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Singaporean Boss Murders Wife's Lover In Bangkok


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Certainly the majority of the culpability here belongs to the wife -- she was more than willing -- I see no evidence that she was being raped or coerced. However, we must also consider the mindset of the "drift-racer" lover -- this was obviously a man who lived for danger and adrenalin rush -- and having your way with another man's wife, especially the bosses wife, is a great adrenalin rush ( I imagine).

Do you want to try ?? -- ThaiVisa has ad neadlines at the top of page 2 -- "Married Wife Affair " "Unfaithful Wife "

Edited by tigermonkey
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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

Yes, absolutely correct. But I suppose guys are overcome with jealous rage and have the primal instinct to destroy their 'competition'... also guys hate 'losing' their women and instinctively try and 'reposses' them. Sad to see how we are wired and how much agony and suffering we bring upon oursleves and others. Once you slight signs of cheating from a woman just let her go because 'once a cheat always a cheat'... lot easier said then done I suppose...also men are as much cheats as women are so...

70k salary plus condo plus gifts was clearly not enough for this lady...perhaps she was in 'love' with this driver guy or the singaporean was sleeping around. It will be interesting to know why she called him and wanted to break up...

Passion is the true crime...:-)

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I just can't see fighting or even worse killing someone over a woman. Why? Pick your toys up, stop the money, and see ya.

NO woman, not even my wife whom I dearly love, is worth me loosing my freedom over. Because if she cared in the first place, she wouldn't have done it.

As a friend told me one time after my divorce when I had financial problems because I had to give her everything, "Ralph, it's only money. You'll make more." You don't want me? BYE!

I hear what you are saying Ralph and looking in from the outside any sensible person would think the same thing.

However actually being in the situation is a totally different ball game.

If the guy really loved her he'd be hurt so deeply he would be depressed unable to think straight and basically be a physical and mental wreck.

Being in that frame of mind and actually seeing what he saw with his own eyes the last thing he's going to do is become Mr Spock and act logically, the guy is going to flip which obviously he did..

The French didn't call it crime of passion for nothing and as blessed with bravado as you would like to appear, if it happened to you and you were suddenly confronted with it, spontaneous actions would take over.

Unless of course your from Vulcan :jap:

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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

How can you come to such a conclusion from the scant evidence posted here? You know very little about this case and you recommend murder.

Catholic priests take vows of celibacy in front of their 'All-seeing, All-knowing God', yet they stray from time to time. It's human nature.

Thankfully, people such as yourself are limited in their actions to posting dribble on internet forums or writing to the Letters to the Editor section of the local newspaper.

The poster did not recommend murder! He said iced the chick - dumped her.

Edit: well maybe he did... the anger was indeed misplaced but murder is not an option either way.

Hmmm - I dunno, in my day icing someone meant putting them on ice - as in the motruary. Either way, I agree; if the bird's putting it around, sort her out. If the guys a nobody, then let him walk, if he shoulda known better then go to town on him too. Its not as if there aren't plenty 'ladies' for everyone without fcukin with someone elses.

Unfortunate business all the same....:annoyed:

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It said in the full article he was giving her $2900 a month living allowance, Can you spell StUpId? ha hablink.gif

Gosh with buying her a condo then giving her that kind of spending money its a wonder he did not find Taksin in his bed!rolleyes.gif

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I just can't see fighting or even worse killing someone over a woman. Why? Pick your toys up, stop the money, and see ya.

NO woman, not even my wife whom I dearly love, is worth me loosing my freedom over. Because if she cared in the first place, she wouldn't have done it.

As a friend told me one time after I devorced my first wife, when I had financial problems because I had to give her everything, "Ralph, it's only money. You'll make more." You don't want me? BYE!

I admire your rational outlook and you clearly speak from experience but I believe these crimes of passion are directly concerned with people being so distressed that they fail to exercise rational judgement. I think the accused man probably regrets his actions terribly but I do agree with you, nothing is worth losing your freedom over.

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It said in the full article he was giving her $2900 a month living allowance, Can you spell StUpId? ha hablink.gif

Gosh with buying her a condo then giving her that kind of spending money its a wonder he did not find Taksin in his bed!rolleyes.gif

I didn't think that it would be possible to get Thaksin into this thread ---- but you did it !!!!!!!

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Seconded. My last two girlfriend were non-bargirls. One of them quite wealthy, never really hit me up for money, but was a colossal PITA.

My last GF was an educated well employed girl. Recently she plugged her iPhone into my computer to charge, because she forgot her plug. Well. My iTunes downloaded all her pics automatically....Including the ones of her naked in bed with other guys... In the end her position was that I was the asshol_e for looking at her personal pictures. She even went through a period of denying that the pictures, in her iphone, were actually of her. Her final stance was I was her only boyfriend, those were gigs she just nailed for fun while I was away at work.

