that difficult to grasp. Why are people with legitimate grievances considered, by yourself at least, to be disgusting? Should legitimate grievances NOT be reported because they offend your political leanings?


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It makes no sense to let Abhisit, or an previous PMs, off the hook and to lay any blame solely on the current one.

Again, I ask: where are the flood plans of any of the previous PMs?

It is the duty of government to plan for such natural events.

One simply can't plan for or respond to such a situation when it is happening. It needs, well.....a plan.

You seem to have a major vendetta against Abhisit. Take a look at a very recent Bangkok Post breaking news headline as to what leading members in Phua Thai think of Abhisit's recent conduct.

Yeah, it might be a bit of a PR stunt to make PT look a bit more reasonable given this latest huge debacle, but I don't think they would hand out such praise undeservedly.

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I didn't think it was that difficult to grasp. Why are people with legitimate grievances considered, by yourself at least, to be disgusting? Should legitimate grievances NOT be reported because they offend your political leanings?

You have made a fool of yourself I'm afraid.

I was obviously not referring to people with legitimate grievances as disgusting.I was referring, as I'm sure everyone but you grasped, to the reactionaries and quasi fascists like Thanong that exploit those grievances for their creepy political ends.

You continue to insult and label those that disagree with you, even though you admit that they have legitimate grievances. " Reactionaries and quasi fascists" with " their creepy political ends" have as much right to a political view as yourself, so why should they not air what you describe as " legitimate grievances."

".Indeed these disgusting people feed off legitimate grievances." Please point out the obviousness.

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You continue to insult and label those that disagree with you, even though you admit that they have legitimate grievances. " Reactionaries and quasi fascists" with " their creepy political ends" have as much right to a political view as yourself, so why should they not air what you describe as " legitimate grievances."

".Indeed these disgusting people feed off legitimate grievances." Please point out the obviousness.

I'm sorry.My meaning was quite clear and I have explained it to you in a subsequent post although it didn't really need explaining.People who hold legitimate grievances are by definition not culpable in any way.My comments applied specifically to Thanong, who has a disgraceful record, and reactionaries like him.You seem to have difficulty in grasping the point and I suggest you read posts slowly and carefully if this is what is required to achieve comprehension in your case.

If you really want to carry on this exchange (and I hope you don't) you can do so by PM since it's of no interest to others.

Edited by jayboy
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The context to this opinion piece is that it is written by Thanong Khantong.That is really all one needs to know.

I would have expected you to be rather more sympathetic to the Nation at the moment, you know after the humbling experience you had a few days ago. An education is always something to be grateful for, even when it comes from an entity that one may initially find unpalatable.

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Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

So...the DEMS were sure they wouldn't be re- elected...is that what you are saying?

Otherwise (in this man made disaster... that anyone could have seen coming since it was months in the making...and which is a total eff up by the government) I hope they had an efficient plan to battle the flood in case of their re-election.

But since AV is not PM, I guess he guards it well and hides it, so he can reveal it, next time he gets elected and another flood like this one (man made....seen it coming for month...total eff up by the YS government) shows up...in the year 2062...

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Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

So...the DEMS were sure they wouldn't be re- elected...is that what you are saying?

Otherwise (in this man made disaster... that anyone could have seen coming since it was months in the making...and which is a total eff up by the government) I hope they had an efficient plan to battle the flood in case of their re-election.

But since AV is not PM, I guess he guards it well and hides it, so he can reveal it, next time he gets elected and another flood like this one (man made....seen it coming for month...total eff up by the YS government) shows up...in the year 2062...

And I declare Bakseedaa the winner - by a country mile!!!!!:jap:.

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It makes no sense to let Abhisit, or an previous PMs, off the hook and to lay any blame solely on the current one.

Again, I ask: where are the flood plans of any of the previous PMs?

It is the duty of government to plan for such natural events.

One simply can't plan for or respond to such a situation when it is happening. It needs, well.....a plan.

