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Thailand Will Only Reunite If The Reds Are Disbanded, Abhisit Says


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I'm sick of baby Abhisit crying about the red shirts. He can't stand it because he was VOTED out. In other words, the PEOPLE did not want him. He's part of the pu$y Bangkok elite that have ran their course. I'm glad the PEOPLE are standing up for them selves and VOTING out the ones that do nothing except whine like babies.

Nobody likes a cry baby. That's why Yingluck is so great. You wouldn't catch her crying on camera, now would you?

As for whining, you would never catch a red shirt doing that. When they get found guilty, they hold their hands straight up and say, "fair enough, i did the crime, i'll do the time".

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I'm sick of baby Abhisit crying about the red shirts. He can't stand it because he was VOTED out. In other words, the PEOPLE did not want him. He's part of the pu$$y Bangkok elite that have ran their course. I'm glad the PEOPLE are standing up for them selves and VOTING out the ones that do nothing except whine like babies.

Admit it. You also think that Abhisit is a good man and clean polititian.

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The red shirts are not the problem and asking them to 'disband' is unreasonable. The real problem is the billionaire puppeteer and his politics of division.

They are one of the same problem,if either of the two were to go away,there would still be a major problem!

No Democracy any time soon,because neither Thaksin or the Red Shirts know the meaning of Democracy,to them both it's only Power (to get their own way) that counts,as their interpretation of Democracy.

They feed off each other!

Edited by metisdead
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<br />
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<br />I don't think the Redshirts would  comply with a PTP or  Thaksin request to disband. The Redshirts are using Thaksin, just as he has used them. As soon as they are of no use to each other, they will turn on each other.<br />
<br />Quite a bit of truth in that i'd say.<br />
<br />I would say what Abhisit was really getting at is that the reds as a political tool for Thaksin must go away. The reds without Thaksin are hardly a problem. Their complaints can be addressed through normal procedures, and an organization, even one as militant as the reds, can be negotiated with. They aren't all sociopaths.<br /><br />It is the way Thaksin has corrupted them for his own purposes that is the real problem. And yes, I'm sure there are naive leaders within the red shirt who believe they can use Thaksin and then discard him when they are done. Should Thaksin ever succeed in his goal to reconquer the country, they will find out how truly wrong they are.<br /><br />All that has to happen is that Thaksin denounces the reds, and they are effectively done as any kind of meaningful force in the country.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No. All he has to do is stop writing checks. After the initial backlash a few bombs from disgruntled red guards, the mayhem will eventually stop because the reds have no alternative funding source. Any money the red middle leadership got their greedy little hands on would surely stay in said hands...

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

The argument for the yellows and the Dems not being one and the same, is far more convincing though, wouldn't you say? I mean, the yellows actually campaigned at the last election for people to not vote Dem. Actions speak louder than words, and that act sent a pretty clear message i would say.

The reds on the other hand, with their Thaksin face masks and t-shirts, urged people to vote PTP, who just happened to run with Thaksin's sister as leader. Another pretty clear message. Certainly a more believable message than the one we hear daily on here from red sympathisers; always attempting to find differences that only exist in their minds.

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I guess the people in the red movment can decide to leave it if they want as part of reconcilliation but to think that it can be disbanded from above is a bit undemocratic. From what I have seen across the north and during some recent time in the Isaan, it is also a truly vast movement. It probably has more memebers than the democrat party has by a long long way. I think Abhisit is dreaming to be honest, the reds arent goign away and cant be shut down and are part of the future whether the elite like it or not. What is really needed is an acomodation betwen groups and not attempts to exclude ones especially one as powerful and large as the red movement

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The Reds are our best protection for democracy against the Yellows, Blues, Multi color ....

The only reason we didn't have a repeat of the previous election when the Yellows created mayhem until they had the government of their choice against the popular vote is because this time they knew they will have the Reds in front of them.

Disband the Yellows and the Reds will disappear because they will have no reason to exist.


Put the Bangkok elite into their rightful place (subject to the same laws and justice as the average Thai citizen), create a military which answers to the civilian government, etc., and the red shirt movement would peter out.

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I guess that would also have to include the Yellows, the multi colours, perhaps even a few political parties etc?

Cannot agreed more. All these yellow, red, blue, black ,white, purple etc are putting the country into chao and backwards.