The short truth is the cultural divide is too wide. Successful relationships are the exception not the rule. Stick with the bar girls. In the end they wind up being cheaper than the girls you don't pay for, and you aren't broken up about it when they run off with another guy.

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I don't think the guy should be jailed or punished, this was a crime of passion. Anyone that sleeps with another man's wife should expect some kind of serious retaliation if caught. Why didn't he do her at his own condo or some hotel, very reckless on the lover's part.

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555 here we go 'all Thai girls are the same thread', 'I've been done, robbed, blah blah blah' thread you guys make me laugh, thanks...

the dead guy took a chance, I guess a drift racer lives on taking chances, his luck ran out, som nam na

He could have punished her more if he had controlled his anger maybe and planned to take everything he gave to her away, but this kind of anger must be nearly impossible to control and bottle away for revenge at a later date.

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Pity? He committed murder! I understand the injustice that he faced from his wife and employee, but that doesn't justify killing.

That said, don't lose too much sleep worrying about Mr. Hua's well being. With the kind of money he likely has, the "investigation" will simply come up empty-handed and he will never be heard from again.

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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

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Too many fish in the sea to get hung up over one of them. Singaporean should have kicked her to the curb with her buddy, recovered whatever of his property was left and moved on. He probably could have replaced her in no time at all.

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Lucky gal.

The hubby goes to prison or gets executed, she either gets his estate or alimony, then on to another punter.


I wouldn't marry a Thai lady, for sure. Selfish is an understatement. Devotion is a facade.

I say give them your body, give them some cash... but keep your heart.

Very, very few exceptions to the rule. However, they really do know how to play the part of dutiful wife... I am surprised their SOAPS are so crap with so many brilliant actresses around.

Anyone seen a pic of this 'lady'?

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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

Yes, but the reality is i have know a few white guys who thought they were married to a 'perfect wife' when in fact their 'perfect wife' had bfs/giks on the side. One of their wives was inviting my mate over to her and her husbands house in the afternoon (while hubby was working) for a nice romp regularly; i felt very bad for the husband because he was a nice guy and he sincerely, 100% trusted his wife. If you want to have a chance of marrying a Thai lady who wont cheat, then marry someone your own age or older, any farang who marries a thai lady 10 yrs + younger than him should expect that his wife has other guys on the side (at least this has been my experience after knowing dozens of such couples over the years in Asia...).

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Is there any news of the whereabouts of the murder suspect? If he wasn't so hot headed, he could have got his revenge by dumping the wife, who was probably a pro before he married her, and cutting her off financially, after selling her Beemer for parts. Thai divorce law is so ineffective, he wouldn't have got stuck with any alimony. Without dough she wouldn't have been able to hang onto to the drifter or any other Thai man. Instead the Singaporean idiot opted for a course of action he knows he would take the drop for back home and which can get him a life time of red rice in Thailand, if he can't pay his way out of it or just disappear. Not being related to the Happy Toilets and with evidence apparently stacked up against him, I wouldn't put money on him getting away with it. What a prat!

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It's obvious she wouldn't have told the 26yr lover about her singaporan cash cow. The guy should have wasted her and and sent the other guy on his way.

You can't say it's the lovers fault for what happened. Hope he has a good lawyer to get him off. Then go after her.

Some people just don't realise how good they have it until it's to late. !!

IMO. :blink:

The full article says the SIN guy employed him as a chauffer. He knew what he was doing, perhaps he paid too high a price, but he took a risk.

She's the one with blood on her hands now.He should have killed her instead.

Right on.

I guess that for the girl she has now put this behind her and she considers both these guys as history.

Probably has already found another trick or tricks to lavish her with gifts and to help increase her access.

She is the one with blood on her hands, but I doubt if justice will be served in this case. Tragically the 2 guys will have to pay and have taken the brunt for her sins.

As the wise man says; don`t get involved. Money can`t buy love although many guys believe anything can be bought if the price is right. This is simply not true.

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Feel bad for the Singaporean dude, ruining his life over a 2 satang biatch. Also feel sorry for the lover, amazing how much a lay could cost some nowadays...

Exactly my toughs as well. When you hear your lover shagging someone else behind closed door there are only 2 smart choices one can make: open the door and try to join in a 3-some or leave quietly and never look back. I feel sorry somebody was killed for no other reason than an urge to shag. R.I.P. The surviving parties are both losers and will pay the price for their actions.

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Feel bad for the Singaporean dude, ruining his life over a 2 satang biatch. Also feel sorry for the lover, amazing how much a lay could cost some nowadays...

