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A Female Luk Kruengs Viewpoint


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I got as far as the OP young lady saying she is returning to Thailand with her Farang boyfriend.:lol:

i don't know you, so I can't say one way or the other about you specifically.

No !! Nor can I, except his still young and thinks he knows it all. :rolleyes:

i will say it all night, sleeping with bar girls is filthy, and sleeping with old people is filthy.

Your wife is 3 years older than you so at what age does she get filthy. ? :lol:

Edited by Kwasaki
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This thread is getting way off topic... I would like to remind members that once upon a time, bargirl discussion was forbidden entirely, and this thread is beginning to be a good example of why. May I suggest returning to a more direct approach to the topic, i.e., foreign men in Thailand and/or the way they appear to others?

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The long and short of it, posters-in-arms, is that the lion's share of farang males come to or live in Thailand because they cannot get a woman at home they're sufficiently attracted to at their current juncture in life. Whether that is as a result of personality defects, aesthetics or plain old social and/or financial constraints is largely beside the point.

Some of these men are willing and happy to admit as much but the overwhelming majority live in a state of denial which is reinforced by the approval of like-minded individuals including many Thaivisa contributors - who share similar situations. It's easy to slate them if, like me, you are NOT aesthetically-challenged, NOT possessed of a boorish, chauvinistic and borderline-misogynistic attitude towards women and NOT satangless but consider this: if you couldn't attract and retain a good-looking, empathic, considerate woman in your homeland, would you 1) confront and tackle the areas in which you were deficient or 2) simply go to a place where such qualities could be overlooked in deference to money? I think I might very well opt for the latter.

For many, Thailand's pricing and overall economy transforms a cent into a dollar and a penny into a pound the minute they step off the plane and given that so many of these guys lead their interactions with the local ladies with their wallet, it shouldn't really come as surprise when their acquiescence has a direct correlation to the extent to which that wallet can be opened but if these men can't see that then, honestly, they deserve to get bitten - hard.

Personally, I'm not into the bar scene as I just don't like to bear witness to the pawing, sexual-objectification and downright disrespect patrons subject the girls to. I've been here nigh on four years and only stepped into a go-go bar twice - the second time, kicking and screaming - but I don't feel comfortable judging the girls or the men since, frankly, many of the girls live as well if not better than a lot of farangs in Thailand and, as I said earlier, where else can a loser-with-women have an opportunity to sample delights hitherto denied them?

I originally thought you were writing about farangland. Which is as you describe except the amount of moolah in the wallet must be more.

I have had no shortage of women in my home country but now I don't even look twice at a 'white' woman, give me an asian, of any country. Nothing to do with whether I can get a woman, I have one and am happy she is Thai.

Though I do wish she would stop beating me over the head with a rolled up newspaper just because she thinks it's funny. I can live with that though, makes me feel young and appreciated.:D

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they do it for money wow, never knew that.

thats what makes it so disgusting.

dont compare daughters being bargirls with other proffesions, there is no comparison, that is a statement bordering on insanity.

whatever my daughter chooses will be fine, if she is happy im happy, but not a bar girl.

be honest and admit its not what people desire, just be honest one time, no parent wants that above all, there fore it must be the lowest choice, i thought that was obvious.

tell me, you ran a bar yes, am i right or wrong, i get that feeling.

I think you will find THAT is exactly what some Thai parents do want for their daughters - well, they probably don't care if it is bar work, karaoke or whatever brings in the money. Try reading Daughters of Isaan or My name is Lon you like me ?

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Feeding a dog, rather than a bar- girl!


That is not really to be described with a "poor choice of words"!

Everybody to their own.

I would always feed a soi dog that was clearly hungry. There are too many in an obviously 'sorry' state, and my heart goes out to them.

Those who think it is preferable to feed a b/g rather than a soi dog, IMO have little concept of true 'need'.

Why on earth would anyone feel the need to defend their decision to feed a soi dog over a b/g :o!