Ahh, a plan, of course there is truth that something should have been planned and executed decades ago to be ready to mitigate a situation like this. Totally true.

So it is valid to ask the question of every PM / their party for the last several decades - where is your plan? Why no action?

Now we eventually come to the paymaster - 8 or so years to get his act together on this subject - where's his plan?

Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

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Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

Yingluck is in the hot seat so the buck stops with her.

What amuses me is that she has time to go out and hand out food parcels etc and even has time to go and cook for the masses. I remember Thaksin playing the same tricks on the people handing out 1000 baht notes to the lumpenproletariat! I find this kind of behaviour naive to say the least. Yingluck should be managing the crisis not cooking in the street! Thaksin was completely wrong in handing out his (stolen?) money to the deserving masses. Who advises these people? At the end of the day they behave like children! People don't need chefs and one-off handouts. People need proper policies, proper management and politicians who are more than self-serving.

Incidentally I don't go along with the notion that all politicians are corrupt! Look at Greece, a country that has lived on social handouts, non-existent jobs for life in the civil service and a population who lived on handouts from the Government (or state). Where was the wealth creation in all of this? The moment the country runs out of money the lazy blighters are out on the street rioting - because they don't want to lose their free money! Well, there isn't such a thing as a 'free lunch' (as they say) and at some time the handouts have to finish. The behaviour of the Greek people to me shows that the problem is not necessarily corrupt politicians but populations who do not understand basic economics and are themselves greedy and corrupt. So one feeds off the other. At least in Thailand I see many people supporting their families, looking after their aged folk and so on. They don't need politicians who treat them like vote-fodder and lie and cheat. They deserve a good, intelligent and strong leadership.

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Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

So...the DEMS were sure they wouldn't be re- elected...is that what you are saying?

Otherwise (in this man made disaster... that anyone could have seen coming since it was months in the making...and which is a total eff up by the government) I hope they had an efficient plan to battle the flood in case of their re-election.

But since AV is not PM, I guess he guards it well and hides it, so he can reveal it, next time he gets elected and another flood like this one (man made....seen it coming for month...total eff up by the YS government) shows up...in the year 2062...

And I declare Bakseedaa the winner - by a country mile!!!!!:jap:.

Surprise, surprise !coffee1.gif

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Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

Yingluck is in the hot seat so the buck stops with her.

What amuses me is that she has time to go out and hand out food parcels etc and even has time to go and cook for the masses. I remember Thaksin playing the same tricks on the people handing out 1000 baht notes to the lumpenproletariat! I find this kind of behaviour naive to say the least. Yingluck should be managing the crisis not cooking in the street! Thaksin was completely wrong in handing out his (stolen?) money to the deserving masses. Who advises these people? At the end of the day they behave like children! People don't need chefs and one-off handouts. People need proper policies, proper management and politicians who are more than self-serving.

Incidentally I don't go along with the notion that all politicians are corrupt! Look at Greece, a country that has lived on social handouts, non-existent jobs for life in the civil service and a population who lived on handouts from the Government (or state). Where was the wealth creation in all of this? The moment the country runs out of money the lazy blighters are out on the street rioting - because they don't want to lose their free money! Well, there isn't such a thing as a 'free lunch' (as they say) and at some time the handouts have to finish. The behaviour of the Greek people to me shows that the problem is not necessarily corrupt politicians but populations who do not understand basic economics and are themselves greedy and corrupt. So one feeds off the other. At least in Thailand I see many people supporting their families, looking after their aged folk and so on. They don't need politicians who treat them like vote-fodder and lie and cheat. They deserve a good, intelligent and strong leadership.

Well stated piece!!!! Spot on!

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Truth be told, even if the Shinawatra govt completely blew it with flood recovery, all the high and dry Isarn folk would still vote for them, while all the Bangkok tax payers who got soaked and are disgusted have just enough numbers to re-elect their own governor.

Money talks. And votes.

