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Obama says U.S. asked Iran to return captured drone


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The last act of war between the US and Iran was done by Iran in 1979 when they took over the US Embassy in Tehran.

This act of war was done under the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the great apologist. Now we have Jimmy II in office and the Iranians are very likely to act again. Iran wants to become the dominant power in the Middle East and showing they can make the US beg for the return of the drone helps their end game.

Having spent 35 years in the Middle East, nearly five of it in Iran, I can assure you those in power in Tehran all look upon apologizing as a sign of weakness. Asking nicely for the return of the drone is the worst possible thing the US could have done.

If it was even in Iran when it went down, it should have been taken out with a surgical strike when it did go down. Then you sit back and laugh when the UN, China, Russia, et al starts frothing at the mouth for the impertinence of the US.

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The last act of war between the US and Iran was done by Iran in 1979 when they took over the US Embassy in Tehran.

This act of war was done under the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the great apologist. Now we have Jimmy II in office and the Iranians are very likely to act again. Iran wants to become the dominant power in the Middle East and showing they can make the US beg for the return of the drone helps their end game.

Having spent 35 years in the Middle East, nearly five of it in Iran, I can assure you those in power in Tehran all look upon apologizing as a sign of weakness. Asking nicely for the return of the drone is the worst possible thing the US could have done.

If it was even in Iran when it went down, it should have been taken out with a surgical strike when it did go down. Then you sit back and laugh when the UN, China, Russia, et al starts frothing at the mouth for the impertinence of the US.

How about this one


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I suspect I can't elaborate or it would be ruled off topic, but I repeat, everything from here is just theater, you can repeat your failed moral equivalence arguments till doomsday but if Iran was a person applying for a gun license the application would be turned down, you know it but persist in pretending otherwise.

Anyway .....Your post remains so I guess I can reply although I do not see how it is on topic.....Just more hype/speculation/fear mongering but...

As to your analogy....Who died & made the US the ATF of the world?

Why does a country like Iran have to apply for this mythical permit you suggest yet countries like Israel go unchecked?

Why does a country like Iran need to apply to others who hold no lawful rights over them?

Your right in a way though it is hype from here & leading to here also.

But when The SHTF watch who actually draws first blood or who makes the first attack/invasion....Yes it will be called pre-emptive yet it is just a word used to justify the unjustifiable.

Edited by flying
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The last act of war between the US and Iran was done by Iran in 1979 when they took over the US Embassy in Tehran.

Not that it is on topic but......Your assumption does not take into account that the take over was the culmination of things that went before.....not some random act.

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P.S You know full well whats coming but insist on waving your constitutional flag in the face of a threat who would abolish it in a heartbeat.

I am not religious per se'

But god have mercy on the chicken little's of the world that run around screaming such nonsense.

Anything coming will be preceded by those who insist on invasion/occupation/dictating to the world what they can & cannot do in their own country.

Instead of telling others how to clean their homes lets start with our own....

Remember we are also speaking f countries who not long ago declared any information hacking would be seen as an act of war....

Yet feel free to go gather what info they deem open to their technology in any country????

Ok lets go transparent then eh? Fair is fair eh?

Let all countries allow spy drones to check on their nukes??? Fair?? Yes....Allowed? NO

Imagine the US or Israel's reaction to a Iranian spy physical or drone checking on them as a nuclear threat.... :)

Yeah that would be no problem at all....


I suspect I can't elaborate or it would be ruled off topic, but I repeat, everything from here is just theater, you can repeat your failed moral equivalence arguments till doomsday but if Iran was a person applying for a gun license the application would be turned down, you know it but persist in pretending otherwise.

of course an Iranian applying for a gun license in the U.S. would be turned down and so would any American be turned down if he applied for one in Iran.

where's the beef? huh.png

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Anyway .....Your post remains so I guess I can reply although I do not see how it is on topic.....Just more hype/speculation/fear mongering but...

As to your analogy....Who died & made the US the ATF of the world?

Why does a country like Iran have to apply for this mythical permit you suggest yet countries like Israel go unchecked?

Why does a country like Iran need to apply to others who hold no lawful rights over them?

Your right in a way though it is hype from here & leading to here also.

But when The SHTF watch who actually draws first blood or who makes the first attack/invasion....Yes it will be called pre-emptive yet it is just a word used to justify the unjustifiable.

At least the US is trying to do something about this. If they didn't, who else would? Rwanda? Very few countries have drones or the ability to gather and dissect intelligence.

The US knows what nuclear arsenal Israel has, and Israel is open with the US regarding that. The world has no idea what Iran has/is doing. That's what's scary. No inspections allowed. Open up to inspections and things will calm down a bunch.

If these actions stop a dirty bomb from being exploded somewhere, great! I'm all for chicken little. LIke mentioned above, once Iran becomes nuclear, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc, will all be chomping at the bit to join the club also. Not a good future for sure.

As for spying, you don't think Iran has spies in Israel? Guaranteed they do:


An Iranian-born Israeli has been arrested and charged by the Israeli authorities with spying for Iran, police say.


Kuwait Denies Deal to Release Iranian Spies

Kuwait has denied it agreed to release convicted Iranian spies in exchange for two of its citizens detained for violating visa rules.