One is human, the other isn't and accepting that we all know some humans are lower than pond life, a dog would never be fed in preference to the human.

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true cardholder, some even sell there children.

but if the parents are like that do you think the children will be well adjusted, or raised with morals when the parents did not have the morals to teach them.

Of course you can have an opinion, nothing wrong with that but the language you use is emotive and downgrading. Reference to feeding a dog instead of a bar girl was uncalled for. I would be more understanding if you actually knew of a bargirl that you thought of that way but to lump them all in the same way is just trolling for an emotional response. It is silly to lump them all in the same boat when you don't have much, if any, experience or interraction with them on a social level.

Your view, and the way you express it, has the hallmarks of someone who is manic and can be quite a dangerous person. Are you a deeply religious person? That is a question, not an accusation.

I do find it sad that you just automatically think the worst of people just because of a what a person does for a living instead of treating it on a case by case basis.

I will say no more.

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I originally thought you were writing about farangland. Which is as you describe except the amount of moolah in the wallet must be more.

I have had no shortage of women in my home country but now I don't even look twice at a 'white' woman, give me an asian, of any country. Nothing to do with whether I can get a woman, I have one and am happy she is Thai.

Though I do wish she would stop beating me over the head with a rolled up newspaper just because she thinks it's funny. I can live with that though, makes me feel young and appreciated.:D

One doesn't need to have money to get women in the West. If one relies on their financial standing in order to get ANY woman, shouldn't he, firstly, give consideration to the type of woman he's getting and, secondly, won't he always be mindful of the fact that there will always be another like-minded man around the corner with more money than him?? It's a guaranteed path to epic failure.

Personally, I utterly adore Western women; I also adore Asian and Black women. Too many foreign men in Thailand simply don't know how to handle relationships with Western women hence they gravitate to the seemingly more submissive Asian counterparts.

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I got as far as the OP young lady saying she is returning to Thailand with her Farang boyfriend.:lol:

i don't know you, so I can't say one way or the other about you specifically.

No !! Nor can I, except his still young and thinks he knows it all. :rolleyes:

i will say it all night, sleeping with bar girls is filthy, and sleeping with old people is filthy.

Your wife is 3 years older than you so at what age does she get filthy. ? :lol:

and lets stick to facts my wife is not 3 years older then me kwasaki.

I am only 35 daoyai, i'm under no illusions, we were friends for years first and never had that honeymoon stage.

you state that love is an illusion, many people find it, you may have not but you cannot say other do not.

people here have shown weakness to make an indirect comment aimed at my wife being a bar girl, she is an accountant if you must know.

not one of you would be man enough to say that to a pro fighters face, thats not a challange or bragging but a fact, total cowerdice to hide behind a keyboard and make personal comments, aim them at me not my family.

I expressed an opinion, but i never attack anyones family, thats low and weak and say it all night long it would not happen face to face.

you guys need to learn opinions are allowed that differ from your own, i may not like yours, but i respect your rights

Facts OK !! typo do apologize, she is 3years younger, the question still applies whether you were in front of me or what.:)

Calm down matey, I do understand I have children of my own at your age, fact.:)

I stated nothing about love being illusion, I have love and lost many times but I wouldn't bleat on about it on a public forum. fact.

I did not ask what your wife does for a living either. fact.

I respect your rights, yeah of course but I don't like the way you refer to old people. fact.

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and lets stick to facts my wife is not 3 years older then me kwasaki.

I am only 35 daoyai, i'm under no illusions, we were friends for years first and never had that honeymoon stage.

you state that love is an illusion, many people find it, you may have not but you cannot say other do not.

people here have shown weakness to make an indirect comment aimed at my wife being a bar girl, she is an accountant if you must know.

not one of you would be man enough to say that to a pro fighters face, thats not a challange or bragging but a fact, total cowerdice to hide behind a keyboard and make personal comments, aim them at me not my family.