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the silver lining of this flood disaster,,,

Yingluck's brother won't be returning triumphantly to Thailand anytime soon,,,

bangkok post headline "PM: I'm not indecisive"<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">the headline should say "PM: I'm not indecisive, I'm Yingluck"

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I would have expected you to be rather more sympathetic to the Nation at the moment, you know after the humbling experience you had a few days ago. An education is always something to be grateful for, even when it comes from an entity that one may initially find unpalatable.

I have no idea what humbling experience you refer to.I have humbling experiences all the time, and try to learn from them.

As to the Nation I have been a suscriber for decades and find there is as much in it to admire as dislike.Fortunately that reactionary Thanong does not embody The Nation.In truth I have no objection to his being given a platform not only because I believe in free speech (which incidentally he doesn't) but also it's good to know the enemy.

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I think the article makes a valid point that many of the Pro-Yingluck poster should consider.

The Japanese PM resigned after the Tsunami (clearly the PM didn't cause or was directly responsible for the actual creation of the tsunami), but his show of responsibility; in terms of the problems, the relief effort and fukoshima etc. that occurred post tsunami allowed the Japanese people to politically 'learn from the mistakes move on' Symbolic perhaps but the show of responsibility (i.e. his resignation) stopped the post tsunami Japanese politics from being mired in acrimony and finger pointing and with the 'villain' identified the politics moved on.

Without Yinglucks symbolic resignation, PTP has created a club for the Dems to repeatedly use to beat the government up with. If Yingluck is concerned about PTP she should resign - She is to blame for the post flood cock up, she should resign, and PTP will continue to govern with a new PM.

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Truth be told, even if the Shinawatra govt completely blew it with flood recovery, all the high and dry Isarn folk would still vote for them, while all the Bangkok tax payers who got soaked and are disgusted have just enough numbers to re-elect their own governor.

Money talks. And votes.

Votes don't talk and money doesn't vote!!!:blink:. However, giving away one gets the other so the giver can get more back and the voter loses in every way once the money's he's been given has gone!! If you get my drift :jap:.

Someone please tell "those up North" that this is how Thaksinomics works in the Yingluckonomy!!

Ultimate result: he wins with his accomplices help and you lose "big time" - not exactly clever, is it????????

This is to be repeated every 4 years, as this is what Khun T. demands and you must obey your master in what he commands!!!B).

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The blame game has already begun with all PT fingers pointing to the bk governor. It will build momentum once the floods are over. There's so much money to be taken from the trillions needed to rebuild. It will be everybody's fault except the shinawatras and the government. Yingluck's star may be on the low at this moment but after seeing the whole country vote PT after the red shirts (all PT) burnt the country, she can kill a child live on TV and people will still vote for her. TIT.

And so would the TV. Red Shirt´s, if they could.

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".Indeed these disgusting people feed off legitimate grievances."

For some reason The Emporer"s New Clothes comes to mind.

To your mind perhaps but not to others.Care to explain the reference.

Explaining the reference would be more difficult,

since you've now pulled it out of all context,

as seems to be one of your habits.

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I think the article makes a valid point that many of the Pro-Yingluck poster should consider.

The Japanese PM resigned after the Tsunami (clearly the PM didn't cause or was directly responsible for the actual creation of the tsunami), but his show of responsibility; in terms of the problems, the relief effort and fukoshima etc. that occurred post tsunami allowed the Japanese people to politically 'learn from the mistakes move on' Symbolic perhaps but the show of responsibility (i.e. his resignation) stopped the post tsunami Japanese politics from being mired in acrimony and finger pointing and with the 'villain' identified the politics moved on.

Without Yinglucks symbolic resignation, PTP has created a club for the Dems to repeatedly use to beat the government up with. If Yingluck is concerned about PTP she should resign - She is to blame for the post flood cock up, she should resign, and PTP will continue to govern with a new PM.

The last time PTP tried to replace a PM midstream, they didn't do to well out of it.

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I think the article makes a valid point that many of the Pro-Yingluck poster should consider.