All for their own interest at the expense of the citizens.

Bring back the land of smile that i know of 20 years ago.

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

I don't disagree with you and I think you're on to something, but what exactly is the Red Shirt's ideology. Is it printed somewhere? Is there a maifesto or party platform?

I had heard it was about no double standards but almost everything they do belies that assertion. So what DO they stand for?

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The Reds are our best protection for democracy against the Yellows, Blues, Multi color ....

The only reason we didn't have a repeat of the previous election when the Yellows created mayhem until they had the government of their choice against the popular vote is because this time they knew they will have the Reds in front of them.

Disband the Yellows and the Reds will disappear because they will have no reason to exist.

I do agree with this comment...

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I'm sick of baby Abhisit crying about the red shirts. He can't stand it because he was VOTED out. In other words, the PEOPLE did not want him. He's part of the pu$$y Bangkok elite that have ran their course. I'm glad the PEOPLE are standing up for them selves and VOTING out the ones that do nothing except whine like babies.

I like it.... :jap:

I love it thumbsup.gif

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

I don't disagree with you and I think you're on to something, but what exactly is the Red Shirt's ideology. Is it printed somewhere? Is there a maifesto or party platform?

I had heard it was about no double standards but almost everything they do belies that assertion. So what DO they stand for?

The concept of a manifesto, in the western sense seems lacking here. My village and others are currently in the countdown to electing a new Obador. There are 7 candidates and I look forward to election day, the 25th December. Every moment of the day there are at least 3 different loudspeaker trucks going up and down the road and exhorting people to vote for their candidate.

Now the thing is when I ask people what each candidate offers, no one knows, they just vote for the guy they know, or perhaps plays the best music partytime2.gif

Looking at the national parties I see equal vagueness in their policies, just a few popular vote catchers. Real policies, education, health, transport, trade, housing, environment, etc just get a nod.

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

I don't disagree with you and I think you're on to something, but what exactly is the Red Shirt's ideology. Is it printed somewhere? Is there a maifesto or party platform?

I had heard it was about no double standards but almost everything they do belies that assertion. So what DO they stand for?

Power and wealth,at any cost to Thailand!

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The redshirts campaigned under the slogan " no double standards."

Campaigned under it and then proceeded to show themselves to be as adept at applying double standards as anybody else.

The people want Law and Order and they want it equally applied.

LOL. And you have the audacity to accuse others of being brainwashed?!

He sounds like this guy: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001366680656

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Abhisit is a moron. The "Dear Moron Brother number 2". Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets and who followed and gave the orders are locked up in jail for a very very long time. Furthermore, Abhisit should be concerned about what he himself can control. Maybe that is disbanding his own party, going after the people who bought the judges in the TPI case and asking the yellow (or multi color) shirts to disband. Furthermore he should probably apologize and bow deep to the Thai people for using article 112 to lock up political opponents.

"Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets"

No one ordered mass murder. Can we have reconciliation now?

I am sorry, but the only thing that I believe Abhisit did wrong, with regard to the red shirts, was not clear them away sooner. He had the obligation to Thai society, to clear them away after 2 weeks. That was enough time for them to make their point. After that, it just became disruptive. It nearly shut down the capital. By waiting so long, the reds entrenched themselves. Eventually the movement got away from the leaders. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. Forget this, and move on with your life. You are dwelling on something that was necessary, and correct. There was no crime in these killings. The only crime was letting this thing continue for 7 plus weeks.

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Abhisit is a moron. The "Dear Moron Brother number 2". Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets and who followed and gave the orders are locked up in jail for a very very long time. Furthermore, Abhisit should be concerned about what he himself can control. Maybe that is disbanding his own party, going after the people who bought the judges in the TPI case and asking the yellow (or multi color) shirts to disband. Furthermore he should probably apologize and bow deep to the Thai people for using article 112 to lock up political opponents.

"Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets"

No one ordered mass murder. Can we have reconciliation now?

I am sorry, but the only thing that I believe Abhisit did wrong, with regard to the red shirts, was not clear them away sooner. He had the obligation to Thai society, to clear them away after 2 weeks. That was enough time for them to make their point. After that, it just became disruptive. It nearly shut down the capital. By waiting so long, the reds entrenched themselves. Eventually the movement got away from the leaders. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. Forget this, and move on with your life. You are dwelling on something that was necessary, and correct. There was no crime in these killings. The only crime was letting this thing continue for 7 plus weeks.

