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Does She Really Care (Thai Gf)


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Most of you guys sound like you have never been to Thailand before. I am by far not the only guy who stays with a young girl. 34 years difference in age in America or England may be a little silly but here it is not a problem. I met this girl when she was 19 ( will be 21 soon) and have been seeing her off and on for the last 1 and half years. As I had a gf in the village for many years this one was my Geek. Her and I decided that we would give it a shot and see if we can live together. So far a little over a month with a few little problems but for the most part we get along great. We have lots of fun together, movies, bowling, dinner, computer games, the beach, cooking, cards( 500 rummy), etc etc.... She nor I smoke or drink much and we enjoy hanging out together. I am a young 54...sometimes people think 40 and she looks young but is very smart for her age. Sure, she does not work so I am her support, so what ! She tells me she loves me and I care greatly for her. Loves my money maybe but also I think she really cares. One more bit of info....about one year ago we tried to stay together but it did not work out as I was traveling to much. So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

Hi ttthailand , I hear you. Maybe they are not ready but if I were you I would ask her. Good lucksmile.png

P.S. I also suggest that she should be working.

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QUOTE: She finished high school and is on the internet many hours every day.....games, facebook, looking up all kinds of things, learning English etc etc... she one sharp girl ! perhaps too sharp. So what do we talk about...almost everything as long as it is positive. Her nor I want to be pulled down ....smile smile smile :

What is her Facebook status. ? I bet single..

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Has others have mentioned, ‘Sheryl’ explained it well, taking a man back to meet the parents, (family) is a big step up in a relationship….A form of coming out as a couple. Any backward steps from this point will make the daughter look like a slapper in the eyes of the village and the parents will lose face…….Bottom line you should always be a little weary if a your Thai GF can’t wait to get you home to family, (get you fitted for a nose ring) so, don’t push it!

As for the age thing, if you’re both getting out what you need from a relationship…Knock yourselves out. But you know this relationship is doomed don’t you. As time goes on she’ll still only be concerned about breaking a finger nail…………You….a Hip!

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Has others have mentioned, ‘Sheryl’ explained it well, taking a man back to meet the parents, (family) is a big step up in a relationship….A form of coming out as a couple. Any backward steps from this point will make the daughter look like a slapper in the eyes of the village and the parents will lose face…….Bottom line you should always be a little weary if a your Thai GF can’t wait to get you home to family, (get you fitted for a nose ring) so, don’t push it!

As for the age thing, if you’re both getting out what you need from a relationship…Knock yourselves out. But you know this relationship is doomed don’t you. As time goes on she’ll still only be concerned about breaking a finger nail…………You….a Hip!

My wife still hasnt taken me to meet her parents Ive know her 5 years??? what does it mean???....................... oh yeah they're both dead, I still think she's selfish cow though.

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Most of you guys sound like you have never been to Thailand before. I am by far not the only guy who stays with a young girl. 34 years difference in age in America or England may be a little silly but here it is not a problem. I met this girl when she was 19 ( will be 21 soon) and have been seeing her off and on for the last 1 and half years. As I had a gf in the village for many years this one was my Geek. Her and I decided that we would give it a shot and see if we can live together. So far a little over a month with a few little problems but for the most part we get along great. We have lots of fun together, movies, bowling, dinner, computer games, the beach, cooking, cards( 500 rummy), etc etc.... She nor I smoke or drink much and we enjoy hanging out together. I am a young 54...sometimes people think 40 and she looks young but is very smart for her age. Sure, she does not work so I am her support, so what ! She tells me she loves me and I care greatly for her. Loves my money maybe but also I think she really cares. One more bit of info....about one year ago we tried to stay together but it did not work out as I was traveling to much. So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

So, if I read this correctly, you had a girlfriend in the village for several years and your present gf was your gik for some of this time. Pretty obvious to me why she does not want you in the village.

Then you tell the rest of us we have never been to Thailand. Words fail me at this point.

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Most of you guys sound like you have never been to Thailand before. I am by far not the only guy who stays with a young girl. 34 years difference in age in America or England may be a little silly but here it is not a problem. I met this girl when she was 19 ( will be 21 soon) and have been seeing her off and on for the last 1 and half years. As I had a gf in the village for many years this one was my Geek. Her and I decided that we would give it a shot and see if we can live together. So far a little over a month with a few little problems but for the most part we get along great. We have lots of fun together, movies, bowling, dinner, computer games, the beach, cooking, cards( 500 rummy), etc etc.... She nor I smoke or drink much and we enjoy hanging out together. I am a young 54...sometimes people think 40 and she looks young but is very smart for her age. Sure, she does not work so I am her support, so what ! She tells me she loves me and I care greatly for her. Loves my money maybe but also I think she really cares. One more bit of info....about one year ago we tried to stay together but it did not work out as I was traveling to much. So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

So, if I read this correctly, you had a girlfriend in the village for several years and your present gf was your gik for some of this time. Pretty obvious to me why she does not want you in the village.

