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Thaksin Says He Has No Plans To Return Home


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Thaksin says he has no plans to return home

SEOUL, November 23, 2011 (AFP) - Fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra said Wednesday he has no plans to return home, following suggestions that the current government headed by his sister may seek to pardon him.

Thaksin told a news conference in South Korea that he would not go back until "reconciliation really happens" in his homeland.

Royal pardons are granted each December 5 on the birthday of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Thai media reported last week that this year's decree -- which needs to be approved by the king -- would be expanded to apply to "convicts who are at least 60 years old and are sentenced to under three years in jail".

Thaksin, who was ousted by the army in a 2006 coup, is 62 and lives in self-imposed exile in Dubai to avoid a two-year sentence for graft.

His potential pardon had threatened to inflame tensions in Thailand, with rallies both for and against the decree in recent days.

Thaksin, speaking during a private visit to South Korea, said he had been the victim of injustice since the 2006 coup "but I'm ready to sacrifice and stay outside until the whole country brings back reconciliation and unity.

"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

The Thai government late Sunday ruled out a pardon after strong criticism from opponents of a reported draft decree.

"(Thaksin) will not receive any benefit" from this year's royal pardon, Justice Minister Pracha Promnok told reporters.

But the reports came at a delicate time for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who is Thaksin's younger sister and widely considered his political proxy, as she faces criticism for her handling of floods which have killed more than 600 people.

The ex-leader said he had no ambition to go back to prepare to resume power since his sister had received a very strong mandate for her premiership.

"When reconciliation happens, then I will go. I don't mind which method -- amnesty or anything -- but it should be a solution for reconciliation."

Thaksin has been studying a massive flood control project during his four-day visit to South Korea. The $19 billion Four Rivers project is also aimed at conserving water and beautifying riverside areas.

He said the floods cost Thailand some 15 billion dollars, but damage could have been mitigated with a similar river control system.

Thaksin told reporters he had a plan in 2005 for a very similar project to South Korea's.

"Unfortunately in 2006, I was ousted by the military coup and now... (as) my party is running the country, we'd like to bring back the project which will be helpful for flood prevention and drought prevention."


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-11-23

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"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

You are part of the problem, and the only way you will be part of the solution is if you never come back.

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"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

You are part of the problem, and the only way you will be part of the solution is if you never come back.

I don't mean to disagree wb but I am inclined to think Thaksin IS the problem, the whole problem and nothing but the problem.B)

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Thaksin told a news conference in South Korea that he would not go back until "reconciliation really happens" in his homeland.

Good news.

See ya in 2031, then.

"When reconciliation happens, then I will go. I don't mind which method -- amnesty or anything -- but it should be a solution for reconciliation."


The solution is then 30 years in prison after you return.

See ya out in 2061, then.


Edited by Buchholz
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You're not following this. "Real conciliation" means what PTP says it means. It is very clear he intends to return in 2012 and possibly take over as Super PM. They just need to pass that law that forgives people on both sides, when everyone knows the entire purpose is opening the gate for Thaksin. Same game, different day. They won't give up.

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"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

You are part of the problem, and the only way you will be part of the solution is if you never come back.

founder of the problem.

Anyway he changes his mind within a split of a second and as long he can destroy anything.

A Nepotistic and Neroistic character.

The cables must have hit him. biggrin.gif

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Frankly speaking I can't blame him for trying to come back no matter what... between living in Dubai-even as a bilionaire- and living here in Bangkok as a billionaire there's simpy no comparison. I've lived in both and I wouldn't dream of going back to the UAE, Just saying...

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Reconcilliation is a pipe dream. What I mean is it is impossible to please everybody. Thus people should concentrate on achiving their own personal happiness.

The country is divided like any other country. Poor people, rich people, educated people, uneducated people, people who decide to follow religion in their lives and become a monks, etc, people who love corruption and have no ethics, people who have high ethics and have a strong sense of right and wrong, etc, etc.

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"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

You are part of the problem, and the only way you will be part of the solution is if you never come back.