Exactly my toughs as well. When you hear your lover shagging someone else behind closed door there are only 2 smart choices one can make: open the door and try to join in a 3-some


I wonder how this story would have ended up if he kicked down the door, pulled his pants down with a big sh*t eating grin, and yelled out "hey wait for me!"

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Too many fish in the sea to get hung up over one of them. Singaporean should have kicked her to the curb with her buddy, recovered whatever of his property was left and moved on. He probably could have replaced her in no time at all.

Yeah, definitely he was paying top dollar and could have replaced her with something much better in a heart beat. But he was in a fantasy where he believed he was a in a real relationship with a real person. Poor fool.

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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

question is was the man involved all alone? was he a long term boy friend laughing about the money they were squeasing out of this poor singapore lad.

i have to say if people play with fire and so on.....

the woman is just as much to blame though have to put myself in the singapore mans position.

he waited outside ear wigging on them for 30 minutes till his anger broke.

now if i was the man in bed then i would be the one to front him.

even if his attension was to stab the women maybe during the fight it was just first come at him first served.

on the other hand if this man was just some poor bloke who did not know she was married and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time then it is a very uinfortunate thing and the woman should face charges though i doubt there is a charge for cheating and aggravting murder.

there again how many of these stories are there out there.

i hope it sends a message out to these thai women who have a forang sponser and a thai boy friend alwys been by her side.

if u cannot be good be carefull.!!

Probably quite true. How many foreigners are abroad who have set up thier thai wives or intended wives in a home and are sending monthly payments thinking they are faithfully establishing the home enviroment pending hubby moving across. When all along she and the thai boyfriend are living comfortably on his hard work. You hear a number of stories like this (apart from the murder) happening in Thailand.

This kind of story also happen between Thai people. How many Thai rich guy have a young mianoi that they take care (condo, car, monthly allowance) and the young b.tch have one or more geeks ?

You can't trust any Thai woman, don't expect too much and you won't be desapointed.

Even you are rich, don't give her too much money, then if she stay with you, you will know it is not for your wallet...

And if you still want to take care in a very good way, keep everything under your name (car, condo, etc) so she will always know that she will lose everything if she leave you...

Good luck to the SIN guy.

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Too many fish in the sea to get hung up over one of them. Singaporean should have kicked her to the curb with her buddy, recovered whatever of his property was left and moved on. He probably could have replaced her in no time at all.

Yeah, definitely he was paying top dollar and could have replaced her with something much better in a heart beat. But he was in a fantasy where he believed he was a in a real relationship with a real person. Poor fool.

A lot of guys just do this to themselves. All the signs are there but they are so involved in the illusion that they go along with it until the end.

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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

Yes, but the reality is i have know a few white guys who thought they were married to a 'perfect wife' when in fact their 'perfect wife' had bfs/giks on the side. One of their wives was inviting my mate over to her and her husbands house in the afternoon (while hubby was working) for a nice romp regularly; i felt very bad for the husband because he was a nice guy and he sincerely, 100% trusted his wife. If you want to have a chance of marrying a Thai lady who wont cheat, then marry someone your own age or older, any farang who marries a thai lady 10 yrs + younger than him should expect that his wife has other guys on the side (at least this has been my experience after knowing dozens of such couples over the years in Asia...).

I'm 62 and wife is 52, although dam_n near everyone things we're both much younger - genetics and good life style. She works 7 days a week, calls me 3-4 times during the day to let me know where she is, where she's going, who she will be with, and to make sure I'm ok, that I've eaten, and see if I need anything. Only one person in her entire family has ever asked for anything, and that was a few thousand baht to get from Ubon back to Chiang Mai, and then up to Samoeng because her father was very sick, and that was paid back in a couple of months, even though I told her she didn't have to.

Do we have our differences? Of course, all marriages do. Most of our are based on cultural things, and part of it is the fact that I spent 20 years in the Marines and have some very definite ideas on certain things, which she's learned to accept, and which I've eased up on a bit. But other than that, I seriously doubt I could find a better wife in Thailand, or anywhere else for that matter.

But as for the man from Singapore, most likely he's holed up somewhere, trying to figure out what the hell to do next, and no doubt regretting his actions. Police have his passport, which makes it difficult, but not impossible, to get out of the country if he as money, which he apparently does. But as someone else mentioned, if he returns to Singapore, more than likely they would return him to Thailand. He's up the creek without a paddle in more ways than one. I feel sorry for the guy, but sometimes emotions run much higher, and burn much hotter, than common sense and rational thinking, and now he'll have to pay for that. Hopefully he'll get an "understanding judge", although I doubt that's possible.

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