I see what you are saying, but when you consider the finger pointing going on in Abhisit's direction now, after he showed all the restraint that he did, by waiting all those weeks before acting, can you imagine how much extra blame would be piled on him now, had he made a move after two weeks? He knew things would get ugly, and he knew the reds would castigate him for it whatever, but he knew at some point, he would have to do it. Leaving it as long as he could was quite understandable.

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

I don't disagree with you and I think you're on to something, but what exactly is the Red Shirt's ideology. Is it printed somewhere? Is there a maifesto or party platform?

I had heard it was about no double standards but almost everything they do belies that assertion. So what DO they stand for?

Power and wealth,at any cost to Thailand!

In fact IMHO the red shirt members (especially the rank and file) have been totally duped. They have been led into believing that on the paymasters return suddenly there will be a 'bing' moment and they will be rich, have nice houses, nice cars, money in the bank, debt free, etc.

Their paymaster and his immediate lieutenants beat the drum about democracy and justice, no double standards, but in reality its' a total and unethical smokescreen. There can be little doubt that the lieutenants are on a payout.

The sad part is that there is great inequity in this country which urgently needs addressing, and the sad fact is also that the reds and the pt have made no comment / offered nothing in regard to structured reform which would provide the circumstances whereby the poor could raise their standard of living through their own productivity.

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Abhisit is a moron. The "Dear Moron Brother number 2". Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets and who followed and gave the orders are locked up in jail for a very very long time. Furthermore, Abhisit should be concerned about what he himself can control. Maybe that is disbanding his own party, going after the people who bought the judges in the TPI case and asking the yellow (or multi color) shirts to disband. Furthermore he should probably apologize and bow deep to the Thai people for using article 112 to lock up political opponents.

"Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets"

No one ordered mass murder. Can we have reconciliation now?

I am sorry, but the only thing that I believe Abhisit did wrong, with regard to the red shirts, was not clear them away sooner. He had the obligation to Thai society, to clear them away after 2 weeks. That was enough time for them to make their point. After that, it just became disruptive. It nearly shut down the capital. By waiting so long, the reds entrenched themselves. Eventually the movement got away from the leaders. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. Forget this, and move on with your life. You are dwelling on something that was necessary, and correct. There was no crime in these killings. The only crime was letting this thing continue for 7 plus weeks.

Dear magickingdom, you need to do your research again, your post includes several absolute errors of fact. Might help if you did some research about Thai politics and incidents for the last 20 years (a t least) also.

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Thaksin is a personality cult, Red shirts are an ideological cult, they can work together against a mutual enemy but it is just a marriage of convenience. In the same way the Yellow shirts, Democrats, ultra royalists and army can seem to be hand in hand but in reality simply share a limited number of common ideals.

I don't disagree with you and I think you're on to something, but what exactly is the Red Shirt's ideology. Is it printed somewhere? Is there a maifesto or party platform?

I had heard it was about no double standards but almost everything they do belies that assertion. So what DO they stand for?

Power and wealth,at any cost to Thailand!

In fact IMHO the red shirt members (especially the rank and file) have been totally duped. They have been led into believing that on the paymasters return suddenly there will be a 'bing' moment and they will be rich, have nice houses, nice cars, money in the bank, debt free, etc.

Their paymaster and his immediate lieutenants beat the drum about democracy and justice, no double standards, but in reality its' a total and unethical smokescreen. There can be little doubt that the lieutenants are on a payout.

The sad part is that there is great inequity in this country which urgently needs addressing, and the sad fact is also that the reds and the pt have made no comment / offered nothing in regard to structured reform which would provide the circumstances whereby the poor could raise their standard of living through their own productivity.

"In fact IMHO the red shirt members (especially the rank and file) have been totally duped. They have been led into believing that on the paymasters return suddenly there will be a 'bing' moment and they will be rich, have nice houses, nice cars, money in the bank, debt free, etc."

If you truly believe this and it is not just rhetoric, then I assume you also believe in the Christmas fairy. Then again you probably believe the PAD view that all Reds are illiterate , uneducated country bumpkins.