The Japanese PM resigned after the Tsunami (clearly the PM didn't cause or was directly responsible for the actual creation of the tsunami), but his show of responsibility; in terms of the problems, the relief effort and fukoshima etc. that occurred post tsunami allowed the Japanese people to politically 'learn from the mistakes move on' Symbolic perhaps but the show of responsibility (i.e. his resignation) stopped the post tsunami Japanese politics from being mired in acrimony and finger pointing and with the 'villain' identified the politics moved on.

Without Yinglucks symbolic resignation, PTP has created a club for the Dems to repeatedly use to beat the government up with. If Yingluck is concerned about PTP she should resign - She is to blame for the post flood cock up, she should resign, and PTP will continue to govern with a new PM.

The last time PTP tried to replace a PM midstream, they didn't do to well out of it.

They weren't doing to well when the entered that stream as PPP and exited as PTP. The distinct smell of brimstone and steam surrounded them for some time.

Edited by animatic
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Thanks for standing behind your PM at a difficult time - NOT!

You actually think anyone else could handle this flood better? NOT, again!

Btw, where is the Abhisit flood plan? None.....

Disgraceful political attacks of incredibly bad timing. No wonder Thai society is in the ditch.

Abhisit is now Not the PM, so has no duty to have a flood plan... many people would have and could have handled this much better, it is a man made disaster because those in charege FORGOT to run the water down in over 20 dams, If they had reduced the dams to 20% of capacity, there would NOT have been any floods.. 80% of those dams capacity would easily have taken up the excess water .. Yinluck is completely responsible.. she placed the guys who were in charge.. its on her shoulders..!

Yingluck is in the hot seat so the buck stops with her.

What amuses me is that she has time to go out and hand out food parcels etc and even has time to go and cook for the masses. I remember Thaksin playing the same tricks on the people handing out 1000 baht notes to the lumpenproletariat! I find this kind of behaviour naive to say the least. Yingluck should be managing the crisis not cooking in the street! Thaksin was completely wrong in handing out his (stolen?) money to the deserving masses. Who advises these people? At the end of the day they behave like children! People don't need chefs and one-off handouts. People need proper policies, proper management and politicians who are more than self-serving.

Incidentally I don't go along with the notion that all politicians are corrupt! Look at Greece, a country that has lived on social handouts, non-existent jobs for life in the civil service and a population who lived on handouts from the Government (or state). Where was the wealth creation in all of this? The moment the country runs out of money the lazy blighters are out on the street rioting - because they don't want to lose their free money! Well, there isn't such a thing as a 'free lunch' (as they say) and at some time the handouts have to finish. The behaviour of the Greek people to me shows that the problem is not necessarily corrupt politicians but populations who do not understand basic economics and are themselves greedy and corrupt. So one feeds off the other. At least in Thailand I see many people supporting their families, looking after their aged folk and so on. They don't need politicians who treat them like vote-fodder and lie and cheat. They deserve a good, intelligent and strong leadership.

They're not only barking up the wrong tree - Pheu Thai - they're in the wrong forest, i.e., Thailand.

With Badluck Yingluck and the guy in Dubai, the Thai people are getting what they deserve, good and hard I'm afraid.

I feel pain for the people and the country. This is a shame and a sham.

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Amazing. A writer at the nation attaches a political position to Thai Rath's editorial policy, and it is accepted as the gospel truth. Thai Rath's attempt to remain neutral and tooffer constructive criticism is ignored. Instead, the editorial position is twisted out of context and used to justify more negativity from a small poisonous cabal. Thai Rath has not taken a political position on the flood situation. It has tried to highlight the difficulties and problems Thai people have suffered. Most of its articles when presenting critical comments either contain or are followed by another piece highlighting a positive story, or offering a suggestion or solution. It is a much different position from another group that appears to be solely focused on negativity.

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It is about time that the Army kick her out and put AV back in charge.

It is about time that the Thais kicked out foreigners that advocate illegal acts such as military coups.

Simple question, is it not an illegal act to buy votes too? your answer would be appreciated :)
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