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Korn Warns Thai Govt Not To Fall Into Thaksin 'Death Trap'


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Korn warns govt not to fall into Thaksin 'death trap'

The Nation


This year will see political conflict boil over with fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as the "death trap" for the Yingluck Shinawatra administration, while the soaring cost of living could also spell trouble, deputy Democrat Party leader Korn Chatikavanij warned yesterday.

Korn, the ex-finance minister, said the economic risks confronting Thailand will originate from both domestic and foreign fronts. The public is worried about the surging cost of living - especially after prices jumped as a result of the recent flood and won’t easily come down.

Deputy Premier Kittirat Na-Ranong, who is also the commerce minister, should do more, he said.

The political instability and disputes will deal a direct blow to the economy. This should have been avoided because the Pheu Thai Party scored a resounding victory in the general election, he said.

Economic growth was a paltry 1.1 per cent last year, according to the Finance Ministry, he said. This is very low, and stemmed from the mismanagement of the flood crisis. It's still unclear how much the impact will extend into the current year.

As for the international outlook, the oil price is still a risk factor but there appears to be less volatility, as bigger economies are demanding less oil. Politics in the Middle East need to be carefully monitored, he said.

The eurozone debt crisis also calls for close scrutiny, as it may have serious consequences for the economy in terms of trade and tourists, he said.

"The economic expansion will also be affected by political factors such as the US presidential election, which will likely not be good news for trading partner nations. The economic expansion in the US is also not good and will impact the Thai economy. This is combined with the slower growth of other trading partners like China and India. So the prospects [for this year] are not as bright as they should be.

"As for the stimulation of domestic consumption, it will be up to the government’s management, which includes fiscal tools, so I don’t think there will be a crisis. Nevertheless, it will be better than 2011 unless there is a severe political conflict or major natural calamity that the government can’t handle," he said.

The government’s forecast for the economy to expand by 7 per cent this year is possible because the base was very low last year. However, the government should not get carried away with the growth figure as it doesn’t reflect the true well-being of the nation, he said.

"I believe that some of the 15 million voters are beginning to be disappointed as the government has failed to act as it advertised during the election campaign. This includes the Bt15,000 minimum wage, guaranteed rice price, debt moratorium and the expectation that living costs will be reduced. So it is believed this will definitely have an impact on the electoral base of Pheu Thai.

"The government must recognise that any attempt to stir conflict as a result of acting for their own good should not be done, especially with regard to any actions that serve Thaksin. This will be their death trap," he said.

The latest Dusit poll shows that 52.2 per cent of respondents are worried about the high cost of living, 42.7 per cent believe that politics will be as chaotic this year because politicians remain the same.

The survey of 2,114 people conducted from December 20-31 revealed that more than 40 per cent are concerned about corruption, especially budget-related graft.

On the economy, 44.2 per cent believe this year will be better, although the government should quickly restore investor confidence.

On social issues, 53.6 per cent of respondents were concerned about drugs and crime and other vices while 40.6 per cent expect no improvement as the penalties for criminals are not grave enough.


-- The Nation 2012-01-03

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These polls revealing what Thais think about the economic prospects etc are meaningless since most are unqualified to comment.

We should pay attention to Korn, his is probably the most accurate, astute and honest assessment we're likely to get of Thailand's 2012 prospects.

My prediction (humbly offered) is that by the end of 2012 major political wrangling will have once again set back Thailand's economic development but those who count (the 15 million voters) will have seen some tangible micro changes in their lives, and be largely satisfied. From a macro point of view I doubt this govt would have made a tangible difference, their focus will be elsewhere. Winning elections (and the hearts and minds of the masses) and governing for the overall betterment and prosperity of the whole country aren't mutually exclusive.

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"He said" ... 8 times. Next step, SMS journalism. U 4 REALZ.

See you there. unsure.png

Korn is easily the most intelligent politician in Thailand. Your mindless comment was ill placed.

I don't think he was commenting on Korn, but on the reporting.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!

It's very sad that Yingluck hardly has no one to match this man. Had she got well informed persons in VIP posts, instead of red leaders, and cronies, and r-slickers, she would get much more respect as a P.M.----Being informed by the right people, even if she is not up to the job, could well improve her standing.

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"He said" ... 8 times. Next step, SMS journalism. U 4 REALZ.

See you there. unsure.png

Korn is easily the most intelligent politician in Thailand. Your mindless comment was ill placed.


A real voice of reason and the only one I believe that truly is able to see "outside of the box" and understand what is happening in the world, the global economy and how it impacts Thailand. It's a shame there are not other intellectuals like him running the country.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!

Korn will be the next PM.

And as early as next year, probably after another coup.