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. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. .

Holy Cow...clap2.gif

Absolutely correct. It should have happened much sooner. Two weeks should have been all the time allowed. Many are apologists for the disrupters of society. There is only so much anarchy that should be allowed, and that is all the red shirt protests were.

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. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. .

Holy Cow...clap2.gif

Absolutely correct. It should have happened much sooner. Two weeks should have been all the time allowed. Many are apologists for the disrupters of society. There is only so much anarchy that should be allowed, and that is all the red shirt protests were.

91 deaths was the price the reds had to pay to end the cycle of violence. Abhisit was stuck between a rock and hard place. Between the call for blood of the yellow brigades and the calculated risk taken by the reds to prevent further unrest. If he had stopped the protest too early, he would have proven the double standard he was accused of, further enraging his opposition. By waiting, he made the tolerance of the general population growing thinner and thinner for future protest, the calculation of the red leaders, making further protest from yellows almost impossible.

It worked according to plan for the reds. 91 persons payed the high price for democracy. They should not be forgotten.

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. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. .

Holy Cow...clap2.gif

Absolutely correct. It should have happened much sooner. Two weeks should have been all the time allowed. Many are apologists for the disrupters of society. There is only so much anarchy that should be allowed, and that is all the red shirt protests were.

91 deaths was the price the reds had to pay to end the cycle of violence. Abhisit was stuck between a rock and hard place. Between the call for blood of the yellow brigades and the calculated risk taken by the reds to prevent further unrest. If he had stopped the protest too early, he would have proven the double standard he was accused of, further enraging his opposition. By waiting, he made the tolerance of the general population growing thinner and thinner for future protest, the calculation of the red leaders, making further protest from yellows almost impossible.

It worked according to plan for the reds. 91 persons payed the high price for democracy. They should not be forgotten.

"calculated risk taken by the reds to prevent further unrest." ... sorry ... which planet have you been on?

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Absolutely correct. It should have happened much sooner. Two weeks should have been all the time allowed. Many are apologists for the disrupters of society. There is only so much anarchy that should be allowed, and that is all the red shirt protests were.

91 deaths was the price the reds had to pay to end the cycle of violence. Abhisit was stuck between a rock and hard place. Between the call for blood of the yellow brigades and the calculated risk taken by the reds to prevent further unrest. If he had stopped the protest too early, he would have proven the double standard he was accused of, further enraging his opposition. By waiting, he made the tolerance of the general population growing thinner and thinner for future protest, the calculation of the red leaders, making further protest from yellows almost impossible.

It worked according to plan for the reds. 91 persons payed the high price for democracy. They should not be forgotten.

"calculated risk taken by the reds to prevent further unrest." ... sorry ... which planet have you been on?

It hurts to to realize you have been outplayed, isn't it ? crying.gif


Edited by JurgenG
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Abhisit is a moron. The "Dear Moron Brother number 2". Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets and who followed and gave the orders are locked up in jail for a very very long time. Furthermore, Abhisit should be concerned about what he himself can control. Maybe that is disbanding his own party, going after the people who bought the judges in the TPI case and asking the yellow (or multi color) shirts to disband. Furthermore he should probably apologize and bow deep to the Thai people for using article 112 to lock up political opponents.

"Reconciliation comes when the people who ordered mass murder in Bangkok's streets"

No one ordered mass murder. Can we have reconciliation now?

I am sorry, but the only thing that I believe Abhisit did wrong, with regard to the red shirts, was not clear them away sooner. He had the obligation to Thai society, to clear them away after 2 weeks. That was enough time for them to make their point. After that, it just became disruptive. It nearly shut down the capital. By waiting so long, the reds entrenched themselves. Eventually the movement got away from the leaders. He had no choice. Killing 91 people was a tiny price to pay for the havoc they reaped. Forget this, and move on with your life. You are dwelling on something that was necessary, and correct. There was no crime in these killings. The only crime was letting this thing continue for 7 plus weeks.

Not sure if I agree with thr words "Killed Them"

I you place your self in a place where you could diie then you could say they committed suicide

I mean can you blame a truck driver if you jump in front of his fast moving truck

A famous saying once said the "Acceptance of evil, is the greatest thing to make evil survive"

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