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Nigerian senate passes anti-gay bill


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Inyeresting the amongst all the homophobic anti-gay countries in Africa that there is one common denominator, RELIGION.

Not always the same religion, sometimes Islam sometimes Christianity but mostly religion.

Perhaps it time to leave the gay community alone and start questioning the morals and ethics of so-called religous leaders.

We hear how wondeful and loving Chritsianity is and how Islam is a tolerant religion of peace. Both statements appear true as long as you are a 'true believer'.

There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it.:(

Amen to that. Any belief system based on unprovable superstition as a basis for ultimate authority is almost bound to attract the most bigoted and totalitarian sorts who use it as a justification to persecute others to sate their own sadistic drives.

I am going out on a limb here, but my experience in Africa tells me that most religions are shaped to fit with the traditional animist belief systems. Africans mostly have very strong traditions which make homosexuality difficult to accept as a lifestyle.

For example: many Africans would practice polygamy, which is kind of contradictory to Christian ethics. Polygamy is accepted by their traditional culture, whereas homosexuality is very foreign to them.

I agree it is more than the pure imported religions going on there.

Actually, the African leaders behind these severe laws will tell the world, respect our culture, it's our business. Well, it may be their business, but when they cross the line to severe oppression against any minority, they don't deserve respect.

That the 'respect our culture' perpetuates at all in the developed world is just a relic of the myth of the noble savage. The male initiation rights in some Papua N.G tribal cultures is nothing but sexual abuse by tribal elders on young boys (would be just as bad had girls been involved by the way). Equally female circumcision is a barbarous relic of a past age and is also a clear breach of universal human rights. The freedom of sexual expression likewise should be universal and Countries in clear breach of these rights should pay a price for their conduct.

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This is a serious issue in Nigeria and other severely anti-gay African countries. Governments from the west will be shy about criticizing because they know China is now a big power in Africa and never criticizes internal policies of other countries. The part about people facing charges for not ratting out friends, neighbors, and family is reminiscent of the worst totalitarian regimes in history.

Agreed, it is serious- personal jokes aside.

I want to re-itterate: South Africa allows same sex marriages, which not all Western Democracies do... so stop the Africa bashing.

Even with allowing same sex marriages.. it appears it's not without problems..This is an article I read a short while back


totster :D

Quite right, this shows that even though the government allows same-sex marriages, the South Africans with traditional belief systems still act against it. However, the SA government continues to create teams and groups to try to combat this problem of 'gay-bashing'. The Nigerian government is very different (opposite) in its approach.

From your article it was interesting to note that South Africa is 1 of only 10 countries that allow same sex marriages. So, the concept is quite new to the world. They are bound to have some problems with it- but again, SA is trying to become a tolerant society... Nigeria is moving in the opposite direction.

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From your article it was interesting to note that South Africa is 1 of only 10 countries that allow same sex marriages. So, the concept is quite new to the world. They are bound to have some problems with it- but again, SA is trying to become a tolerant society... Nigeria is moving in the opposite direction.

Not allowing same sex marriage is a denial of equality under the law.

Criminalizing all homosexuality and criminalizing not ratting out all known homosexuals is well beyond that to the point of overt institutionalized oppression.

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An off-topic post has been deleted. This topic is not about same-sex marriage or civil unions.

I can only hope that Nigeria will benefit from this legislation when the hardcore homophobes begin to migrate in large numbers. They will be safe from whatever it is they fear.

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