..."after another coup" eh?

Pleased to see that even the Korn "r-slickers" accept that a coup is the only way that the Dems are ever likely to form a government. Actually winning an election would seem to be beyond their ablility, inspite of all the English Public School twits that adorn their hierarchy.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!

Korn will be the next PM.

And as early as next year, probably after another coup.

..."after another coup" eh?

Pleased to see that even the Korn "r-slickers" accept that a coup is the only way that the Dems are ever likely to form a government. Actually winning an election would seem to be beyond their ablility, inspite of all the English Public School twits that adorn their hierarchy.

Did you bother to read the OP? It could be sub-titled "Ways to Avoid a Coup" and contains sound advise that I expect to be ignored.

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"He said" ... 8 times. Next step, SMS journalism. U 4 REALZ.

See you there. unsure.png

Korn is easily the most intelligent politician in Thailand. Your mindless comment was ill placed.


A real voice of reason and the only one I believe that truly is able to see "outside of the box" and understand what is happening in the world, the global economy and how it impacts Thailand. It's a shame there are not other intellectuals like him running the country.

Like Abhisit, too good for Thailand. The smiley face clone that can't form a sentence more the level here.
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"He said" ... 8 times. Next step, SMS journalism. U 4 REALZ.

See you there. unsure.png

Korn is easily the most intelligent politician in Thailand. Your mindless comment was ill placed.

Agree, Korn is in the very small group of Thais who have shown that they could change Thailand for the better. He has both intellect, ability to develop polices and to apply policies and he has shown very clearly that he is sincere, clean, and wants to make big reductions in the gap between the rich and the poor.

Worth noting, there are in fact many Thais who are the same 'model' as Korn, but unfortunately most of them don't want to get involved because they don't want to be associated with the current scaly people who control Thailand and mosty for their own selfish ends.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!

Korn will be the next PM.

And as early as next year, probably after another coup.

..."after another coup" eh?

Pleased to see that even the Korn "r-slickers" accept that a coup is the only way that the Dems are ever likely to form a government. Actually winning an election would seem to be beyond their ablility, inspite of all the English Public School twits that adorn their hierarchy.

Did you bother to read the OP? It could be sub-titled "Ways to Avoid a Coup" and contains sound advise that I expect to be ignored.

Do red shirts ever concern them selves with facts.

Korn is a breath of fresh air in a over used smoke room.

Could Yingluck not have picked him for finance

oops wait I forgot it was Thaksin doing the picking or was it selling?

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Its so funny how Abhisit has been thrown under the bus. If Korn had been in Abhisit's place when Thaksin played his red riot anarchy endgame, it would be Abhisit that would now be touted as the intelligent great Thai hope.

How sad that some people have no life.

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Its so funny how Abhisit has been thrown under the bus. If Korn had been in Abhisit's place when Thaksin played his red riot anarchy endgame, it would be Abhisit that would now be touted as the intelligent great Thai hope.

How sad that some people have no life.

Yes, even much sadder is ... needless child dehydration deaths.
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Actually winning an election would seem to be beyond their ablility, inspite of all the English Public School twits that adorn their hierarchy.

For clarification, because I'm not that familiar with your type of thinking, is anybody who attended an English public school a "twit"? if so I'm afraid your comment comes over as just class based chippiness. If not why are Abhisit and Korn "twits" given their undoubted intelligence, acumen and articulacy?

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Its so funny how Abhisit has been thrown under the bus. If Korn had been in Abhisit's place when Thaksin played his red riot anarchy endgame, it would be Abhisit that would now be touted as the intelligent great Thai hope.

How sad that some people have no life.

millions of thais wont get a life thats more sad
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Agree, Korn is in the very small group of Thais who have shown that they could change Thailand for the better.

Shown what exactly?

The last government he was part of failed miserably. He failed miserably. A finance minister that presided over record levels of inflation, failed fiscal policy, poor economic performance and a budget that saw the poor cheated while the Army spent billions on divining rods, hot air balloons and rusty subs.

Or were his financial skills channeled into enriching Democrat MPs' personal wealth, which grew by an astonishing B4.3 Billion during his tenure?

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One of, if not the prime reason for Thaksin and the 'red hordes' attaining power, and hanging on to it, is the crass ignorance and gullibility of the up country electorate. They do not have the nous to recognise that the bribes they accept was once their money already extracted from them. The easy way out as propagated by some leading Yellow shirts is to have a limited franchise. Most thinking people would prefer more general eduction, and the rural community made aware of the benefits of a true democracy.

Not all public school attendees turn out to be twits. Anybody who thinks otherwise properly belongs on the terraces of a UK football ground, Blackburn would appear to foot that bill.