You come down so hard on the US, but when these other countries do the same things, or worse, you've got no comment????

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You come down so hard on the US, but when these other countries do the same things, or worse, you've got no comment????

I would respond to your Israel comments but think it is too far OT & will be removed....

That aside & as for the comment I quoted of yours....

Perhaps it appears that way to you because the US is my home & my government representing me in the world.

Of course I will be most concerned by any actions they commit in my/our name that is not above board.

Secondly I do comment often on injustices that are reported here & done by others countries when it is inhumane but most of those have cheering sections here & get yelled down in defense of that countries right to do as they please.

If the actions you are referring to are civil wars in other countries....Yes I do not feel the need to comment as it is none of my or my countries business anymore than a civil war in America is the worlds business.

You say...." when these other countries do the same things, or worse," Please give an example of one that is similar....because aside from civil wars which many times are actually backed by larger influences such as installing puppet regimes I do not remember any recent incidents to comment on.

But I think if you look back at my posts you will find they are consistent.

Lastly I would ask that if you do not have any facts or actual comment to make on the topic at hand then drop it.....It is not about me it is about a spy drone .....You want to justify that fine go for it.

You want to decry another countries ability to capture a foreign spy physical or mechanical found inside their air space/ borders? Fine go for it.

For myself I rather give the same consistency I would to our own country if the situation were reversed......Period

I am a US citizen who lives/votes/pay's taxes in the USA....I have every right to not agree with how our elected government conducts itself outside of our country.

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For myself I rather give the same consistency I would to our own country if the situation were reversed......Period

In the real world, might makes right. If another larger, stronger country wants to fly a drone over your country on you there is nothing you can do about it. Tit for tat will just get you smacked down hard. That's life. Maybe someday in the future we can start over again after most everyone has been nuked out of existence but for today, that's just the way it is.

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In the real world, might makes right. If another larger, stronger country wants to fly a drone over your country on you there is nothing you can do about it. Tit for tat will just get you smacked down hard. That's life.

That may be how some think today but it is not the thinking that made America great nor is it the thinking America was founded on....In fact the exact opposite.

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One thing I do notice here on TV is many who have abandoned the USA to live elsewhere

tend to feel a need to over compensate with some form or other of blind cheer leading.

Why use the word 'abandoned'? I relocated from the US, but not from 'turning away from anything/anyone' but rather being drawn towards residing in Thailand. I still have dozens of dear friends in the US, and I plan to travel there to hike in its enchanting national parks. You're right about some of us feeling a renewed patriotism, though that's nothing to do with 'blind cheer leading' (your words).

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One thing I do notice here on TV is many who have abandoned the USA to live elsewhere

tend to feel a need to over compensate with some form or other of blind cheer leading.

Why use the word 'abandoned'? I relocated from the US, but not from 'turning away from anything/anyone' but rather being drawn towards residing in Thailand. I still have dozens of dear friends in the US, and I plan to travel there to hike in its enchanting national parks. You're right about some of us feeling a renewed patriotism, though that's nothing to do with 'blind cheer leading' (your words).

Fair enough in your case & I am sorry as I did not mean to pigeon hole everyone.

As I said many but did not mean all.

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One thing I do notice here on TV is many who have abandoned the USA to live elsewhere

tend to feel a need to over compensate with some form or other of blind cheer leading.

Why use the word 'abandoned'?

It is just silly rhetoric with no logic. Americans are free to live where they want to. Living abroad is not a crime and plenty of people who love their country do.

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of course an Iranian applying for a gun license in the U.S. would be turned down and so would any American be turned down if he applied for one in Iran.

where's the beef? huh.png

Ok, your point also boils down to an equivalence argument, indeed the inmates of a mental asylum may be as convinced their warders are nuts, just as the warders think the inmates are. I would suggest an objective third party would be needed in an ideal world and would suggest organizations such as Amnesty international and Freedom house would be a good place to start, and then there is the simple test as to which Countries are signatories to the Universal human rights declaration.

Actually leaders apart Iran has the potential to be a great Country and from what I've read many of their citizens seem far more favorably disposed towards the U.S regime than their own, which does not apply in reverse, except perhaps with the exception of some of our esteemed posters here. whistling.gif

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As I wrote, everything from here on in is just theatre, the die have been cast.


Iran has embarked on "activities related to possible weaponization," said American sources Wednesday, Dec. 22, thereby accounting for the dramatic reversal of the Obama administration's wait-and-see attitude on attacking Iran.

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Iran to give US bright pink toy spy drone as 'gift'

Sun Jan 29 2012 16:43

An Iranian toy maker has responded to US requests to return a downed RQ-170 spy drone by sending President Barack Obama a bright pink model of the plane.


"We wanted Mr Obama himself to have these toys and know that Iranians don't leave anyone's requests unanswered.

"We made the 'RQ' in pink as it is Mr Obama's favourite colour and we will send it to him via the Swiss embassy," said the head of the cultural department, Seyyed Saeed Hassan-Pour.

"We decided to show that we can deal with this issue in a very friendly and peaceful manner and put it in the playful hands of the children of Iran to pursue a 'soft war' with Mr Obama and the US.



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