Then you tell the rest of us we have never been to Thailand. Words fail me at this point.

huh - What's a gik ?? Darned acronems.

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Is he giving her money? If so, let's see how it goes if he stops. This will be the true test that will give an answer.

Why do things halfway stop giving her food and a place to stay too. After all they cost money too!

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Is he giving her money? If so, let's see how it goes if he stops. This will be the true test that will give an answer.

Why do things halfway stop giving her food and a place to stay too. After all they cost money too!

Relationships are supposed to be partnerships Kerry. What is she contributing to him? She doesn't have a job, so is she cooking dinner for him or cleaning the house?

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you say she began as your gik, later when you finished with your ex you got together with her.

I have never known a decent girl who will allow herself to be a gik.

you should be running from her,thats a trashy thing for a girl to do.

every one is flaming you over the age, how come when I make age related comments here I get torn apart.

really she should be ashamed to take you home, to a 20 year old yor as old as hell, ask yourself what kind of girl would do this, do i even want a girl who would bang a man 30 odd years older.

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Is he giving her money? If so, let's see how it goes if he stops. This will be the true test that will give an answer.

Why do things halfway stop giving her food and a place to stay too. After all they cost money too!

Relationships are supposed to be partnerships Kerry. What is she contributing to him? She doesn't have a job, so is she cooking dinner for him or cleaning the house?

Relationships come in different shapes and sizes. My mother and I had a relationship and she was old and in a nursing home. I gave her money every week and she didn’t contribute anything to me. Nor did she cook or clean. Maybe to you relationships are supposed to be partnerships. To others they may be other things. Perhaps one party gives love and the other money as was the case with my invalid mother.

My mother never worked a day in her life and she didn’t clean or cook. Dad paid for everything including the cook and maid but I still had a relationship with my mother. No offense intended but I think you are taking your view of a relationship and saying it the only correct one.

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Is he giving her money? If so, let's see how it goes if he stops. This will be the true test that will give an answer.

Why do things halfway stop giving her food and a place to stay too. After all they cost money too!

Relationships are supposed to be partnerships Kerry. What is she contributing to him? She doesn't have a job, so is she cooking dinner for him or cleaning the house?

Relationships come in different shapes and sizes. My mother and I had a relationship and she was old and in a nursing home. I gave her money every week and she didn’t contribute anything to me. Nor did she cook or clean. Maybe to you relationships are supposed to be partnerships. To others they may be other things. Perhaps one party gives love and the other money as was the case with my invalid mother.

My mother never worked a day in her life and she didn’t clean or cook. Dad paid for everything including the cook and maid but I still had a relationship with my mother. No offense intended but I think you are taking your view of a relationship and saying it the only correct one.

Your mom's contribution to you was being there for you and raising you. You naturally feel love for your mom because she helped raise you. The OP has no blood connection to her, purely an emotional connection. If he wants that relationship, fine that's ok, but his question was if she cared or not. I believe making her contribute something will show that she cares, and if she already does, then maybe she does care.

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you say she began as your gik, later when you finished with your ex you got together with her.

I have never known a decent girl who will allow herself to be a gik.

you should be running from her,thats a trashy thing for a girl to do.

every one is flaming you over the age, how come when I make age related comments here I get torn apart.

really she should be ashamed to take you home, to a 20 year old yor as old as hell, ask yourself what kind of girl would do this, do i even want a girl who would bang a man 30 odd years older.

My GF is 38. That makes her 28 years younger than I. Her father is dead but her mother is living. My GF has never been married. GF just returned from a visit home for New Year. The family including mom all want to meet me. I gave GF 5000 baht as a New Years present and because I felt a little guilty not going with her. With the 5000 she bought a 2500 baht table and chairs for the homestead and spent 2500 on presents which she brought home for me.

While there her mother took her aside and told her my age made no difference as long as I was polite and well dressed. In other words she didn’t want daughter bringing home a bum.

I have two unmarried daughters in their 20’s and I feel the same. As long as the guy is polite, well dressed, with a good job and the means to take care of my daughters I don’t care how old he is. Speaking as a father I care much more about his financial and mental stability than his age. One of my daughters is a bit of a wild child and instead of her current tattooed restaurant employee I think she would be well served to find an older bank president.

On your other question about the desirability of a woman who would bang a man 30 years older. With some of the younger specimens I have observed at night spots I find age to be a minor problem when compared with drug addiction, football obsession and the lack of employment.