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One of, if not the prime reason for Thaksin and the 'red hordes' attaining power, and hanging on to it, is the crass ignorance and gullibility of the up country electorate.

The main reason for the Democrat's unpopularity in that region of the country is down to their bitter medicine policies under Chuan in the late 90's.

The 'up country electorate' are not so stupid or gullible than you may think. There are actual reasons why they tend to vote the way they do that go beyond low intellect or being paid to vote.

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I really like the arrogance of a number of posters here. What they say is basically "Democrats lost because people are unable to recognize their intellectual superiority" Laughable !

The democrats had their chance, they blew it, they should show some humility and learn from their mistake instead of blaming everybody but themselves for their failure to win the last election.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!

It's very sad that Yingluck hardly has no one to match this man. Had she got well informed persons in VIP posts, instead of red leaders, and cronies, and r-slickers, she would get much more respect as a P.M.----Being informed by the right people, even if she is not up to the job, could well improve her standing.

Under no circumstances would Thaksin allow someone in PTP to come to the fore in a likewise manner and therefore provide a potentially alternative pole of attraction to Thaksin himself. That is why he sticks to knaves and clowns who owe their position to Thaksin and no other and no ability either. Set in stone.

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"He said" ... 8 times. Next step, SMS journalism. U 4 REALZ.

See you there. unsure.png

Korn is easily the most intelligent politician in Thailand. Your mindless comment was ill placed.


A real voice of reason and the only one I believe that truly is able to see "outside of the box" and understand what is happening in the world, the global economy and how it impacts Thailand. It's a shame there are not other intellectuals like him running the country.

Like Abhisit, too good for Thailand. The smiley face clone that can't form a sentence more the level here.

Fortunately then, that they don't think that they are too good for Thailand.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!


And the statement

Economic growth was a paltry 1.1 per cent last year, according to the Finance Ministry, he said. This is very low, and stemmed from the mismanagement of the flood crisis.

did not cause you to to go <deleted>?

Think about it. the brunt of the floods was in October, November. what about the 7 months of the year when the Democrts were in power with Mr. Korn running the finance ministry? Put aside your hatred of the PTP and look at it from the perspective that the economic restriction and pressure on growth occurred long before the PTP was elected. This is cheap politics, of pointing the finger of blame so as to avoid having to be held responsible for the situation while the Democrats were in power. The PTP did not change economic policies as soon as they were elected. The Democrat budget was still in effect even after the PTP was elected. The PTP hadn't even brought in its budget when the weakened numbers started appearing.

Unlike some people here, I'm not going to blame Korn for the numbers even though it was his budget that produced the numbers. The ongoing economic issues in the rest of the world were a large factor. energy prices started increasing and for an energy importer like Thailand, it's a killer.

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Yes, agreed, Korn is easily the most intelligent man in Thai politics.. Dems are lucky to have this guy..!


And the statement

Economic growth was a paltry 1.1 per cent last year, according to the Finance Ministry, he said. This is very low, and stemmed from the mismanagement of the flood crisis.

did not cause you to to go <deleted>?

Think about it. the brunt of the floods was in October, November. what about the 7 months of the year when the Democrts were in power with Mr. Korn running the finance ministry? Put aside your hatred of the PTP and look at it from the perspective that the economic restriction and pressure on growth occurred long before the PTP was elected. This is cheap politics, of pointing the finger of blame so as to avoid having to be held responsible for the situation while the Democrats were in power. The PTP did not change economic policies as soon as they were elected. The Democrat budget was still in effect even after the PTP was elected. The PTP hadn't even brought in its budget when the weakened numbers started appearing.

Unlike some people here, I'm not going to blame Korn for the numbers even though it was his budget that produced the numbers. The ongoing economic issues in the rest of the world were a large factor. energy prices started increasing and for an energy importer like Thailand, it's a killer.

If you'd been keeping up with the news you would have read that the growth rate was at 3.5-4% up until September, but the floods caused it to drop to 1-1.5% for the year.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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One of, if not the prime reason for Thaksin and the 'red hordes' attaining power, and hanging on to it, is the crass ignorance and gullibility of the up country electorate.

The main reason for the Democrat's unpopularity in that region of the country is down to their bitter medicine policies under Chuan in the late 90's.

The 'up country electorate' are not so stupid or gullible than you may think. There are actual reasons why they tend to vote the way they do that go beyond low intellect or being paid to vote.

Why only mention Chuan's government? He inherited a disastrous economy following Chavalit's mismanagement leading to the 1997 crisis & the devaluation of the Baht.

I agree that the 'up-country' people are not as stupid as portrayed but they are short-sighted in accepting hand-outs which do nothing for their long-term economic welfare.

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