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Why Are There So Many Russian Salespeople Here?


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I thought they were allowed to work to cater to other Russiona, but a Thai lady at Raimond said they don't buy condos, they have no money. I thought you couldn't take a job from a Thai? I even saw one guy working the counter at Foodland last week.

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They are taking jobs from Thai's. I regularly see a few selling tours around Jomtien soi 16 Beach road. I doubt that work permits would be issued for this type of work?

Why not most real estate dudes are expats selling to expats.

It sounds best if a Russian says: Niet or da and not with a Thai accentbiggrin.png

I also get the impression that Russians are buying big time in Pattaya, the houses behind ours are owned by some and its an expensive house/land at almost 10 mill bath range.

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There is a sandwich board on 3rd road outside a "very large gym complex" advertising Wanted Russian women. I will leave it up to the Thai Visa readers to work out what the "work" might involve.

As for holiday makers not having money...its easy to have money if you never spend much in the first place. 7/11 for the booze. Skanky old hotel towel for your bit of beach. Food courts for the grub. All you can eat buffets in the Central Festival. Food carts on the streets. Frugal is one word. The locals have 2. Cheap Charlie.

Just he kind of tourist TAT go out of their way to welcome and include in their "magical" visitor numbers.

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I also get the impression that Russians are buying big time in Pattaya, the houses behind ours are owned by some and its an expensive house/land at almost 10 mill bath range.

They are buying big time. They artificially inflate the price of rentals and real estate in Pattaya. In Cosy Beach they are paying ridiculous rents.

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Just he kind of tourist TAT go out of their way to welcome and include in their "magical" visitor numbers.

just the kind of generalisation you get from a poor frustrated expat.

Actually Naam its quite correct ,while there are many wealthy Russians ,the vast majoraty are here on all in cheap package tours and have little spare money to spend.they are the Thompson tour types that used to flock to Spain years ago

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As far as I know (and I got it from a native Russian friend/client who spent some of his last stay here listening to other Russians) the ones who are buying property here are doing so with money that they need to get out of Russia. Often in cash.

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Just he kind of tourist TAT go out of their way to welcome and include in their "magical" visitor numbers.

just the kind of generalisation you get from a poor frustrated expat.

Actually Naam its quite correct ,while there are many wealthy Russians ,the vast majoraty are here on all in cheap package tours and have little spare money to spend.they are the Thompson tour types that used to flock to Spain years ago

And many are not really from Russia, they are from the various, former, satellite states.

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60% of the Pattaya visitors are Russian I read.

The next largest group is Chinese they said.

I am rooting (American meaning) for more Chinese! Enough with the (mediocre) overpriced Russian restaurants already. More Chinese food! Edited by Jingthing
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And many are not really from Russia, they are from the various, former, satellite states.

This reminder is getting tiresome. Most of us are referring to Russian speaking tourists, no matter what former Soviet State they are from.

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And many are not really from Russia, they are from the various, former, satellite states.

This reminder is getting tiresome. Most of us are referring to Russian speaking tourists, no matter what former Soviet State they are from.

True but it still is kind of fun to see so many Asian looking people speaking Russkie. I bet they can get the Thai price if they keep their mouth shut.
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And many are not really from Russia, they are from the various, former, satellite states.

This reminder is getting tiresome. Most of us are referring to Russian speaking tourists, no matter what former Soviet State they are from.

True but it still is kind of fun to see so many Asian looking people speaking Russkie. I bet they can get the Thai price if they keep their mouth shut.

Most people don't seem to realize that most of Russia is inside the continent of Asia. Thais and Russians are both Asian.

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Looks like they're cooking it...Can't stand more than half of them, arrogance and low manners seem to be right at home, but of course we can't generalize, the ones from Saint Petersburg and Moscow for example behave and look totally different from your regular Siberian Joe. Apparently they tend to go heart to heart on one thing with the Thais...the corruption

As for the reporter mentioned earlier...you know what? <deleted> the reporters, I'm tired of getting my head poisoned of their BS, good for Putin and hope that might be a wake up call for at least some of the media to realize that it should be time to get some truth flying around from time to time

Edited by alexth
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