I expressed an opinion, but i never attack anyones family, thats low and weak and say it all night long it would not happen face to face.

you guys need to learn opinions are allowed that differ from your own, i may not like yours, but i respect your rights

i have been in love and had a long marriage, and experienced love since... what I am implying is that as we go through our lives our viewpoints may change (or not) but you are judging and condeming people with different lives and experiences. You have so much to learn about life. You are correct that I am not "man enough" to insult your or anyones wife to their face. You, because you are a violent person, another man because it would be disrespectful and impolite. I hope your attitudes mature and mellow as you age.

Edited by daoyai
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You are correct that I am not "man enough" to insult your or anyones wife to their face. You, because you are a violent person, another man because it would be disrespectful and impolite. I hope your attitudes mature and mellow as you age.

I have seen this aggression in short men over the years. According to books on the subject, I understand that it is known as "small man mentality", often resulting from bullying at school.

I am sure that, in this case, Buddhist teachings will help to dampen any ingrained violent tendencies. That and Muay Thai of course which a natural escape for aggression.

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I am sure that, in this case, Buddhist teachings will help to dampen any ingrained violent tendencies. That and Muay Thai of course which a natural escape for aggression.

I've always found youngsters on fighting courses intensely violent and aggressive.

If anyone admits to me they take Muay Thai lessons, I will avoid them like the plague.

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Thailand doesn't seem to have pimps, different way of working to the west.

(I do have personal experience of how Thai bars, and the girls working there, operate)

Usually they come and go with a fair amount of freedom.

I would be fairly upset if one of my kids came home and said they were a cleaner or shelf stacker.

If they said they were a bar-girl, as long as the money was good and they were having fun, why not.

Surely you are trying to be funny???

You would pimp your daughter if the money was good??


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i dont take muay thai lessons, i retired from fighting.

trained from 4 to 35 so i don't do coarses.

you will meet some good guys in martial arts, may surprise you.

coarses are what tourist do who dabble for a few weeks or months then tell there friends they trained in thailand.

truth is i love muay thai, but i truly detest fighting out of the ring, I teach and have hosted self defence seminars, love that, teaching is the greatest joy.

fighting is however what two drunken fools do who cannot solve the dispute with words, later they are back where they started and talk about it anyway.

so they fought for what.

Edited by mataus101
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One doesn't need to have money to get women in the West.

Are you sure?

Have you tried it?

Well, he is partially right: you can easily bang them for free.

But when in a relationship, the typical Western female thinking pattern is: "his money is our money and my money is my money". And in case of a divorce men get fleeced like hell.

So get the free part from Western women and marry the Eastern - that's what is called optimized financial planning.

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i noticed i get torn to shreds when i talk bad about bargirls, however talking about white girls is fine.

could it be many people where burned by white girls and rather then buy a box of tissues to dry there eyes ran off to thailand.

dislike of white girls, love of bargirls, but a real deep hate of woman is common here i think, I could be wrong but everyone seems to have an evil white ex.

i'm friends with my 2 ex's, did not work so you move on.

there are some good woman out there in all cultures, hard to find but there there, hard for them to find a good man 2, then those 2 have to compramise and work together, very hard.

woman are beautiful.

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i will say it all night, sleeping with bar girls is filthy, and sleeping with old people is filthy.

and lets stick to facts my wife is not 3 years older then me kwasaki.

I am only 35 daoyai, i'm under no illusions, we were friends for years first and never had that honeymoon stage.

you state that love is an illusion, many people find it, you may have not but you cannot say other do not.

people here have shown weakness to make an indirect comment aimed at my wife being a bar girl, she is an accountant if you must know.

not one of you would be man enough to say that to a pro fighters face, thats not a challange or bragging but a fact, total cowerdice to hide behind a keyboard and make personal comments, aim them at me not my family.

You have some odd ideas - I also saw your photo on another thread posing with Adolf Hitler ;)

Are you a pro-fighter?

I'll be happy to ask you to your face :)

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