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agreed many young ones are not so desirable, but how about getting a young one who is.

I would like my daughter to have a successful man, but its not most important, what is much more so is that they love each other.

You mentioned money often, but not love.

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you say she began as your gik, later when you finished with your ex you got together with her.

I have never known a decent girl who will allow herself to be a gik.

you should be running from her,thats a trashy thing for a girl to do.

every one is flaming you over the age, how come when I make age related comments here I get torn apart.

really she should be ashamed to take you home, to a 20 year old yor as old as hell, ask yourself what kind of girl would do this, do i even want a girl who would bang a man 30 odd years older.

My GF is 38. That makes her 28 years younger than I. Her father is dead but her mother is living. My GF has never been married. GF just returned from a visit home for New Year. The family including mom all want to meet me. I gave GF 5000 baht as a New Years present and because I felt a little guilty not going with her. With the 5000 she bought a 2500 baht table and chairs for the homestead and spent 2500 on presents which she brought home for me.

While there her mother took her aside and told her my age made no difference as long as I was polite and well dressed. In other words she didn’t want daughter bringing home a bum.

I have two unmarried daughters in their 20’s and I feel the same. As long as the guy is polite, well dressed, with a good job and the means to take care of my daughters I don’t care how old he is. Speaking as a father I care much more about his financial and mental stability than his age. One of my daughters is a bit of a wild child and instead of her current tattooed restaurant employee I think she would be well served to find an older bank president.

On your other question about the desirability of a woman who would bang a man 30 years older. With some of the younger specimens I have observed at night spots I find age to be a minor problem when compared with drug addiction, football obsession and the lack of employment.

We've missed you; not even a post card.

Welcome back, anyway.


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agreed many young ones are not so desirable, but how about getting a young one who is.

I would like my daughter to have a successful man, but its not most important, what is much more so is that they love each other.

You mentioned money often, but not love.

I am a father. I would rather recommend a good plumber. A plumber will always have a job. Bankers are a good second choice but lately there have been some problems there.

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agreed many young ones are not so desirable, but how about getting a young one who is.

I would like my daughter to have a successful man, but its not most important, what is much more so is that they love each other.

You mentioned money often, but not love.

I am a father. I would rather recommend a good plumber. A plumber will always have a job. Bankers are a good second choice but lately there have been some problems there.

That's because Kerry and I are both old enough to know love doesn't last.

When you grow up, you will also learn this.

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Not too sure what the big deal about going to the village is - Its the place where the cultural problems begin. The OP is making a problem out of a good situation. Maybe the fact that she isn't inviting the OP back is a sign that she cares enought not to put him through the grinder, or maybe she is simply embarrased over what she has to do for a living - and with whom.

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i have seen many instances of relationships lasting a lifetime, my grandparent, my wifes grandparents.

my parents, her parents, all in relationships that lasted until death, all over 30 years.

so maybe ludditeman, you should understand that when your relationships fail again and again, and you cannot hold a woman, you will see that other people are succeeding were you constantly fail.

maybe instead of being a quiter, you should grow up, be a man, and try one more time for love.

beats trying to relive your childhood again because being a man and forming a loving family failed you.

I dont need to grow up, my marriage is doing fantastic, always has always will, because i dont look at her with expectations of failure, you cant deny many relationships succeed.

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huh - What's a gik ?? Darned acronems

a mistress

Hi ‘Shurup’

My understanding of the term 'gik'.........A ‘gik’ is a ‘<deleted> Buddy’, or ‘booty call’. Not the same as a mistress…..That would be a ‘mianoi’ there is a big difference.

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huh - What's a gik ?? Darned acronems

a mistress

Hi ‘Shurup’

My understanding of the term 'gik'.........A ‘gik’ is a ‘<deleted> Buddy’, or ‘booty call’. Not the same as a mistress…..That would be a ‘mianoi’ there is a big difference.

You're right. A gik is a partner you can mess around with or get some other emotional needs met with no strings attached.

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I dont need to grow up, my marriage is doing fantastic, always has always will, because i dont look at her with expectations of failure, you cant deny many relationships succeed.

Repeat after me "so far, so good"

I would have thought any future problems in your marriage would be from HER looking at YOU.

That's the way the game usually plays out.

50% of marriages end in divorce, 90% of other male/female relationships fail.

Looks to me like MOST sexual relationships eventually fail.

Not picking fault with you, at your age I would have said the same thing.

From age 21 to age 52, I was married to a woman I thought I would spend my life with, then she decided to 'upgrade'.

You are still too young to judge how relationships change, just wait until your woman hits menopause, and her personality completely changes, often into someone who wants a different man.

As for your parents and grandparents, same for almost everyone but ancient history, the laws in those days didn't encourage a woman to change her mind.

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