Or stop telling lies about how Thailand has been unfair to you, and be honest for once.

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Meanwhile, today, from brother number two:

Deputy PM Chalerm goes forward with amnesty bill' date=' no need for referendum, confident Pracha can debate on it, asks Opp dont pull in 3rd hand[/quote']

Typical Thaksin doublespeak; say he's got no interest in returning on one hand, start pushing for a very divisive bill which will undoubtedly benefit him while causing chaos in the country on the other.

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What a farce.

Why would he want to come back come back?

He still has all the power and his sister is the one holding the bag.

To bad her education did not include common sense.

He says

""Unfortunately in 2006, I was ousted by the military coup and now... (as) my party is running the country, we'd like to bring back the project which will be helpful for flood prevention and drought prevention."

I only knew a little of the plan but to me it looked like it had some merit.

What he forgot to mention was that it was his party that failed to even try to implement it. They just let it go the way of the do do bird.

He would like people to think it was the Democrats. Unfortunately his backing is chock full of people willing to believe him. They stand around in eager anticipation of the next misdirection or out and out fabrication. The clown is not even smart enough to hire a decent speech writer to write speeches that cover up his intentions.

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Thaksin is waiting for the right time. Everyone in Thailand knows this although differnetr groups define it differently. He will however be back andnot in jail. And most of those who oppose him will accept this and not suffer either

'Thaksin is waiting for the right time.' I sense a cue for a Martini ad.

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"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

You are part of the problem, and the only way you will be part of the solution is if you never come back.

I think even if he moves to Siberia he will be a part of the problem.

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Frankly speaking I can't blame him for trying to come back no matter what... between living in Dubai-even as a bilionaire- and living here in Bangkok as a billionaire there's simpy no comparison. I've lived in both and I wouldn't dream of going back to the UAE, Just saying...

If he don´t like it in Dubai he can move to Nicaragua Montenegro or Nigeria.:whistling:

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Frankly speaking I can't blame him for trying to come back no matter what... between living in Dubai-even as a bilionaire- and living here in Bangkok as a billionaire there's simpy no comparison. I've lived in both and I wouldn't dream of going back to the UAE, Just saying...

Quote " ...................I.can't blame him for trying to come back....."

There's no need for him to try, as he's been free to come back to Thailand any time since he fled the country with Madame to see the Olympic games in Beijing, thus becoming a bail jumper.

Apparently he hasn't been trying hard enough. Only problem is he hasn't got the backbone to face his accusers. Pathetic really.

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Thaksin has beenstudying a massive flood control project during his four-day visit to SouthKorea. The $19 billion Four Rivers project is also aimed at conserving waterand beautifying riverside areas.

Every time I see a big project like this that may be consider and could become part of any project in Thailand, can’t stop thinking how much of $$$ will go into the packet of politicians

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Thaksin has beenstudying a massive flood control project during his four-day visit to SouthKorea. The $19 billion Four Rivers project is also aimed at conserving waterand beautifying riverside areas.

Every time I see a big project like this that may be consider and could become part of any project in Thailand, can't stop thinking how much of $ will go into the packet of politicians

After some souel searching he may implement a scheme to enable a money making/humanitarian plan to assist the Montenagiris during their rainy days. Experience and wherewithall should do the trick. Or should I say the geriatrick. Never too old to give it a go.Do you hear me then. BTW.. some things people believe I cannot.
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Not long ago he said, I be back in december. What happend?

Did little sister and PTP <removed> up?

Yes, they let someone they trusted attend the secret Cabinet meeting and he/she later spilled the beans about the pardon.

Coincidentally, this morning's other paper has Yingluck castigating her four cabinet ministers who leaked the secret pardon plans to the media, decrying their revelations as damaging to her government.


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"So I would not go back home until the reconciliation really happens," he said in English. "I don't want to be part of the problem but I want to be part of the solution."

You are part of the problem, and the only way you will be part of the solution is if you never come back.

I don't mean to disagree wb but I am inclined to think Thaksin IS the problem, the whole problem and nothing but the problem.B)


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