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High School Fees At Government School


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Can anyone inform me of how much i should be paying for High School fees, and is this true, it has to be paid.

I have been hit up for 100,000 Baht (upfront) for fees for 4 years...

Being a government school, is there a fee??????

Sounds expensive to me, so all info would be appreciated.....thanks

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If the child is enrolled in some "special program" Mini English Program for example there could be some high yealy fees involved, but they are usually paid at the beginning of each semester, not in a lump sum, up front for all four years. I taught in a EP program and there was a "farang" in one of the classes. She paid the same as the Thai's, 35000 baht per semester total. The general population students paid around 1000 baht/semester, but varied due to cirriculum, acedemic or vacational.

Edited by wayned
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100 k for Government high school fees? That don't sound right?

I understand that excluding books and uniforms Thai governent schools are free?

Is it a very completative gov. high school? I have heard that if a particular good school (yes there are a few), they have huge waiting lists of students trying to get in.... could this be tea money for a spot at the school?

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As you still have not answered if this is a school request/a second party request or something else it is really hard to call. As was mentioned if the school, even if government, is higher level there can, and are often are, large donations expected. If figure is a total cost from a second party it may include fees, transportation, uniforms, books, extra study and such so not a one price fits all answer without a lot more detail.

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If the child is enrolled in some "special program" Mini English Program for example there could be some high yealy fees involved, but they are usually paid at the beginning of each semester, not in a lump sum, up front for all four years. I taught in a EP program and there was a "farang" in one of the classes. She paid the same as the Thai's, 35000 baht per semester total. The general population students paid around 1000 baht/semester, but varied due to cirriculum, acedemic or vacational.

Do you mean 3,500 for high school because sometimes 33,000 or 37,000 was paid for my step son to go University twice a year. ?

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My 14yo daughter started government high school earlier this year.

2,000bht for uniforms and books (itemised receipt provided).

500bht a month for a school songtow to pick her up and return her (8km each way)

300bht for a school trip (only once this year)

40bht a day for dinner and snack.

Is it the school asking you for money or the mother?

Mother scamming foreign father, for all sorts of fees is a common game.

Why not give us the name and address of the school?

Edited by ludditeman
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If the child is enrolled in some "special program" Mini English Program for example there could be some high yealy fees involved, but they are usually paid at the beginning of each semester, not in a lump sum, up front for all four years. I taught in a EP program and there was a "farang" in one of the classes. She paid the same as the Thai's, 35000 baht per semester total. The general population students paid around 1000 baht/semester, but varied due to cirriculum, acedemic or vacational.
Do you mean 3,500 for high school because sometimes 33,000 or 37,000 was paid for my step son to go University twice a year. ?
No, I mean 35000 baht /semester and most are higher. I taught in three different government schools that offed EP programs, the lowest 25000/semester the highest 35000/semester. Mostly all subjects were taught in English by foreign teachers with air conditioned classrooms and advanced AV presentation equipment. Class sizes were limited to under 25 students. These programs are available in many government schools throughout Thailand. Commonly caled EP, IEP, MEP,GEP, etc. Most students are Thai's from "well to do" families. Edited by wayned
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This 35000 baht for airconditioning and foreign teachers is not what the child is doing.... has had that chance for the last 2 yrs and passed it up.

It's just the basics, i believe, with extra tuition english elsewhere on Saturdays.

The School has asked for this i believe....

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Youve been done mate.

Goverment school is around 5000k per semester so 10k a year.

my kids go to a private school well its a business really not school but anyway. 28k a semester so 56k per year and its fully bi lingual. mini bi lingual is 26k per year.

Why dont you go the the school and ask to see the offical price list???

What school is it? why pay 4 years upfront?

What ur saying doesnt add up at all

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Are you trying to get the kid into a school outside of the amphur that he or she is registered as living in? If so, the 100k could be tea money for the admin to admit him or her in place of a local student. This would be especially true if this was the "best school in the province" or someplace like Udom Suksa in Bangkok.

Not all government schools are equal and you might be trying to get into one of the more desirable ones.

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Otherstuff 1957

You are exactly right.....It's Tea money....for one of the better schools here.

I have just been informed after using everyones advice and asking straight...whats going on?

BUT....I cant say too much, or I am told the child will not be admitted, because i spoke out about it.

Get the picture?

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Back in 2006 I paid 7,000 baht for the whole year at a government high school for a 15 year old, this included uniform and books.

4 years in advance doesnt sound right either. Such a nice round figure is 100,000

Costs me about 25000 for Aksorn a private school.

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I am sending down 20000 baht 4 times å year. I am told the cost is 7000. Semester. The other money is for ecspences . The money etc.

Sorry that i cant give ecsact answer. Not thate now other cant give either.

Sorry for my English, a topic that is absolutly interesting going to pay the student tru high education olso. What're wold the cost be?

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I am sending down 20000 baht 4 times å year. I am told the cost is 7000. Semester. The other money is for ecspences . The money etc.

Sorry that i cant give ecsact answer. Not thate now other cant give either.

Sorry for my English, a topic that is absolutly interesting going to pay the student tru high education olso. What're wold the cost be?

There are only 2 semesters in a Thai school/university year.

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They saw you coming for sure, but it goes deeper, you can thank the new PM for this one. Under the last admin. it was mandated that no fees can be charged for gov. schools, BUT...the lovely new PM says schools can charge fees to parents who can afford them, so...they figure you're good for a 100K on a 4 year plan. Sad huh...

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I am sending down 20000 baht 4 times å year. I am told the cost is 7000. Semester. The other money is for ecspences . The money etc.

Sorry that i cant give ecsact answer. Not thate now other cant give either.

Sorry for my English, a topic that is absolutly interesting going to pay the student tru high education olso. What're wold the cost be?

I take it you are not living in Thailand? Who are you sending the money to and how do you know how it is used? Did you by any chance meet a lady in a night establishment on your first holiday in Tthailand and she told you about her child´s expensive education and that she could not afford it herself? As has been said, there are not four school semesters in a year here. Have you met the child in question? Have you seen where he/she goes to school?

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